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Looks like Japan has thankfully had no airframe input. The delta lives.

Big wing, big range, big payload.
>it's a J-20 without canards
Anons... I...
>foreign country has come up with new plane design
>look outside
>it's a Lockheed fighter jet
kek, actually true
So it finally came to this, the bongs copy the chinks.
>if it looks like X, it must surely be X
cargo cult logic
are there joint developments for wingmen drones too or is it just a fighter project?
>joint developments for wingmen drones
none announced
>it's X without the one defining feature of X
So it's not X?
It's literally a J20
>chinkoids pretending they invented delta wings
It's just an F35 merged with an F22 you are either blind or Chinese
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Neither of those are a tailless delta
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>PLAAF J-20 fighter, 1952 (colorized)
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j20 is a long boy
More pics https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/britain-unveils-new-stealth-fighter-design/
Which is just an F22.
It's going to be the most kino aircraft ever made
Would you want to eat British-Japanese-Italian fusion cuisine?
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Like this?
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why not?
>Looks like Japan has thankfully had no airframe input

Japan is the only country to actually build and fly a fifth gen airframe. Unlike Britroachstan and their wind tunnel shitheaps
To be fair the UK was the biggest contributor to the F35 after the US
mainly to the F-35B variant, by dint of being the world experts in VTOL fighter design and operation, for obvious reasons
they will never unleash anyway
1. I'm not sure that's true
2. Why is the fact that the country closest to the biggest geopolitical enemy of the West has had no airframe input?
Because Japan hasn't designed their own planes in a while.
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Ugly shit, the previous airframe was much sexier
No it isn't
If it ever gets made it will be gimped by trying to do eight different things at once like the Typhoon.
>gimped by being the best non-US fighter in the world
>best non-US fighter
That's like being king of shit mountain.
It could have been better if it didn't have to have the ground attack role and there was a Tornado 5.0.
the future is multirole
>It could have been better
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Dump Bongistanis, what the fuck are you doing?
would try
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It was perfect.
Where the fuck are the control surfaces?

>plane for ants etc.
Yes, it is.
Where's the V tail?
doesn't matter, tailless delta = J-20
>Bongs say it's "too important to axe"
Partially, but it wasn't just UK VTOL experts helping working with others on the F35.
Every time I hear this it's unsubstantiated when you see a picture of what came from where there's a ton of work all over the plane.
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Very nice. Where’s YOUR new plane, America?
These are all just ways to keep some of the more specialised industry experts employed. We're not actually going to see 6th gen aircraft enter production for decades at this rate, there's just no need to spend the billions needed on them when there's no enemy that would actually need that much extra capacity to beat them. They'll start building whole new tranches of F16's before they start ordering 6th gens into production.
Bongs love delta wings
It has no canards because it's actually stealth and not just cargo cult (actual cargo cult) shit
People just seethe at bong aerospace for no reason
They're huge contributors, especially in electronics
Less than a decade according to current evaluations. At least for the GCAP, FCAS has FAS by being the child of France and Germany, and NGAD is in hot water (though I hope the issues are ironed out.)
You're blind
There is no way Tempest enters production within a decade. There is just no way, if it does, it is a 5th Gen fighter and nothing more.
We went from Biplanes to jets within 10 years, a lot can happen in a decade and we're in a new cold war.
England isn't in this Cold War, whole of Europe is yet to enter it.
There is no way Italy, England and Japan went from having nothing domestic in service to having a 6th gen fighter with variable cycle engine, DEW, wingman drones managed by local AI, B-21 tier stealth and other stuff AND doing it faster than Lockmart or any of the other manufacturers of modern fighters.
>There is no way Tempest enters production within a decade.
Maybe, 10 years isnt unrealistic. You think they learned nothing from f35? They both A)have f35s and B)saw the shitshow that was making a fighter that suited everyone.
The UK most certainly is in this cold war, but youre right about most of europe just waking up to it. Japan is probably the nation most excited to get a 6th gen with china and russia right fucking there.
>You think they learned nothing from f35?
>They both A)have f35s
Yeah, go make me a working CPU, since you have it and all of that ...
>The UK most certainly is in this cold war
UKs shipping and shipbuilding industries are owned by the Chinese.
They are one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe against China, together with Portugal and Greece.

