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>gives your plane to the US
Why did he do it?
He was disillusioned with the Soviet system and his home life was dogshit
because a high school drop out could have a house , wife, kids , car , dog and vacation every year in america
Imagine cat food that's better than Soviet canned food:
>First of all American super-market, my first visit was under CIA supervision, and I thought it was set-up; I did not believe super-market was real one. I thought well I was unusual guest; they probably kicked everyone out. It's such a nice, big place with incredible amount of produce, and no long lines! You're accustomed to long lines in Russia. But later, when I discovered super-market was real one, I had real fun exploring new products. I would buy, everyday, a new thing and try to figure out its function.

>In Russia at that time (and even today) it's hard to find canned food, good one. But everyday I would buy new cans with different food. Once I bought a can which said "dinner." I cooked it with potatoes, onions, and garlic-it was delicious. Next morning my friends ask me, "Viktor, did you buy a cat?" It was a can of chicken-based cat food. But it was delicious! It was better than canned food for people in Russia today. And I did test it. Last year I brought four people from Russia for commercial project, and I set them up. I bought nibble sized human food. I installed a pâté, and it was cat food. I put it on crackers. And they did consume it, and they liked it. So the taste has not changed. By the way, for those who are not familiar with American cat food. It's very safe; it's delicious, and sometimes it's better than human food, because of the Humane Society.
If Soviet canned food was that bad, imagine how much worse the Soviet MRE was.
Because he wanted the world to know how much the shit-25 sucked ?
Everything Russians have produced that was of value happened before, during, or just after WWII. Nothing of value, artistic or technologically that still matters today has bubbled up to the surface. It’s almost like anti-intellectualism and a disdain for anything outside of their culture leads to stagnation and inflexible management.
The banana they’re dying by the thousands for is just one glaring result.

Capitalism has its problems. Many. But it has allowed for actual creative freedom and solutions to win out over the years.
Communism, and now Kleptocratic Death Cult is a pretty useless experiment.
All of the attractive women besides one already lives in the West as well.
>Somehow, we’ll get Natalia over to the states to be a future First Lady.
>Nothing of value, artistic or technologically that still matters today has bubbled up to the surface.
what about Tetris?
> Soviet Union (until 1991)
> Russia
> United States
>Pajitnov moved to the United States in 1991, was naturalized as a U.S. citizen and now lives in Clyde Hill, Washington.
Dude fucked right off when he could, just like all the actual decent and smart Russians who could when the USSR fell.
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Exactly. Russia has hemorrhaged their quality to other nations.
And they did it to themselves.
Also, who wants to live in a country that functions like a prison colony all the time? The likelihood of being raped by another man is not higher than anywhere on the planet. On an institutional level.
The military is saturated by rape, the prisons are of course, and even general domestic life.
Which makes the gay crackdowns extra rich. The call is coming from inside Putin’s shoe lifts.
Kek. A lineage of failure vs the American War Machine.
Probably because he was BASED AS FUCK

>Customs are almost the same, except British cows give tea instead of milk. Also they're driving on the wrong side of the road! And they do serve warm beer; it's ridiculous. I noticed, after my experience in U.S., that there was not warm reception for you, as a stranger, when you walk into their pubs. Later I complain about that to my friends in Wyoming. And they said, "Viktor, Brits love cowboys." I said, "Really?" Next trip I had cowboy hat, cowboy boots. I show up in their pubs; they look at me with astoundment. "Are you cowboy?" I say, "Yup." My vocabulary was very limited: Yup and Nope. But I did notice that they accept American cowboy with respect. And not only in England, in Europe and other countries as well. So I do advise my friends, who are traveling abroad, wear cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and act as a cowboy. American cowboys belong to the world!
From what I understand, being a Soviet jet pilot is part of the higher caste in the USSR. They get better treatment than most soviets. Was life really that bad even if you're on the top?
It’s not hard to see even in comfort that you live in a country that’s the equivalent of a circular firing squad.

If you care to.
>pet food
Remember that time in Albania a bunch of people hijacked ships after seeing food commercials on TV? Look up the Vlora Incident.
>bologna is called "doctors sausage" because the only way to get it was having it prescribed for severe starvation
And modern day leftists truly think that socialism will fix things.
To smart Russians, the US was literally the garden of Eden. Well, to the world at the time the US was the garden of Eden.
gesture of goodwill
>A committee later visited Chuguyevka Air Base, and was shocked by what they found there. They immediately decided to improve conditions, and built a five-story government building, school, kindergarten, and other facilities. Treatment of pilots in the Russian Far East region improved.
Social Democracy is the only good outcome. Take Capitalism's best traits and smash it together with the very few reasonable aspects of Socialism.
9 out of 10 patriots agree with Polio King FDR on this.
>leftists: it's literally fascism!
>rightists: it's literally communism!
Yep, gotta be based
If a country like that existed today I would defect with nukes.
>because a high school drop out could have a house , wife, kids , car , dog and vacation every year in america
This was true then. This is much less true now.
That cousin fucking Chad is my spirit animal.
He’ll roll up on a bitch and that’s that. A little kiss and tug in the field with your cousin never hurt the country.
Bonus fun, he and Patton were in total agreement on never letting Berlin fall into Soviet hands and wanted to punish them for enabling the war in the first place.
Days before Berlin was taken, the cripple died and we ended up with Truman’s faggot ass who let America at its fighting peak sit around and kick the can down the road for later generations. Cold War never happens. America takes its rightful dominion over the globe and in 2024, we’re already colonizing Mars.

Oh well. If only they had hid his death for a week.
Real socialism has never been tried, except in the Nordic countries, where it has resulted in a sort of post-scarcity techno-utopia in the style of Star Trek.
You’re describing Nordic model Social Democracy.
Objectively the best form.
All that is needed to obtain it is stop voting for traitors. However America is full of retards.
Ahh, the good old days, when Reader's Digest was a top-notch magazine.
Well, even being a top pilot on the super secret plane sucks if you live in the Soviet Union. You probably heard the story of how the Pacific fleet was beheaded because generals packed too much of goods from Leningrad.
>bologna is called "doctors sausage" because the only way to get it was having it prescribed for severe starvation
nah it was sold regularly in shops, although granted subject to availability as with all things in USSR even at its peak
Russians did say however that the end was nigh when they fiddled with the recipe
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Mmh...canned fish (with extra snout)...
it IS still affordable, especially if you live in less crowded towns and spend wisely

what changed is that people started demanding to live in McMansions, to shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joes instead of Walmart and Target, to eat gourmet organic sustainable artisanal foods, to buy tons of electronics of ever greater performance, and to vacation overseas every year instead of domestically and once in a long while

consumerism isn't new, nor living beyond one's means and blaming everyone else either
Is that crocodile?
Scratch that I'm blind and didn't read the post. Some freaky fish, though.
Sure. But that’s not reality for most of the country. There is very few ways to fool-proof improve your lot in life if you’re born into the bottom 10%.
The only guaranteed (and legal) way to escape poverty is enlistment.
Everything else can be scuttled from a single unexpected medical bill, sudden housing cost, etc.
boiling down reality to your own faggy anecdote doesn’t disprove those anons.

