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Why do Russians have such a strong fascination with this shitbox van? Why do they use it for logistics? It isn't particularly spacious, it isn't fast, it has no protection for the crew, it isn't capable of off-road operations and its engine sucks (>112hp when it's new lol).
Check out the white car hauler too. It looks like it's made from a Fiat camper van/motorhome.
Beggars can't be choosers
it worked for grandfathers when they were taking Berlin, it will work for you too, cumrad
>ancestor worship
why do they do it?
outside of ww2, they have nothing to be proud of
>strong fascination
None outside internet is fascinated by it
>Why do they use it for logistics
Because that's what they have and produce. Are you retarded or something?
Cause it's the only one of that type of van they ever produced and thus the only one that was avialable to them.

You don't have any choice, literally. The party tells you to love buhanka since buhanka is the only one that exists. No, t here is no reason to make a better buhanka or a different buhanka since everyone already loves the buhanka.

Apply this to every single consumer good in soviet union and you can easiyl see how NATO and former soviet republics would've stomped the shit out of russia if cold war ever got hot.
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Where are the tactical ducks?
What the quack?!
It's 4x4 with good off-road performance, it's spacious for it's size, and there is a lot of them.
Interesting how they cope with their self-induced scarcity and destitution by elevating a shitty homegrown design to demigod-like status. This happens with every piece of Russian gear. Even their trash camo pattern, the EMR, has gotten a divine status in the minds of Russians and Russophiles.
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They will handle rough roads fairly well, which covers most of eastern europe through to asia and it has one real attribute that more or less annexes everything else-
>its available
Russia just doesn't really have much locally since they went full petro-ghetto as they switched from industrial to servicing the oil industry and anything else that is better in every way compared to a Loaf was just imported from somewhere else.
>it isn't capable of off-road operations
it is, and this is the answer to your question
it's a 4x4 offroader
may I see a buhanka doing offroad ops now
no, driving on a dirt road doesn't count
it's cheap and easy to repair
>by elevating a shitty homegrown design to demigod-like status
None is elevating this vehicle to demigod status
How do you repair mangled sheet metal thats cheaper to manufacture brand new than to repair.
Asking for a freind.
That's such a lot of text for "anyone inside is blown apart by FPVs in an open spaced compact cabin", "creates free brain shrapnel" or "penetrated by all small arms"
You can see through the window, we have loteral footage of drones aiming at the driver and seeing their horrified faced as they meet their death.
What part of "cheaper to manufacture new" don't you understand.
I know Russia can't manufacture things but even so being able to cover holes with sheet steel isn't really as unique as you make it sound kek.
I have seen them describe the ZU-23-2 as "legendary."
Haven't read any legendary accounts of a gunner sitting in that bucket saving anybody's day tho.
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>it isn't capable of off-road operations
My brother in christ it's a GAZ-69 wearing a van Halloween costume. Offroad capability is about the only thing it has going for it.
Willys did the exact same thing but better with the jeep FC trucks and vans.
So here, have an American loaf.
Wonderbread if you will.
Maybe you should link something longer than a greentext story then, Mr. Butthurt
Though most were pickup trucks.
And really they're just grand, fantastically adorable
To be fair, the same happened with US Hummers and UK Snatch Land Rovers in Iraq/Afghanistan.
Retarded deployment of ATVs is standard for militaries.
While you make good points, it's still retarded and mostly a cope.
Russia literally spend millions developing their own pickup truck after Syria showed them how effective 3 retards with a HMG on the back of an 80MPH platform can be, especially if they can also launch RPGs.
Buhankas are just more typical Russian self fellatio of "cheap enough so it's good enough" like their glide bombs and everything else they use.
They are just fortunate they aren't fighting a competent military with its own arms industry not derived from USSR fodder tech (even if they vastly improved on it to the point its actually viable to use by a developing nation).
Now it makes sense
He literally said it provides visual protection for the crew over other vehicles, don't pretend he didn't.
A trait that any vehicle also has is not a feature retard.
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As someone who was considering getting one as some pie in the sky retard shit, the quality and reliability even on new ones is absolutely terrible. Same "it was made by Russians" issues as a Niva.
