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A fully disassembled scorpion looks like a gun made put of legos that was dropped from a 5 story building. There is so much more parts in the scorpion its crazy. The ghm9 seems to store all the complext business in the trigger frame lower so the upper can stay beautifully simple. What do you guys think? Is the ghm9 being 2x the price of a scorpion justified?
nigger what? the scorpion is super simple
PCCs/PDWs are literally joke weapons. The scorpion is reliable, has nice sights and uses the most superior and commonly available magazines. I don't know why anyone would buy anything else besides really wanting to waste their money. Only a really big stupid retard would drop $2400 on a B&T
The scorpion is as shitty to shoot as the UMP, while also managing explode it's own receiver. GHMs are readily available for 1500 bucks, and while still simple blowback, have a nice hydraulic buffer that actually dampens recoil, and have a nice metal receiver.
PCCs are cool as fuck, and B&T products are cool as fuck. Just because you're a seething poorfag doesn't mean they're not.
It's absolutely justified. You don't have to immediately change out most of the OEM parts to make it even semi decent, and they're not known for sending chunks of the receiver into your face. Also, B&T is like a cooler HK that is willing to sell literally everything they make to the civilian market. They're worth supporting for that alone.
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>Also, B&T is like a cooler HK that is willing to sell literally everything they make to the civilian market.

B&T is like an even snootier HK that buys Turk MP5 clones and sells them for 3000 Euros, then lies about where they really come from, and sues Grand Power for having a PCC that literally just looks SIMILAR to theirs.
Fuck B&T mountain kikes. The only thing worth buying from them are their MP5 optic rails.
>buys Turk MP5 clones and lies about where they came from
Source? You couldn’t possibly be just lying for the sake of hating a neat company could you?
Oh, and I’ve had both a Stribog and an APC9. The Stribog is very clearly a direct knockoff of the APC9, down to the fact that the first generations of both had reciprocating charging handles and the exact same control scheme. Don’t be asspained that a sheisty eastern euro company got sued for stealing a design.
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Nigger everyone knows BT96 was an MKE built gun with the finishing touches being added in Switzerland, B&T didn't even have a proper firearms division back then before moving to Thun, they only made suppressors and rails back then.
If you think they somehow got the tooling together to make an in-house MP5 clone from scratch, only to make a couple hundred of these, then never touch them after actually starting their own firearms division, you're utterly delusional.
>company resells a product 30 years
>anon desperately holds onto this as a reason to dislike them despite them actually producing their own guns now
I genuinely fail to see the issue here
Bro if you think b&t isnt the shit youre a fucking retard
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They all seem fine to me. I chose Stribog because I thought it looked the coolest, it was the smallest, and the lightest.

It'll take a couple thousand rounds to know if I regret my decision.
Stribogs are to apc9s as buick enclaves are to porsche cayennes.

Similar aerodynamics but the stribogs/buicks are pieces of shit.
Stribogs have too many issues. They are pretty but reviewers cant seem to make a single video where the stribogs didnt choke to death for one reason or another.
In all fairness, the Stribog's problems have been ironed out for the most part. Most of the videos where they have problems are earlier version roller delayed models, with a different locking roller angle.
The mags are still fragile as fuck though.
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Yeah I read all about it. It does seem like the majority of reports of problems were the first and second gen models. I couldn't find many reports of issues with the latest SP9A3S. I put one of the lowers that takes Scorpion mags on it, a binary trigger, and I'm waiting on a stamp to SBR it.

I'll see first hand if they've sorted it out. First range trip went smoothly.
How do you tell what stribogs have the updated mech?
ends in A3 instead of A1 or 2

