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AK General /akg/
Pirate Style Edition
>Thread #2035

Old thread here >>62066585
AK Buyer's Guides
Inb4 retards reply to the ar bait
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ty anon, what is a realistic turnaround timeline for an AK build?
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Poasting again. Every day is /k/aturday
Who knows, Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll be a Pioneer bait thread
Has anyone installed a AR buffer tube adaptor to their Zastava M77 or M70? Do I need any special tools?
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I'm currently disecting my Sako M92 and making CAD files from it.
No, just an allen wrench and I'd reccomend loctite
/k-use bros, any updates on the bankruptcy? ive been out of the loop since the official filing, are they gonna get bought? can they still produce/sell old stock? or is this it? i want to know so i can decide if i should get a PSA akv magwell so i can use mags that wont eat my wallet.
Is cheap 5.45 ever coming back? At least cheap enough to be the same price as 5.56. I know with the great chimp out we'll probably never get TulAmmo/Wolf/Barnaul again, but there has to be some plants making cheap 5.45 outside the russosphere sanctioned countries right? All I can buy right now is that shit from Azerbaijan for >$0.60cpr.
Advice on building my own AK? I wanted to do a parts kit, but the more I get to looking into it, it looks like a bigger task than I initially thought.
I have an AK, it's not a big deal. I don't see any reason for a whole thread about AKs, muchless a general.
It's a huge chore and you need a number of specialty tools to do it correctly, which will result in it costing quite a bit more than just buying a rifle if you aren't planning to use those tools to make multiple rifles. That's even assuming you don't fuck something up, which you probably will. At the very least to do a passable job you need a press, rivet tool, and ideally a drill press.
>I have an AK
The second the 7 day "'special military operation" is completed and Ukraine joins NATO we will reap the rewards of 5.45 being ~10\¢pr again.
I would post, but all my pics are on my other memory card.
The faster Urkaine wins and the fast Russia flees the better desu
Ammo and parts kits as far as the eye can see, brother.
Does Ukraine produce 5.45 domestically? If so then I'm hopeful, I'm sure they won't be exporting it as long as the war goes on but all that capacity they've ramped up is gonna be looking for a commercial market once it's over.

I will buy 10k rounds of Ukraine-produced 5.45 when the ear ends if it's $0.30cpr or less.
I live in europe I don't need part kits. The black market is already filling with full autos.
I'm sure they do, considering how long the 74 has been in service there. But also their ammo reservers are mind bogglingly deep. They have been hording ammo for this exact scenario since 1974.
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I have a press, and a parts kit. I'd like an AK but man, idk it just seems like a lot desu.
.... You bought a parts kit and are only now trying to understand what you're in for? Anon... Please.
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NTA but you'd think with the ammo reserves (probably much more than 7.62 at this point), ammo would be miles cheaper.
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Yeah, I don't know. I guess it was one of those "How hard could it be? Really poor countries build these things." moments.
Well for the love of God, please don't be one of those people that just sits on an unfinished parts kit forever. Make the decision right now whether you have the discipline, will, and resources to commit to building it, the money and patience to hand it off to a builder to finish for you, or neither. If neither, sell it for whatever you can get and even if it's a loss it's a smaller loss than doing nothing. Then you can just buy a rifle.

If you build it yourself you're gonna need the bending jig, the tools for heads pacing, the rivets, etc. If you have it built it's gonna run like $600 at least probably.

