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big ukraine thread on /gif/. lots of webms with sound
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Oops, all vatniks!
Go back to your bbc and tranny obsessed shithole, faggot.
if you take your wife to the range then you're letting her be pleased by something long black and hard thoughbeit
What are the Prussians doing?
Sadly I don't have my PC to post the image that shows that one of the BBC spammers from /b/ was a pro russian chink. If anyone else has it I'd be grateful.
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don't link to that godforsaken board again
The fuck even happened to /gif/ anyway? Who do I blame for the quality of posts now? Used to have some solid porn back in the day.
general internet brain rot worsened by porn addiction
the usual, just worse
Russians have resorted to trying to propagandised winning instead of actually winning.
They claim to be creating thousands of casualties a day sith airstrikes, but can only provide a couple of videos a day at their highest rate, and their over massing chimpouts get spammed every day from new angles to look like new strikes. You'll notice they'll get crying hysterical Ukrainians on social media and use them in domestic propaganda as to the demeanor of the average Ukrainian that is hopeless in the face of the Russian bear.

At this point I'm expecting another Kyiv tier collapse.
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there's always a vatnigger disinfo dump going on /gif/
what makes this one special?
He tried posting it on /k/ this time.
So what did they actually hit?
Ew, fuck no nigger
based. Fuck ukraine
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kek thread full of either old footage, nothingburgers, and like a handful of actual dead ukranians. Meanwhile russiand die in the thousands every day and the chug trannys can't even accept it.
Back to fapping to troon porn, shoo.
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>Alex Nosov dd1cb531
As far as a friend told me, we have huge losses from the Nazi aviation. Rashists literally compare our positions and everyone on them to the ground. There are practically no shooting battles. The same Krynka was leveled by KABs and TOSs. Hence such losses. Why don't *wandering Patriots* work on racist planes? Where are the F-16s already?
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Fuck off Mandickhead
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Damn, no one told me ziggers can twerk like that.
Dear diary,

Today ass was not in ass.

This. Besides the perma-residence in /pol/, they stink up /gif/, /b/, and /k/ but they have to be more covert here. Not that they hide it well. NAFO is a term 99% of the West doesn’t know, but they sure do.

And anons hate hearing this but the tranny hate fixation is artificially propped up by their little hate brigades. It’s pretty rich coming from a country that treats gay sex the same way prisons do but in all aspects of their life.
Jannies are too lax about polbait here.
Pre-2014, how many anons actually gave a shit about some retard in a dress?
Only the schizos and closeted faggots with hateboners.
Unrelated but I do wish most boards had the same file size freedom as /gif/. They can keep the sound to make it relevant.
Why would you save this. No seriously I'm trying to wonder what level of mental illnesses you're on to think this was funny and cool enough to save and not cringefest.
Coomer brain obsessed with anime porn and pigs, huh?
They call Ukrainians piggers. Its the peak of their intellect.
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Mandic is a turk rape baby "Serb" living on gibs in Germany.
Blacked porn is more his speed when he isn't busy sucking Russian dick.
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That one headed straight for Belgorod (again x50)
Nah the trannies in a dress was forced upon us, I wouldn't give a shit as long as I don't get fired for not entertaining their delusion, but they do obsess over it too much perhaps, my issue is generally with actual paid state actors disseminating propaganda that use useful terminally online goys to do their work for them when things aren't going great.
Anti porn sentiment and ambivalence toward anything uninteresting means the absolute degenerates take over. It already festered into the porn board. Trying to change it something non-porn would take effort.
It’s the obsession that’s the dumb shit. Hate who you want. Say what you want (here, don’t get fired for dumb comments you know will cause problems).
But letting some beet consuming half wit on the other side of the planet lead you by the nose? Thats gay.
Trannies are a tiny slice of the population but treated like this horrific boogeyman when most of them are just sad retards who have more autism than they can process.
I have more in common with your average troon than some freak who thinks it’s normal to rape other men and call himself straight after he steals a toilet.
Russia is the AIDS capital of the planet besides Nigeria and one other African nation I can’t recall.
You can guess why. It’s not based trad behavior.
Doesn’t help that they removed poster count so it’s harder to see how absolutely saturated some threads are with shills and outsiders.
>Deja... BLYAT
I find it interesting how the boards obsessed with cuckold porn, nigger dicks and trannies are the ones full of vatniggers
Really makes you think
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Hi manbitch
There is this turbo autist over in /b/ that is fighting a losing crusade against them. It’s a bit sad because you can tell they genuinely care but it’s falling on deaf ears because most anons just want their biases and hobby hates validated no matter how obviously fake the sources are.

