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/k/ - Weapons

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How the fuck did Pakistan get nukes? I thought you needed to be a first world country or have a semblance of an economy?
They conspired with Best Korea.
This chart is hugely out of date, the Norks have about 50 at present.
So when are India, Pakistan and China nuking each other?
2 more weeks


> Western intelligence sources have told The Guardian that "the Saudi monarchy paid for up to 60% of the Pakistani nuclear programme, and in return has the option to buy a small nuclear arsenal ('five to six warheads') off the shelf".

is this the same Russia who's reported as having their nukes be filled with literal water sub-one year ago?

It's amazing what people can do with pure hatred and focus, ain't it
I bet Russia has less than 20 maintained nukes
Why? The US gave them billions in the 90s and 00s to be able to retain nuclear scientist (scared of Al Qaeda/ Iran recruiting them). They have a massive nuclear energy sector that makes fissile material and tritium cores. They had 50% of the world’s enrichment capacity pre-war thanks to the Megatons to Megawatts program.
The US propped up Russia’s nuclear industry to prevent Turdies from potentially having them.
Puccia is lying, they're lucky if they only have <1000 operational nooks

China is also lying, there's no way they only have 260 nooks, I'm guessing they have 1000-2000 at the moment

Israel is also lying, they probably have as many nooks as the UK/France

North Korea probably has around 50-100 nooks
>Why? The US gave them billions in the 90s and 00s to be able to retain nuclear scientist (scared of Al Qaeda/ Iran recruiting them).
Source ?
Nukes are expensive to maintain and the last 3 years have shown that Russia wasn't exactly allocating funds properly.
>Countries that over-estimates the capabilities of everything by a factor of 10
>Suddenly lying about having less nukes than they actually have
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The Ukraine war has really put it into terrible perspective

Russia's Navy is barely functional and its ships are rotting rust buckets that cannot perform any basic missions
Russia's Air Force is barely functional and its planes are rotting rust buckets that cannot perform any basic missions
Russia's Army is barely functional and its tanks are rotting rust buckets that cannot perform any basic missions

And we're supposed to believe now that their nuclear forces are utterly immune to this corrosion, that that's the ONE element of the Russian military that's actually still being run by an incredibly competent and dedicated elite, and no you can't see it because it's a state secret anyway but trust me it's all 250IQ supermen working in pristine gleaming white laboratories on state of the art scifi software to build bombs that can capsize islands

It just is, okay?
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> Norks
Always cringe
Stop simping for second rate shitholes
Probably 60-80 is the actual guess. The us nuclear force just to run id around 63 billion a year. If they were maintaining their actual numbers theirs would cost around 80 billion just to maintain and double their effective military budget.
Its all out in the open the Russians have very few actual working weapons but random left overs that could be rebuilt everywhere. The Chinese probably have 200 tops. Norks have 50-60, Israel 20-30, Saudi 20-30. Taiwan just has dirty bombs.
What happened to South Africa's nooks?
They sold them to Israel and probably Saudi. After the double flash they were noticed.
They got "dismantled."
Norway was one of the leading nations in nuclear research, and even considered their own nuclear weapons program at one point. And with left wing governments being complete retards towards the turd world they ended up sharing nuclear secrets with everyone who asked. This includes Israel and Pakistan, it is not the entire reason of how they got nukes but it is a part of it.
Its not like we gave them free money for it but we did things like lobby or facilitate negotiations with former Soviet States to return their nukes to Russia so they didn't sell them to niggers.

Ukraine is actually a case of this. We told the Ukies to give their nukes to Russia in exchange for security guarantees lol. whoops
Alot of foreigners are unaware Israelis have a lot of nukes.

For everyone else. They could use f 35s with nukes and kill every Iranian before they showed up on radar. They have enough nukes to wipe out Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon by design. They can easily hit Pakistan, Russia, India, Bangladesh. They don't care it's Israelis lol
>Its not like we gave them free money
We did that too, US single handedly saved puccian economy from defaulting on their debt in the late 90s, in addition to various humanitarian and financial aid(that usually got swooped by KGB and their mobster goons anyway).
We don't know for sure if Israeli nukes are compatible with the F-35.

Regardless, Iran has no ballistic early warning radars so Israel could just lob their missiles at them just as easily with no chance of Iran intercepting them or even reacting in time.