France proposed a law forbidding Chinese firms from buying European firms(it did not pass because of Greece and Portugal), show me a similar law that was voted on in the United Kingdom.
>Nothing in domestic service
Are you intentionally retarded.
The stealth part was never the advantage the US had, Europe was capable of the same material science, it was combining it with an airframe, consider even chinks and turks are developing similar materials it's not as out of reach as you think.
>HongKong shareholders are "The Chinese"
Leonardo manufactures the F35
China isnt the only part of the new cold war, but the uk is 100% going to pivot to china after russia burns itself to the ground
>Are you intentionally retarded.
Eurofighter is an Airbus project.
>The stealth part was never the advantage the US had, Europe was capable of the same material science, it was combining it with an airframe, consider even chinks and turks are developing similar materials it's not as out of reach as you think.
Mate, do not embarrass yourself.
Leonardo does not manufacture the F-35.
It assembles it.
And what will UK do to China when it turns its gaze towards it?
>And what will UK do to China when it turns its gaze towards it?
Well i guess the ass will be in the ass chink shill, oh wait, no, the uk has allies. Theyll be fine lmao
>Airbus project
Fucking kek
Provide proof or fuck off. Low RCS isn't some magical technology it's been public for decades.
We were talking about UK specifically.
What will UK do?
>Fucking kek
>>Provide proof or fuck off
The UK will probably continue to divest from china like the rest of the west is, china will continue to seethe like its 1989 in tiannemin square, and japan will continue up arming.
America is finished
Those are not actions of the UK government.
Eurofighter Typhoon is an Airbus project.
Eurofighter is a BAE/Airbus/Leonardo project, and BAE has the single biggest stake (Airbus share is divided between Germany and Spain)
I'm saying this as a German so I have no agenda to push

also let us join GCAP
>UKs shipping and shipbuilding industries are owned by the Chinese.
When you have to lie so blatantly it makes me rock hard btw

Get gone, chang
Seconded. Everyone knows that the UK simply doesn't have any such industries anymore.
They're gone, along with domestic steel production, and virtually all other forms of heavy industry.
Airbus project.
This is why the Eurofighter is a gimped AD-only fighter.
>extremely fatty dishes from Italian cuisine
>excessive saltiness from Japanese cuisine
>nonsensical palate of British cuisine
sounds like the worst of all worlds. Then again, you might be able to cobble together something half-way edible if you try hard enough. A Tempura Fish Parmesan with Chips doesn't sound too bad now that i think about it.
>Lovechild of a Voodoo and a Raptor
>let us join GCAP
Only if you want to be a paypig with no day in the design

GCAP isn't looking for design/manufacturing partners.
it's not just an Airbus project. And it can perform ground strike missions too.
then it's not happening. Also who tf would do that rather than just buying the finished product?
Italian cuisine is carb-heavy, not fat-heavy. They wouldn't be so short if it was fat-heavy.
They want to be back in a project where they are the most experienced instead of a piggybank for French companies.
You usually get first dibs on export orders, and potential help integrating your preferred armaments.

But yea, GCAP already has 3 fingers in the design pie, they don't need a 4th. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
>it's not just an Airbus project.
No, it is an Airbus led project.
>And it can perform ground strike missions too.
My bad, i was thinking about all the oils it has, but i guess they aren't really too bad since it's mostly unsaturated.
These were men wi’ a traed
trying too hard
New one looks better than the previous tempest, but that looks sexiest if all, god damn. I’m guessing this is Japan’s fighter before the merger. Tbf Britain is going to know wtf they’re talking about more than Japan when it comes to priorities for the airframe given that they’ve actually fought a war sometime since WW2 ended.
>Britain is going to know wtf they’re talking about more than Japan when it comes to priorities for the airframe given that they’ve actually fought a war sometime since WW2 ended.
it's a joint project between the two hardest worked air forces outside the United States
the RAF has been dropping bombs all over and trains alongside the USAF at Red Flag
the JASDF conducts more intercepts every day than any other air force on the planet, because of daily PLAAF incursions
GCAP will be very solidly grounded in practicality and combat experience

