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Any modern units in the US military or other militaries practice secret rites and rituals?
>inb4 they take it up the butt/suck the psg's dick
Fighting the drill sergeant. Everyone does it, they just don't talk about it.
This sounds like a really stupid way to get a dishonorable discharge. The systems32 of the military if you will.
i love plump chicks with tattoos
>never-served detected
You asked for the secrets, dude. Only those who lose the fight are kicked out. It's the secret gatekeeping method.
The Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s would take turns smoking crazy shit out ot their hash pipes, like live beetles, to prove their toughness to each other.

>The Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s would take turns smoking crazy shit out of* their hash pipes

The Taliban paid their fighters only ten dollars per diem and only on days they fought. Many were religuously motivated or simply wanted to be free from the zionist occupied government.
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US army Cav units do a ritual called a "spur ride" which is waaaaaay gayer than outright gay sex.
US Navy sailors also have a bunch of weird and complex rituals they perform when crossing the equator.
And Okinawa marines used to have a right of passage involving eating bananas, at least until the banana lady passed away.
nta, but it happens more often than you would think.
we know gunny
My captain and the first mate ate the head off a raw fish because we left port on a Friday one time. I never believed any of that sailor bad luck hocus pocus, and people take it too seriously.
t. coastie
>literally me
show bob and virginia
Playing with little boys in spandex I see?
imagine the smell
Fucking the same hooker. It started because one guy in the battalion fucked her before invading Iraq and being away from his vehicle, huddled over jerking off to the thought of her saved him from catching a shitload of shrapnel. He retired, but his buddies became the establishment and made it a tradition. I got to her in her mid 40's, so she wasn't half bad, but that was in 2014 and she's still at it. Admittedly, she was actually a great fuck and could go drink for drink with the boys.
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I was in a Cav unit as their medic and forced to do a spur ride. Can confirm its super gay. I never bought their faggy stetson hat though even though they insisted everyone have one as their gay friday rituals.
What exactly is a spur ride
Depends on the unit you do it with, vut essentially you are rucking nonstop and getting the shit smoked out of you at various stations aling the way for like 36 hours straight by cav fags who have their spurs and want to make you do dumb shit to make themselves feel better about their small cocks
There is literally nothing gayer than recently made up "traditions".
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India Ayara
Just remembered an intelligence battalion has the fun tradition of going cryptid and treasure hunting. One of their predecessors stashed a shitload of arms and equipment during WW2 as a cache in case of invasion, but during the hike back to the boats he was frightened by the appearance of a shaggy creature lurching out of the swamp and got lost, having to be rescued. He also lost the cache position and map, so there's a mountain of rifles, ammunition and grenades left in a cave somewhere near training grounds, guarded by a cryptid. Every year they go hunting for it around that same time he saw the creature, always camping at the same site, which now has fortifications made of crushed cans, to defend them from the cryptids.
Unironically think it would be cool if cav scouts rode around on dirt bikes or in some WWIII gone hot scenario they actually used horses to reconnoiter due to lack of fuel.
Which post? I wanna find it
From this angle I have changed my mind.
Fear not, for i will pick up this mantle. My people came over on the mayflower, after all.
From this angle, I have cemented my position
>Rope and hair defying gravity to hug her stomach
She's still too fat even after severe photo shopping
what the fuck
Can you post some photos of that girl's butthole?
Having served with both the Marines and the army, I gotta say the army's "traditions" are the gayest. They're just so artificial and contrived, and often have zero relation to anything actually going on. It's always just some variation of "a bunch of staff NCOs with dad bods making you run around and do pushups like a recruit again for a while. A lot of times for the dumbest shit. Like air assault school. It's literally just learning how to load helicopters, but then right in the middle they're like "UH OH! TIME FOR RESILIENCY TRAINING! ITS A TRADITION!" and they just make everybody run laps around a track and smoke them for like 6 hours.

Sorry. Wtf does this have to do with sling loading Humvees below Chinooks? Why is this even a part of the course? What bearing does this have on literally anything we're trying to do here?