At best they'd get a call from US a minute or two before they get glassed so the US diplomat could listen to their panicking screams before the end for a bit.
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They won them off the US, worst Korea, and the nips after beating them in Tekken.
Why would they have nukes incompatible with their most reliable delivery platform?
They had 6, as part of the power hand over they were flown to the US and dismantled. The Uranium was returned to their civilian program.

I find it funny that the DPRK could conceviably have more ready nukes than Russia especially since unlike anyone else in the last 30+ years we know theirs actually work. All i can think is Putin threatening muh nooks after an argument and Kim laughing in his face then asking 'may i see them? Maybe just a little test?'
I'm pretty sure that the North Korean Nukes were 'acquired' from the remnants of the Russian Stockpile
They whites didn't want the kafirs to have them so they dismantled the fuck outta them after mandela won.
>Nukes don't work with a plane the Israelis had to design an avionics package for
I doubt it.
To be fair that was a wise move. They would have ended up in Africa or somewhere otherwise
This is flawed logic. The cost of maintainin a nuclear arsenal are not universal, just like bread prices aren't universal. Labor prices alone make a huge difference along the entire supply chain. Quick google will show you that up to 40% of US military spening is actually pay+benefits. US soldiers earn more than actual Russian generals (pre-corruption).
Nope, the UN monitored almost every step of the proccess. They even showed it off several times. We can not only tell which facility made a fissile material we can even tell which mine it came from.

In the 1960/70s we used to do things like estimate how much fertilizer the PRC used, what procccess was used, which factory made it, where it was being used and how much down to a few % using airborned mass spectrometers from thousands of miles away. You can't hide that sort of thing, if Russia supplied anything we would have know the instant they tested it.
because its a corrupt ridden country, just a look at the state of their war with Ukraine and the deep logistics and equipment issues. anyway Gorbachev himself said that USSR/Russia mightiness is only an illusion.
because if that was true they would have announce it. there is no point into hiding something you are capable of with nukes unless its under development of course. the whole point of nukes is deterrence.
What was SA even planning on realistically doing with their nooks? Just dropping them on a bantustan if the race war kicked off?
>Other vendors were also likely to enter into a bidding war if Riyadh indicated that it was seeking nuclear warheads.
Who are these other vendors that would just sell nukes?
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The real question is who the fuck is Jeff and how did he get nukes?
you don't, you just need permission to acquire fissible material
I know Jeff, actually. He's a Good guy. Don't worry about it. I wouldn't worry about it.
Supplied by cat-torturing chinksects
>What was SA even planning on realistically doing with their nooks?
Iirc they were purely tactical weapons to be dropped from Canberra’s on conventional military targets. I guess with their entire northern boarder (bar Botswana) being communist black run states with Cuban expeditionary forces made them feel that tac-nukes would give them the upper hand in the event of a great push south.
Uncertainty can also be a form of deterrence.
this would be best outcome for the century, and the entirety of the the US intelligence and diplomatic services should be bent on ensuring a three way nuclear exchange among china india and pakistan actually occurs
Rich Saudi West haters helped.
They only have shittty low-yield plutonium nukes.
Israel cannot officially admit that they have nukes because the US has treaty obligations to economically sanction and deny military aid to any country that has or is developing nukes and isn't a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which Israel never signed. If they ever publicly admitted they have nukes it the US would be legally obligated to stop sending aid to the Israelis, which neither side wants. So they've got a gentlemens agreement that if Israel basically agrees to not use them unless someone else does first then the US won't look into their nuclear program very hard.

So while everyone is pretty sure Israel has nukes, they aren't allowed to publicly admit that or acknowledge any other part of their nuclear doctrine, including their delivery mechanisms.
>the US has treaty obligations to economically sanction and deny military aid to any country that has or is developing nukes and isn't a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which Israel never signed
Funnily enough Iran HAS signed the NPT, it was one of the original signatories in fact. It just regularly ignores it and has been dinged for non-compliance like a dozen times in the last couple decades.
why isn't Israel signing the treaty and then declaring they have nukes to deter any bordering country to ever try to invade them?
"Appear strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong."
Thanks to the Netherlands:

>which neither side wants.
I want it.
Israel has nukes, they stole them, everyone knows it. Stop giving israel welfare now.
From what I understand, Putin and his meatriders have been steadily defunding the Ministry of Defense over roughly the last 2 decades or so.
With that in mind, I imagine what Gorbachev conceived of as weakness we today would consider to be quite strong, relative to modern Russian forces, or lack thereof considering how many soldiers resort to sourcing their own equipment with personal funds.