6th gen is a meme at this point, Tempest was always meant as a 5th gen to replace UK and Jap 4.5 gen planes.
Lol its textbook dumb, dumber, and dumberer
Brits slowly figuring out how utterly incompetent and incapable of contributing anything of significance to modern aircraft technologies their partners are
>that cockpit relative to the body
It's going to be fucking massive isn't it? If those dimensions are accurate it's xbox hueg.
Big fuckin fuel tank, anon. Fly you from Kuril to Senkaku via Falkland. Only one stop on way for top up of Nonna's best ragu
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Without team GB gcap is somewhere between the turkish and indian next gen offerings and ironically less likely to get to production than either
Funny given its been more than half a century since they produced a domestic airframe that is capable of being accepted into service.
Italians have better sensor technology and the Japanese have actual experience with RAM and modern engines.
It will be fine if Italy and Japan go along alone.
Chinks in the corner getting excited because their twin-seat J-20 with TVC and no canards mockup can now be considered 6th gen
Airforce and navy both said NGAD & F/A-XX are going to be larger to better suit the pacific theatre. GCAP is probably going to be similar so it could take off from Cyprus and serve in the Middle East or take off from Britain and fight over Eastern Europe.
Most experts agree that conventional aerial refueling and force multipliers (AWACS etc) are going to be big targets - especially now with R-37M proving to be difficult in Ukraine so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

Expert most 6th gens to be F-111 in size.
Either way Britain isn't dropping out of GCAP. A defense tabloid asked some labour guy who had no authority to make a call on the status and he basically said "I don't have the authority to make that call". The tabloid spun that into "UK GCAP participation uncertain and facing potential cancelation". This is just further proof that journalists deserve to be shot.
Neither have the money. GCAP will be ringfenced the same way Harrier and JSF were. Britain is currently trying to court extra funds from Saudi's/UAE as those countries know full well they won't be trusted with F-35 let alone NGAD & F/A-XX.
If you spread it across long periods of time, you can reduce the cost.
Arabs won't buy it because it doesn't guarantee performance against F-35s and it is too expensive for other stuff.
NAYRT but Arabs have no alternative
>inb4 KFX
>the Japanese have actual experience with RAM and modern engines
So does the UK. It says a lot that the Japs actually accepted when the UK went to them with the proposal to build a new fighter. The UK can do planes.
France already stated they are willing to let the Saudis bankroll FCAS if Germany is unhappy with their junior partner position.
You know how the saying goes, if you got to say it ...
People talk nonsense 24/7 and if you don't correct them other retards start copying them.
>swap Germs for Sauds
might be a good trade, if they learn from the mistakes of the Eurofighter program
>Arabs won't buy it because it doesn't guarantee performance against F-35s
wtf are you smoking? Literally every GCAP partner is a significant F-35 operator with large stakes in the F-35 program. If GCAP couldn't guarantee performance against the F-35 then the program wouldn't exist.
It will be better than an F-35 in the runway launched air defence role. It's not being made to complete with the F-35B which is the only variant the UK and Italy really care about.
>They want to be back in a project where they are the most experienced instead of a piggybank for French companies.
they would not be the most experienced in GCAP, not by a substantial margin
Germs would literally be the least experienced in GCAP
the Italians at least built the Ghibli and the MB-339
While environment and diet do impact stature, the short stature of Italians is a result of genetics, not diet.
They just have a low genetic height. High-ANF people always do.
>Ghibli and the MB-339
Bit out of date, bud.
M-346 and M-345 are their modern offering.
Neither are impressive and I think the Poles are disappointed with their purchase of the former.
>M-346 and M-345 are their modern offering.
ach I forgot those
yeah at best they're advanced trainers
but the point is, it's still better than Germany whose only domestic military aerospace product is I think Diehl Defence's IRIS missile
and that was partly the product of the ASRAAM program
You're German? What went wrong in your life that a German would praise an Italian?
>Without canards and ventral fins
Perfect J-20
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I was just listening to this song while browsing the catalog and stumbling on this thread.
I'm going to learn it on guitar.
BAE have started building the first prototype ahead of First flight in 2027. The pace of Tempest is astonishing considering the French NGF will be in service in the 2050's
>First flight in 2027
It took Typhoon 15 years from first flight to get its full air to ground loadout although Meteor was available before then, so it might be 2037 to 2042 for basic FOC date for Tempest
Any idea how big the weapons bay is?
Fairly certain they don't know themselves
Because it might have to launch drones or hypersonic weapons and nobody has a clue yet what future missile dimensions might be let alone a loyal wingman drone might look like
I assume it'll be substantial. The size of the aircraft indicated by these models alone easily makes it larger than any fighter in service.
It's slightly larger than an F111 when it's wings are swept but the delta wing makes it have far more volume.