"Hurrr dhurr it builds esprit de corps"

Okay. First off, that is OUR word. Second off, no the fuck it doesn't. I'm not even gonna ever see these weirdos again after next week. Why does some SFC slow-jerking himself in his pants pocket while I do pushups like a private at basic need to be part of this lesson plan and what training value does it grant in the context of how to load aircraft properly? If you can't give a valid answer, it shouldn't be part of the training cycle.
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I think it’s largely a coping mechanism, the ocean is a scary place that has been swallowing up seamen like a cheap Thai hooker since man first set sail. With all these rules and superstitions and rituals it feels like they have some control and are not at the mercy of the waves, honestly if I was an ocean going man I’d be autistic insufferable cunt about it so that I don’t feel too bad about the chance of getting skullfucked by a rogue wave or something
War is the ritual. War is mass blood sacrificing.
Least gay secret ITT. 8/10 would attempt to get intel MOS in event of draft.
I get that, but eating the head off a fish is where I drew the line. I kept my mouth shut on the voyage, but afterwards my shipmates chewed me out for not cheering when he ate it. I had made it apparent that I wasn't about to throw salt over my shoulder just because a seagull was to lazy to get out of the way of the deck crane. Sure, the sea is a dangerous place and people die there every day. But we aren't in 1492 anymore, and I don't sail to or out of Liberia anymore. We have safety standards, radios, even life jackets for god's sake. If you aren't foolhardy or an outright moron (I am looking at you, USS Boxer. Fuck you, do me a favor and sink.) you'll be fine.
Now this sounds like a cool story. Wars contrived by some lunatic in an attempt to get the attention of some god or demon... whether or not said entity exists is up to the listener.
>t. will get his entire crew killed because he couldn’t be bothered to properly worship poseidon
How did they even let you in?? Fucking liability.
>he thinks it's a story
also checked I guessgtpry
fuck me she didnt even try to hide the photoshop
oh I'M the liability. I'm sorry, my mistake. When I think of a liability, I think of the diversity hire somehow spilling marine diesel all over himself, or the captain of the ship getting some flesh eating disease from a random fish he scooped up out of the Gulf of Mexico. My bad for not pledging my soul to some greek faggot to keep it from raining. I'm sure those guys on the Indianapolis or Blackthorn died because they didn't spend enough time doing the anti-torpedo dance or the "avoid collision" spell respectively. I'll be sure to remember this valuable lesson and notify the NTSB so they can teach other mariners.
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>didn’t spend enough time doing the anti-torpedo dance or the “avoid collision” spell
Wait you don’t do the anti-torpedo dance? Are you fucking insane? Do you WANT a torpedo to sink your ship????
>he didn’t do the anti torpedo dance
How can a "tribal" get so fat?

You mean like getting accepted into the NCO Corps?
Fucking traitor, bet you're paid off by Big Torp.
Torpedo propellers typed this post
Blood wings/blood pinning is still a thing despite bans. It's not really a secret.
The Taliban didn't fight the US at all. They hid in Pakistan and waited for the US to leave, besides the occasional lucky bomb, sniper, or deadman mortar. Unironically you would've been in more danger as a civilian in Chicago than in the military in Afghanistan.
I remember you! You harassed a sea bird later on that voyage and caused bad luck, lol.
>be war pig
>sacrifice the peons to the devil
>devil comes to take you to Hell
>'aiiiieee God save us!'
>Satan laughing spreads his wings
Which part of Bharat did she came from?
sounds like me and my friends during highschool desu mang
I know its photoshop, but still would.
You are literally fat, smelly and disgusting.
Shes not as fat as all the plap pigs you might be smelling. Shes kinda at that magic zone where shed smell normal unless she doesnt bathe
Well fuck
100% agree, Air Assault school was fuccking retarded. Just an excuse for them to smoke you like a basic trainee for 10 days when in reality the didactic portion teaching you about sling loads and helicopter operations could be summed up in like 4-5 days and call it good. The fuck do I need to climb over a slippery ass 34 foot tower for and risk falling to my death in order to learn how to step out of a helicopter? Nearly everyone who has done it admits they learned/retained nearly nothing from tht school other than doing PT and an obstacle course.
Thats some nice chunk to hold on to...would breed
I'd just boast to the mates how I'd like to be with her and do nothing.
Ya gotta chase them dreams anon, sometimes those dreams are red puss puss, sometimes its shitposting
>muh torpedos
>never even mentioned the rite of AShM interception
I'm onto you, you fucking Vampires
fuck it, would
much better angle.
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If you go to Korea you are required to fuck Sally
Naval traditions are the best desu. With everyone else it's basically just retarded forms of hazing with a thin veneer of being about morale or whatever, but when it comes to the sailors the paranoid schizophrenia is out there and in the open. I'd rather get brutally interrogated by a guy dressed as poseidon about whether or not i've crossed the equator before than do a gazillion push-ups just so some CO can get his kicks.
would, but wouldn't dilute my white genes
>didn't do the antitorpedo dance
Court martial this man
The thought of having sex with a woman is repulsive to you?
>that is OUR word
Whose word?
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Not really, anyone saying otherwise is a larping bitch.
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It is in moderation - no more than 3 cups over the course of the day.
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Is this in Imperial or metric? And does this include decaffeinated coffee, iced coffee, coffee flavor beverages, coffee used in food? Anon please tell us!!!!
I'd really pondered on your advice. I will incomporate this into life.
I've found a bunch of thirsty red pussy around the Red River areas of North Texas/Southern Oklahoma. Kept one with my mostly German wife as another wife. Her mom and dad were both just very happy we got her out of rez life before it fucked her up. We got together in the early 90's. Wife and I had married in 89. Her tribe got a casino in 98. We moved back into the area in 2005. Her rez is completely straightened out now. Her dad got sober and her mom got properly diagnosed and treated for depression. 4 kids with little red, 3 with Helga. Her parents passed away in 2013 and 2018. We're very involved in the community. It's mostly understood our family has an unconventional arrangement, but only Whites ever tried to make any issues out of it. We all really miss her dad.. He was amazingly wise and so kind once he got sober. Another 10 years with him would have been nice...
Fort Huachuca?
Its a shame that we get to that point peaceful sage just in time to not be able to majorly affect the world but for our grandchildren.

