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Hunting season is right around the corner and it gives me nostalgia about all the times all the other hunters in my family would sit around and shoot the shit. Lay them on me, /k/.

The only one I got is when we hit a cougar on a country highway to where we were staying in Jackson County, WI, north of La Crosse if you aren't familiar with the state, and we called the DNR back in 2009. Oldfag confirmed. Anyway, they dismissed us and said not to prank call them, then we mentioned it had a radio collar. The guy on the phone asked where we were and, not 15 minutes later, they collected the cat after checking it for bullet wounds and left without so much as a hello. Why they were so adamant to deny and hide this when it's now common knowledge is beyond me. They've done that the past few years with bears and wolves. My guess is they're bringing these predators in for the deer population control and probably trying to turn Wisconsin into a Midwest equivalent of Montana to attract big game hunters.
>to deny and hide this
It sounds like they just thought it was unlikely that you hit one, not that this was some soooper secret project they were trying to hide.
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>be me
>ground hunting
>stalk around for a while
>find cozy depression on side of hill
>lay down on my pack and sit still for a while
>hold beater bolt action rifle close to my chest
>have my hood up on cozy jacket
>fall asleep
>wake up to some birbs chirbbin
no deer but it was nice
not him but my local dnr denied the fact that we had mt lions in our area until my neighbors donkey killed one. I've seen 3 in the past 15 years since I've lived here. Lately one was last year when I scared one off it's recent kill. I don't know which one of us was spooked more.
>t. northern MI anon
>Be DNRfag back around 2009
>Some faggot calls saying how he DEFINATLY, 100%, hit a cougar on the highway.
>cougar getting hit on a highway? Please, fag hit a large cat
>talk about it having a collar
>ping it and sure as fuck its on the highway, not moving
>turns out it was sick or someshit
>anyways the fag started in on the rangers who got there about "muh chemtrails" and "what are you trying to hide, FED?" Then went in on some massive conspiracy about the jews importing bears and wolves to fuck up his hunt lmao
Old story from my first big hunt.
>be me at 18
>go hunt for moose inna bear country
>big organized hunt, so lots of hunters have to meet up and get assigned to their spots before sunrise
>get assigned spot, no idea where to go, just told to follow trail of colored plastic tape hanging from the trees at 100y intervals
>sneeakan out to my spot
>barely above freezing temps, raining, borderline storm with very harsh winds
>pitch fucking dark outside and I forgot my flashlight
>get paranoid that I'll accidentally sneak up on a bear, startle it, and get mauled
>load rifle before I'm supposed to and flip off the safety
>no idea if I'm heading in the right direction
>suddenly something violently explodes out of a bush 2' in to my side
>runs right at me before I can even realize what's going on
>thing flops into me and fuck off just as quickly as it appeared
>almost ND in random direction
>die of heart attack
>recover from death by shear force of will
>realize it was just a big fucking bird that got spooked
>continue to my spot a few hundred yards ahead
>sit in a blind in the rain and cold for 6 hours trying to bring my heart rate down from 220BPM
>lose all sensation in my hands and feet in the first hour
>shiver violently, have to bite down to stop my teeth from rattling
>genuinely think I'm on the brink of dangerous hypothermia
>see fuck-all animals all day, just some crows, squirrels, and a woodpecker
>hunt master calls of the hunt
>unload rifle and walk back to meeting spot
>everyone else had just as shitty of a hunt as me
Great start to my hunting career. It did however teach me that I was ill equipped to handle the weather and that I needed MUCH warmer clothes.
>be me
>go deer hunting for the first time with my then-gf's dad
>nervous, whiff the first shot at 200yds
>three hours layer, hit the second in the boiler room at 150
>chill out for a little, let my heart stop beating out of my chest
>walk out to where I shot the deer, struggle to find the blood trail
>ask for help
>"I'm colorblind Anon, good luck kid"
I didn't recognize how funny he was at the time.
>be conservation hunter with my uncle
>gubment pays us to kill specific animals
>one of them is a water buffalo who's learned to pull up fence stakes with his teeth
>uses this to let his herd move across farmland
>caught him on trailcams and he's a big fucker
>scanning a large area to find trails
>see a stand between two trees
>it's got someone's gear in, so I put on the hivis
>uncle finds the bull, but he's in a small clearing with no sight lines
>know he'll charge and don't want to risk a bad shot
>walk back and wait to see if he'll go towards a creek with some rocky outcropping to shoot from
>uncle goes back to the truck and I go to collect trailcams
>passing the stand when I hear something
>sounds like an animal in pain
>glance up
>there's a figure hunched over in the stand
>think it's someone in pain
>it's a girl with her jeans around her ankles going 4 fingers knuckle deep inside her herself
>keep on walking just laughing to myself
>drop the trail cams back and go meet up with my uncle
>luckily the herd does go to the creek
>using .308 at around 200m
>we both fire and score beautiful hits
>the bull turns, like he waiting for this, and charges
>doesn't waiver or wobble, just comes barrelling over the creekbed
>think he'll try to find a way around and die
>he fucking climbs like a mountain goat
>uncles fires again and it doesn't stop
>I fire again and he keeps coming
>we scramble up a rock
>the bull skips up the outcropping like he's trained parkour
>charges ahead
>runs for another 100m
>slams like a fucking wrecking ball into the side of my uncle's landrover
>circles, huffing
>sees us
>prepares to charge
>lowers itself
>GUSHES blood from every hole
>suddenly stops breathing