I think post GG, that was a forgone conclusion.
Finally, a zigger troll to rival KAHN...
Dunno about this dude but Mandic has been on /k/ since maybe 2009 or even earlier.
Always been a bit of a schizo but Russia shitting the bed broke his brain.
Also I think he's collecting gibs in Sweden, not Germany, I was thinking of another retard.
I assume you mean the Revy obsessed poster with the anti-shill threads every few days?
I occasionally check /b/ and I’ve noticed them a few times.
I guarantee they own a Beretta. I wouldn’t be surprised if they post in /hg/ routinely.
It’s a waste of time and energy though as you said. It’s like trying to protect the smoldering husk of your home after it’s been bombed out a dozen times.
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yea, dennis that russian mongaloid sperg to retarded to even hold down a job filling shelves at Rewe
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Serbnigger, there's a difference between shitposting and making posts which are shit, but I don't think you seem to have grasped that.
True. Was already bukbroken
>I am le epik trole xD
You're a sad man with brainworms who has nothing going on in his life other than shitting up /int/, /pol/ and /k/ and lives vicariously through ziggers dropping from cholera like it's 1850.
You haven't owned a gun in your life, yet you keep hanging out on /k/ for the better part of two decades.
Said anon also has a history of showing off her little half jap tits over the years.
One at least featured a 92(x)or similar. This was a while back and I have a shameful amount of /b/ slut timestamps saved somewhere.
Sans tits, I enjoy the almost insane degree of Russian hated in those threads.
>people still go on /b/ in 2024
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Lmao pathetic
Keeping quiet would have saved you, instead you got got because anons do their due diligence
I did say turboautist after all.
Terminally incapable of it. Like most rotters.
>troled le epikally again xDDDD
You will never own a gun.
FAS is a sad existence. He’s lucky that he probably doesn’t know how busted his brain is though.
Just fuck off already (wo)mandick.
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>it's father and son
>he cropped out the wife and other kid to imply faggotry

Always with the projection, huh?
Fucking serbs man :D
Jesi vidio onaj video gdje srbi cvile jer ih rusi tuku i govore im da su cigani?
Srbi nisu cigani?
Srbi su cigansko tursko smece
I opet dolaze u hrvatsku neznam koliko ih trebamo ubiti da shvate da ih tu nezelimo
>serbnigger immediately crying about the Ustashe
What’s the betting split on this anon just some idiot larp?
I’d excuse a lot for some proper slav trolling.
Why don't you own a gun after all these years, cigan?
It's not really that hard in Sweden.
Did you get denied because you have brainworms, or just because you're a NEET shitskin living on welfare?
i hate trannies as well, and people complain more about them because they're blatant about their faggotry and try to teach it to kids.
the problem with nu/pol/ and /int/ browns is they try to bring up trannies unpromted in literally every conversation, call everyone they don't like trannies which dilutes the word's power, and consistently save giant folders filled with disgusting tranny imagery.
it's the sign of an unhealthy obsession, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if their minds eventually break and they troon out themselves just to show everyone else how disgusting those trannies are.
Because cuckoldry and nigger dicks (often at the same time) are very popular fetishes in Russia. Not even kidding.
>big ukraine thread on /gif/
>full of vatniks
Not a good look ilya
I don't even remember what variety of irrelevant Balkanigger you are dude
In the buns, who did you pay to take that image and not include a timestamp kek.
Wheres that old comic about the Klansmen talking about the one guy who hates blacks TOO much? Lol
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nah, despite them being way, WAAAY over presented in everything most of them dont have the balls to troon out. They will go and suck/fuck one tough which is where their obsession is derived from (closeted homoism coping with itself in denial)
This is the most I've seen ManPenis actually type in his posts, ever, even if it is mostly unintelligible. Normally he just posts completely off-topic images before getting banned again.
It's kinda funny that after close to 2 decades of lurking he's still incapable of stringing together more than half a dozen barely coherent words in English at a given time, and only really opens up when someone calls him out in Serbo-Croat kek
Actual honest to God troglodyte. I wonder if he's diagnosed, I don't think you can keep doing this for so long unless you're actually mentally unwell.
A hint for the schizos. If you need to preface a statement about a subject by starting with “I hate X” you’re telling on yourself and you’re fixating on it.
Take a shower.
...all I'm getting out of this thread is that Belgrade needs to be bombed again. That about it?
>fuck people protecting their sovereignty against a belligerent failed state full of FAS.
>twitter repost of a facebook meme
>conveniently forgetting it was Trump who gave Ukies the Javelin