You're welcome anon, get that thicccy girl
>Is this in Imperial or metric?
However you want to define it - whatever your morning container for your breu is.

>decaffeinated coffee
Does not count.
>coffee flavor beverages
Need to do do the stoichiometry and count the MGs of caffeine.
>coffee used in food?
The what now? What cases of this exist?
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Bullshit. You don't remember me, and even if you did, it would not move out of the way of the deck crane. I gave it multiple chances and tried to shoo it away. It was probably sick or something.
Fair assessment.
Damn Anon some some for the rest of us.
those panties look so out of place on her. shes definitely a boyshorts girl
>the brickwork getting sucked into her tummy
How fat is she actually?
Give it a googld bud, its not toooo bad
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>the brickwork getting sucked into her tummy
Yes, anon, that's how gravity works.
Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano..... I get it....
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>The what now? What cases of this exist?
Anon have you never had tiramisù, affogato, coffee jelly?
For your own sake, man, rectify this!
>tiramisù, affogato, coffee jelly?
Ah, deserts. That isn't food. It is desert. Doesn't count.
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I did have a coffee based barbecue sauce that was great. Very weird and thin.
But as far as I know, no one's making coffee soup
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I would put a spoonful of instant coffee into my my Cap'n Crunch long ago. That's as close as I can think of.

Why is this not a thing? feels like it should be a thing. Coffee [non-desert] food.
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When I googled it, I found things like coffee rubs for meat, coffee in stew, coffee mole, as well as red eye gravy, which I guess is based on coffee and ham drippings.
So I guess it's kind of a thing
I have a really good coffee rub I ise on steaks and ribs
Can't believe how beta some of you faggots are.
It would take this obese whore 3 trips to haul ass.
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My dad is really big rn into all kinds of preparations of meats, especially smoking. I feel like this is something that all men go through.
>no more than 3 cups over the course of the day
Four is the limit IMHO

Regular shot of espresso
About 300 to 400mg daily total iow
More than that, and you are at risk of various problems, mainly neuro, also cardio