There's a reason ARs are so wildly popular with amateur builders. They are much easier to assemble as a novice than an AK.
I’ll contribute
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The image size thing sucks
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I've always built my own but most places online seem to be about 6 months if not longer. What kind of kit is it?
I will buy it from you if you decide against it
I have a VSKA and dont care what anyone has to say it shoots fine
It all depends on the builder. There a few lesser known ones active on akfiles. I used a guy in central Ohio last year to rebarrel something and he not only showed full ability to troubleshoot some issues but was done in under a few weeks. (B Archer LLC). I'd never wait something crazy like a year
They supposedly got bought. But the new owners are still doing the warehouse autopsy. The IG faggot the leaks were all coming through probably lost all access since all the employees got laid off
It's dead Jim
well better then fully dead in the water i guess, thank you.
hopefully they resume production of just some base AKM stuff (101, 102, 103, 104, and vityaz +mags) and wood furniture.
or atleast resume the 103s and kp9 mags. maybe the 101s if they can scrounge up the change from selling the rest of the warehouse.
>Central Ohio
That works for me then since I am an OHfag. ty anon
He's a home ffl north of Columbus. @bda on akfiles
Appreciate it, anon.
I’ll probably do something with it eventually. If I don’t of completely lose interest, I’ll sell it.
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>Urkaine wins
If the front trunnion is the same as a 74 minus one hole, then what’s stopping me from actually building one minus a few essential parts?
What do you mean “what?”?
They have to - For the upcoming global escalation.
Anon, globalists don't need a reason to escalate. They can just spin the wheel.
You do realize that They don't want to this to end right? war money machine keeps paying out
Have Vska-pistol (us draco). Same here. It's fine. Actually has 1.5mm receiver which is cool
Are Krinks cringe or based? Are there any real differences between a 5.45, and 5.56 in that setup? What about 7.62?
>ukraine wins
kek, even if they did they won't give ant ammo or parts kits away. they would probably melt them to ingratiate themselves with euros
Good luck getting the "few essential parts" retard. There are new production kits from chefur btw
More 'globalists are the enemy' nonsense. You're victims of propaganda by parties that benefit from a limiting of American influence.
>You're victims of propaganda by parties that benefit from a limiting of American influence.
no thanks, i'm not a hipster, AR is objectively better
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Based retard. I'm sure gibs in the form of hand-me-down military equipment is sooooooooo much better than getting to have a functional economy.
Yeah who would want to get back to being able to actually farm their productive agricultural land, develop petroleum deposits, and benefit from tourism? Golly, better just keep importing hand me down munitions that's so much better.
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7.62x39 perfection
idk, but I want a psa krink now. 5.56 and 300blk. Interested in 7.62x39 as well, but I would imagine that wouldn't be ready for some time.
I recently bought some ATS brass case ammo. It seemed to run perfectly fine in my WASR. Any reason I shouldn't stack it deep?
Some lots had bad primers. They are aware and fixing it but a thing to keep in mind. They're very responsive about it.
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I am perversely attracted to this abomination. Talk me out of it before I do something rash.

>AK100 style 5.56 mags.
>Folding stock/brace.
>HK style non reciprocating charging handle.
>AR compatible trigger pack and grip.

Why does this give me the need to Sneed?
What the fuck is that?
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I almost forgot to add, Z-M LR300 style recoil spring assembly.
FM Mike-102. Of all the weird AK/AR hybrid frankenguns I've seen over the years, this is the only one that has really spoken to me for some reason.
They have pretty sloppy magazine fitment and Foxtrot mike isn't known to be great quality
I'm sort of willing to take the risk on iffy QC for a meme gun. The real question is, is the HK slap version with a charging handle kickback worth $200 over the discounted non-slap version? I can get one for like $600 without slap.
What kind of AK is this? Is it even real?
Cheap? Nah
But I can see more options becoming available in the future. I think 50-60 cpr is going to be where it stays for a while unless you want to pay a dollar per round for hornady
no it's not real, just like Hasan's brain matter
They did, russia took the factory in 2014 and transfered all the tooling shortly after
How do you know? It looks real.
Seconding this. Is that other anon saying its not real because it resembles a type 2?
The whole bolt carrier looks funny, the upper and lower handguards look very tight with smaller holes, the pistol grip looks a bit too big, and the muzzle looks a little too small, but that could just be the angle. Above all else, I would much sooner believe that hasan just got his hands on a prop, rather than an extremely rare rifle.
looks more like a type 3 to me but whatever brah
>looks more like a type 3 to me but whatever brah
yeah youre right. That cutout looks like its parallel to the receiver
As an American, I never thought I wish I was a Canadian. These are so cool.
Doesn't he make a lot of money? And he's a avowed communist right, I could see him spending tons of money to have that.
Implying anyone can halt the collapse of America. Implying America has any kind of right to to dictate to other sovereign nations.
You have to replace a spring in the bcg every thousand rounds. I will never not be mad about that.
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Hey /akg/, I heard you like vepr's. There's some for sale!
What's it about cartels and AKs, do they use AKs in Dragon Ball Z or something?
OK Chang.
If I could afford to shell out 8k I would have one already.
i don't buy it. You could probably just google search for hasan+AK and something might come up. I don't care to search that myself lmao
Good. I need cad files for the furniture.
I know the feeling but unfortunately the lower is pretty fragile.
im sure you sound smart to your fast food coworker lol
idk bro but the cartel uses shit guns. like AM-15s and RAS-47s
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It will take weeks until I'm done
Back once again with my bakelite stupidity.
Went to polish it again this morning, hit an edge with more pressure than usual, and got a very nice orange color. Also left a line of something on the felt polishing wheel.
I figured that after I scrubbed it with kerosene and hit it with an abraisive buff, there wouldn't be anything left on it. Apparently, I was wrong.
So now I'm back to square one with this thing. What do I do to get the rest of the crap off?
Atlantic is having a good sale on blem WBP stuff. 10.99 for the poly handguard set is pretty damn good. The blem rifles are pretty much normal priced lmao but a few of the parts are good.
Real Steel > Fagpul
I cannot feel the Fagpul PMAG engage the front lip before I rock it in when reloading. The plastic is too soft.
The few times I've gotten maglock was with my fagpul. I think I'm going to take it out of circulation or run it as my first mag in the gun (when I'm not running my jungle mag of course)
Luckily I never bought any of these P.O.S mags besides the one I got with my WASR
Sounds like your mag well might be a bit out of spec. You do have a WASR so I wouldn't be surprised
Which gen Magpul? I have Gen 2 and Gen 3 AK 7.62x39 mags and both fit snug and tight into my WBP
How retarded am I for not selling my unconverted Saiga
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How do I cope with x39 ammo prices?
Probably kind of retarded at this point. I'm in the same position.
Tula kit on US receiver and barrel.
I mostly don't want to fool with GunBroker and there's no way a pawn shop would give me close to market value.

