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Why didn't the soviets bother making light aircraft carriers?
>yet another fucking slide thread
Schizo really on a roll today
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They couldn't afford carriers to begin with. Well, they could, but since the majority of soviet countries were land locked, there just wasn't much point. Mig and Sukoi preferred to make short range light planes or long range heavy planes. A carrier capable plane needs to be in-between that.
They did

Look up Kiev Class and Yak-38

Because there's no point when the only thing that can take off from the things would be a yak-38 forger.
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This, why do you think the Yak-38 exists?
what would have been the point?
the ussr wasn't fighting enemies who were an ocean away, so building air bases on land was more practical.
sorry that we aren't discussing how le plucky ukrainians welded a shovel to a drone (orcs HATE this trick!)
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Soviet military architect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Ustinov
had personal animosity towards aircraft carriers for some reason.
This is why Soviets shot down projects of carriers or transformed them into missile cruisers aircraft hybrids.

This is not well known because "lol Soviet Navy who?" But USSR over 1945-1991 period spend on Navy more than USA.
>transformed them into missile cruiser/aircraft carrier hybrids.
I thought they did that to get around the restrictions preventing aircraft carriers from moving through the bosphorus strait?
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just to suffer
they focused on killing carriers and stopping shipping across the atlantic, so the leaned into cruise missile subs and long range bombers with standoff cruise missiles to destroy merchant ships and beat back NATO carriers.
From a partial white paper translation thats 'totally legit' I found years ago one hundred pages into a search the Soviet conception of a carrier was to function as a jet barge intended to land fighter jets into a friendly nation, and never as a platform to fight from.

In Syria thats how they did it.
god I fucking hate this myth
no, it's because they were slowly working their way up to full-fledged carriers and fuckhuge nuclear-tipped antiship missiles are a good intermediate armament

>transformed them
how can you transform something that was never built?
>the Soviet conception of a carrier was to function as a jet barge intended to land fighter jets into a friendly nation
more like that's the cope they came up with for having shitty carriers
United States aircraft carrier doctrine in the Cold War was centered around convoy escort across the North Atlantic, over time this evolved into being a stand off strike platform for the many military interventions the US involved itself in.
Euro doctrine moved sideways into anti-submarine warfare to compensate for their smaller budgets and fleets.
The Soviets didn't have this priority.
Why not just transport them on a freighter then?
>how can you transform something that was never built?
Transforming projects.
are you forgetting Midway?
US carrier doctrine was always strike first
the Atlantic strategy was not the primary mission, otherwise the USN would have pivoted to the Sea Control carrier
>Euro doctrine moved sideways into anti-submarine warfare to compensate for their smaller budgets and fleets
generally, yes
but the RN is an interesting middle ground in this regard
the Invincibles did begin as an antisubmarine focused sea control ship, but the emerging capabilities of the Harrier made the bongs realise they could actually perform strike missions with STOVL carriers
When the Soviets moved fighter jets to Cuba, they did it on freighters, and they had to disassemble them, and bring in technicians to put them back together, jets are larger than standard shipping containers, but that wasnt in the white paper.
more likely they just deprioritized carriers
>larger than standard shipping containers
In 1962 there were no "standard shipping containers". ISO standard appeared in 1965, first Soviet container ship was build in 1979.
Also RORO ships exist (not in USSR in 1962 though).
Under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Grechko
Soveits designed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_1153_Orel but after Grechko death Ustinov personally shoot down project. And demanded that all carriers should be only missiles cruisers hybrids (anime fan probably).
To be a massive failure and a drain of resources, while some deluded FAS secondies masturbate furiously to it in a slavish devotion to their thug like leaders ?
>When you spend more than world famous notorious overspenders but still come up short.

But at least you got a rah rah moto book cover out of it
The Soviets (finally) laid down an actual, honest-to-god supercarrier and had completed about 40% of it when their country collapsed.
Ustinov probably thought spiral development and a missile bomber strategy was more feasible, and he was probably correct
In the end USSR spend more on Navy then USA and Soviet fleet still had no strategic impact. While 10 Soveit carrier strike group in Northern Atlantic would totally destroy NATO strategy of US reinforcement and supply of the European war.
>at least you got a rah rah moto book cover out of it
It's a pretty sweet book cover.
Because eurasia is the centre of humanity, it has the most ressources, the most people and the most cultural heritage. If you can seize it all by land it doesn't matter if you can't reach the angloids? You already won, you can build a navy after
What happened there?
this is called well poisoning. it's where someone acts like they are on your side, but in an obnoxious or abhorrent way.
this post convinced me that Russia is not pathetic but actually very strong
they sort of did, their Kiev was a light carrier smashed together with a missile cruiser. they weren't wealthy enough to actually field a carrier fleet, so they did stuff like that. command economies just don't work.
Not enough prestige
>40 aircraft
>and you get 7 ton missiles in the hull instead of an armored deck
Go back home, Dugin. You're drunk.
they still didn't have a good carrier-launched strike jet (still don't) so presumably the fighters were for CAP and the 7 ton missiles take the place of bombers
World island theory?
On my /k/?

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