From the start they said the bay would be configurable for payload/range/EW/DEW
>the bay would be configurable for payload/range/EW/DEW
a true Omnifighter
bloody fantastic
I'm so diamonds it's unbelievable
When it comes to the MIC, Germany can do tanks and little else. He's just recognizing quality.
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that's just not true. The German MIC isn't as complete as say the French, but it covers a wide variety of systems, far from only tanks.
Yes, that is because the French NGF is actually "N", and not just a 5th gen fighter.
You are retarded.
OMNIROLE doesn't mean that it can fire a lot of weapons but that it can perform in all conditions and deal with any situation without assistance. F/A-18 and the Rafale are a good examples of this "class".
France has never seen a 5th gen, it's not making a 6th gen any time soon. The technologies unveiled for tempest put it firmly into the 6th gen category. NGF has no new technologies to talk about.
You do realise we all know you are lying, right?
You Misfit tourists need to go back ASAP.
Post the new technologies, not ones new to France, new to the world.
Pierre.... Your project is dead in its cradle.
Burden of proof, it is on fuckin you.
k, not Pierre, Nigel.
>trying to make up a fantasy definition for a fictional reference he didn't get
>prove a negative

Lamo. Will you only belive there isn't a planet in our solar system called zorp if there's a link for it?
The proof is that no new technologies have been unveiled for NGF. Because they are still working on the concept. Tempest has been in the works since 2015 with hundreds of R&D projects, only some of which are public, but have already delivered greater electrical power, better radar and better ESM than anything else flying.
Evidence, source if you will.
Kys /int/oid animal.
One of the original requirements for the FX program was to fit AShM in the internal bay and assuming the new model is to scale and that they go with split bays for the weapons as seen on the early wind tunnel models for Tempest, then it should be able to fit at least 2 large ones inside or up to 8 missiles of the size of Meteor. At least thats what we can hope for as the F22 was massivley gimped by its tiny IWB so lets hope that they dont go that route.
You can't show a single completed technology, your 5th gen won't arrive until the 2050's by which point eveyone will be operating Tempest. Cry about it, I'll use our radar that gathers 10,000 times more data than any other to watch your tears.
France can't afford shit, macron tanked the economy and the resulting political deadlock will kill every major project because NGF/FCAS is another politically led European consortium unlike Tempest/GCAP being industry led.
kill yourself
You do realise they're deliberately winding you up right?
There literally isn't a what about argument in that post. You're clutching.
/int/oids wasting everyone's time? No! I do not believe you!
I'm not, there genuinely isn't a single technology new to the world that NGF have developed. They are still figuring out what they want and are many many years from designing a manned aircaft.
Yes it is.
Whataboutism and deflection.
Answer it, bong shill.
A radar that produces 10,000 times more data than current ones.

A new method of non mechanical energy generation from engines, allowing much higher avalible energy.

An advanced new ESM called jaguar, that along with the radar, multi spectral EO will be blended into a single picture at the raw data level, before it gets to the main computer. Something no other aircraft does.

The whole digital design process is also pretty revolutionary, you can see that by how far ahead of FCAS it is.

This is ontop of all the broader 6th gen features of being optionally manned - having a virtual cockpit - access to DEW systems.
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if you didn't make it so easy for them by rising at every cast, they wouldn't
Notice a distinct lack of actual facts.
Yeah, I guess I have a weak spot for bing shills.
All of those are well publicised announcements, you must be really out of the loop. Where are the new technologies developed for NGF? Oh yeah it's not yet in development, have fun arguing about workshare.
>umm educate yourself sweetie
also, on a tangent I am not going to argue about, the radar you keep throwing around is Italian
Sweetie, Italy is in this program, and you will be devastated to learn that the radar was developed by Leonardo UK at their radar factory in Edinburgh, Scotland.

>Experts from the Team Tempest electronics lead, Leonardo UK, are developing new radar technology capable of providing over 10,000 times more data than existing systems. The new sensor, called the ‘Multi-Function Radio Frequency System’, will collect and process unprecedented amounts of data on the battlespace – equivalent to the internet traffic of a large city such as Edinburgh, every second.


As well as being a fantastic shit poster, I'm better informed than you. Where are the new NGF technologies that have been developed?
ahaha, classic bong shill, anyways, these revolutionary technologies, I am waiting for them still ...
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Speaking of the radar, Martin Baker have been testing the supersonic ejection seat that's going in Tempest. To do that they were given an aerodynamicly accurate model of Tempest's nose. The size of the radar dome is awesome.
he's got you there though
he gave you a link and your only answer is this
Where are your new technologies? Why are you unable to post even a scrap of development work? Tempest has face fucked France from the moment we decided we didn't want you in our program 9 years ago.
All radars collect obscene amount of data.
I'm thinking we are going to wrap this one up, I'll append the "Catastrophic Defeat" to this one, if you don't mind.
You are free to repeat your inane questions as if they will wash away your lying nature.
>All radars collect obscene amount of data

And this collects 10,000 times more. Not twice as much, not a hundred times, ten thousand times.