>Why is this not a thing? feels like it should be a thing. Coffee [non-desert] food
It's much too subtle as a spice, high heat destroys its best qualities

t. degree in coffee marketing
>t. degree in coffee marketing
Did you go to coffee trade school or coffee university?
some guys are into this particular level of blubber, chill dude
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>some guys are into this particular level of blubber
Ye, Captain Ahab and his fellow whalers.
Regular university, regular marketing, but my specialization is in coffee
Classmates did their theses on other subjects such as finance, SMEs, etc
>Classmates did their theses on other subjects such as finance, SMEs

think you're using that wrong. You're a SME on coffee, and I would love to pick your brain.
>You're a SME on coffee
Not really, I'm tightly focused in marketing whereas my classmates covered operational, administrative and financial aspects as well
A choice between depth and breadth in study
>and I would love to pick your brain
Will answer if I can
What would you like to know?
is that smoke coming out of her pussy
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RIP in peace Banana lady
I like those tats, they look cool, but I'd get it on a sticker i
or something
Coffee, brown sugar, salt, garlic/onion powder, paprika, red pepper, clemengold rind (basically mandarin orange rind)
Any of you guys know about the pig pond?
>she'll protect him
He is simply an architect
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>here's your waifu bro
She moved from Songtan to Yongsan :((
Forced vaccination.
Is it true that rabbits mate for life?
>have only ever made eye contact with 1 (one) girl maybe a head taller than me that was attractive and it was 5 years ago
You cant tell me with a straight face that blob looks like >>62128803 unless you are the most mindbroken motherfucker, repeating back what some other retard told you on an incel forum
Anybody ever try smoking nutmeg? That shits nasty
As a US Navy nuclear operator I did a shot of primary coolant. It was out of the sample sink at the feed control station, and was a post-ion exchanger sample, so it was not very radioactive, but at the time it felt dangerous and bad ass.

We also had our own patois. Called it the radio show. It was a weird mish mash of mid 2000s morning show banter, quotes from movies, and inside jokes that had been around since before our cohort had joined Reactor Department. By the time I left the carrier, the new kids were barely speaking anything recognizable as English. It was this odd cargo cult language they had picked up from us and continued to modify.

Last but not least we threw hands with Squadron on sight. Fuck all topsiders, conners, and airedale niggers. We fought those bucks wherever we found them from Portsmouth to Jebel Ali.
You are deeply retarded. Contact happened daily in A-stan
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>14 year old mag dumps AK from 400 meters away towards MRAP convoy
>"You weren't there man, you don't know what it was like man!"
>"They were fucking everywhere man!"
in 20 years of fighting in Afghanistan, the US lost only 1922 people to hostiles.

You had higher chances of dying as a construction worker or trucker in the US than you did as a member of the military during GWOT. It would have been significantly more dangerous for the US if the Taliban left the country entirely and left behind 2x4s and a pile of hammers for the marines to play with than to fight against us.
When were you there? I was in Helmand, 2010 to 2011.
>I did a shot of primary coolant
what dyou reckon was the dose you got?
The actual total is around 2200 US dead and 22,000 wounded, not to mention 60,000+ dead ANA, and more ISAF dead and wounded. It was a war, we fought it. I would ask you not to belittle it.
now post wounded
It was the USS Bush, so new construction when I came aboard. When I hugged the pig I didn't have any detectable internal exposure.
>2200 US dead
yes, those extras did not die from hostile action though. They probably found the hammers and 2x4s.
>22,000 wounded
Do you want me to do the math while I'm drunk or will you just believe me when I say go figure, the more dangerous job remains more dangerous and you had a much higher risk of being injured or physically disabled as a construction worker than as a soldier?
>I would ask you not to belittle it.
I refuse. It was an utterly pointless waste of time, money, and some lives that resulted in nothing achieved.

The only branch that has protected the USA in the last 80 years is the US coast guard. If you served in any other branch you are a welfare queen and that's a fact.

>wounded construction workers
even more
So probably like milli-Curies. Won't kill me. Might only be able to have daughters. Most nukes have girls for some reason.
So where and when did you do your time? Surely you aren't ridiculing those deceased young men without having fought in the war yourself.
Nuristan. 2008-2009.