It is a fact that people born from 85 on have severely worse economic outcomes compared to their parents on average. Period.
It’ll get worse as more and more jobs are squeezed out of reach by automation.
Lefty retards who blame [insert shortsighted reason] are still correct that this is not a normal, just situation.
It’s bad for the country when people suffer in poverty. We miss out on genius level intelligence needlessly. Hungry, stressed out kids don’t do well in school.
>most of the country
>bottom 10%
If you're poor and want to be not poor get a trucking company to pay for your CDL
It's really that simple
>It is a fact that people born from 85 on have severely worse economic outcomes compared to their parents on average. Period.
I'M born after 85
I remember what it was like growing up poor in the 90s
life now is infinitely better, even as fucked as it is with idpol and BLM and troons and turdies and browns and vatniks and chinks

instagram is cancer, youtube is cancer, memes are cancer, reddit is cancer, Netflix is cancer; they create hyper unrealistic expectations that literally 80% of the population can never hope to achieve and had never achieved

stop trying to reach for the statistically impossible which ((someone)) out there is trying to sell for likes shares and subscribes, and you will be much happier
What really changed is that instead of competing with your town or even city populace, you are competing with the whole world. Factories don't need expensive american high schoolers when they can just move to china. Now whole of china has degrees so you have to have degree as well. Modern companies (e.g. AI) have PhD requirements on entry level.

Also consumerism is getting worse because of every screen blasting what you should have, feel and experience.

And only way to slow this process is to break it, which leads to stagnation and collapse of civilization.

You see, in the early 50s, US were shitting themselves because with rapid heavy industrialization, USSR was growing much faster and larger than US. Then, the Stalin died and everyone said to himself "I don't want to work myself to death for some distant dream of communism, fuck that, give me my consumer products." And thats how you get some 30 years of stagnation and collapse.
I believe china is now going through the same, people there are tired of hard work with no end (college kids want to work in US, housing crisis is much worse than in US, everyone wants their kid to have a degree to escape factories). The real question is who will slave away next, as India seems to not be attractive anymore.
Most of the country, location wise. I replied to “less crowded towns” which is a fucking joke. Small towns don’t have jobs.
>>62130570 #
I enlisted. I got lucky that my skill set is deeply marketable and niche. I make 4-5x the median wage and WFH which is why I’m up at 3am scrolling through this. That’s not a normal outcome for my age group.
>>62130585 #
neat. Do you have more idiotic takes about politics while bemoaning idpol? The irony is richer than millennials will ever be.

I find it hilarious that you both took it as me moaning about my own lot. It’s called being objective about the forest and not the tree in front of you. It’s peak retardation to think things are better than they were in the 90s. This demonstrably not true.
>>62130607 #
Half the problem for sure. Clinton put another nail in the coffin of the middle class.
The other side of this is there is next to no incentive for companies to invest in themselves and their employees. It’s all stock buybacks that use to go into R&D and benefits for the workers.
Is that actually useful now? I'm high but it's my understanding that most trucking companies are absolutely predatory these days?
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>It’s affordable if you do this entirely normal scenario for most young Americans!
Nigger really? You can’t frugal your way out of national and global crises and insane inequality of wealth and opportunity.
How dumb do you need to be to think like this? A bunch of autists spending thousands and thousands on a hobby is not a typical slice of America.
>Nordic social democracy
>looks at Sweden
That’s a very cute, and funny picture, anon. Thank you, I’m adding that to my photos. How’d you get that? I love the MiG-25. It’s my favorite jet.
He wanted to see Montana
>muh wealth inequality
Opinion discarded.
These societies can have welfare and a social democracy and high taxes because there is high level of trust. This stems from history, because if you are alone in polar winter, you WILL DIE. Also they were basically ethno states before 2000. The issue is, you either have people acting like niggers already (thats the reason rest of Europe cant into social democracy) or niggers come to you.
>muh social welfare
I fucking DISPISE this meme. The US, by FAAAAR outspends Europe on welfare (nearly 50% of yearly spending) and yet all we have to show for this is degeneracy and social collapse.
> 104/0 K/D ratio
this is like HIMARS "hohoho, 0 destroyed", until the russians started to post footage of exploding himarses, right?
> if we hide all the proofs, we have 0 loses. make google say "crashed because of technical issues" and we're golden
shame burgers couldn't hide the F117 in Serbia, kek.
If you can't even afford free healthcare with this spending then your money go in the wrong place
>footage of exploding himarses
May we see it?
>can't afford it
You know what I mean
>Then, the Stalin died and everyone said to himself "I don't want to work myself to death for some distant dream of communism, fuck that, give me my consumer products." And thats how you get some 30 years of stagnation and collapse.
lol wat? basedviet onion barely had consumer goods, everything was going to the military
Was most of Russia really this bad or was it just the far east "end of the earth"?
There are tons of documented accounts of soviet citizens reacting to American supermarkets, most famously Yeltsin himself. Supposedly Yeltsin was so struck by the reality of the situation that it was the turning point for his entire belief in socialism.

Other russians had similar experiences, from excitement to despair. Women would have breakdowns in the store, or get angry and accuse a random Kroger manager of being a CIA glowie. Most were just amazed. A common thread you see in these accounts is that they immediately buy a ridiculous amount of meat, because meat was pretty scarce in the USSR
Is the supposed to look like a monkey in the last panel?
Lotta small steel operations and manufacturing in smaller Ohio towns anon. Crown Equipment basically owns New Brehmen


East Liberty, Marysville, Lordstown, Lima, Avon Lake Ford plant, Sharonville all are operations taking place in towns of under 50,000. Food industry is here too, with plenty of canning, meat packing, slaughter, and bagging operations

But people need to be willing to move to these places. Hospitals are always hiring nurses as well and you can get any nursing home job if you can pass a drug test. Jobs migrate. People may need to try that too. I am sorry if Millenials and Zoomers were tricked into thinking a BA in English was a golden ticket to the 1%, and that starbucks barista was the penultimate career advancement, but they may need to revise their life goals
The only lofty and polished places were moscow and st petersburg, once you got 5 minutes outside the city limits it's basically the same shithole as everywhere else.
no anon you don't understand, I need to live in my own apartment in downtown Miami and live comfortably on an entry level job with no education, plus I need money on top for both my retirement fund and my funko pop collection
>Real socialism has never been tried, except in countries that are eclusively capitalist.
Bitch if it's free then WHY THE FUCK DOES IT COST YOUR TAX MONEY. In the United States a hospital CAN'T make you pay them at gunpoint, but do you know who can? A FUCKING GOVERNMENT.
The homeless drug addicts who come into my ER aren't paying for their own MRIs even at gunpoint, anon
That's just how anime is drawn. They're meant to have cat-like faces
We do, and i blame obamacare. It didnt go far enough while simultaneously fucking the private market. Its designed to fail for american taxpayers, the hope being that we go full socialized after. The only reason it hasnt collapsed is because we're a bunch of cucks.
Gotta love a dizzyness, weakness, or vague chronic abdominal pain workup. Or my personal favorite
>local police bring in a guy who is altered because the jail triage people are less useful than chatgpt, and the LEOs dont feel like waiting for the results in 3 hours so they just dropped this high asshole off for you to babysit and the the police get upset when you discharge them
>and Khruschev said to himself
Trader Joe’s is cheaper than the average grocery store. It only has that image because they don’t put them up in white trash towns or the hood. Go to one next time you’re shopping you’re going to be surprised. Might not be Walmart pricing, but it’s barely above.
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Yep, it's not realz nothing like that happened puccia stronk!
Pet food is not bad. I share some biscrocks with my dog.
What changed was the entire economic macro environment, not peoples tastes. The most concise example is the ratio of house price to median income; any data source has houses 2-3x more expensive, relative to income, than they were in the 60s. You can’t “just skip the avo toast and latte and whole foods” your way out of a dire fundamental top line problem.
A hospital can sue a patient to collect a debt. If the patient loses/allows a default judgement, the hospital will ask the court to enter the judgment and you will be legally required to pay the debt by the government. In other words, the hospital will get the government to collect their debt at gunpoint.
Okay yes but also Tetris was from before he left the USSR, point being that occasionally some good stuff was created and got out, just admittedly way way way less than would have were it not an oppressively destitute shithole.
>>shame burgers couldn't hide the F117 in Serbia, kek.
>turdies and vatniks are STILL bringing up an ancient example of a first gen stealth tech finally being shot down once TWENTY (20) YEARS after development (with 1970s era computer tech), with zero damage over 1300 sorties in Iraq
>airforce didn't even bother to destroy the wreckage because it was so obsolete
Sad. Though I guess when you have only one example of "victory" over American air power in modern history, that's what you're reduced to lol.
>turdies in 2044 between seething demanding American aid due to rising oceans after America btfo the now demographically collapsing China
you're several months late. the meme already died.
just google himars destroyed. plenty of videos
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let me guess, too big to post here?
> TWENTY (20) YEARS after development (with 1970s era computer tech)
the COPE is strong in this one, kek
> we didn't bother to destroy the wreckage but we DID bother to hit the chinese embasy
double kek
too many to post all of them. do something yourself, for once
Instead of promises of communism he got factory workers spending most of their income on vodka, airbase crews and command gorging themselves on aircraft coolant and distant military bases dying en masse to dysyntery and cholera due to awful and unsanitary living conditions, and when he went to Moscow to try to fix this thing he got booted and nearly escaped being branded mentally ill and sent to torture prison of soviet punitive psychiatry.

