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/k/ - Weapons

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> Egypt continues to actively build launch sites for ballistic missiles.
>These missile bases are deeply dug into mountains with hardened shelters and full air defence protection

wait for Egyptians to starve
Bunker busters? It's a well-understood technology.
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>Mountain missiles
Missiles made out of mountains?
They will fail with mountains
That is why the US could never stop iran’s nuclear program
You just have to collapse the entrance, no need to destroy the whole mountain.
Good luck wasting a billion dollar bomb on each entrance and hitting the target
I don't care about your political butthurt
I saw it on a bunch of pages i follow
A billion-dollar bomb is cheaper than the opportunity cost of a missile blowing up in one of your cities and you can get sub-meter accuracy with modern GNSS guidance.
Cool story bro should be adapted into another top gun movie
> the opportunity cost of a missile blowing up in one of your cities
Why couldn't you destroy Iranian nuclear then? Given your doctrine of over protectiveness of Israel it has been the most pressing matter in the past years and about to be finlaized yet you couldn't touch them
>They will fail with mountains
no? bunker buster were made to penetrate meters of concrete, the same defense those egypt mountain bunkers will have as they can't magically restore the rock layer that they removed to build said bunkers
nta but what do you mean by "couldn't"? iran has no nuclear weapons yet you talk like we've reached some sort of point of no return.
>billion dollar bomb
lmao, maybe in their egyptian monopoly money. this thread is thinly veiled third world egyptian wanking just because they discovered mountain bunkers (that are a dumb idea unless you excavate DOWN a mountain)
>hit entrance/launch station
>you now have ballistic missiles stuck behind tons of rock
that is if they aren't Egyptian, we can safely assume that this is some sort of grift being run by a general
>stuck behind tons of rock
Just move them away and restart
bomb them again, repeat.
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Incoherent seething now get back to reality
hit them again, all you have to do is suppress the site until you can achieve your objectives or overrun the site.
>risk wasting a trillion dollar worth fleet of aircraft and bombs to damage a missile launch entrance
there's no risk, they can't detect them, and you don't need expensive bombs to hit common construction machinery.
>turdie uses deflect!
>it hurt itself in its confusion!
Gbu-28 is 18 mil retard
>The thirdie is afraid and can offer no further response upon realizing rocks are heavy
>Why couldn't you destroy Iranian nuclear then?
Last I checked "Iranian nuclear scientist" was a job as dangerous as "Quds Force Commander," no bombs required.
>Given your doctrine of over protectiveness of Israel
>"If I taunt them with delusions, then I'm winning."
Do Iranians know that the easiest way to get America to abandon Israel in the long run is to make Iran into our Middle East outpost again, just like pre-revolution times?
Regime change in Tehran when?
>America gets top gun 1 and 2
>Egypt gets another seething brownoid slide thread
>risk wasting a trillion dollar worth fleet of aircraft
Nobody tell him.
LOL the US never bombed the Iranian nuclear program. You really think we couldn't?
>the us cant bomb iran
meanwhile the israelis strike iranian nuclear facilities using american hardware... i don't see why the americans would bother in bombing iran when the israelis can do it themselves.
Russia allying with the taliban?
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You have never demonstrated such capabilities and pussied out from targeting them
(Only in a hollywood movie)
Didn't the bongs or whoever do almost the exact same thing from Maverick but with storm shadows against ISIS or something?
Proper SEAD and high percision missiles to take out any command centre afterwards.
In this particular case you could skip SEAD and just tie cats to whatever payload you decide to use.
We never demonstrated the ability to.... Bomb something? What is it with you thirdies. Please spend some time and energy trying to actually improve your country please, I can only pity you so much.
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Yeah bro, it never happened, you fucking goats is a racist holywood movie and you totally weren't being filmed.
Counterpoint to this is they could make many fake entrances for much less than the cost of a missile. Also, based on typography, there could be limited threat vectors they could concentrate their AD towards
Cost isn't really an issue here. We can obliterate every real and fake entrance, and probably tell the difference anyway by doing analysis on the huge stash of high resolution satellite imagery we have.

An entrance being cheaper than the missile we use to destroy it is of little consequence, when the whole point is to remove the ability to stroke more valuable targets. You really can't into strategy can you?
>times of kikrael
>israel that has only to gain to portray Iran as stronger than they actually are
>yap yap
post a gun with a timestamp, you subhuman camel piss arab
How completely and utterly retarded do you have to be to think that a bunker busting bomb would be more expensive than a fucking tunnel complex? Bitch basic JDAM penetrators are 50k-100k and the deluxe MOP is 3.5 million. Mountain bunkers make sense for Iranians and the like because they cannot prevent Israeli airstrikes, but since Israelis cannot follow-up with a ground invasion Iran has all the time in the world to recover their personnel and equipment that wasn't destroyed in the initial attack. Any surface facility in Iran on the other hand could be destroyed in a single afternoon by a flight of 4 F-15Is

