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I wanted to create a thread about special operations or security forces that aren't discussed as much as Tier 1.
The picture above is the Federal Protective Forces under the Department of Energy, tasked with protecting Category I special nuclear material and reacquiring stolen nuclear material. Supposedly they have a reputation as one of the most hardcore SWAT teams that shoot first and ask questions never.
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>reputation as one of the most hardcore SWAT teams that shoot first and ask questions never
That's actually scary
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The BOS / Regjimenti i Operacioneve Speciale, albanian for Regiment of Special Ops, nicknamed The Unit. It's a small regiment of special forces that have been reworked since they joined NATO in late 2008.

They mainly support U.S. in foreign operations, and they are formed and funded by them via NATO support. In counterpart, The Unit is available for Albania as one of the best counterterrorist unit in the region, even beating serbians at this. Important since Albania is targeted by Iran as a weak point for insurrection in Europe.
>dark blue kit
Any operators that still party like it's 1999 are cool in my book
>reputation as one of the most hardcore SWAT teams that shoot first and ask questions never
That isn't the flex that you think it is, and justifies defenders shooting first.
>Shooting up a nuclear power plant
Only because they don't get talked about enough is the sdu of Hong Kong
The only real elite police force, dealt with absurd levels of lawlessness, trained in hand to hand fighting, managed to remove a gang that had complete control over parts of Hong Kong, they led it to becoming a massive financial center in Asia due to decemation of gangs allowing for land and buissness to flourish
>one grenade.

or that ~10 year old .gif of BR cops kicking down the door and the door exploding.
>Justifies defenders shooting back
>Defenders being raided for stolen nuclear material
They're doing call of duty terrorist shit, let them shoot it out.
>attacking a taken-over powerplant

That isn't what SWAT do and you know it.
>That isn't what SWAT do and you know it.
I find this ironic since you actually believe the DOE would raid your house
I'm told these guys are the only US military unit currently authorised to deploy nerve agents in combat
>reaquiring stolen nuclear material
Maybe don't try to make booze with enriched uranium retard.
i wouldn't be surprised. a nuke plant getting meltdown'd is serious business.
Well it's not like they're going to be facing someone who doesn't deserve whatever comes for them, someone trying to steal a nuke or nuclear material is clearly trying to harm thousands of people.
Makes sense, if terrorists have a nuclear warhead easiest way to take them out before they initiate is with a gas they can't detect in time.

Doubt the US will care if the UN cries that they nerve gassed some guys trying to fucking nuke a city.
World's only happy CBRN officer must reside there
Now that’s hot
Years ago I read a book about the Iraq War and it talked about how some IEDs had toxic chemicals inside them. There's a special unit in the Army that handles chemical weapons. The military doesn't want people worrying about chemical weapons so they keep this unit and their activities a secret. I couldn't find any Google search results at the time. I forgot what book it was, they only wrote like 3 sentences about it.
They mock you, but I believe in your right to fissile material
Would be attached to air force
I know bongs have the same thing for when they had their V bombers carrying nukes and in the case of live training there is a team of BD guys to deal with NBC, it's only 5 guys.
Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit apart of CANSOFCOM, is a SOF unit that specializes in CBRN. They are trained as SOF but also do forensics and lab work. They usually have some form of Sci degree but it isn't a requirement I believe. They are in pretty high demand globally as not very many nations have this capability.
multicam supremacy
these sound like the mfs that die horrifically at the start of a horror movie while trying to contain some kind of bioweapon that grew legs

Late 90‘s RainbowSix-vibes
Ya pretty much, they train with live athrax, nerve agents and other nasty shit
I mean.... if you have radioactive material at your house and they know you are planning to use it they might. But it's not like they'll be knocking anyway
Nobody would cry.

French legion in Guyana (old and long, but good): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW-oJojg8-g
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Why the FUCK every organization in the US Federal Government has some kind of Special Forces unit?
Isn't this a little overkill?
Even the Postal Service has a SWAT team.
Hell, it's not even just the Federal Government.
NYC jannies dress like the military lol
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I’ll never not love flight suits, masks, and old school tac vests.
It was the only way to get funding post 911
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To be honest, New York sanitation officials must have seen things as horrible and disgusting as a veteran of Stalingrad or Iwo Jima in the sewers of the Big Rotten Apple.
They're probably the most
experienced and battle hardened unit in chemical and biological warfare all over the US lol
>NYC jannies dress like the military lol
they fight fighting man sized rats and sewer alligators and youre making fun of them. disgraceful anon
post office had a swat team before 9/11
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>mfw I’ve been separated from my unit under Brooklyn and can hear the needle men getting closer
Before the War on Terror there was the War on Drugs
I want to know why the Portuguese airforce adopted the desert eagle.

>The Federal Protective Forces are heavily armed, which is reflective of the anticipated capabilities of an adversary likely to attempt an assault against a Category I material-holding site. The current hypothetical adversary against which Protective Forces prepare is described in a 2004 Design Basis Threat (DBT) issued by the Department of Energy. Though the DBT is classified, the hypothetical adversary has been generally described as a "larger" force that would seek to overrun the defenses of a DOE facility in order to capture Category I special material. Department of Energy studies have indicated that up to 50 percent of a Protective Forces detachment would be killed responding to some variations of the threat envisaged.