Feel free to run away, by doing that you've proven you've got no new technologies to talk about, unlike the ones I've mentioned.
Take that as a compliment and go cook me some dumplings.
It really isn't. The Eurofighter served just fine as a multi-role aircraft during the air campaign against Ghadaffi's dictatorship.
The proper grammar is "one".
Later, shill.
>All radars collect obscene amount of data.
>AN/APS-20 is exactly the same as AN/APY-2
that's the worst cope I've ever seen
You didn't follow the link that mentions the technologies I posted? Embarrassing. Not only have you got fuck all to disprove what I said, you aren't even man enough to read that I'm right lol

Please do leave, you're not needed, you offered no value.
They dropped ONE(1) 500kg bomb from each of the two EFs and called the plane "multirole", as if it isn't a marketing stunt for a struggling plane that arrived a decade late.
What other technologies?!?
Holo HUD?
RR making a half-modern core?
Is that fucking it?

I can't fucking believe we are into 2 decades of you fucking shills throwing shit around before your glorified 5th gen patroler comes out.
Nice source.
Gee, you sound kinda mad anon. What happened to leaving the thread?
I thought you were going? Lol

>Is that fucking it?
Keep reading. And then post the technologies developed for NGF. Every post where you can't proves that what I said was right.
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the only one struggling here is you
>arrived a decade late.
not for lack of know-how and you know it, you disingenuous fuckwad
>educate yourself sweetie on this corporate article that only speaks about one unique CONCEPT
You too, >>62140116.
We're talking about weapons, off topic posting will catch you a ban.

Can you post new technologies developed for NGF?
Eurofighter is a struggling plane, Airbus D&S itself called it so recently.
Only orders it gets these days is job retention orders.
What crawled up your ass and died? I guess the bongs have one last colony - in your head, rent free. So much for that “above it all” pose you tried to adopt.

>Leonardo has already built complete sub-systems using the new technology and successfully tested them at the Company’s site in Edinburgh with a path to airborne demonstrations in the coming years.

I did tell you to keep reading, you could have avoided the embarrassment and rage you're currently feeling.
I am so fucking horny for nasty disgusting british slags oh my god
>only commercial sales matter not capability
>ignore my previous copes
fucked in the head, Pierre
Still waiting on the source.
Imagine being a shit tier euro arguing about how your shitty, irrelevant, dump of a country is better than one of the other cesspits left to rot on that god forsaken continent like that would mean anything to one of the actual humans you strive to emulate.
Turkey is planning to buy 40, announced just the other week. The order book is looking very healthy.
Still waiting on you doing that for Tempest. Concepts don't count.
Reminder that you shills posted this and now are deflecting from it >>62139434.
You're speaking a European lanaguge
See >>62140144
It doesn't have an effective ground attack capability, shill.
We speak American.
England is nothing but a rotting carcass inhabited by the worst generations it has seen in last half a millenia.
>It doesn't have an effective ground attack capability
>launches Storm Shadow cruise missiles, Brimstone smart anti-tank missiles, and all manner of Paveway IV guided bombs
you're reduced to helpless schizo babbling
RAF FGR4 typhoons with Storm Shadow, Brimstone and Paveway have better air to ground capability than rafale which lacks a missile to engage moving armour.
I'm sorry, what?
>7 tons with 600km of range on a ground strike package
not him but the Hammer AASM has an infra-red variant
Brimstone is a much smarter weapon however, Hammer doesn't have the automatic swarm capability
And yet they moved you to seethe without even mentioning you once during this entire conversation. Curious.
>Verificafion not required
>mentions rafale for no reason
You do understand SCALP-EGs are French missiles?
You do realise Rafale carries more and for longer?
You do realise Rafale has its own specialised ground attack munitions?
You do comprehend this, shill?
Hammer is a rocket assisted bomb, it's not a weapon that can be deployed from low altitudes as you would find in a contested environment.
>has to select english (international) on windows
>change the goalposts to extra long combat radius
>cherrypick lo-lo-lo flight profile