apc9 is cool but its not sp5 cool at that price point
scorpion was the introduction platform before all these released. ghm9, ap5, dissent, sp9a3s seem to be the most favored.
if your budgeting get whichever one you like they all have their own quirks. ill prob end up a vector even tho they have shit reviews.
if your shelling out 2k+ get an sp5 they'll hold their value if or when HK stops production
The A3 is a different operating system entirely from the A1. Both the A1 and A3 are still produced, and the A3 isn't intended to completely supersede the A1.
To check your roller lock angle, check the bolt near where it locks. The updated ones should have "US" or "U.S." etched on them.
I've owned a Stribog, shot SP5s, and real F/A MP5s, and I still ended up with the APC9. The buffer system makes it so much smoother than any other blowback gun, and the modularity and control scheme are far superior to the MP5. Plus, it allows me to practice at the local indoor pistol caliber only range with the same exact controls as my APC223s.
Oh good info. Yea im sure no one would choose stribog if there wasnt a budget constraint. Did yours have any problems
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PCC thread???
I don't like how b&t guns look, but I have to admit their folding stock looks really damn good.
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I had the A1 variant, which is simple blowback. Not a single issue feeding FMJs, and only a few fail to feeds with federal HST 124 gr JHPs. That was sorted out by the curved mags later. They're fun little budget blasters for sure. Definitely not as refined as the APC series though.
Nobody says B&T isn't shit.
Well, I only see people who can't afford them saying they're shit. The 3 I have are fantastic, and function extremely well.
Ok, I want a pcc. Price isn't an issue if it is worth the $. What do I get?
tp9, p90, apc, sp5, jp5

yea or HK snobs
APC9, SPC9, or an SP5.
You’re not wrong
Gen3 stribog. Best bang for buck.
Don't listen to the fags telling you to get a sp5. They're so outdated now, you'll regret it. Only get it if you really really want a mp5 and you're ok with it just being a range toy.
why do you like the scorpion? its the most hated PCC out of all of them
Why do you hate it? Mine has been pretty reliable. And I like how it's almost all polymer so I don't have to autistically check the receiver for rust like I have to for the rest of my guns.
I want that AR57 / Hera arms abomination
You don’t have to autistically worry about rust if the receiver is aluminum. You also don’t have to worry about an OOB detonation sending chunks of the receiver into your arms.
damn no new vector info since shotshow. vaporwared
No reason to get the SP5 when the more technically correct and less "gun fires without magazine" cucked AP5 exists.
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Got the new lower installed with trigger, and grip. Takes Scorpion mags and the magpul ones seem to work fine. Now just waiting for form 1 to clear so I can actually put a stock and foregrip on it.

Any optic suggestions?
Rfx45 Opmod to complete the bootleg Apc Acro clone
For holosun maybe a 515gt or Eps
>uses the most superior and commonly available magazines.
Only true for gen 1&2.
>B&T invented direct blow back SMGs with an all metal upper receiver
Smartest B&T fanboy.
Based. My SP9A3 runs flawlessly and is much softer shooting than any shitty B&T. Even the gen 3 magazines are running great. Make sure you get the HBI buffer and it will shoot even softer than even a MP5. Easily the best PCC on the market in terms of value. The MPX is nice too but I hate how sig doesn't do clear generation and there has been like four generations of the gun too, making it hard to oem the right parts.
B&T is everything people claim about MP5s. Overpriced, lackluster product, and literally just a brand name. Name one originL design by B&T. You can't because their business model is making other people's designs and up charging because muh swiss
Their designs are also pretty darn unrefined
>APC9 is introduced in 2011
>6-7 years later, a gun that apes the appearance of the original gun, down to the built in folding sights and control scheme is released by another company
>anon thinks acknowledging the Stribog is a poor clone means that I think B&T invented the metal upper blowback subgun
Cope and seethe poorfag. Cope and seethe.
APC series.
SPC9 series.
GHM series.
Upcoming USW-P series.
GL-06 grenade launcher.
All of their silencers.
Unrefined in what way? They're too expensive for you?
B&t makes the worst goddamn silencers on the market. What the fuck is this glazing?
Dead air or OCL owner detected, opinion rejected. They make some of the best silencers available, and are the only company besides Surefire that's ever been assed to make a Surefire compatible hub mount that wasn't a Warden conversion.
Goddamn brand slurping noguns like you should be banned on sight.
I have 3 B&Ts you faggot. I got my first APC223 as a stand in for an ACR, and I'm glad I did after I finally got to shoot an ACR. Don't be mad that you're literally unable to save up enough for even a used B&T. God forbid you explain why they're bad. It's much easier to cope about a brand that you can't afford instead of just admitting that's why you don't like them.
woooow big direct blow back bolt in polymer frame
wonder who did that first...

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