>Some have called for Category I material-holding sites located near populated areas to be moved to more remote regions due to the threat of heavy civilian deaths that could be incidentally inflicted by the Protective Forces while defending a site from attack. For instance, a neighborhood sits within the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) range of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's M134 gun emplacements, creating the potential that "children at play, joggers and families working in their yards" could be subjected to heavy defensive shelling by Federal Protective Forces if an attack originated from their direction.

>An NNSA study noted that the level of force and types of weaponry the Protective Forces would deploy in pursuit of an adversary which had seized nuclear material and moved it off-site may produce heavy "collateral non-combatant casualties" during a recapture operation.
And decades and decades before the War on Drugs there were train robberies, which is why the Post Office was the first federal agency to adopt the Thompson gun, even before the military did.
There is no such thing as man sized rats and whoever says differently is insane-crazy.
The DoE's nuclear transport convoys usually have a helicopter gunship trailing them.
These are the guys who go after Gordon Freeman at Black Mesa
How the fuck else do I get the bubbles?
Every other beer maker is doing it, but I can’t enrich uranium to make my ipa-231 carbonated?
Fuck it’s the same shit I had to deal with when I wanted to make deuterium hydroponic chronic.
Nothing stops the mail.
God the HECU was so fucking kino
Which units do you anons think are the closest irl equivalent to these guys, besides the FPF (which are almost bang on desu)
because it's cool
Those guys glow.
Here anon, have the Koninglijke Marechaussee. Dutch military police and border patrol.
Which movie is this?
there are however rat sized men running around the sewer
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Oh and speaking of the Marechaussee, I have a challenge for all anons ITT. Find a special forces/Military police pic that goes even harder than this one.
>visor in front of gasmask
for what purpose
USAF SR, formerly SOWT. These guys were special ops weather nerds that got turned into frontline recon and intel guys. They have a grey beret so that's kinda cool.

Special Reconnaissance (SR), formerly Special Operations Weather Technician or Team (SOWT), is conducted by trained Air Force personnel assigned to Special Tactics Squadrons of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command who operate deep behind enemy lines to conduct covert direction of air and missile attacks, place remotely monitored sensors, and support other special operation units. Like other special operations units, SR units may also carry out direct action (DA) and unconventional warfare (UW), including guerrilla operations. As SOWTs they were tactical observer/forecasters with ground combat capabilities and fell under the Air Force Special Tactics within the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). The mission of a Special Operations Weather Technician was to deploy by the most feasible means available into combat and non-permissive environments to collect and interpret meteorological data and provide air and ground forces commanders with timely, accurate intelligence. They collect data, assist mission planning, generate accurate and mission-tailored target and route forecasts in support of global special operations, conduct special weather reconnaissance and train foreign national forces. SOWTs provided vital intelligence and deployed with joint air and ground forces in support of direct action, counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, humanitarian assistance, special reconnaissance, austere airfield, and combat search and rescue.[1]

>implyign haarp controllers, weather modification spook shit
>for what purpose
Rule of cool
gas mask+brick dont go too well
should've went for a shield+taser rod/cattle prod for extra points
fair point
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The French still have a SAS unit
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Ever heard of the term "going postal"?
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>gnarly warpstone-mangled claws typed this post
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Australian Special Operations Group aka Sons of God.
look cool from the side.
g e b a s e e r d
and gay as fuck from the front
they look like HUNK/USS from resident evil desu
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>mailmen with submachine guns
>Even the Postal Service has a SWAT team.
I mean, there was a brief point in history mail robbery was so bad, US Marines were deployed in country to protect carriages and mail trains, with explicit shoot on sight orders
>since Albania is targeted by Iran as a weak point for insurrection in Europe.
>what SWAT do
Cool, an ESL. Do a rap.
This straight up sounds like something from an edgy sci-fi anime

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Long story short, Albania has been victim of several attack of all kinds by Iran since ten years, because it's supposedly the weakest country in the continent for an invasion. For Tehran at least.
How do you think Delta Green bluffs random local cops?
>Yeah, I'm a Postal Inspector. This is a federal case now. Found some mail with CP on the crime scene. BTW, I'm also seizing and searching your mail without a warrant and you can't stop me
>live Anthrax
Could be worse, could be live Metallica
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USN Special Boat Teams aren't special forces exactly, but they are certainly special forces-adjacent, and they're almost never brought up.
Zimbabwe SAS has Little to no information about them. The quality of troops might have changed ever since they fall of rhodesia. Supposedly they were the ones who killed Jonas Savimbi.
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the DOE forces described ITT are the closest to the HECU IRL
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Egypts Unit 777 has a mixed track record when it comes to saving hostages during hijackings.
Shit, that sounds like a dope setting for a multiplayer video game. One team guarding carriage/train and another outlaws trying to rob it.
>biohazard and nuke special team
>muh obese shooting dog atf agent wants muh plinker
>they're da same
did they die?
What's the difference with SWCC chuds?
Same thing, but that anon used an unofficial name.
>There is no such thing as man sized rats and whoever says differently is insane-crazy.
Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist...
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You can't tell me that NASA's emergency response team wasn't formed to deal with xeno threats.
AvTEG, Flight Concepts Division
why are their mags and the tip of their guns blue? some special ammo?
Training exercise
It's real life.
They regularly trained with sas and sbs before they became a joke.
They've got specialized climbing gear for the scaffolding at the launch site
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>they look like HUNK/USS from resident evil desu
coincidentally the SOG equivalent in South Australia is called STAR Group
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>Hong Kong

The British banned guns there even before WWII and even for White people, so how much of a threat could Chinese Hong Kong gangs represent?

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