That bull had NINE bullet wounds that'd healed up. I honestly felt like I'd committed a sin against nature and it was the host of an ancient god. I later saw the girl back in town at the pub, her dad proudly talking about his cityslicker daughter come hunting.
When I was too little and/or uninterested, my dad used to go hunting alone in various distant places all around the country. Once he went to Siberia to spend a vacation there. He and his pals were riding a huge soviet tracked vehicle, when the driver accidentally went off the road and broke sometihg in the transmission. And they were in several days of walking far from civilisation. So they told him to stick around and watch over the machine, as they go back to village and return with spare parts. He spent three days there, with a 12 gauge SxS and a dog. He was uneasy the first day - all alone, in the middle of the forests, with bears walking all around. On the second day he got used to it. On the third day he started to like living alone in the forest, but then the guys with the spare parts got back.
First deer hunt was some deer corn as bait and an old wooden blind, loaded it up on a pickup truck, dressed it at camp, made into sausage. One of my fondest memories, friend tried to gross me out with the guts when we dressed it.
I have this homobro and during hunting season we like to meet up in the woods and do some 69ing.
I wanna get back into hunting but it’s been 10 years. How do I not be a bitch about field dressing? Is there a way to build up tolerance to the gross? I can skin but ripping all the guts out is what I have difficulty with
One time my fiancée sucked me off in a hunting blind while my buddy was running back up to the house to get something. I miss her.
What happened to your fiance anon?
She became everybody’s fiancée
: (
I got a triple kill on a trio of greenhead mallards at the end of duck season:

On the afternoon of the third to last day of our duck season, I was alone in our duck blind except for one of my hunting buddy's father. We quickly figured that calling only softly and letting the ducks work in on their own was the only way we were going to get these spooked, late-season survivors to work their way in. Eventually we had a group of five mallards working in, descending slowly but gradually with each pass. Finally, they cupped up and began falling into the decoys, but instead of falling towards the gap in the middle of the decoys in front of us, they fluttered down off my corner on the right side of the blind. "I can't shoot that way, you get them!" the old-timer whispered my way. When the group had descended to about eye-level, I pushed up through the oak brush and shouldered my Browning A5. The ducks saw me and began furiously flapping their wings to climb out of the hole. As the fiber-optic bead at the end of my barrel settled on the hen in the middle, I realized how many green heads there were. I switched targets to the drake immediately to her right, put the bead on his beak, and pulled the trigger. The 3" #2 steel payload folded him, and he fell into the water without another movement. From below my aim, another drake was rising rapidly. I put the bead on his head and quickly fired the second shell, and once again the drake fell out of the group. At the far end of the decoy spread, the last drake had picked up both speed and altitude as he rose and had started curving to the left. I knew he was pretty far, but I had to loaded a 3-1/2" BB shell for my third shot. Due to the range, I led him with a slight gap between my bead and the front of his beak. I squeezed the trigger for the final time that afternoon and the third drake fell, unmoving. Ten seconds as all it took to go from an unmemorable hunt to one I will cherish forever.
Pretty early in thread so I will post from my first and only year deer hunting this far.