Not one thing I did improved America or Afghanistan.
>Surely you aren't ridiculing those deceased young men without having fought in the war yourself.
have you paid respects to the brave men who built the US highway system you drive on every day? Do you say a prayer for truckers every time you buy fresh groceries? You had better.
I'm sorry you don't honor the memory of our dead. You're right, the war was fucking pointless, we were lied to and manipulated, and our friends died for those lies. But they still deserve to have their memory honored. Deal with it however you got to though.
>Not one thing I did improved America or Afghanistan.
>the war was fucking pointless, we were lied to and manipulated, and our friends died for those lies
you yanks always had a problem with losing
sometimes you take your shot and you miss
doesn't make it "pointless" or the result of a "manipulation"
The part that lives rent free in your head
>"I am not racist when I'm horny."
>t.this thread right now
There's still plenty around if you come out this way. There's good hunting and hot springs not too far in Arkansas, Quapaw and Bucksprings resort are my go to's.
Same with Air Force that were fighter pilots or messed with radar and ever got lit up even by accident usually involving an accidental capacitor discharge. Pilots often were sitting on it near the radar capacitor banks and when they cranked it up, there were detectable amounts of energetic particles where their balls would be. Look over AF families, very female heavy.
racists have always wanted to fuck their women, subjugating the other culture by fucking their women is a tale as old as the Bible
>The Chicago of Afghanistan
Big whoop
Not as a soldier. Your numbers are for all DoD personnel. From the snake-eaters to the finance idiot at BuPers in Tennessee that fucked up your last paycheck. That average risk adds up to the average truck driver.
If we are talking actively deployed to a combat zone the average workplace death/injury rate it would be around a logger. Those guys do some sketchy shit to bring you your asswipe.
>It was an utterly pointless waste of time, money, and some lives that resulted in nothing achieved.
do you think that shit doesn't happen in civilian jobs? shit, i bet half those trucker deaths were because the fucking shitbag dispatcher/freightbroker lied about a load and sent them over Vail barefoot-n-empty in a blizzard over black ice for no money.
it's just the way it goes, man. try not to read to much into it. everybody is a very special boy who works very hard to do the right thing and deserves an appropriate level of respect for the things they do professionally, okay?
once you lost your humanly shape you know what comes next
>You cant tell me with a straight face that blob looks like >>62128803
Literally, LITERALLY no one made such claim. Why do you feel attacked?
Got some bad news for ya bud. >>62128803 actually looks like >>62130700. Yeah she ain't a whale but thats still a lot of woman.
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God bless the inventor of the brown paper bag.
Nah, i wanna see who im colonizing
>native huezilian
This bitch is like 3 feet tall, sorry bro
looks stinky
My army calls it the EW-Curse.
Everyone within EW who works either the jammer vehicle or the radar recce only gets daughters.
>EW Curse

2 daughters here, was working inna datacenter when both were conceived. Now I'm wondering.
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probably why the Taliban didn't exist until 1994 and most of their fighters were spotty teenage incels refugees in Pakistani Madrases while the Muj fighters were busy defeating communism.
Quads confirm that the USS Boxer is for suffering. Poor 1/5…I just wanted the boys to have a good MEU and they ended up watching the majority of their battalion go out on some great libo ports while they’re stuck back here in Mateo. Maybe it’s because of the M110 they lost right before they left, that’s when their bad luck started.
>coffee based BBQ sauce
Reminds me of my preferred way to grill tri-tip. Enjoy gents
>Tri-Tip Coffee and Rub

>Rub Spices:
>* Pink Himalayan salt, 1 tbsp
>* Celery salt, 1 tbsp
>* Cinnamon, a pinch
>* Nutmeg, a pinch
>* All spice, a pinch
>* Black/White pepper, 1/2 - 1 tbsp
>* Smoked paprika, about 1/4-1/2 tbsp
>* Brown sugar, 1-1.5 tbsp

>Mix all the spices together, making sure there is an equal amount of Himalayan and celery salt.
>For the cinnamon, nutmeg, and all spice: depending on what you want add more or less of these to choose that distinct flavor you want.
>Add the black/white pepper, opting typically for least than more. If you want a spicier flavor do 1/2 a tbsp of pepper with 1/2 a tbsp of smoked paprika. Aways make sure you have less pepper than salt, aiming for a 1:2 ratio.
>The brown sugar is recommended to start low and add more until you have negated the smell of the spices. Optional to make it sweeter but the baseline is to neutralize the spice smell.
Rub the spices in on both sides of the Tri->Tip, then put the steak in a ziplock bag with your choice of coffee that is cold. Add another spoonful or two of the spic mix and let the Tri-Tip soak over night at a minimum.
>I don’t know if it does anything but you can chop up half an onion and leave it with the coffee and rub while it soaks, then fry them on the side afterwards. Supposedly diced onions help tenderize the steak more, so the preferable method is diced or finely chopped courtesy of the Slap Chop (TM)
>Trim off excess fat before grilling, but leave plenty to get that good juice.
>When grilling the Tri-Tip start fat side up first. The new rage is reverse searing (cook to a good internal temperature with indirect heat then pump it up to sear it) but if you do that or a traditional sear, always cook it with indirect heat and let it sit for about 15 minutes covered with foil post-grill so it keeps all the juices.
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ELT? Never heard of RO doing shots of the primary
unrelated, and probably the wrong place to ask, but why do progs constantly refer to themselves as "bodies"? It's not just the fats, the homos talk that way a lot too. It isn't seen nearly as much in politically unenfranchised or right wing fats and fags, there has to be a left wing philisophical basis for it.
You realize the Taliban rose to power by killing off all of the warlords who were busy raping teenagers across Afghanistan right?
>he doesn't know
Do you realize the Taliban then started doing the same thing? Some of them had never stopped.
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Why yes, I am a shellback. No, I cannot tell you about the ritual.
various ways of de-gendering the individual