its range is shorter but that's besides the point; the capability does exist
Can you post the new technologies or not? This tantrum makes me think you can't. Why are you in a tempest thread if your inferiority complex is this bad?
It can be released at an altitude of 150 meters, you absolute fucking shill.
/int/ tourists, fucking leave!!!
>why should the Typhoon be compared to the other European canard delta wing fighter that originated in the same program
it's truly a mystery
>You do understand SCALP-EGs are French missiles?
which use a British Royal Ordnance warhead, because it's a joint program, they weren't even going to be French except the British decided to partner with you
>You do realise Rafale carries more and for longer?
only for the very specific long range Storm Shadow mission; with other bomb loadouts, the Typhoon carries about the same and for as long
>You do realise Rafale has its own specialised ground attack munitions?
which as has been pointed out are deficient to the Typhoon's ground attack munitions

you're mindbroken lmao
If its being dropped on a target immediately in front of it. Brimstone can be launched at tree top height, fly 60km and find it's own targets. It's an entirely different capability.

Hammer is not a weapon for low altitude/stand off engagement of a peer force on the move.
>eurotrash spergfight thread
Why? It's like two retards arguing over who gets the first swirly
the Typhoon mogs the F-15C
I've spent an hour looking for FCAS R&D projects with any kind of results. There are none.

Looks like the original claim is vindicated and the French guy is chimping out because he knows it too.
>Tempest isn't real
>Tempest doesn't have cutting edge technology
>you can't prove it, there's no evidence
>Typhoon doesn't have any air to ground capability
>Typhoon doesn't have precision guided air to ground capability
>Typhoon doesn't have long range precision guided air to ground capability
the rapid goalpost shifting is only surpassed by how badly he got trounced on every point
You think it's going 70km from 150m altitude? It's a rocket assisted bomb that never flies higher than the point at which it's released (unless you're a toss bombing ukranian)
>which use a British Royal Ordnance warhead
>they weren't even going to be French except the British decided to partner with you
Yes, because the British are known for their rocketry.
>only for the very specific long range Storm Shadow mission
Yeah, nah, maxed out Typhoon can't fly half its combat radius.
>the Typhoon carries about the same and for as long
Yeah, 1300km vs 1900km for AA and 600km vs 1300km for AtG is "the same" ahahaha

Anyways, I'm ashamed I wasted this much of my life on some brishitter shills, so I will be leaving.
Leaving without posting those new NGF technologies? That's embarrassing.
Mental illness.
>literally the aborted hate child of eurostan put to work out of necessity even after they realized how tragically outclassed it was by a fighter developed almost 30 years prior
adults are speaking, sorry.
if you'd ever been to Red Flag, you'd know
Imagine being stuck with 4th gen aircaft until 2050. What a humiliation.
The absolute state of bongistanis.
>Yes, because the British are known for their rocketry
they were also going to pick either American or German, but decided to cooperate with France
>maxed out Typhoon can't fly half its combat radius
maxed out Typhoon and maxed out Rafale have the same combat radius given the same drop tanks or on internal fuel
the only particular advantage Rafale has is that it can carry two SCALP-EG and two MICA out to 1000nm with the biggest drop tanks it can fit
that's literally it
on all other profiles, the two aircraft are equal
and you KNOW this, you disingenuous faggot
>'m ashamed I wasted this much of my life on
being a lying twat
did you think nobody would find you out? or that you can firehose of falsehood your way out of this?
Given your track record I suspect you’ll be back in here soon to shit yourself in sheer impotent rage.
Anyway, time for a more interesting and thread relevant discussion: for the sake of argument, let’s say GCAP manages to beat FCAS to the punch and enter service in the predicted timeframe. Besides the partner nations, who else might be interested in buying GCAP?
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>Engine with the output of an F119 in the form factor of an F110
>carbon bonded resin fuselage
>Radar demonstrator that has 1.5x the strength of existing 5th gen radars as well as flexible radar antennas to be molded to the fuselage
Your turn
>who else might be interested in buying GCAP?
Anyone who might need or want a 6th gen fighter but lack the means to develop one independently, which is a hell of a lot of countries. They've already stated they expect export orders to be in the hundreds, with exports being a large focus of the program to bring costs down.
Saudi Arabia are lobbying hard to get in
They want in at a partnership level, but it's just never going to fucking happen. They have fuck all for aerospace, even less than Germany and have only recently gotten to the level of being able to license produce trainer aircraft domestically. They have literally not a single spec of tech to contribute and their only offering is cash.
I wonder if 5ch's /k/ equivalent, if they have one, is talking about this.
They are, at a glance they're
>Not worried about UK SDR, Japan and Italy can do it alone
>Arguing over lambda vs delta wings
>More UK wants to exploit Japan
>Dunno if it's the auto-translate making it more difficult to understand but it seems like some users are thinking that Japan will have its' own Plane from a GCAP common base, if that makes sense
>Lot's of chat about issues of multinational fighter programmes eg: Eurofighter and its' engines
>UK running out of money
>UK running out of money
I don't think this is even close to true.
Literally just curry. Japanese Curry was introduced via the Royal Navy's curry rations.
There would be episodes of the original Iron Chef with this. I'd give it a try at least once.
Looking through the 5ch threads I could barely find any of that because of the well poisoning gooks that try to inject the KF-21 or their slightly modified F414 into every discussion filled half the threads.
NTA but you are delusional if you think you somehow came out of this better than the other anon. You just posted the equivalent of running away crying and shitting your pants with spaghetti flowing out of your pockets.