It's also just absolutely full of asbestos but that goes without saying
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*considering getting one long before the current banan quest
Even if I still wanted one, it's not happening now.
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>it isn't capable of off-road
It's UAZ with different body.
>nd its engine sucks
Engine is modern dohc 2.5l, 150 horses or so unless we're talking about old soviet era ones.
>but one doesnt let you lob one 40mm into the back and guarantee a team kill by mere fact that you're not sure if anyone is even sitting in the rear section.
Isn't that just wishful thinking?
>They are definitely won't hit with 40mm back of this vehicle we always use for medieval, troop rotation and ammo because they don't see what's inside!
>Why do Russians have such a strong fascination with this shitbox van?
It is representation of russia as a country
>is less effect on armored infantry inside, than it detonating right in their faces.
No, you just turned it into airburst
>it's not airburst, it's just detonated 50 cm above infantry by 1mm of aluminum "armor", sending shrapnel at everyone
That's literally what airburst is
This is not a joke btw, if you ever talked to russians, it's LITERALLY the only thing they have.
Russia has failed at everything else since then.
Fuck, remember they needed 2 wars to take control over chechnya, a state smaller than New Jersey.
>they needed 2 wars to take control over chechnya
It's hard to fight against guerilla in the mountains
How long till we see loaf assaults (I mean russians did say that golf carts from china will be used for the logistics and see where they are now)
I'm well experienced with shitbox vans and logistics. They may not look like much, but they're basically just trucks with a big enclosed bed to make it easy to shove anything from a few pallets to a fuckload of boxes/crates/whatever in there and haul it without much fuss or loading equipment. They'd probably be fairly useful if they were kept far away from anything that can explode, fire a bullet, or generally look towards it with ill intent, but we know how that ends to go.
Remember when trucks were off road capable cargo vehicles rather than luxury crossover testosterone supplement for the bottom of the barrel retards?
>that picture
god that surprise hit me right in the nostalgia
>Fuck, remember they needed 2 wars to take control over chechnya
Russia doesn't control Chechnya, Kadyrov does. And Russia pays tributes to him, like it did to Mongol Khans.
this truck is pretty good in Snowrunner but I prefer other scouts desu
Christ what a pos
>Russian air defense fired at its own paratroopers undergoing training at the Kuzminsky military training range in the Rostov region, killing two soldiers.
>According to NEXTA, the incident took place when a ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun operator mistook the exercises for a real landing of Ukrainian paratroopers and began firing on his own troops.
Sure saved my day.
USSR was on a steady way to collapse short of ww2. It was a miserable failed state with absolutely no reason to exist, actively suppressing national movements enraged by random genocides and apocalyptic mismanagement. Soviet army was a complete fucking joke ready to collapse on first contact (which it did).
But then ww2 happened. And suddenly everyone had something common between them all. And suddenly everyone was way to tired to live through another state collapse. And suddenly everyone wanted just a bit of peace and quiet in their lives, no matter what. And that's how USSR managed to survive for another half a century.
So yeah ww2 was objectively the only defining feature soviet propaganda could play on. And later russian as well since Russian Federation is still just abnormal piece of totalitarian patchwork with zero coherent reason to exist.
>It isn't particularly spacious, it isn't fast, it has no protection for the crew, it isn't capable of off-road operations and its engine sucks
but it's got soul.
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There's that third world reading comprehension!
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The left can't meme.
That's a Russian telegram post, but you knew that and are just trying to muddy the waters.
Fact; Russian soldiers regularly rape their own.
it has soul
Great comeback there Gupta
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like these guys?
>red armbands

Y-Yeah just like these dead "Ukrainians" :^)
>aлo, нac нaкpыл
>пoнял, выпиcывaю в хoхлы
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Have a hundred more
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>N-N-NO U *sob*
pretending dead Puccians are ackchyually Ukrainians won't bring these zegroids back to life or undestroy their equipment
Have fun dying to shrapnel that was definitely stopped by fucking Bukhanka rooftop
>russias own metrics show theyre bleeding 1k dudes a day
>n-no u
Substantiate your claims.
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>You piggers should stop being so obvious.