>In woods with Black Friday sale bolt action Remington in 30-06
>Uncle takes me deer hunting on 80+acres he has
>After sitting in tree for an hour, see something moving and scope in on it
>Fucking DEER right there, my first one I saw
> Shoot it about 80y out, it runs off obviously hit
> I'm 19 and excited, climb down from stand and search for 30 minutes
>Find it
>It's a baby

Sure looked bigger but I guess I had scope all the way in. It made good jerky though.

>Like 4th deer or so in season
>Using deer piss rag and dragging it to my stand
>Fuck me like 5m into the stand a 6 pointer is right in front of me, maybe 10y and blind/horny to care
> Same rifle, aim just behind shoulder blade and pull
>The most gnarly mist of red blood comes out the other side, like I shot a spray can
>Runs a few yards and collapsed

First time hunting and got 7 deer that season, 6 if you don't count the fawn. Don't think too much, it's north Alabama deer and they are kinda small here.
Last deer season on the last day of the season I took a shot at a deer with my 357 mag carbine. Fucking bullet hit and went through a 2 inch diameter tree and hit the deer. This was like 20 fucking yards. Looked like good lung blood after I waited about 30 mins. But then the trail went cold and I never did find that deer.
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Start with animals that don't have guts that smell like a cow died in a grimy pond a week ago in 100 year old weather. Squirrels are super clean and stink free as long as you keep them cool in warm weather or hunt in cold weather (mid to late fall) and keep them in an uninsulated pouch. Minimal musk as well; the males in the height of mating season have a slight odor but it's very very mild to the point it took me many many male squirrels to ever notice it and doesn't show up in the taste of the meat at all. Avoid groundhogs; their guts smell like what I imagine a cow's would after being gutshot. They fuckin' reek. Start small and work your way up. I don't think a raccoon has ever stank for me either but not many people eat them.
100 year old weather lol, I meant 100 degree weather. My brain is really struggling at this time in the morning.

>it's a girl with her jeans around her ankles going 4 fingers knuckle deep inside her herself
Kek. Should have asked her out.
Heh, now that's a memory all around.
Got my license in my early teens (early 2000s, allowed dad to put us in for junior hunts in doe only/high success areas for a couple of years. He was stoked cause hell yeah easy meat for the freezer.) We scout the unit, set up our popup trailer and camp, and rack out before opening morning.The plan was to just go sit on the water hole ~2 miles down this old side road we camped on. Alarm goes off and we're gearing up at 0dark30 before headlights and this loudasfuck diesel truck comes creeping down our road. Well, fuck. So we head that way shortly and sure as fuck this dude and his kid are just parked 100 yards from the water sitting in the truck. Well, fuck, alright. We check the map and decide to go hit this series of ridges to the south. We start driving back towards our camp, when dad and I both see the grey triangles off to the side of the road. Small herd of mule deer, all Does. I slip out of the truck as he keeps moving. I end up positioning myself in a sightlane, and getting a clean shot and bagging my first deer. Turns out we were 50 yards from our camp, and their footprints had them walking through our camp right after we left. We get it dressed and skinned, ready to be hung in the tree and head down to the ranger station for them to take CWD samples per unit rules. it's like barely 6am at this point. We're literally the first hunters to arrive on opening morning, grumpy barely-awake rangers still pouring their coffee.
Similar thing in a lot of states, they don't officially recognize mountain lion in AR as they then have to have rules and regulations for them, issue a hunting season and tags etc when there's realistically not enough game to support it

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