Read his book, it's really, really good and provides incredible insight into both the life in soviet russia and the 70s America.
Much olbliged, i'll sure to check it out on Incel Slave Z!
My Gunnery Sgt's wife when I was in had a experience like this.
>GySgt was then a LCpl as Marine Security Guard in Moscow
>future wife honeydicks him
>she's the daughter of a KGB major
>dad sees the writing on the wall and tells her to pretty much whore herself out to an American
>she's a 11/10 who on the first date told LCpl Anon she'd do anything to get out
>and told him about her dad
>talk to CIA handler at embassy
>LCpl doesn't fuck her or even act like anything other than a gentleman
>even meets with her fucking father who's impressed by his brass balls
>lots of vodka later
>dad bursts into tears and in broken English tells him he can't keep safe his daughter anymore and begs him to care for her
>they marry
>comes to America
>wife is surprised on how many vehicles that there are
>she asks to shopping for food for dinner
>ok go to nearest food lion
>wife walks in a 10 seconds later storms out
>2 more stores
>wife gets out to vehicle
>has a complete nervous breakdown in car
>to the point he had to carry her to bed and cuddle with her the rest of the day
>3 kids later
The guy completely won, his fucking wife is the breadwinner and all he does is sail his boat and be a househusband.
I mean we did bother to destroy the wreckage because that 20 year old technology is still unreachable to nations like russia and china even today.
>nooooo just a little more!!!!
Fucking die in a house fire.
>they sue
You're a fucking moron.
Worth noting Americas economy was in the shitter for most of the 70s btw so we still were way better off
>whines abput society
>is presented a path to improve
>elects to screech about it
Are you russian?
Do you have approximate timings? This is interesting.
>muh ruzzia
You fucking BlueAnon faggots really can't update your programming can you?
I was in that unit in 2012, and my GySgt joined in 1990, and brought her over in 1992.
You /pol/troons can't stay in your padded room can you?
My gf's grandfather defected from the PLA after getting an intelligence briefing on Melbourne, Australia. He was told about soft targets and saw large, modern homes with gas, water and power, near the city centre, with large gardens, that could be afforded by poor immigrants. They also reported on Chinese-Australians that had betrayed the homeland by leaving during the cultural revolution and not returning to receive their new education; instead staying to become psoperous restaurant and hotel owners in mining towns. He said what sold him was the fact police saw a suspicious foreigner taking pictures of important buildings and just waved with a smile before wandering off on his patrol. He took plans of bunker complexes and begged asylum of the US, on the condition they set him up in Australia. Instead, the CIA got him to become a linguist, moved him to the states and encouraged him to make speaking tours of universities, which made him rich. The CCP found him over 20 fucking years later and sent a lecturer to gloat about him how his elderly, dementia-riddled mother died in a prison camp, screaming in pain and terror, along with all his cousins. Problem was, his cousins died in childhood, so the CCP just murdered 5-8 random people from the same region to punish him. They would go on to harass him online daily until his death in 2017.
>A common thread you see in these accounts is that they immediately buy a ridiculous amount of meat, because meat was pretty scarce in the USSR

Checks out. They did that in Czechoslovakia too (wives of Soviet officers in charge of the occupation troops after 1968).
They had preferential treatment, too, so they bought out half the butchery and then there wasn't enough meat for the Czechs.
They bought literal wagonloads of shit and then had it all shipped it back to Russia in special trains.
They've never quite managed to escape their scavenger nature.
Fun fact medical debt doesn't impact your credit score and at worst can be sent to collections who legally can't do shit. Read more about debt collection since you are clearly a child reading talking points someone wrote for you on leftypol. Thr American healthcare system is a massive complex machine that is made that way by insurance companies. Everyone else just wants to either give healthcare, get healthcare or get paid

>t Type 1 Diabetic
This honestly sounds real. The CCP is honestly this petty and cruel to do exactly this.
>accuse a random Kroger manager of being a CIA glowie
Gonna try this move next time I'm shopping at King Soopers.
I live 50km from Melbourne and can say those days are long gone, I would betray the governments that destroyed it for a chance to live it in a heart beat.
>made by insurance companies
Yep. The only problem with this is that insurance is built to fuck over high trust societies (insurance was considered gambling) and is rendered completely impotence by those not willing to play their game.
>food service factory jobs
>nursing home jobs
Yeah have fun working mandatory 6 day weeks for $11 an hour anon. I've worked the small town factory meme, it fucking sucks. The management knows they can pay you pennies and treat you like shit because the only other option is the gas station or the dollar tree, if you're lucky. As for nursing homes it's generally the same except you're dealing with way more piss and shit.
>jobs migrate
People really should be more open to moving for jobs, hell that's why I moved from New England to the Midwest, but you can't pretend it's feasible for everyone. I was almost completely fucked because my car got hit by a semi soon after I moved and my insurance wouldn't pay out enough for another one. Moving away from your support network of family and friends only makes you more vulnerable to financial ruin from unexpected events. Even worse if you have kids and now grandma and grandpa can't watch them or your spouse has to stay in state to work.
>CCP found him over 20 fucking years later and sent a lecturer to gloat about him how his elderly, dementia-riddled mother died in a prison camp

Where the fuck do lectures like that happen? They send a guy to yell at him in the streets or something?
>the governments
>that were literally paid by the CCP
The Chinese have bought out so many Australian politicians it's not even funny, there's a reason why the left wing gets so much backing in Australian politics.
You are a useful idiot, until the 90s Australia was much more socialist.
>we still were way better off
understatement of the century

the most lucrative years of the soviet union, the 1970's at best approach the living conditions of the Great Depression era americans, at best. Even then Americans ate more meat, had better access to canned food and their goods were of much better quality.
Idk man the Marysville Honda plant is paying like $30 an hour base, plus overtime is like an extra +15
Isn't overtime usually time and a half?
>taxed at >50%
The government taking the majority of your income is wrong, anon.
Not to mention all the other taxes you’re subjected to.