I only bought it for 600
Yeah I paid like $550 for mine years ago, but I did end up converting it. I've been thinking about selling it private party which is legal in my state, and just throwing in all the spare mags and parts I have for it.

Depending on where you live, armslist, tacswap, or some local classified might be your best bet.
The local private sale market is too small, fudds around here aren't going to pay 1000 bucks for an AK with a sporter stock. My best hope would be a big gun show, but I don't have the time or energy to travel anywhere.
by shooting it
>Sounds like your mag well might be a bit out of spec. You do have a WASR so I wouldn't be surprised
Rifle is fine.
I think it's gen2 and it fits nice and snug.
My Bulgarian steel mags wobble a little.
I just don't like how the fagpuls feel when I reload.
Why outsource your opinion to internet strangers anon? Short AKs are fun and 7.62x39 (and .300 memeout) performs pretty well out of shorter barrels compared to 5.56. My M92 is one of my favorite guns and it’s one of the cheapest ones I own
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bought a 2009 Saiga 223 sporter for 1100usd and doing an ak101 conversion. Sadly only parts I can get are Bulgarian kvar parts. Questions are Arsenal ak106 bullet guides good to go?
My Saiga fits ak74 mags extremely tight will it fit the Bulgarian 556 mags?
The best way to sell something now is only the bigger gun shows in person (no table) with obvious for sale signs on you and to sell to the first white guy that comes along who can show a carry permit. Forums are the best No fee/no tax sale platform but are super low traffic now
No you need a Saiga 5.56 bullet guide. 106 uses a totally different bolt
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I'd just sell it tbqh.
I feel the same way shopping for a BMW E30 that isn't clapped out or is a garage queened M3. Nothing in that extreme niche market is worth the cost they demand anymore. But, fuck do I want one.
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I miss every single clapped out car I've ever owned. Some more than others but I still miss them.
Get a clapped out E30 and enjoy what's left it of it, anon.
Life is too short.
/ourguy/ posted a brand new video

it looks off because the mag isn't seated, so it sits at a different angle

african child soldiers can rock ak mags and drive manual hilux trucks because they're tough, hasan is just a liberal shill niggerfaggot
this idiot is wearing a cugir shirt
who the fuck is an actual cugir fan? they can't press sights on straight because they're blind gypsy babushkas

i have to be honest, it's a totally unacceptable thing to put unusable sights on a firearm
I like his insights on the building process.
It literally got bombed twice after the insurgents took control iirc
stop shilling
I would wear a cugir shirt, my buddy has one and it's pretty cool. He has shirts for 3 or 4 different combloc manufacturers. Not everyone is a contrarian faggot like you, and no I didn't watch the linked vid
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Just look at the bore you stupid fat retarded nigger. Probably a airshit, a prop, or a demil.