Egypt is probably building these because they fear drone attacks from non-governmental forces or some shit like that, jew planes would just bomb through the silo doors.
this thread has convinced me that Iran is not pathetic, it is in fact very strong
>destroys your 80 fake and real entrances in one pass
>so mad that he becomes an esl
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You've always been ESL, being mad only makes it worse abdul.
>billion dollar
>"Mountain" missile silos
>Look inside
>It's fucking cut-and-cover

>billion dollar bomb
you are a retard
Is that port still on fire?
> jew planes would just bomb through the silo doors.
They can only bomb civilians with no air defense at all
Funny, how the Top Gun mission was based on a just unremarkable mission the Navy did taking out an Iraqi bunker in the the late 90's using 2 F-14's both bombing it in sequence
Well Top Gun Maverick just shows you need to double tap the air vent.
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What a stupid name. It will fail. They should have used a cool name.
>they are cut and covering, it's only a few meters deep!
Anon... are you aware of the concept of tunnelling?
> drones
Cheap SHORAD with half the cost can take care of them
No, 2 GBU-24's just like in the movie, but with just 2 F-14A's instead of 4 Rhinos
>full air defence protection
This thread has just reminded me why turdies should not have internet access. They're always just one post away from seething uncontrollably because of their typical spitefulness. I've never encountered "people" so bitter and miserable, it's like they're dragging you to live in their shithole.
I'm a casual lurker and the only ones i see seething are Americans/Israelis

This thread is about possible Egyptian ballistic missiles i don’t know why you lost your shit over it
>i-it's you who lost your shit over it, american dog protecting Israel, you are doomed for real this time!
You're such a turdie you can't even comprehend what self-awareness is, let alone mimick it to try to blend in.
You just proved my point
The launch sites are as weak as their doors, cruise missiles with bunker buster warheads should be enough. It's another waste of money like with their new capital, they should instead develop a modern mobile missile instead of using another Scud derivative
Where are they building this? No one here or in the twitter comments said, or even asked.
>spam the same shill response
>ignore arguments proving you wrong
>seethe at your superiors at every opportunity while claiming others are mad
Real goat fucker intelligence there.
>'hey vlad remember when i killed your dad? lol good times' -taliban
Those are tombs they are building for their mummies, they're just telling you they're missile bunkers so people won't loot their sarcophaguses
>Implying /k/ wouldn't grave rob a missile bunker
Hit'em with a few Grand Slams outta do it!
>Billion dollar bomb
Its literally an old artillery barrel with a rocket booster and a warhead stuck inside
Us military was playing scrapyard wars when they came up with the gbu28 and it fucking worked wonderfully
checked lmao
Egypt has mountains? I thought it was like 90% flat desert and shit

Isn’t half of Azerbaijan’s military hardware Israeli?
egypt is constantly mentioned as one of the worst countries to visit
i wonder why
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the absolute state
The red sea region, Sinai and Cairo have mountains
Idk maybe suez but that is an old post
>egypt is constantly mentioned as one of the worst countries to visit
Probably has to do with tourists being constantly kidnapped and killed by Islamic terrorists.
Luxor massacre was mossad work like 9/11
you better collapse all the entrances at once, or at least most of them. after that, they will probably be able to get the rubble out of the way given a month, so you should have a plan for when that happens. (like bombing it again or just capturing the strongpoint by that time)
and the non-terrorist locals generally act like subhumans, from what I've read
Yeah, reminds me of that CNN(?) reported that got gang raped in Egypt and then blamed it on white supremacy or some such shit.
lara logan?
I don't think she blamed whitey
What are we supposed to do when we see a whore on the street? Let them be? They are dogs that get what they deserve.
I don't even remember it anymore to be honest. My memory is dogshit.
This is just insurance in case the Israelis start shit with them. They have no intention of starting shit against the Israelis themselves.
Go back to fucking your goats, Muhammad. The civilized are talking.
>Do Iranians know that the easiest way to get America to abandon Israel in the long run is to make Iran into our Middle East outpost again, just like pre-revolution times?
The Iranians who agree with that are not the ones that care about Israel.
There's two different breeds with limited cross-over.
anon, have you looked at the OP pic?
Sounds like someone forgot what happened last time someone said their bunkers were impenetrable
Yes, it appears to show a series of tunnel enterances
Use cheaper ammunitions to cover the launch ports in rubble.

Landslide beats mountain, bros.
what are you crying about?
Pretty some NSA nerd just emailed
to a research server with a png of bacon and iran's shit imploded, remember?
>arab IQ
>ring up Ethiopia
>"do eeet"
Bunker busters and air assault divisions. Bunker busters hit obvious targets like entrances and silo hatches while air assault pokes around with mine detectors, ground penetrating radar, and Mk1 Eyeballs to find hidden entrances and hit them with thermite.
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Why did you link this trash?
>fag comes into view
>hides baldness with cap, fat with hoody and lack of chin with cope beard
Stationary missile launch sites become obvious targets in a conflict. You know where they're coming from so the enemy knows how to prepare.
>it's like they're dragging you to live in their shithole
That's how shitholes with delusions of grandeur do. They don't have a problem with living in shit. They have a problem with you not living in shit.

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