Sweden is on borrowed time. Its system won't survive. Norway has oil to lean back on.
>implying the F-117 wasn't designed in 1978
You now remember that one time when the entire high command of soviet pacific fleet died because they overloaded their transport plane with toilet paper, furniture and home appliances.
Delusional tankie
i meant +150%, ye
>90's Australia
>had gun ownership
>national protectionism
>more socialist
Fuck you.
wait no that still works, time and a half would be $45, which would be base 30+15 unless i did something wrong
Yep, and that's why you NEVER start a welfare system like that. Things change, oil runs out, or 1 billion brownoids move there, and suddenly the welfare is stretched beyond the breaking point. Every welfare system lives on borrowed time and someone else's money. Both run out, and then you're stuck with an unfulfillable promise. Add the increasing lifespans in the West, and it only gets worse.
>nationalized banking
>nationalized power
>nationalized gas
>nationalized water
>nationalized communitions
If you want to learn instead of spouting propaganda...
My grandfather came to the US after serving in the Trujillo era Dominican military. Things weren't communisum level bad over there, but there was rationing and control of food in the 60s. Troops in boot camp were fed their meals on bananna leaves because the government took all the dishware on base for some reason that my grandpa didn't explain. In one instance, a farm next to the base had an empty grain silo because there were no more pigs to feed so the instructor Corporals would take my grandpa, who was a lightskinned spaniard, there and make him fight the black and mulatto recruits to get dinner.
After the Civil War in 65 the US gave my grandpa residency for helping them translate during the intervention, and he went to New York and was shocked at how the lights in Times Square stayed on all night without any rolling blackouts. Freeze dried TV dinners straight up blew his mind. NYC was so overwhelming for him that he moved to Oklahoma to try and live a quiet life and to also fulfil his lifelong dream of fucking an Indian girl.
>and i blame obamacare
Then you're a fucking moron of the highest order
>nationalized utilities
Oh wow, so much socialist.

Kys tankie scum.
>fulfil his lifelong dream of fucking an Indian girl
don't they have those in DR, and did he get some?
>utilities is socialism
Ok Steve from kangaroo oblast
They were run at cost with no profit meaning the services were dirt cheap, if removing the profit motive isn't socialist what would you define it as?
>if removing the profit motive isn't socialist what would you define it as?
State ownership of the means of production.

Are you actually fucking braindead or areyou just pretending so you can sell us a turd by claiming the freeest, most privatized countries are actually le socialist?
>lawl dude american healthcare is great you just don't pay and it is fine
You know somehow I think it doesn't really work like that
>State ownership of the means of production
Please click the link, you'll benefit from it.
Well yes lolbertarians do tend to claim that is socialism and also communism
Please blow your brains out like the rest of your fellow trannies, communist subhuman.
Dominican Indians are awful, and have largely been interbred with black and Hatians because of class disparity. Imagine an entire country of Cardi Bs, just awful to be around.
Unfortunately for gramps, he went to a native rights protest to try and score some sympathy pussy and met my grandma, who was just a white farm girl who braided her hair and put on turquoise jewelrey in solidarity. Still fucked tho, so good for him.
>t. bitter swede who blames his personal failures on "muh socialism"
Commiekikies claiming that public utilities are socialism now is even funnier.
>muh commies muh kiiiikes
/pol/io is one hell of a disease
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You can't fix the current broken system by remaining ignorant of other options anon, you didn't know what socialism is and that's fine, now you do and you can either accept you support socialism or keep believing the media destroying the west.
Didn't know karl marx was a lolbertarian.
>grandpa didn't score any squaw pussy
wow, maybe the american dream really is dead
bet grandma thought he was indian himself first
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Broken system is the defining feature of soclialism and you fix it by killing creatures like you on the streets.
Why are you posting a communist when arguing against socialism? You really don't understand economics at all do you?
Because socialism is the first stage of communism.
>muh economics
Lmao, eat shit kike
NTA, but "Communism" is the end-goal of having a stateless classless moneyless global worker's commune, and "Socialism" is the tool that was to achieve that retarded goal. Ergo: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
And neoliberalism is the 2nd stage of Laissez-faire capitalism, we are much closer to another bad end of the spectrum.
Limited time offer: free ticket to Marxland with purchase of a $50 Che shirt!
Shoo /pol/nigger, shoo
Are you playing a centrist now, kike? You people should be put in camps for being such ugly disgusting liars.
>Are you playing a centrist now
When is "now"? In the 50s I would be a centrist, in the 2020s I'm far left with the exact same politics.
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You don't get to say that, tranny. Dilate and die from your infected axe wound.
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>it's because of whole foods
>eating too much avocado toast
More billions to blow up churches in Palestine
It's still possible but it depends more on the job than the location, dropping out of HS to go be a plumber or welder is viable, not necessarily a smart thing to do though.
>And neoliberalism is the 2nd stage of Laissez-faire capitalism
What a retarded thing to say. Only a rotten commie brain could come up with that.
So you've always been a disgusting far left kike but you'd get your face smashed in in the 50s. Good that we've established that.
there are no churches in palestine and i don't give a shit about brown subhumans
So on the whole scale from Laissez-faire to command economy you honestly see neoliberalism as the center?

Do you think any western country is better now than in the 50s when a man working 40 hours could pay off a house, have a stay at home wife and raise 5 kids?
There are churches in Palestine, the Muzzies use them as shields, and the Jews don't give a damn.
>So on the whole scale from Laissez-faire to command economy you honestly see neoliberalism as the center?
Funny how you spew so much garbage while saying so little.
>Do you think any western country is better now than in the 50s
50s were economically far more free than today and you should be strangled to death if you claim again otherwise.
>Be year of our lord 1990
>Live in bumfuck nowhere, Czechoslovakia.
>See soviet jetplane, spewing smoke and falling more than usual amount.
>Go look for survivors, find western expensive cigarettes everywhere.
>Take as much as you can and leave
>Whole village does the same
>Hearsay that authorities will come to search your house and punish you for looting
>Burn it all in your fireplace.

what actually happened
>Soviet onion collapsing, proletariat elites need imperialist luxurious goods like yesterday.
>Buy 18t of cigarettes but cargo plane is broken.
>Load it into passenger jet, no time to remove chairs, just throw it in.
>Plane starts burning mid flight, can't extinguish it because alleyway is full of cigarette cartons.
>Emergency landing on belly into field (crew survived)
>People show up, saying "privet cuka blyat idi nahui amirite"
>immediately start looting your cargo

Plane Tu-154M CCCP-85664 crash landing near Dubenec
I know I'd be fucking gutted if I was him.
Another fun foreign propoganda story that I just remembered came from that grandma, who was a kid during WW2. Her farm got a bunch of German POWs to help out. Evidentely wild west movies were huge in prewar Germany, as the prisoners would post sentries when working the fields to alert the group in case of an indian raid. They also thought tornadoes were an american superweapon that were being demonstrated to the prisoners to demoralize them, and didn't believe the local farmers nonchalance about how they just happen.
>and you fix it by killing creatures like you on the streets.

only in your shower daydreams
I can see why she broke down after going in supermarkets then.
>50s were economically far more free than today
So you think a minimum tax rate of 20% and a maximum of 91% is a more free economy? Good, it'll be easier to sell you on high corporate tax rates than I though.
For real, unions and high corporate tax rates led to the best time to be an american. Everyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
People always say the 1950s tax rate without mentioning that "taxable income" was a much much narrower range back then. Nowadays they can tax any income, back then the laws were far different and the gov. couldn't touch a lot of your income.
Lol as a Midwesterner this makes me chuckle heartily

>Mein gott, vas is dis?
>Oh thats one of them there tornadies. They show up and fuck shit up and leave. Right pain in the ass
>Klaus intensifies
Most learn everything they'll ever know about economics from media corporations and don't even realize it's biased.