You know the drill, thirdie shill.
>take control over chechnya
they dont control chechnya, they pay a ransom to kadyrov so he doesnt chimp out
you work with what you have
Four wheel drive with high ground clearance, not too heavy, one ton payload capacity, spacious, simple what's not to like?
There are no highways where these loafs are going so who cares if it can't do 80mph.
Bukhanka is unironically good vehicle
>lots of space
>you can dig through the engine without exiting the vehicle
>cheap and shit ton of parts available
>and sent to die under Russian rockets
they're going to be sent to belgorod??
rip anons, you'll be missed
They still produce them and cost about $20k new, but they are spartan basic as hell with little attention to build quality and detail.
>more projection
so you're about to be fired from your job and sent to the front as a russian, got it.
>projecting this hard
How many hindustanians did modi bring home anyway? Or was that just to save face at home while all the benchods got redeemed?
Any unarmored car will fucking die if you hit it with an FPV you absolute retard
Are you fucking retarded holy shit. Being a meter and 1mm of steel away from an explosion is a hundred times preferrable to a nade exploding in your face. Jeesus christ you are stupid.
>noooo saaaar my supervisor will have me redeeeemed
>get new material
i don't need to since it doesn't get droned every 2 secs, unlike the average russian.

maybe if you didn't lie with every breath, people would believe you when you claim dead russians are actually ukrainians. as it turns out lying like that becomes less effective when you do it literally all the time, people will just assume you're a liar and move on with their lives, that's the western mindset, why can't you understand that?
They taught them how to fuck each other in the ass.
except russians
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This guy is absolutely sizzling lmao
>i am just here to make you asspained enough by getting really mad at you and making a concentrated effort to protect russia's narrative
how is that supposed to work then? because right now you're just a mild form of entertainment with this meltdown.
didn't read the rest of your post btw.
Fragmentation ammo kills by filling people with iron balls, not explosion, 1 meter of air won't slow down those balls well enough but will greatly increase spread
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>haha, this weapons shockwave can't kill me!
>It's hard to fight against guerilla in the mountains
Just wait for winter, they will all freeze to detah then
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Worked out really well for these Puccians amirite?
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>xaxa living your life even during a war is.... le bad
go home faggot
>Why do Russians have such a strong fascination with this shitbox van?
It's one of their few succesful vehicles built without major foreign influence or parts. (military and original civilian versions, the modern civilian ones have foreign and license produced parts)
And since they were used by government agencies and the military it was easy to get cheap parts for them that "fell off a truck".
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>Oh noes, the British neverserveds are partying while their sons, fathers, and brothers die!
>Stop prolonging the war now! Stop arming Britain!

I'm confused, wasn't the narrative "Ukraine is all out of military aged men" just yesterday?
I swear these goalposts just keep shifting themselves.
No American lend lease to supply infinite logistics, factories and vehicles = Cargo cult can only cargo cult with what they have.
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Why do you guys think blatant, obvious lies followed by admitting to said lies is an effective propaganda technique? Or have enough of you been sent off to the meat grinder that the talent pool is starting to thin? Is it like one of those situations they talk about from WWII where you'd have a squad of grizzled veterans that just ignore the 'green' guys because they know they won't be around for long?
It's simply that shill quality got the bottom knocked out after Soigozhin became a crispy critter. Some Puccian state department faggots took over Lakhta operations and fucked up even what was there.
Russian neverserveds are enjoying shovelcakes while their sons, fathers and brothers die. Who allowed them to live ao well!?
wtf i just learned that they still make them, like they are in active production, just like with a better engine
no one post the images of what Russian women are doing while their sons, fathers, and brothers die lmao
>OP calls Buhanka a shit
>seething zigzog starts a derailment operation
Russians may be human after all bros.
>no major foreign influence or parts
Sure about that?
They've been made for like 60 years now and any over 25yo can be imported. The only thing stopping you from getting one is your lack of $20k.
Fucking expensive it is. I don't know why, but pre war this horrendously manufactured shitbox went for 22k€ base version.
Fuck me, I knew the russians are shit in manufacturing but 22k for this?!