Why do Americans get all weird about eating goat? They've been domesticated for over 9000 years and they taste great
I like goat, but it is quite unlike any other meat.

.t burger
unironically there was an organized shill campaign by the cattle industry against other livestock meat in the USA.

As a result of that, lamb and goat have been less common in the US than pork, beef, and chicken. What people are not familiar with, they fear. This is compounded by the fact most people's first experience with goat will generally come from a foreign culture as well. "Arabs eat that" or "Mexicans eat that".

Goat does taste great.
There are certain... traditions. The closest thing to a ritual I can think of is the Marines drink Cobra blood if they get sent to Thailand.
>drink Cobra blood
>Americans get all weird about eating goat
do they?
Gen Xers onward generally got all weird about doing anything that isn't Midwestern, Seattleite, Great Lakes, Californian, or New York suburbia
This woman should be thrown from a rooftop along with OP for making this thread for no reason other than to try and make anons masturbate
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Aight bet
There's no cultural taboo or anything about eating goat, we just kinda don't for whatever reason. Beef, pork, and chicken are all far more readily available here anyways.
goat is the least efficient of all these options at converting feed to meat
There's so much ass and thigh here my god
Goat smells weird and gamey to me
Lamb is great but when I cook it like a steak it bleeds so much
Never Curse a Seabird!
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the taliban were the ones getting their asses repeatedly raped by Massoud until 1996 when they were able exploit division between him and Hekmatyar to capture Kabul.

Also despite what they would later claim they initially allied with the Rabbani-Massoud government until they tried some jihadi powermove where they would provide a buffer zone between the government forces and the Junbish-aligned Wahdat forces. Massoud just rolled both the taliban and Wahdat out of Kabul with his tanks and IFVs thus starting the Taliban's undying asshurt against both shias and the warlords painting them as boyfuckers even though pashtuns are the main supporters of the talibans and also the pseudo-pakis who fuck boys.
The religions in the Dune novels were basically described in the way you said it, but replace the sea with outer space.
Back in the day if you were from 10th mountain you were supposed to go to the bar and grab your mountain tab. As in, you would find the fattest bitch and bring her back to fuck her, this was a thing wether you were married or not and was part of being accepted in the infantry companies of the division. However; that all changed, and now all women are fat, the new recruits are super gay and rather fuck each other and the women also run a risk of metooing you so I do not believe the practice is being done to this day.
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nigga, im at 8 cups (or better mugs) strong viennese roast a day . 3 is whats need to get me out of bed, but too little to start the shitter. below 5 cups im a walking mine field.
i dont count espressos as coffee btw., thats just a quick in between the coffees gulp.

idk about other people, but goat just tastes weird to me. It's just too gamey or something for my liking. Could never really get into it.
at least your white features remain
It's great with a heavily spiced preparation. Goat vindaloo is one of my favorites.
consider caffeine pills
I can tell you that 400mg is not the safe limit lmao. Don't go over 1200 or so, but you can start developing mild physical addictions in the daily 8-900 range. Neuro and cardio complications are generally going to be at the higher end of 1kmg+ dosed over a day, but it depends on weight, fluid intake, preexisting comorbidities etc
Why even mention the ANA? They were opium smoking cowards and their lives were literally not worth the bullets expended on them.
Don't make excuses! Bad luck to harm a sea bird, lol.
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>goat is the least efficient of all these options at converting feed to meat

Maybe. Counterpoint: goat can live anywhere and survive on anything by eating everything.