You are correct but of course Google, Amazon, Chevron and CitiBank are so far over the threshold they would still be paying ~90%.
>man working 40 hours could pay off a house, have a stay at home wife and raise 5 kids?
Acksually during this time transient male workers made up a huge segment of workers. That is why railcar culture and bo culture spiked and were common place. Pickers used to ride rails North to South in Cali following the season. On top of this many NErs spent most of their time doing merchant work, and those working in factories typically did well over 40hrs a week.
And then they invent Panavia.
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Belenko was based as fuck. Dude was like an American trapped in a Russian's body. He's hilarious when you read some of the informal interviews he's done. I was really sad to learn he died last year.

Go read his book, it's as much about America as Russia.
A very small group can have a large cultural impact, see the punks of the 80s.
The average hours worked in 1953 were between 38.6 and 44 depending on industry/
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What would you like to know? Because you don't know shit about it. Medical debt has no material impact on your credit score. It can be sent to collections who have been limited in what actions they can take (due to large amounts of double collecting and out right fraud). Diabetics in America suffer, but we still are better than the rest of the planet thanks to the capital injection our market allows for rapid R&D. There are both positives and negatives. The US has currently mechanically cured diabetes thanks to its development and now shipment of CGM/autonomous pumps. Devices debuted first and developed and paid for by American markets. Additionally America controls over 70% of all global insulin production and the state of California leveraging our public/private system is now the fourth largest insulin producer on the planet and is reducing cost for medicine and increasing availability. I could for hours discuss the problems with American healthcare, but medical debt is not one of them.
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>Diabetics in America suffer
Stop being fat. Your addiction to food is a burden on us all. If it were up to me you would get the gulag treatment - hearsay is that it is AMAZING for weight loss.

Unless you're type 1, then I'm sorry.
My grandma had the highest tetris score in the world sometime in the 80s-90s. I still make her pack the car for long trips
It wasn't even that pet food is bad. It was how bad Soviet food was that he could pawn pet food off to visiting Russians and they thought none the better before he explained it was pet food to them. Fucking Soviet canned food must have been an atrocity to all things living.

>Also paper towls
>“I bought a box of Freedom with the picture of nice looking lady. I did not know what it was. (I’m talking about maxi-pads.) I brought it to my apartment, I opened it, and I tried to figure it out. I thought well it’s probably some cleaning device for the kitchen to give these American women freedom in the kitchen to clean up and absorb everything, because even today Russian women do not have this convenience.”
Yeah the trucker's day are sadly numbered. If they manage to pass the electric car regulation shit it is unironically over
>type 1
Ye they're the only ones who should receive insulin, type 2 diabetes should be considered as sucide and punished as.
>Stop being fat
I'll tell myself at age 11 and underweight to stop being fat. That will for sure stop my immune system from attacking my own organs. You are retarded and too dumb to loom up, let alone recognize medical equipment
There are some jobs like driving tippers or garbage trucks that will take a lot longer to automate but it's going to be every trucker with decades of experinace competing for these few jobs when autopilot rolls out.
Nta but i worked a 60 hr/week manufacturing job for a few years to get the cash needed to buy my land. Met a bunch of local politicians at work and now im king of the retards here and my 'job' is to sit around and look busy
long haul trucking is dogshit, but there's still money to be made in smaller day routes, like in construction and hazmat tankers. You have to not be retarded to get these jobs though, which precludes a large portion of the industry.
If you really want to moneymaxx, most states give free CDLs to ex military who can prove they've been certified to drive trucks.
>I'll tell myself at age 11 and underweight to stop being fat. That will for sure stop my immune system from attacking my own organs.
That's type 1, which I addressed. See

>Unless you're type 1, then I'm sorry.
You physical failings are forgiven; you are not to blame for them. Your retardation and inability to read, however, is not. Unless you were born retarded, in which case carry on.
A Chinese-Canadian linguistics professor ambushed him during an international conference. The guy just walked up to him, confirmed his identity like he was about to ask him questions on his work, then started doing a badguy monologue in full view of his international peers. That's the kind of ideological hold the CCP has on the Chinese. A highly intelligent PhD was not only willing, but eager, to smugly talk about an innocent old woman, one his citizens, dying in agony and horror while he smiled and lauded his moral superiority.
You'd think they'd get better returns on those bribes; considering those compromised lefties are happily going through with AUKUS and rejecting Chinese powerplays in favour of aligning themselves further with the US. They seem to be getting much better results out of the right, who'll happily sell every square inch of land and drop of water to Chinese developers.
>lose entire pacific admiralty because they overloaded their plane with stolen basic goods
Big red flag
Why am i not surprised?
Robots are unlikely to haul explosives or hazmat chems anytime soon, even if they are doing basic Walmart goods
>What really changed is that instead of competing with your town or even city populace, you are competing with the whole world
there is an element of that
but globalisation is also what has brought down the price, and made available, lots of things which weren't before
>consumerism is getting worse because of every screen blasting
that's what I said
>stagnation and collapse.
>I believe china is now going through the same
I believe we are ALL going through the same, and that if left unchecked it will cause our destruction, despite all the cards in our hand

>You can’t frugal your way out
yes you can, in fact it's the only way out
>insane inequality
it's not insane, is what I'm point out

>ratio of house price to median income
houses in some areas changed, but we have to adjust both our ideas of what proportion of housing costs relative to the rest of the salary, and what constitutes a reasonable location (proximity to city center)
e.g. my parents as newlyweds bought a house in what is now considered inner city, but was then near country. the mortgage cost them like 20% of their salary.
my house is twice the distance and twice the ratio to my salary. in compensation, many other things are LOADS cheaper, such as consumer electronics, travel, clothes, food, etc
TRAVEL especially. my parents travelled all of once: to Europe, on their honeymoon. it cost them something like a car would today. I see people spending lifetime allocations on travel close to annually. and then they moan about being skint.
>You can’t “just skip the avo toast and latte and whole foods” your way out
you can, and in fact, you must
>adjust our ideas of what housing costs
>look at these cheap color TVs!
I hate you faggot economists so fucking much
>consumer goods loads cheaper
1960 min wage was $1/hr, gas was .3 a gallon and smokes were .25 a pack and a gallon of milk was .31. College was 1k/yr. Don’t even bother looking at healthcare. Travel and electronics are cheap parlor tricks vs what makes a meaningful existence.
>the 08 recession wasn't that bad, look at how many iPods and Xbox 360s were sold!
Simply adjust your expectations of gaming, peasant
Blackrock needs their rent money btw
poor girl
but it worked out well in the end

kids these days really don't get how fucking fucked up the 90s were for the Russians

this rings true as well
happens right now

couple years ago I worked with a Bangladeshi expat, quite well-educated and polite for a Bangladeshi, and whenever she flew home she packed a suitcase of Head N Shoulders and stuff because they don't get modern shampoo in big bottles over there. they only have those tiny condom-sized single-use packets, of course at a high price.

fucking shampoo

>ze Yankee wunderwaffen!!
Russia sold itself on being equivalent in economy and quality of life compared to the West for the past few decades, which makes it hard to visualize the reality of mass prostitution and selling everything that wasn't bolted down, just to afford food and heat