Man you /pol/tranny tourists are in for a nasty surprise when Trump gets elected and doesn't bend over for monke.
Two more weeks
>At this point I'm expecting another Kyiv tier collapse
Really? You really think we're right on the cusp of a top 3 Russian collapse of the whole war?
Because it's been like a year and a half since any frontline movements of any real importance in this war.
I'm absolutely pro-Ukraine but it's clear that nobody is collapsing any time soon if you ask me. At the absolute most, Russia might end up having to retreat from everything they've taken in their Kharkiv offensive, which is nowhere near Kyiv-tier, but even that I highly doubt.
The war is broadly in deadlock until someone suffers a truly critical shortage. Those shortages are theoretically not too far away (perhaps in a year or at max two) but for now, nothing is that catastrophic.
One year into globohomo summer counteroffensive.
He bent over for putin last time
His VP choice says he'll bend over for putin this time
His kids say he'll bend over for putin this time
He says he'll bend over for putin this time
>He won't tho
Why are his voters like this
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BANG and then darkness forever, subuman.
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Three months into gulaghomo "we never wanted Kharkiv anyway" feintfensyiv.
>He bent over for putin last time
It came to you in a dream?
The level of retardation here is staggering.
what the fuck
Oh boy. Not only feeding their young men into the meat cube, the women too?
Also imagine that fate. God. Russian men already rape each other at insane rates.
Any Russian woman going to the war will not come back home.
I pity the few decent vatniks, the portion of which that exists there gets smaller and smaller each day.
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Just zigs killing zigs.
I've already seen a video of some Natasha getting dronned (not sexually), so yeah this is how winning looks like according to vatpigs.
Trump will never forget how Zelensky fucked him over Hunter files.
Manlet is fucked & finished.
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>Manlet is fucked & finished
I agree
Just relax, everything is gonna be alright, remember - you are winning.
Next step - Ukranization of Poland kurwa bobr.
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>on /gif/
>poland out of nowhere
Their existence/superiority to russia really makes you guys seethe, huh
What a colossal waste of life over nothing. All that spilt blood for a half wit and his billionaire buddies and they’re not even winning ground. The war has mostly stalled and they have held the banana…imagine losing a war against a nation with a third of the man power, while having help from within, and knowing for over a decade you planned to fight this war.
>Natasha getting dronned
That’s honestly so depressing. I don’t hate Russian people but I hate the shit tier culture they have.
Maybe once Putin dies, the ensuing chaos might give them a chance to start over.

But I doubt it.
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Camala ain't winning this one shills. Pack your shit and go back to /r/.
>once Putin dies
Prigozhin was demo version of what comes after Putin.
It ain't gonna bee rainbow flag knee bending liberal.
What does the board for requests have to do with anything you retarded brown newfag?
>board for requests
Warlord era russia while china tears it apart is what they deserve
You seem upset
Back to your subhuman cuckold board, zigger.
Internet was so cool & comfy back when you east euro slavs didn't have access to it.
You just need to stay in your cool & comfy tranny & nigger threads back on /gif/
Imagine wasting your summer away as globohomo shill on 4ch.
Saddest shit I've seen today.
>still shilling the cuck pit
All the /pol/ posters migrate there when they want to jack off, obviously this has led to a lot of BBC spam just like on /pol/.
i am russian and have never celebrated independence from poland
No, it came to me from Trump's own mouth.
>Trump is good
>I want aid to continue to go to Ukraine so they can kill more ziggers
>Since Trump is good, he must want this too
>If Trump wants this, the other guy must not want this
Is there a way to cure these people?
do they really
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Trump himself told you he bent over for putin?
Fucking hell.
There you go.