Sheep is a second best at thriving in shitty conditions, but also provides more meat as well as wool.
Lamb does not taste as good as beef or pork. I'm not sure why you think we don't eat it, because we do. I've never had goat, but they're not very efficient meat animals for our economy of scale, anyway, and Americans don't need a livestock animal they can also sodomize like dirkas do.
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>Lamb does not taste as good as beef or pork
Apples to oranges. It DOES taste good, however it the taste is completely different from pork, beef, or chicken. Yes, they're all meat, just like tomatoes and strawberries are fruit yet still things that you would never compare because of how different they are.

Goat/lamb roasts are GOAT, but I would NEVER ask for a goat burger.
Afghanistan=Judean clay
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>Americans don't need a livestock animal they can also sodomize like dirkas do.

>he doesn't know why they were called Cowboys
Sheep beats goat in cheese, just saying.
>she doesnt bathe
>Well fuck
Retard alert. Brazilians shower like twice a day, they're unironically more hygienic than 90% of Americans
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>more hygienic than 90% of Americans
Hey stop posting my wife
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gawd damn im with him
Get them with the theanine thiamine stuff in them as well, the green tea thing. I got nutricosts from amazon. The t-thing prevents it from giving you a massive headache and even burning your stomach in my case compared to just plain caffeine pills.
>be royal navy
>fight Napoleon
>lose a battleship every year or so to storms
>and a couple of frigates, sloops, etc
>90% of casualties from disease accidents and the fucking sea
>actually the best sailors around and these are good numbers
Yeah the sea used to be pretty fucking brutal, people forget that
Just this week a fishing boat capsized in the Falklands and half a dozen people died. Weather was too stormy for SAR despite assets being right there on station
>goat can live anywhere and survive on anything by eating everything.
So can pigs, but we don't do that kind of farming any more. Livestock and poultry are raised en masse with modern techniques that are much more efficient than letting it wander around eating kitchen scraps
You should become Muslim
It's common in tropical countries because it's so fucking hot
You shower when you wake up and before dinner
And there's never a season like winter where in many countries people shower less than daily
This happens every day 365 days a year
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Not that anyone would understand the mysteries of King Neptune's court.
Because goats, and all goat products smell bad, and goats taste how they smell.
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Same here, brother.
This is what peak performance looks like.
Swine smell horrible as well. Goat is all about the preparation. I'll give you it has a very peculiar smell and taste, and is gamey like deer. You can just grill p some ground goat and get an award winning burger like you can with beef.
goat tastes awesome on its own
you plebs just fixated on a blander meat, beef, and then do all you can to intensify the flavour by aging, basting, etc because that's what the culinary gatekeepers said you should do
It’s not just Cobra blood, it’s usually a mixture of cobra blood and alcohol (usually vodka) so you can take shots of it.
No, it's because goats smell like shit. Literal shit. I have never had a goat product that doesn't taste or smell like rancid barnyard shit.
no one remarked how she's holding two phones. did I pass the gay test?
I'm not sure you've been around barns much then
pork smells like pigshit as well, yknow
that's what "gameyness" really means, that the meat is more strongly flavoured by the natural odour of the animal
Anon, that pink thing isn’t a phone, it’s a vape. It’s all the rage with the zoomers nowadays.
>Are you smoking a cigar? Don’t you know that tobacco is bad for you?
>*proceeds to suck down a long puff from a “Unicorn Rainbow Farts (tm)” vape*
it was a millennial thing beginning around 2010 iirc
and yeah it delivers more nicotine than cigs so it's actually no bueno
nicotine isn't what gives you the health issues.
>that's what "gameyness" really means, that the meat is more strongly flavoured by the natural odour of the animal

not him, i thought it meant how tough to chew it is?

.t esl
primarily it means taste and smell
although some users include its texture, it's common to separate the two meanings for clarity
hence you'll find the phrase "tough and gamey" in common use, despite strictly being a tautology

gamey means "similar to game meat"
game meat, being wild hunted animals, tends to be tougher and stronger flavoured
He's right anon. I started off as an E3 because I was such a badass and beat up all the drill instructors
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>Brazilians shower like twice a day,
Some company in my area hires goats out to clear the land. Sheep are bros cause they dont eat the roots so the shit will grow back as long as you rotate fields

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