He gave you sourced facts and all you could do is attempt to deny the existence of the elephant sitting on your lap. Not a good look, tard.
>Japan and Italy can do it alone
tech wise they probably could, financiallyfuck no.
>entire thread is Pierre melting down because his country bet on the wrong horse
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Japan could afford it, they were literally developing F-X before the merger with Tempest, and haven't eliminated the option of leaving GCAP to go back to the original program if it's really fucked up. Doing a whole new fighter program for only 100-ish copies makes little economic sense though (which is why they started GCAP).
>Imagine being stuck with 4th gen aircaft until 2050. What a humiliation.
yah the f35 caused a bunch of problems, thats for sure, hopefully by 2050 they have the bugs worked out, and parts built up enough to fly one longer than ~30 minutes
Both are good points (personally I don’t see the Saudis getting in as a partner, but weirder things happen I guess). I suppose the big question is whether GCAP ends up eating FCAS’s lunch if it manages to beat it to the finishing line by the sort of margin they’re aiming for. I could see it being very tempting to buy GCAP now rather than cooling your heels waiting for FCAS to arrive. And then what the hell happens to FCAS if GCAP has already swallowed up the low-hanging fruit?
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Forward section of the tech demonstrator's fuselage is being assembled
f22 copy number 105 since 1995
All stealth aircraft look the same because minimizing RCS forces certain design decisions. It's only a copy insofar as a plane having wings is copying the first plane ever made etc, it's the natural next step of the technology.
>When a good design is iterated upon instead of it being some retarded reverse wing Russian abortion
They're putting together the final pieces for the 757 based testbed too. It's refreshing to see an aerospace project advance at a non-glacial pace for once.
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Un-related: But why do f35 and f-22 look like they are struggling to fly at low speed? What is the advantage of this?

Pic related.


The F-22 looks like its about to stall/fall out of the sky if they speed gets any lower. What a shiity design (also the gun is an afterthought)
>just helmettard helmettarding
>literally just a su 27 with reverse wings to see how well that would work
>"retarded reverse wing russian abortion"
already outdated then
I believe Japan is working with the US on a drone wingman program to use with GCAP.

So I think the GCAP fighter is going to be open architecture to allow countries to integrate their own UAV platforms to work in tandem with GCAP.

This could allow you to appeal to a wider export market if you take proper advantage.
Years ago they guys in charge of Tempest and NGAD said the programs would be coordinated so that datalinks would be compatible and drones can be handed of between them. They specifically mentioned avoiding the integration delays that have been present on F35 and it's block system.
We're busy stuffing thousands of SM3/6 and LRASM into every possible space and building more F35s than all other fighter production combined.

We'll roll out something new when the time is right.
Yea I thought I remembered that as well, but wasn't sure.
>Just reverse the wings bro! It's not that radical
As far as I know the Firkin wasn't a huge success.
>UKs defence budget is almost equal to Japans and Italys combined
>Running out of money
Are you retarded?
Japan spent $55b
UK spent $70-75b
Italy spent $35b

And japan's budget is slated to go up to around $80-90B by 2027/8 as part of the post-Ukraine defence spending changes.
Also, the UK has massive line items on the budget that takes most of their defense spending.