I wonder if we'll soon have another era of 17 year old russian pussy going for the price of a Big Mac
Big macs are getting up there, you could probably get it for the price of the combo at least
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I like watching XXX sometimes because that's the vibe they were going for, and in a more fun way than Ronin
>I wonder if we'll soon have another era of 17 year old russian pussy going for the price of a Big Mac
In some small town shitholes it's already the case
But fascism and communism are both forms of socialism...
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>era of 17 year old russian pussy going for the price of a Big Mac
we will, but it will be because big mac prices are going stratospheric.
That book would make an awesome movie.
I understand that. But I wanted a good idea. From the story, it could have well been anything from 1991 to 2001.
>Gives your nuke blueprints to Russia
Why did he do It?
Because he was a Stupid Idealistic Fuck(hs).
nukes and war are scawwy and bad :(((
I am very smart
>$10 is 878 rubles ((officially))
I'm fairly certain a Big Mac would at least buy you a blowie in Siberia
>I hate you faggot economists so fucking much
please, I'm an accountant
economists are astrologers compared to us
>Travel and electronics are cheap parlor tricks vs what makes a meaningful existence
which makes you wonder why people spend so much money time and effort on
whatever floats your boat, that you feel is meaningful, go for it, WITHIN YOUR MEANS

it is what it is
we are all too wrapped up in our own personal sob stories to accept the reality, and because of the intensified ooh-what-are-the-Joneses-doing nature of Instagram et al, everyone is resentful that they're not buying a yacht, or holidaying in Ibiza every other month, or fucking Playboy models, or what have you, when this was NEVER the norm, the statistics prove it
we are drowning in anecdotal lives-of-the-rich bullshit amplified through "social media"
previous generations lived like this, but with less advertising, and we have not adapted, and that's what's creating this sick feeling in our heads
>I don't care what the metrics say
>I see people having a better life than me
>so I WILL be depressed about this shit life I'm living!!
the economic conditions are not new. technology, quality of goods and services, and life expectancy were significantly worse in the 20th century. how did our parents and grandparents deal? simply by living within their means, AND finding happiness there. not by popping Prozac either.

god I'm so tired of Blackrock memes
they're a CUSTODIAN, idiots
I bought my home in 2016 using a USDA loan in rural Indiana. My wife and I combined make about 100k and live comfortably. We have a few thousand in savings and just had our first child. We can afford our groceries, eat out whenever we want to basically. I have a degree, she doesn't. We drive a 10 year old SUV that we bought used, second owners, and keep in immaculate shape. We both still have Galaxy S9s. Both WFH, and we have groceries delivered by Grubhub once a week. We both have food allergies so have to by "boogie" gluten free and dairy free stuff but it doesn't hurt our budget too much. We don't go on vacations every year, but we're both homebodies so it's no big deal.

The trick is to not live in a shithole urban hive and spend your money on new Nikes and phones every year. Live within your mean.
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>you're several months late. the meme already died.
It got a bit stale but I think it's still funny.
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Here's another one from a few months back.
Wectoids rekt.
do you have the one where they claimed a lancet hitting a random second floor window was actually somehow a kill on a HIMARS that was inside of said building and somehow got upstairs
>>looks at Sweden
A first world country with a GDP-PPP that's superior to 98% of the planet, has low inequality, and world renown industrial players such as Bofors, Ericsson, Tetrapak, Volvo, SAAB, Electrolux, Vattenfall, etc....
Sweden is a roaring success by literally every metric. I know you're referring to le immigrants meme, but do remember that even with all these literal retard immigrants Sweden actually still has a LOWER homicide rate than Finland kek
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There's unironically nothing unique about the Nordic countries, they have the exact same regulations and safety net that a country like France or Germany or Australia have.
Nordic people are simply better, not even joking. It's not laws that make them utopian societies, it's the fact that the average Nordic person is just... more civilized, chilled out, orderly, reliable, etc. They all return the shopping cart, essentially.
>Social Democracy
>Sweden is a roaring success
>Nordic model Social Democracy.
>Objectively the best form.
>All that is needed to obtain it is
being humongously rich and piggybacking the efforts of others
Nordics are the trust fund babies of the world, literally in Norway's case

good work if you can get it
>being humongously rich and piggybacking the efforts of others
How do you think Sweden got rich to begin with? They don't have oil (and even in Norway's cheat code mode, they managed their oil better than 99% of oil rich countries e.g. Venezuela or even Canada for that matter). Sweden's wealth comes from genuine industrial innovation and smart business management, hence why you've heard of household name brands from Sweden despite them only having a population of 10 million people (only like 8 million of which are actual Swedes).
Sweden also didn't "piggyback" off anyone, for the duration of the Cold War they maintained their own sizable army and Sweden was only behind Israel and the USA in terms of % of GDP spent on the armed forces.
>piggybacking the efforts of others

weird that america isn't high trust then
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Yup, not being a nigger is not about not being black skinned. Sadly, I find myself to be too unreliable and untrustworthy to deserve living in utopia. And because changing ones behaviour is incredibly difficult if not impossible and because children inherit or copy behaviour patterns of their parents, I am fucked.
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Unironically we need to create a country where you're only allowed to exist in if you:
>Return the Shopping cart (unprompted and voluntarily)
>Carry litter with you until you find a suitable disposal bin/trash can/etc.
>Respect quiet hours on week nights and never play audios without earphones in public
These three little details are how you build CIVILIZATION
>they managed their oil better than 99% of oil rich countries
that is very much to their credit, yes
but that doesn't make them not mainly rich by dint of being born with a diamond spoon in their mouths, nationally speaking
yeah, Venezuela could be South America's Norway, if only they weren't fucked by their leadership
>Sweden's wealth comes from genuine industrial innovation
a little bit of that
>smart business management
and a little bit of that

doesn't mean the "Nordic model" of socialism works. because they got rich the good ol fashioned way of capitalism. and now their development and entrepreneurialism is stagnant. so what they have left is a little bit of innovation, and a lot of management. the "Nordic model" is trust fundies enjoying what their dads earned in the non-Nordic-model way.

this is supposed to be some kind of
>America piggybacks off others
comeback is it?
have a look at the devices you're reading this from, and rip out all the American-designed, American-coded stuff.
Singapore, Japan, and believe it or not, Taiwan
Of course the accountant is pedantic and misses the forest for the trees. How much of AMH does blackrock own? And ignoring blackrock specifically, what percent of american single family homes are owned by institutional investors and how has that changed over the past 30 years?
wouldn't you be saying the same thing about Finland you assblasted swede?
>the "Nordic model" is trust fundies enjoying what their dads earned in the non-Nordic-model way.
Can't speak for Norway or Denmark, but Sweden was governed by Social Democrats almost non-stop since the 1930s and their wealth and economy still developed under that long tenure of SD governance.
Also fun bit of trivia: the same "hippy leftist SJW" SocDems of today were the ones who published a white paper back in the 1930s which stated that Gypsies and non-Europeans are undesirables in Swedish society and that Sweden should pursue eugenics and racial purity. They still funded a "National Institute for Racial Science" well into the 1950s and it was basically dedicated to shitting on Finns for being racially inferior to Swedes
>How much of AMH does blackrock own?
10.8 percent
>And ignoring blackrock specifically, what percent of american single family homes are owned by institutional investors
estimates range from 0.8 percent to 3 percent
>Noooooo I have to be used by the system! SOCIALISM IS COMMUNISM AND COMMUNISM BAD!
Ok, live in your horrid society with no wish for betterment
>d believe it or not, Taiwan
I do believe it, I've been there on 24h long layovers. I saw people leaving their keys on their motorbikes without a care in the world, bicycles left outside apartments without any locks on them, it was amazing.
Specifically, pet foot is safe for human consumption by law because people died of poisoning during the Depression when they would get desperate and try to eat it.
>I have no brain, and I must strawman

>Sweden was governed by Social Democrats
the name of the party is not necessarily what their political alignment is, just sayin
Are you taking stupid pills
the point is that our society is rich enough that we can afford to make pet food human edible; or if you turn it around, that we can afford to feed our pets human food
it's an old truism that you cannot legislate the market into being*; we can set whatever laws and standards we want, but the market will decide if they work. the USSR found that out the hard way.

>*Communists found this 1 weird trick to prosperity for all; capitalists hate him!
It's just oil, Dmitri. Massive supplies of oil. You invaded the wrong country lol. Lmao, even.
>Everything Russians have produced that was of value happened before, during, or just after WWII.