Now he chose one of the most anti-Ukraine republicans as his VP candidate.
you did, you just weren't aware what you were celebrating
They discuss trans because that's what they were trained to do. They use whatever gets people the angriest. It used to be racial, but that didn't work anymore, If people would stop responding to it, they wouldn't use it anymore. When they attempt to derail threads, just mock them and stay on message. If you display anger, they will continue. Thats what they are here for. Arguing with them is pointless, they live miserable lives, and the only positive thing in their worthless existence is to make others unhappy.
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It's small discords that spam BBC and pro RU shit. OP for example makes the same exact threads on /gif/ almost every single day spamming retarded Russian propaganda. He'll usually respond to himself too and seethe and beg mods to ban anyone that posts anything anti RU. Pretty sure he's a jeet or Russian based on the hours he's typically active but he uses an American VPN to cross link to /pol/ when he's losing arguments
Yeah no shit. 2018 was during president Trump's term. As in
>He bent over for putin last time
In case you don't remember, that was the incident that was so fantastically retarded that people started to truly belie the Russians had to have kompromat on him.
Trump going harder on Russia than Biden did to one-up him is a cope.
you should just stop eating trash-info
It looks like you are discussing some parallel universe
This. Russian and Israeli shills operate entirely on ragebait.
>stop eating misinformation
Nigger, the irony of that is as stinky as borscht.
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>saying someone didn't do something they were never proven to have done is bending over for them
You and the rest of the world appear to have radically different definitions of the term.
It might be in the same vein as Afghanis where the females would get raped less then the men, so theres that I guess
>pretends the JD’s speech at the RNC wasn’t just a deflection away from Russia to Iran.
You lose money at shell games don’t you?
Do you also believe Oct 7 was entirely done organically by Hamas without Israeli intelligence being blind to it?

Vance is one of many stooges helping BRICS and Russia in particular.
>Saber rattling Americans helps Iran domestically.
>Pulling eyes away from Ukrainian helps Russia.
>Downplaying Taiwan’s precarious situation helps China.
>Israel back channels with Russia constantly.
Guess which leader needed a war to stay in office?
Isolationist, anti-NATO propaganda only benefits BRICS. It’s about as unhelpful to American interests abroad as you can get. Which hurts America at home.
Typos. Point stands. Either you’re retarded or a shill.
>Guess which leader needed a war to stay in office?
>Isolationist, anti-NATO propaganda only benefits BRICS. It’s about as unhelpful to American interests abroad as you can get.
NTA, but BRICS? A pipe dream. Trump is going to absolutely skull fuck puccia, champ. Vance has no say.
>but Trump said -
Oh, gee, then it MUST be true.
>Trump is going to absolutely skull fuck puccia
Got a source for that?
>Vance has no say.
Vance's stances are representative of Trump, he's his VP.
Where did it go!?!?!?!

>ignores what was said and goes on a rant with no substance.
So we’re just doing this?
Trump is wholly owned by the very same people who own Russia. Oligarchs with deep ties to Israel.
What will you retards say once he loses? He’s going to. Vance was a loyalty pick, not an election bolstering one.

And Trump himself has been anti-NATO. End of story.
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It was pretty clear anon meant Bibi with
>Guess which leader needed a war to stay in office?
But of course, retards like you who barely understand what anything means would miss the glaringly obvious context
>Do you also believe Oct 7 was entirely done organically by Hamas without Israeli intelligence being blind to it?
The intelligence officer who reported Hamas openly practicing and drilling for the attack was told to let it go and had her report disregarded.
>Israel back channels with Russia constantly.
Which is aligned with Iran. Big shocker there. And what do wannabe autocrats who are increasingly unpopular domestically do?
>Guess which leader needed a war to stay in office?
Wow, how hard was this to follow?
You took Trump from anon's post because you know deep down he is in their pocket, and you told on yourself with that kneejerk reaction.

Faithless faggot.
>Got a source for that?
Yeah. A couple of decades of closely watching what politicians do, rather than what they say. For a more recent example, your hero Obama.
>it was real in my mind.
>comments about BRICS
Yeah, bud I'm the one with a reading comprehension problem.
>Source: it came to me in a dream
>Also, you don't deify Trump, so you must deify Obama
Trump people have literally turned out to be white niggers

When they started getting their shells from North Korea you knew shit was really bad. If you rely on "the hermit kingdom" to keep you war machine going the clock is ticking.

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