Goes to show they only can make cheap shit, expensively.
>Who allowed them to live so well!?
You could describe the entire vatnik mentality in this one sentence. And it is enough cause for TZD even if we ignored all the other shit ziggers did.
The cult of the """Great Patriotic War""" is probably the only thing that keeps Russia together today. They have no national identity. The Soviets shaped the dead Red Army soldiers as martyrs that died so that they can live today. Basically like a commie allegory to Jesus Christ dying for the sins of humanity with Nazis as Satan. Every fucking shithole village in the middle of the taiga, no matter how small, will have some type of monument to the "Great Patriotic War" so that every squinty eyes kalmyk will remember everyday that his grand parents died fighting for a country that he has basically no connection to. Stalin and his successors built a cult of delusion that Russians (kind of like jews) are the chosen people to lead the world order and that millions of people died for that. Start talking to a Russian about history or politics and you will see a worldview so deranged you wish you had never asked. They will always find the new "Nazis" to fight even though no Russian can explain what a Nazi is. It's just how they are, the homo sovieticus is a real thing, not just a concept.
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I don't know what you mean Anon, digging up your dead relatives every year and marching them through the streets while listening to speeches about how you should NEVAR 4GET THE FASCIST MENACE LURKING WEST OF US is perfectly healthy and organic behavior of people who have come to terms with their past.
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Well, and at 20k I could scratch the 4wd van itch with something infinitely less shit and made of asbestos.
I swear they were cheaper when I was taking an interest, sweet christ
Funniest sit is good people just throw these signs in the trash later, often they don't have a clue who the person is on them.
Ironically Putin banned that practice last year...I wonder why...
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Can't take any chances with public gatherings these days, comrade.
Some people could get the wrong ideas.
You'll get arrested for holding up a blank sheet of paper, because regardless of WHAT your opinions are, activism is undesirable behavior.
He banned an activity where people show their dead relatives who died in war?
Fuck, why would he do that?
>I wonder why
Seeing photos of dead soldiers whom died in 2022+ would be awkward
Mention Kamala Harris. Watch this
lemme buy you beer, wise man
You can still slap on smaller wheels and offroad tires and go for it.
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>Hohols can do nasty terror shit.
>112 hp
>3,872 lbs

My Nissan Versa shitbox:
>122 hp
>~2400 lbs
Holy Christ Almighty in heaven, how the fuck does my subcompact car have a better power to weight ratio than a fucking Russian military vehicle???
It's Soviet vehicle designed in 1965, have you SEEN what light vehicles Soviet Union produced then?
Russians can't help making themselves look bad, this is nothing new
oh well, since off topics are fine, what movies have you guys watched recently?
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>It costs $5,000 new from the factory,
Are you sure about that? Everywhere I search tells me it costs about 3x that
>Start talking to a Russian about history or politics and you will see a worldview so deranged you wish you had never asked.
"deranged" seems a bit harsh. I would say 'closeted' or even 'sheltered'. Whenever you have vatnigger shills on here they almost always are not actual russians. They go off about NAFO, the jews, how haram and evil USA and west is (but please give us green card saar please saar), troons... How ruzzya is a trad utopia and is conspired against by evil jew gay satanists and whatnot

But when you get the occasional Russian on here it's like a whole new world. They have such a detached worldview from ours that it feels like talking to a fucking alien. Most people outside of here won't be aware of what a "Banderite" is, or what the "Great Patriotic War" is, or what a "donbass" is. But to the Russian these are all VERY important terms that tie in a grand and big conspiracy about how Russia is STILL at war with the UK and something something communism is actually good
>firehose of falsehood
Using terms you overheard without comprehending them just makes you look like a retard, but I'm about 90% certain I'm talking to someone pretending to be a zigger just to make people even more sick of them, so keep up the good job I guess.
>translated from russian auto-felatio

Engine is dohc from the 1940s, 75 horses if it starts. Breaks down every 100 miles

Verification not required
Buhanka absolutely does not have an engine that puts out 150bhp.
>Shaggynik! We have new Mystery Machine for you and Scoobski!
>Is have cope armor cage, guarantee to stop up to 20% of Ukie Jewish Nazi drone fragment!
>Top speed is eh, little better than scootnik.
It wasn't even like that in the 90s, sure there was some "muh great patriotic war" remnants from the USSR times and grumbling about Yeltsin "selling the country out to the west" here and there, but the current levels of seething about nazis and Bandera and the anglos and Ukraine being rightful Russian clay literally got astroturfed into the population under Putin's rule.
He needed an outside enemy and a steady stream of Ws to rally the population behind, so he build this schizo legend about Russia being the strongest in the world and reclaiming their birthright, but at the same time being this poor little guy bullied by everyone due to the perfidious west spreading "russophobia" in an attempt to balkanize Russia and steal their shit.
is perfection