What do you think, is this a relatively accurate assessment?
Nuts to think that Israel is potentially sitting on 300 nuclear weapons.
>How the fuck did Pakistan get nukes?
Where the fuck were you when Clinton was getting blown by Monica in the Oval Office? Fucking old news, pal.
Presumably because it comes with strings attached, such as some kind of third-party investigation into their program for the sake of some amount of transparency.

I think most statesmen are already aware that the Israelis have nuclear weapons anyways, they themselves don't need a reminder.
Jeff the lord of cheese
he's got a kid now and mellowed out quite a bit
as >>62129935 said and as a deterrent to regime change shenanigans.
No one is going to risk and invasion fleet/force to change things and they'd also not want to topple the regime because who wants to live in a world where darkies have nukes (the Saffers certainly didn't and got rid of them with the end of Appartheid)
>Puccia is lying, they're lucky if they only have <1000 operational nooks
The picture is about "total", brainlet.
>China is also lying, there's no way they only have 260 nooks, I'm guessing they have 1000-2000 at the moment
Not a single organisation who deals with counting nukes ever claimed a number even close to your lowest. At the highest, they currently have ~500 warheads.
>Israel is also lying, they probably have as many nooks as the UK/France
Israel does not have a number of nukes higher than 100, maximum they can field is 80 tact nukes strapped on a cruise missile, a laughable "nuclear capability".
Israeli nuclear capability is equivalent to the French "warning shot" capability.
>North Korea probably has around 50-100 nooks
Again, no evidence.
It's clearly a first rate shithole.
>stable government
>no wars
>estimated 300 000 people die of hunger-related causes each year
>Out of the 290 nukes that France has, 280 of it are deployed
Why the fuck is France the closest to deploying all it's nukes than the other countries?!
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i don't know Jeff, but he reminds me of Ed
They get fissile material out of the dolphin pussy they are raping into extinction.
Khan and Kim is how, Norks also got them the missiles they are mounted on. Khan worked with the Norks with the warhead design, kinda like South Africa and Israel. Saudis paid for it and undoubtably helped them evade sanctions.

No solid evidence but UAE is probably involved somehow since nothing shady ever happens without the UAE.
>kinda like South Africa and Israel
They bought French?
Because according to the terms of the treaty the only people allowed to have nukes are the countries who were already nuclear powers at the time the treaty was signed, which is to say the US, UK, Russia, China, and France. So if you're an up and coming nuclear power your options are either join the treaty and be obligated to give up your nukes, or don't join the treaty and have arms sanctions imposed on you the second you publicly admit to having nuclear weapons. So you're fucked either way.

This was literally the whole point of the treaty by the way. It was explicitly designed to prevent anyone that didn't already have nukes from getting them. The deal was basically "All of you smaller countries give up on developing nukes and agree to monitoring and oversight for your nuclear programs and in exchange we the existing nuclear powers will promise not to be retarded with the nukes we already have and work towards disarming our current stockpiles. Then maybe we can all investigate beneficial civilian uses for nuclear power without having to worry about blowing each other up."

It was a remarkably effective pitch. The only other countries aside from Israel who aren't part of the treaty in the modern day are India, Pakistan and best Korea, which are not coincidentally the only other nuclear powers aside from the original 5. It's arguably the best arms control treaty in history.
>If they ever publicly admitted they have nukes it the US would be legally obligated to stop sending aid to the Israelis, which neither side wants
i want it,
I want that repulsive rat nation to disappear by any means necessary
This country is fucking evil lol. and sadly its people are not sitting tight
They got the tech from Europe, specifically TU Delft.
Literally 'caped this the other day.
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That graph is outdated, this is the current nuclear arsenal
It's definitely one of the shittiest shitholes to ever shithole that's for sure.
>170 vs 172
Pakibros...it's ogre
Because France has by far the most aggressive stance on using nukes out of any nuclear power. They are the only nation who does not have a no-first-use policy in their nuclear doctrine. They prefer the fuck around and find out approach.

