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I'm own a small farm and euthanize animals for meat. I had a couple questions that the board might be able to field.

Is there a reticle/optic that has a marking for point blank range (accounting for height over bore), so I don't have to do a holdover when I slaughter livestock?

Would a intermediate rifle caliber (556/7.62x39) be able to punch through heavily horned livestock with a frontal shot and make it to the brain without deviation? The preferred method is behind the poll, but I like to shoot them in the field so that's not really an option.
Disappointed that you don’t engage the livestock in a 1v1 duel to the death. Not very honorable of you.
a 12 gauge shotgun, you just generally point it in the direction of their head. did you just start yesterday?
you mean murder
Just get a hunting bolt action with irons. The sights are barely an inch over bore.
Any intermediate caliber will do but .308 might be better for general purpose use.
22LR for sheep and cattle does the job. Point blank with the muzzle more or less on the beasts head
A captive bolt gun is what you want. If you're gonna spend a bunch of money on an optic instead of just holding the gun up against its head and using your eyeballs at least spend the money on a proper tool.

Alas, I was going to reply with the post of the concerned looking pig about to get captive bolted, but it seems I forgot to save the image.
Also a breaking saw is a super nice thing to have, but holy shit be careful with it. These things will slice an arm off like a fuckin anime katana.
What's stopping you from going fill Anton Chigurh?
Great grandpa used to slaughter cattle eith just a .22lr revolver with the muzzle on the head. Just a few sokthing words and a pat on the head and he ended it. Not much to think about. I am sure that it is even easier for something with a smaller constitution like a sheep.
My father usually shot them with a varmint rifle but also cut their throat sometimes.
The Mongolian heart massage is said to be kindest. By Mongolians anyway.
>breaking saw
Nope! I use a cordless reciprocating saw. Sure its ugly and a bitch to clean the goo out of but I'd kill myself with the breakers saw if it bounced off a bone. Home-visit butchers are a thing where I am and worth getting to know, mostly because I'm a fairly awful butcher and 'chunks from da meat cave' don't look family friendly
Ranchers slaughter cattle with 22 just fine, it is about landing a brain shot. This is done typicallg for harvesting cows for butchering and eating at home rather than the slaughterhouse, is humane. A suppressor is not a bad idea, sometimes the cattle just drops and the others don't panic at all.
>typically* for harvesting cows for butchering and eating at home
otherwise it needs to be inspected for sale according to regulations
Adult horned sheep often have a lot more bone mass in front of the brain, hence the guideline for shooting behind the head. 22lr will work for basically any animal without big horns
You don't need an optic for a point blank brain shot, just to identify where to shoot to hit the brain or brain stem. For example, it is just behind the eyes for an alligator, some even use a hammer and chisel.
If you want to make a hell of a mess sure. Also deflection might fuck you on heavily horned animals and now you got a runner
>Is there a reticle/optic that has a marking for point blank range (accounting for height over bore), so I don't have to do a holdover when I slaughter livestock?
for what reason? just fucking press it to their forehead, or better yet invest in a dispatcher gun with retractible nail as it's only 500 bucks and it will last you generations
Yeah, it is called "put the muzzle on the skull"
>Is there a reticle/optic that has a marking for point blank range (accounting for height over bore), so I don't have to do a holdover when I slaughter livestock?
Just… press it against their heads. Jfc

>Would a intermediate rifle caliber (556/7.62x39) be able to punch through heavily horned livestock with a frontal shot and make it to the brain without deviation?
22.lr pressed against the head has been eradication sheep for decades. 22mag if you really want

This should be informative:

Witnessed. The digits have spoken, OP, just get a 10/22 with iron sights like this guy did
What part of doing it in a field do you not understand? Most stock won't let you get within 10 feet much less press a barrel against their head.

The posted vid showed NO horned sheep. Again read the fucking OP. No one with half a brain is going to use 22lr on a full grown ram with big horns.
The horns do not cover the brain you fucking retard
still, that skull has to be pretty strong in order for the sheep to be able to use the horns.
>What part of doing it in a field do you not understand? Most stock won't let you get within 10 feet much less press a barrel against their head.
These vids are from a diatance
>The posted vid showed NO horned sheep. Again read the fucking OP. No one with half a brain is going to use 22lr on a full grown ram with big horns.
Heres a vid of the same thing on cattle. Cattle have much thicker skulls than sheep& goats. .22lr still


Here's one shooting horned cattle. Like >>62133508 said the horns don't cover the part of the skull that covers the brain. Painfully obvious you didn't grow up around livestock

there's a clean killing air gun made for dispatching livestock, but I'm assuming this is a shitpost
>Would a intermediate rifle caliber (556/7.62x39) be able to punch through heavily horned livestock with a frontal shot and make it to the brain without deviation?
Are you fucking retarded?



5.56 will punch through a quarter inch of steel you moron.
Horns fuse with the frontal bone and increase skull thickness around the brain.

Horned rams have thicker skulls than cattle. If you don't believe me literally look at any euthanasia guide for livestock. There is a reason behind the poll is recommended for horned sheep/goats. Most guides say a frontal shot on cattle is fine, regardless of horns.
Kid if you think a .22 won't kill a ram you're a moron& you lack experience dispatching animals/hunting. I can't help you
I'm sure you know better than every agriculture extension in the world.
Didnt you start this by doubting the effectiveness of 5.56?
12g slug
Cutting the jugular is the surest way of clean killing a large animal. It looks gory but you bleed out the carcass as well, so 2 in 1. There's no bullet fragments in the meat too.
That Kiwi is a great shot
have you tried getting high and rapping freestyle in time with the swings of your axe?
I thought you had to hit gators in da sweet spot where the bone is thin. One time it just got knocked and came alive in my boat. Ngl that was scary and i pissed myself. Now i hunt with my nephew and he is always sitting on the carcasses so if it happens again i got me a meatshield
Why not just use one of these https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_bolt_pistol
why the fuck would you need an optic for pointing a barrel directly at an animals vitals?

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