nato has no equal
>It costs $5,000 new from the factory
damn I didn't know rubble dropped to 251 rouble/dollar
>Russia is so strong they have to cancel the annual "honor your ancestors day" because those mean ol' neighbors (who they've been terror bombing for a decade) might come do them a nasty
the superlative, or highest degree of lmao

that this pathetic rump state EVER thought it was a world superpower is just beyond belief
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I remember seeing a youtube video of some guys looking at a brand new 2018(roughly) model on sale at a dealership.
It legit looked like it was built by a particularly sloppy group of high school kids in the school metal shop.
It literally had a painted-over welding electrode stuck to the frame for the rear doors that no one in the factory had even bothered to remove.
Most guroed character in anime history
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Yeah, eh, no, no (you)s for you.
No, that would have to be someone from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Like Reina maybe.
Who and why?
The most disgusting part is how they managed to turn homosexuality into a tool of institutional terror. A russian always knows how to make things worse.
The webm is literally stating right at the start that its a russian tactic used against ukrainians, are you not even competent enough to edit that part of it out?
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I recognize that gay blowj-, welding electrode!
Yeah, I think I saw that video.
Not to mention Russians and eastern euros constantly saying they're the absolute worst and stupid westerner should not buy
>spending velocity on it
Absolute retard take. It's "spending" nothing of substance, and increases the shrapnel density some more by turning that aluminum roof into more. It's literally MORE lethal than hitting directly without the shitty aluminum roof would be.
that was totally a russian anon and not the op farming for (you)s with some faggy fanfiction
>This squad of shills is about to be fired from their jobs and will isntead exterminate 10+ times their numbers in Russians, as is the average for ukrainian soldiers these days.
FTFY, zegroid. You will die in a ditch in Donbas, like over half a million of your fellow ziggers already did. And it will be a good thing.
Even compared to other basegame scouts the Loaf underperforms.
It isn't even close to the capabilities of the Yar or the Loadstar 1600.
I remember being in stitches when I saw some woman eager to say on camera that she supports Putin and the SMO, then getting arrested seconds later.
>thread about a soviet shitbox van
>enjoyable at first, some laffs, some goofs, some interesting questions and answers
>soon devolves into a zigroid seethe shitstorm
Many such cases!
Nice projection, rajesh. Also, jokes on you, looking at dead ziggers is relaxing.

>If you're an actual Ukrainian employee, you also risk being sent to the frontlines when your supervisor deems you ineffective
That's still how it works for the Russians, though?
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Please tell me that that faggot is back from earlier today with his seething. Hey dipshit you can run now to /pol/ ask for a blankey now so you can go ask your parents to tie a noose for you, since you're such a fuck up that I doubt you'll manage that
Remember when trucks were being advertised as having "turnpike performance" in 1956?
>someone pretending to be a zigger just to make people even more sick of them
That's like pissing into a sewer to make it smell bad.
>he's so second-hand embarrassed that he even has to cope about the reality of russian dedovshina
man that's sad, imagine having to cope with the reality that your favourite or your own country is a fucking prison rape culture.
Imagine dropping a hot load of napalm all along that road
The Finnish Army used to have these because the Commies would give us free stuff to keep us from declaring for the evil fascist collective of HATO during the Cold War
Many got sold to civilians as surplus afterwards but man, I couldn't find any in running condition and I don't know shit about working on cars
Back for round 2 I see. How long till we find a thread on /pol/ crying for help
Firstly, if you watched the webm you'd recognize that it's discussing what Russia is doing rather than Ukraine.
Secondly, that's not even what "firehose of falsehood" means: he's just talking about Russia simultaneously appealing to different ideologies using different narratives, telling each one what they want to hear.
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>It literally had a painted-over welding electrode stuck to the frame for the rear doors that no one in the factory had even bothered to remove.