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Sadly no. I only saved a few random ones.
It has nothing to do with being rich. It's a New Deal law because people died.
Lelno that was a cruise missile. Though I believe the claim was HIMARs rocket storage.
>Nordic countries
>Real socialism
no, and yes
no, they're nowhere near as State-controlled as Marx imagined
yes, they're lots more controlled than principles of free market call for

>exclusively capitalist
the Nordics are, like most of Europe, socialist-leaning in economy because of their relatively high regulatory environment (Govt imposes more strict rules for businesses to follow) and the fact that most industry leaders are Govt corporations (which therefore enjoy Govt contracts and support regardless of the free market)
few truly private enterprises contribute to the economy

I find it amusing therefore that people keep screaming BLACKROCK BLACKROCK BLACKROCK without bothering to look up how much their commerce and livelihoods is owned by this other all-controlling entity, which Surely is doing it For Our Good, because I Learned It In School...

>It has nothing to do with being rich
so go ahead and pass a law that pet food must be organic, sustainable, responsibly-sourced, and Fairtrade to boot. oh, and 10% of every can goes to homeless shelters. I'm sure it'll solve all our woes and propel the country to ever greater heights of prosperity.
>anons inadvertently display why proper regulation in capitalism matters while screaming about commies.
NPC take. You ate slop. Reevaluate your retardation.
The flood of idiotic takes that follow these posts is incredible.
FDR and SocDem is the only possible outcome that melds the need for capitalism’s innovation drive while ensuring even the least among us get a chance to excel and contribute.
The absolute retard blaming Obamacare for the broken insurance system is so pathetically ignorant I can’t even fathom the brain that produces it.
The ACA was a drop in the water and insurance companies raising prices and choking out America for a larger profit margin is somehow due to the ACA…right.
Fair point but I will not hear Ronin disdain unchecked. That is all. I’m not lumping you in with the brain rot above and below you.
>I live 50km from Melbourne and can say those days are long gone
Both parties want property value line go up because rental properties are boomer investments and boomers are loyal voters who don't vote on real issues.
Also because property developers are in deep in both parties.

>there's a reason why the left wing
You now remember Twiggy bringing a ccp spook to a lib press conference as his +1.

Both parties are pushing back on it though. The trade war and covid burnt those bridges.
Ronin is a thinking man's shoot-em-up
XXX is for when you want to "stop thinking Czech Police and start thinking Playstation"

would be decried as a far right capitalist today
modern leftists reject New Deal type jobs programs, haven't you heard?
>40 hour work week
"fuck that"
>balanced budget
"fuck that"
>15 to 17 yos working
"fuck that"
>below market salary
"fuck that"
NTA. The idea that modern lefties dislike New Deal is some buzzword idiocy. Almost every progressive and center left elected Dem in national politics supports social dem initiatives at minimum. Economically Democrats are more in line with FDR than Republicans would be with Reagan. Even Nancy couldn’t give enough head to perform the level of brain drain at work in the GOP today.

The rest of your statements are irrelevant because the labor market was pretty different considering it was coming out of the Great Depression and men 18 and up were eventually all butchering Nazis and Japs.
4chan is a mirror showing why mandatory education is needed in America.
Also champ, it’s already been proven that most Americans are progressive and center left if you remove any labels that signify what side of the aisle it comes from. Republican policies are even underwater among the GOP base in that same test.
Poor messaging against 40 years of propaganda and misinformation is the only reason we aren’t a more economically stable country now.
>every progressive and center left elected Dem in national politics supports social dem initiatives
but "social dem initiatives" =/= the New Deal
>irrelevant because the labor market was pretty different
they're relevant because they are the nuts and bolts of what precisely constitutes the line drawn between party positions
draw the line, how many hours of work are we talking
what funds the budget
how young is too young
how much shall Government pay
what's the minimum wage
the devil is in the details of policy
>most Americans are progressive and center left if you remove any labels
and how is it measured? by vague notions of the direction of progress? or by details of policies and issues as described above? the latter
BUT these details change over time. the Overton window moves, and therefore the window of what is considered progressive and center left moves as well
>Republican policies are even underwater among the GOP base in that same test
hardly surprising, since the modern GOP doesn't have an actual strategy other than contrarianism
in military terms, they are purely reactionary and have lost all initiative

one's position on the political spectrum is ultimately decided by one's stance on issues, when stripped of labels as you say
and the 1930s New Deal stance on issues is solidly right
and the Dem leadership stance is anti-1930s New Deal
>estimates range from 0.8 percent to 3 percent
It's more useful to look at percentages of current sales.
Stripped of labeling in terms of who said it, which party supports it. So on. Not stripped of meaning.
Democrat is a poison pill reflexively for the right and center right. Republican is the same for the left. The latter was overwhelmingly unpopular in that match up.

It boils down to how deeply ignorant people are. Look at the absolute faggots in here saying Socialism is the exact same thing as Communism. Or the even bigger regards who claimed Fascism is Socialism.
A fun little party in Germany calling itself the Nationalist Socialist party is an a great example of how incredible retarded people are.
Cucked by Apple. That’s what I get for literally shit posting.
I take your point, but anon asked for ownership statistics
> percentages of current sales.
18% in 2021

>Stripped of labeling in terms of who said it, which party supports it. So on. Not stripped of meaning
so I understood
and I broadly agree with the rest
>18% in 2021
That's not small and well into ranges that distort a market.
Institutions have deeper pockets, vastly more expertise and national coverage, so it's a very uneven playing field which are the precise conditions that demand regulatory intervention.

The fear in most people's minds about this is probably that this is both a one-way ratchet and in fact a runaway process.
Gotta love the schizos screaming about Jews while consisting assisting them at the ballot box by voting with corporate interests they’ve been duped into aligning with.
reminds me of the monkey biscuits guy on /fit/
>That's not small and well into ranges that distort a market
but it is well short of OMG IT'S A FUCKING MONOPOLY WE'RE SO FUCKING FUCKED GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER which was undeniably the vibe before realizing what the figures really are
>Institutions have deeper pockets, vastly more expertise and national coverage
most are actually just state-level players
>which are the precise conditions that demand regulatory intervention
says who?
you WANT a fragmented and opaque housing market?

at base principles, nobody has yet made an actual argument why companies going into single family housing is objectively a bad thing. it's like saying "you're allowed to corporatize fast food, but full service restaurants are off limits okay". the key advantage of companies is economies of scale in all areas which translates to lower prices for the consumer - no, do not argue that, the hurr durr monopoly argument is conspiracy tier nonsense. do you really think you would be better served by a hundred different computer manufacturers instead of Apple, Microsoft, Linux and Google?

>The fear in most people's minds about this is probably that this is both a one-way ratchet and in fact a runaway process
The fear is that homeowners don't get to chisel new buyers for overpriced individual sales, that's all

you know of im/perfect market theory, right?
Still hanging on to the single time you managed to shoot down an obsolete aircraft 25 years ago?
>Yeah have fun working mandatory 6 day weeks
>oh no! I have to work?! as in real hours??? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
sounds a more happier version then the infamous Pidorsuburg-Vladivostok flight that killed the entire high command of the Pacific fleet kek
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as with everything in the vatnik union all that mattered was the all mighty plan and the quotas it imposed. That your canned food is filled with grounded up, unwashed pig legs and has bad seals so it goes rotten immediately? Who the fuck cares. Get it out asap so the director can get its numbers right. Thats if the factory actually existed that is and the canned food were not just paper phantoms done with stolen funds and bribery circles.