6 SSNs, 4 SSBNs, 2 aircraft carriers, and you've gotta pay into the Trident II D5 fund.

When it comes to a new fighter program, Japan is probably feeling the least economic pressure.
>Italy spent $21bn 2023
>Japan spent $47bn 2023
>UK spent $70bn 2023
>total Italy + Japan $68bn
>are you retarded
Yes you cannot do simple math you dumb cunt.
>b-b-but they guna go up
So is the UKs and everyone elses for that matter smooth brain.
>UK has massive line assets
Yes they have 4 SSBNs. Making them unfuckable unlike Italy and Japan so they are worth every cent.
>Japan is probably feeling the least economic pressure
>country with largest gdp of the 3 feels less pressure
Thank you captain obvious.

God damn whats wrong with these freaks? Gookshills or whatever Japans version is?
Wow, it's almost like every one of those countries has a larger 2024 budget you could be using instead but it would negate your point.
You also ignored that japan's future defense budget is supposed to be larger than the UKs, but considering your posting style, I'm sure that was on purpose to avoid talking about it.
Isnt over retard. For instance the UK raised its budget mid year a couple back. Also mentioning Japans increase to $83bn by 2028 and not mentioning the UKs increase to $115bn makes your bias very obvious.
See >>62150610 and stfu
>not mentioning the UKs increase to $115bn makes your bias very obvious.
Because that isn't happening?

They're increasing defense spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030 compared to their current ~2.2% spending level. An increase of ~0.3% of GDP

Meanwhile Japan is increasing from 1% of GDP to 2% of GDP.

And just a reminder, the UK has a GDP of $3T vs japan's $4.2T, so Japan spending 2% should be well beyond the UK's 2.5%.
>Because that isn't happening?
>PM pledges to put arms industry on 'war footing' with plan to raise defence budget to £87bn a year by 2030.
Japan also has the 2nd largest foreign exchange reserve.

They probably shouldn't take too much out of it, but they could if they really needed to prop up defence spending for a decade.
Why are you double posting do you have autism?
Yes, that's exactly what I said. Increasing by a few tenths of a percent of GDP over 6 years. He's just projecting your GDP by 2030 will be closer to $3.5-3.7T which is a bit much.

Also, that's the previous goverment. Not the current one.
87 billion pounds is nothing in England when you have no industry to speak of.
Compare yourself to someone like Italy or France and see how much more they have for quite a lot less.
>said thats not happening
>proven it is
>no u
Its all so tiresome
>previous govt.
>"I am committed to that 2.5% within our fiscal rules, but that strategic review needs to come first," Starmer said as he departed for a NATO summit in Washington.
>your gdp
Im Australian.
Quit the circle jerk.
>Im Australian
Okay, your former GDP.
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Japan's budget for FY23 was 8.13 trillion yen with a 130:1 exchange rate at that time would give a $61 billion defense budget.
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>Yes they have 4 SSBNs. Making them unfuckable unlike Italy and Japan so they are worth every cent.
Not a single shot needs to be fired at the UK lol
That's intriguing - I wasn't aware that GCAP was going to be more "plug and play" in terms of UAV integration. If it can be pulled off that might be a really big selling point (as the first anon said).
It's basically going to be that way across everything from weapons to drones. JNAAM fell through after the UK side couldn't deliver, so Japan just created a different program after and UK will likely just stick with Meteors. Japan has all their AShMs and cruise missiles they want to integrate, while the UK side will likely want to integrate SPEAR and Brimstones. Nothing concrete on drones for the UK, but as stated earlier Japan is developing ones with Australia and the US. GCAP will be a lot more open architecture in terms of customization and end user integration than the F-35.
>I wasn't aware that GCAP was going to be more "plug and play"
everything is, as other anon said
"open architecture" is much more than a meme, it saves costs down the line when integrating new weapons and systems
Why do you seethe like this every single day, anon?
The only person to mention "gookshill" is warriortard by the way. He doesn't exist.
>JNAAM fell through after the UK side couldn't deliver
Source: trust me bro

The UK side of meteor works and is in service. It's the Japanese seeker that never materialised. It's also normal for a program to conclude and not immediately result in something being built.
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They couldn't deliver though. They didn't have any of the rights to be using the Meteor body according to their MBDA agreement.
>It's the Japanese seeker that never materialised.
Lol, it's literally an iteration based on the AAM-4B AESA seeker which was put into service about 15 years before Britain could manage to put an AESA on the Typhoon. Also I've yet to see any follow up program from the British side about any new missile with miniaturized seeker tech, while the Japanese immediately started work on a follow up program using their seeker tech.
Also inb4 Japan can't make ducted missiles, pic rel is a ducted AAM-4 that Japan test fired before the meteor

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