see >>62126693
you are so disgusting that you get visceral reaction from people, and you take it as a point of pride lol.
this is why you people will never get anywhere, you're proud of your retardation.
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The moneyshot is at 1 minute mark of the video.
Looks like something out of M*A*S*H
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She fell
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Da comrade, no bunkertroon raids happened here.
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Hahaha no fucking way I thought it was just the last bit of it and they kinda forgot about it but no, it's pretty much the whole damn thing and they just said "fuck it we ball" and painted over the entire thing no way
>The moneyshot is at 1 minute mark of the video.
That's well beyond the level of "this is somebody else's problem" than what I was expecting. Holy shit.
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>make russians look bad
Easiest job in the world, basically a welfare.
have you ever heard the phrase "don't feed the troll", you fucking newfags? stop giving 10 (You)s to every bait
>zigger has melty
i mean, if he thinks that (you)'s are like updoots, that's his problem. my mockery also doesn't stop being mockery if he suddenly womansplains that he was actually only pretending to be retarded and i should feel bamboozled for chuckling at the retardation.
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Holy shit, how is this fucking retard so dumb, what the hell did I just read
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>all that green
Sir that is clearly the Party Wagon.
True. Germany is the opposite, it has to struggle since WW2 to find any way to justify its existence, and therefore they accomplished quite a bit. They live in the presence and only what they do right now has value to them. Still braindead Russians play the Nazi card against Germans all the time, although Germany has reinvented itself several times in the last 80 years while Russia will always be stuck in the past.
No but when a "troll" goes so buck broken he goes to cry on /pol/ and demands that they raid /k/ because we are laughing at him on how retarded he is. You got to admit is pretty funny
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Based FC appreciators
if you were the guy pretending to be retarded or being retarded, then that's you, yeah.
Well that's the thing, the newer it is, the worse the quality gets, so it's actually better to get a bukhanka from any year up to early or maybe late 90s
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>stop giving 10 (You)s to every bait
I CAN'T. I'm sorry, /k/.
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Yeah, but they fall apart and rust like nivas right? How many are even left?
Canada got Nivas and other Ladas for a while but they're basically non existent anymore, having returned to the earth
did the land rovers the hohols get save them? no???? then buhanka is fine ))))))))

that's literally it.
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Jihad Buhanka will become martyr for banan prophet
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>Putting nets on them
Holy fuck. They actually improved their strategy?!
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Those are the new mercenaries

Ducks > Russian Soldiers

-Good eye sight
-Light so they don't trigger mines
-The can fly allowing them to spot enemy positions
-Everyone loves them!

-Expensive in this economy
-They migrate south during Winter
-It's hard to shoot with wings
You managed to undersell this video. Holy shit chinese golf carts have better welding.
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People who say that Buhanka can do off-road are out of their fucking minds or had never driven this piece of shit.
>ywn climb monster loaf tire treads like a ladder just to get in
why live, bros?
They're a bunch of N'wahs
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Those are muscovy ducks.
They are all over the southern USA. No one knows why they are called that, but here they are, in russia, as you've expect with a name like Muscovy. They came to USA from northern Mexico, where they've been completely hunted out.
wtf? are the ducks there to warn of danger like in that shitty movie Birb box?
i think what they mean is it can handle mud better than a lada
He got unlucky with the fragments are you blind?
Indeed increase spread which means that you could get lucky, have your kevlar catch it all, and not get nicked in the vitals. Lethality of shrapnel bombs scales inversely progressively with range.
No, it's food. They're gonna eat them.
I fucking hate Russians more every day.
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They're also called Barbary ducks, also incorrect.
Like African geese actually being from Asia and bombay ducks actually being a fish.
The waterfowl namers will answer for this
They're a damned pest and a menace in the South.
He isn't gonna post. I did the same thing earlier today and he just spouted nonsense about how he doesn't have to because we don't post guns despite the fact I posted guns. Just ignore him and move on.
Or like how turkey fowl are actually from North America rather than Turkey, supposedly getting the name because they resembled guineafowl imported to Europe by the Ottoman Empire (and even those birds came from Africa rather than Turkey itself).
I’ve never heard them called Barbary ducks.
We also have Egyptian geese that are not geese and probably not from Egypt either. Ornery fuckers; those.
I’m in S FL and they are all over the place. I actually like them; they’re quiet and seem less stupid than mallards.
Somebody post the HATOISISnaziglobohomo edits of buhankas getting wrecked.
I hate that the stupid bitch in the back has banging tits and incredible legs. It would make it a LOT harder to cave her head in with a brick.
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Not bird related but there's like a dozen different fish that can be called sardines, including sprats and young herring.
It really pisses me off
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This shit goes even beyond that.For example; tamarind(indian date) is from Africa.
Let me do it for you, I don't care for hags.
>current year +2
>Russian SMO ends in failure after conscripting most military aged males
>hundreds of thousands of now single and widowed beautiful Slavic women