Besides never post that ugly motherfucking """socialist""" (3 million house in LA btw) ever again in my presence before i unleash my inner Sam.
Cry baby came back?
probably a demil/prop. The mag is fucked up. Its not properly hooked into the front of the magwell becase the lug clearly isn't engaged. Missing rear sight. It looks like it used to be a chink AK, likely Norinco.

Gay, performative rebellion

Kill yourself you stupid blacked nation nigger
Why are europoors so fucking retarded?
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>who the fuck is an actual cugir fan
So either way Ukraine hasn't been making 5.45 since 2014
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>>62144497 champagne socialist hands posted this
>>62144713 champagne socialist hands posted this
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Just curious, how much would these two sell in US for approximately? Both (11)s 1967 and 1969.
bout tree'fiddy and a blowjob (from the seller)
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have fun finding the expensive ass dust cover, combo block, gas tube, handguards, booster and proper barrel. Just get a 104ur or a PSA
About 1k each
All of those are made by chefur custom (except for the hg)
And that's fine but it's no different than getting a PSA krink which will be cheaper and easier.
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If you want US made stuff sure, but at that point just get the PSA for cheaper
Very nice rifles fren
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Ded thred
Thanks anon :D need an akm eventtually but I dunno what I want. A maadi or a good romanian build would be nice
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A couple weeks ago I saw this Wasr 10/63 for cheap at my LGS, it was so horrifying looking I had to pick it up after haggling the price down a bit. The rifle was functionally fine but looked like an atrocity. So I thought I'd do a bit of a rescue project.
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Here's how she looks now after removing a pound of grip tape, a lot of cleaning, and replacing the dust cover and furniture. First time I've attempted something like this but I had a lot of fun doing it.
I'm almost certain that looks even trashier than it looked last time I saw it
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Looks good
it will explode and you will die
Good rescue anon. You really turned this one around imo. Always a satisfying project. Did you paint it, or was it really just that gross?
I only repainted the underfolder, the rest was just that much of a mess.
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wasr gang gang
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Anyone have an AES-10B2 that knows the barrel length? These are listed at every retailer at 21.5” barrel yet some are saying it has the full 23” Rpk barrel. Which one is it?
NTA but yuros are pretty retarded and largely noguns. Even the ones who own guns are spiritually noguns because yuros love to comply with their crazy laws and keep their guns locked up all the time and barrel even handle them. Honestly I don't know why yuros come to this board at all
Dumbass frogposter
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>hates frogposters
>on 4chan
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I hate wojaks and frogs
Gay redditfrog
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Building an ak 102 clone correct with Russian parts from a Saiga 223 sporter using a legit gun smith what would the Msrp be after its completed?
High four figures if you want to save some cash for optics/accessories/aftermarket furniture.
4-5 figures
I meant 4-5k not figures lol
hmm, speshul ak or transferable mg?...
dude the Mexicans buy whatever they can get their hands on, which by and large are rifles nobody else wants. So, they end up with shitty, cheap American made rifles.
whats up guys. hope you all have a good weekend
>hope you all have a good weekend
You too, buddy. Gonna go to the range tomorrow. Been too long
sold my boss my m70, hopefully gonna go shooting with him sometime in august.
Did you give him a good deal or hose him down?
800,with three loaded mags and a scope mount. hes a good dude and his only other gun is a taurus g2c, he lost everything else he had from a nasty divorce.
youre a good dude too, depending on what year you bought it lol jk.

>he lost everything else he had from a nasty divorce.
that sounds like hell, man. I feel for him.
appreciate it. i spent close to 1k on it in 2021, dont shoot it much and its better suited for somebody with no rifle at all. iirc he sold all of his guns to a 'family friend' with the intentions to buy everything back from him eventually but the dude sold everything a few months later without letting him know
>iirc he sold all of his guns to a 'family friend' with the intentions to buy everything back from him eventually but the dude sold everything a few months later without letting him know
fuck bro. That's such bullshit, people can be so shitty. Good on you. I'm big believer of karma, I'm sure this will come back in your favor.
I am waiting for confirmation on serial number range for dimple recievers and swell neck rivets to get a krink. Once that happens psa will literally be "just as good".
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Dugan bump

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