The French do not have a firmly defined threshold at which they will resort to nuclear weapons nor have they commited to only using them for the defense of France itself from invaders. Their official policy is that they will use nukes in self-defense to protect France's "vital interests" but deliberately keep it as ambiguous as possible what their "vital interests" actually are. If the French feel that someone is an existential threat to France or it's interests they will launch a single limited nuclear strike as a warning shot to "reestablish deterrence". If they opponent doesn't back down then the French will jump straight to a full scale nuclear exchange using their whole arsenal. There is no gradual escalation, there is no possibility of a limited exchange, there is no second chances. If you do not listen to the warning shot, they will turn you to glass.

The logic behind such an aggressive stance basically goes like this: In the French view, two world wars were fought largely inside their own borders. There will not be a third.

To put it in terms /k/ might better understand, the French are open carrying the biggest gun in the world and making it clear that they will draw as soon as a motherfucker so much as reaches into their coat because they've been mugged twice before and they are not letting it happen again under any circumstances.
based, that's the best strategy hands down: shoot first, shoot to kill, and keep shooting until you run out of ammo
>I thought you needed to be a first world country
noone said this
hide thread
You are all now just realizing that you live in a time line where North Korea will at a minimum be the fourth largest nuclear power within two decades.
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You actually believe this? Ill let you in on a little secret, most nukes were sold off to mutt DOE and the fissile slag was given to saddam in the late 90s. Once he was out of the picture it was given to pakistan in the hopes they would shut the fuck up about osama.
Russia has almost 0 (z÷rœ) nukes nowadays. Putin is an american puppet put in place as he met the post ussr criteria: not a mili man and also a moderate (plus we will disclose his gay orgies if he gets uppity). The ukie war is a siphon to enrich democrat donors and as a distraction from the politics of a certain globe spanning org dedicated to post covid dystopia. Read a book, look it up, call me a retard dont care
Israel nukes predate the treaty so they would be legally allowed to have them.

They just never wanted an arms race with egypt
Do you read any of Rurik Skywalker's work on substack?
Iran know Israel have nuke and that didn't stop them from funding Hamas. And most Israel's enemy is rootless, stateless guerilla, not a proper nation state. And they cannot just nuke Palestine without radioactive dust fucking them too.
>the US has treaty obligations to economically sanction and deny military aid to any country that has or is developing nukes and isn't a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty
We do not. We have no such sanctions on India or Pakistan.
I don't see the problem. Dolphins rape humans all the time.
The "appear weak" part doesn't really work with nuclear deterrence.
how the hell is the US the only one with a decreasing nuclear stockpile?
inflation hit hard. they pay the most for maintenance compared to every other country.
The only country trying to deescalate.

Wouldn't work like that.
Telling everyone they have nukes will cause all muslim nations to try and obtain nukes.
Since Israel is small it wouldn't take many nukes to vaporize the nation.
Once enough muslims have nukes it is just a matter of time before they start being used. Jihad sometimes requires mutual destruction, and is not as great of a deterrant as it is for secular states. If one muslim nation must perish to be rid of israel for all remaining muslims...radical cleric Muhamed will let Allah guide his finger to the button.
Ruled by degenerates
There is no such thing as one sided nuclear deescalation
The US has a first use policy anon. Always has.
What countries without morals and in great need of funds can you think of? I can think of at least two.
You don't need 5.000 warheads for MAD and it is expensive maintaining 5,000 warheads.
>mfw France nukes Israel of the face of the earth due to some perceived threat
How likely is this scenario if those hooknoses keep fucking around and if they actually ever do that "samson option" shit.
The US has 10 times as many nukes as every other power except Russia (who is almost certainly lying about how many are actually still operational). it has way more than it would actually need even in the worst case scenario, and nukes are expensive to maintain. Plus it's good optics, which is important. Non-proliferation requires the belief that the people with nukes aren't retarded enough to use them on non-nuclear targets. So the US saves money and gets good PR without actually reducing its readiness in any real way.>>62142622
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Sparks, you need to take your pills.

>Who are these other vendors that would just sell nukes?

A mystrious Mexican man named Kim Juan Uno is rumored to have wares if you have coin.
Now i need to go to request someone to use AI to make a image of him in a Mexico City dive bar with a sombrero and fake moustache surrounded by a suspiciously well armed Asian Mariachi band.
Jasper bros are you ok?
I'm sorry you are hearing the brunt of liberal fucktardation re. forest management.
As opposed to figurative water?

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