Maybe Russia wont be so bad to visit after all this shit is over and Putin is disposed kek. At the very least I hope we get a lot of cheap imported guns like after the fall of the USSR
Some of those women are beautiful to be fair
>Homo sovieticus
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When you consider how many caliber names are blatant dimensional lies I think we just suck at naming things as a species and it's best to accept it.
Business goose
poor quackers. they probably all have aids now :(
What is the MSRP?
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Should've focused on a real car, the Iltis in the background.

Also if you want to see Krautism overflowing visit one of those DDR "technology" meets, those places especially the people are the weirdest shit I've ever witnessed.
they produce other vans too

easy to repair.

tall with high offroad capability, they have newer and better engines then the 112hp.


6-8 people and some space for bags.

4x4 cheap vans is in fact the ultimate vehicle.
they are not made for war, but that type of vehicle works for a farm or of the grid
They'd be great if they were made to any quality standard whatsoever.
And yes, this could be done while staying cheap.
It just has to be made by someone other than homo sovieticus
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work is a punishment whyteboi
>brings up faggotry out of nowhere
>tumblr filename
is there something you want to tell us, anon? we won't judge you, I swear
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Tumblr is a dead image repository and Russians kissing in front of the big stalin portrait is funny.
I imagine the poor workmanship on buhankas seen here
has more to do with homo sovieticus' perpetual drunkenness and apathy than their inclinations.
Affordable easy to repair with lots of spair parts available cross-country vehicle.
Is the best you can have? No.
But these features make superior when it to big statistics, big numbers.

Well, that's simply a lie. It doesn't even come up, which is rather wierd in this time.
Russians would be rather proud with space achievements, industry and world-known simple to service and reliable tech.
Why the f is there a need to be something specific to be name to be proud to hold yourself togethere? Is that a thing for you?
It is ideas and values that hold it, view on history and world, your culture.
If one wants some specifics then there things that some would come up with. Like Russian move in Syria and changed situation completely, real punch to ISIS that started others' attitude whch resulted in their end. Several trade achievements though 2 decades, connected to BRICS development. Interesting situation with sanctions overflow and having clear univocal effect, but domectis prodution grew tremendously, which was peculiar to see. Lots of industries opened in last years, and they're moving it out further from cities.
Growing success in Africa, kicking out France from lots of places there. More and more Arctic bases, seems to be important in following decades.
There are things, just don't have meme-ifested mind.
My favorite is nuclear energy progess. It was irritating Russia took EU countries nuclear wastes to bury, but it appeared Russia made steps in develping almost waste-free cycle, it is not stright power production increase, but it means almost unlimited resourse for nuclear plants.
Recent interesting event concerning fast reactors:
In short, humanity is getting closer to Closed nuclear fuel cycle.
>But these features make superior when it to big statistics, big numbers.
It's too weak to tow any artillery piece, and not armored enough to perform tasks it's used for. It's superior in ability to die in huge numbers, that one is true
>strong fascination with this shitbox van

>shitbox that can go 800 miles on one tank of gas.
>HUGE inside as far as soviet cars go
>suspension barely exists so nothing to brake

that's it, really.

.t had to be taken in one while in excruciating pain from pancreatitis.
Ok, here is a (you), well earned mate. Russia could have earned far more support within the West if they played the underdog and showmen straight.
Ew. Brown.
A reminder that the turtles stole baxter stockman's van and burglarized his lab before he did anything wrong
that just means it can eventually reach 50mph (the speed limit at the time in many places) at minimum load, an almost empty tank and a generous tailwind
That thing went from 22k€
For what it is it should go for 4k€ in a bad economy. Russian can't manufacture for shit, they never took up the modern principles from the japanese nor did they took QA from the americans after they let them built their factories in WW2
Stop eating so much junk and your pancreas should do fine.

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