Honestly westerners are very cringe how much they tolerate fifth column subversive trash like tankies. instead of promptly rounding them up for a one way ticket to permanently deport them into north korea
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>17 year old russian pussy going for the price of a Big Mac
17 is way, waayyyy to old in that supply&demand market
>being a Soviet jet pilot is part of the higher caste in the USSR.
Soviets and Russian have two caste system: nobles (boyars) and doers (serfs). First command only, second do things first command. Burocrates and workers, officers and conscripts. And first absolutely despise second and consider them draft animals (not openly but effectively).

Jet pilots are in strange place they are all officers so nobles by status but they are forced to do job by their own hands so they are flawed nobles.
>why is institutions buying houses bad?
-reduced local homeownership
-local market distortions (both geographically and market segment)
-asymmetric financing opportunities vs retail
-asymmetric risk tolerance vs retail
-asymmetric knowledge vs retail
-contributes to home price rises
-institutional has greater likelihood to evict
-reduced accountability for shitty landlords via evasive corp structuring
And quite obviously, removing the opportunity for generation of wealth via relegation to permanent renter status makes the country shit
Institutional ownership of houses makes it worse for renters, not better
All of this is easily researched
Yes. Soviets figured out basic supply l. There was enough bread. But everything else was scares. Anything with meat in them required solving quest to get.
Also one important thing people don't know today is how grey, dirty, smelly, shabby everything in the USSR. For Soviet citizen bright packaging of western goods looked enticing like notorious glass necklaces sold to Africans during colonialism. Because they never saw such wonder. Bright, clean well felt supermarket or McDonald's was like a temple of bright future, again Soviets may saw clean store with all floor tiles intact first time in their life.
>muh AI car
Bitch we don't even have AI TRAINS yet and people think that truckers are fucked?
>be AI truck loaded with HAZMAT
>oh boy nothing can go wrong
>stretch of road that's under construction
>be AI truck
>some dindu starts jaywalking
>BLM riots burn down town because "AI is rayciss"
>some diversity hires reprogram AI to be "women and LGBT POC Indigenous friendly and inclusive"
>transport screeches to a halt
Come on try me.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe
>muh right wing
>completely forgets about Sydney, Melbourne, and Queensland
>those are right wing
I can't wait to dig up my toys for people like you.
>Jet pilots are in strange place they are all officers so nobles by status but they are forced to do job by their own hands so they are flawed nobles
I understood that they were rich kids playing soldier and it's where siloviki put their children who were set on playing war hero
>-reduced local homeownership
alright, maybe
>-local market distortions (both geographically and market segment)
house values in Mumbai aren't affecting house values in California
>-asymmetric financing opportunities / risk tolerance / knowledge vs retail
this is just betting that you can gouge landlords better than they gouge you
I rented, I know how this works
>-contributes to home price rises
if anything, home prices might fall through economies of scale
>-institutional has greater likelihood to evict
not a problem if one isn't a shitty tenant
>-reduced accountability for shitty landlords via evasive corp structuring
but it's easier to cancel corporations than Mrs Karen Brown of Bumfuck, Ohio. high visibility has its pitfalls.
>And quite obviously, removing the opportunity for generation of wealth via relegation to permanent renter status makes the country shit
and I am all for that, believe me, but investing in the housing corporation rather than flipping houses or renting out houses is more efficient
>Institutional ownership of houses makes it worse for renters, not better
again this is just repeating the statement

as both a former tenant and current homeowner, I'm well aware that there exists ample opportunities for landlords to fuck over tenants, and the more disparate and fragmented a market is, the more predatory it is for tenants. corporatization brings more transparency to the market; you can look up the prices of 1,000 homes at once instead of cold-calling yourself as we do now.
>bbbbut brokers and agents do that
and you think that isn't corporatization?

I think a more legitimate fear is cartelization but I don't think that will happen. corporations that try to price gouge buyers will find other market players willing to compete.

mind you, I'm certainly not advocating for complete institutionalization of the housing market, but there's no reason for an outright ban either. a little competition is always a good thing for the consumer.
>Bitch we don't even have AI TRAINS yet and people think that truckers are fucked?
>>be AI truck loaded with HAZMAT
>>oh boy nothing can go wrong
You're not wrong but current HAZMAT transport is so fucked that AI trucks aren't going to be prevented by mere safety concerns.
The supremes are hard at work trying to hamstring EPA and DoT, who's going to stop Monsanto shipping aerosolized flesh melting compound #553 by non-stop AI zuck trucks that only pause to swap out batteries?

They'll find some way to own them via debt-leveraged shell companies with bulletproof liability shields so they don't pay shit for the inevitable but totally unforeseeable disaster and still profit from the insurance and scarcity markup.
>The supremes are hard at work trying to hamstring EPA and DoT
NAYRT but the incumbent supremes have been screaming climate change, sustainability, and Green New Deal for quite some time now, which is kind of the opposite
Socialism is good, but only when it isn't international. Gotta have an in-group and an out group to work
Citizens who pay in get to pull from it etc
I propose we call such a thing 'national' socialism, name has a ring to it
>I’m a retard and this is deep.
Remember that USSR pilots were stationed in some of the most remote shitholes in the world to avoid nuclear strikes. Anyone with a modicum of common sense immediately fucked off to fly for Aeroflot at the first possible opportunity.
The real Soviet elite sent their kids to intelligence or supply, for obvious reasons.
>the incumbent supremes
By incumbent, you mean aligned with the whitehouse?
If so, they're outvoted on anything that matters. Obviously, we don't expect the two factions to really support the same things. Occasionally some essential elements of democracy and the Republic but even that's not all that reliable these days.
If that's not what you meant by incumbent then I'm confused because they're all always incumbents by definition.
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Anyone can do it. I make a middling wage at a low level job and will be retiring in my early 40s. It only takes discipline and priorities.
t. picrel
I remember when this was all the rage around 2010

>By incumbent, you mean aligned with the whitehouse?
>If so, they're outvoted on anything that matters
sure but not for lack of trying
they're "hard at work" too, and arguably more successful at getting popular support
>they're "hard at work" too, and arguably more successful at getting popular support
That helps in elections but is irrelevant to cases. They're effectively lame ducks for anything but legitimate legal cases unrelated to politics.
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What if Karl Marx was dyslexic?
>Workers of the world, Un-tie!
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>America is a shithole
Good book. I got a good chuckle at the part where he's touring the south and stopped at a motel for the night. He asks a black lady at the front desk where he could get some ice. Her deep south accent was so atrocious he thought she was saying 'ass', not 'ice'.
>I said I want Ice not ass, woman!
>That's what I sed! Now git on outta here.
I pictured it happening and lost it. kek!
Tankies should honestly be shot with anti-tank guns, make them into red mist on livestream.
>believes any of this
How the fuck are you this dumb.
Typical ISIS-American tactics
Hey if it works...
Greetings from the glorious, land-locked Ireland mountains
nvm the fact none of the Nordic countries have more than 10 million people living in them and, until recently, were like 99.9% white.
>Ohio has a higher HDI than Michigan
Even if it's only .001, I'll take it. Fucking fake mitten giving a handie to Ontario
Who else thinks some ethnic Chinese Navy/USMC pilot is going to defect to the PRC with an F35 sometime in the near future?

Ethnic Chinese haven't been terribly loyal to the U.S. lately
I love how utterly garbage the Bible Belt is. Hah. Sucks to suck. Rest of the country is quality. Except maybe Maine. Saturated by insane schizoids.
Fun fact, scale is irrelevant because the GDP of the USA absolutely dwarves them. Spoiler, it’s not because we let billionaires run amok. Proper SocDem America would still be the richest country on the planet, and actually improve other metrics we have stalled on since the dismantling of New Deal policies Education is one.
There was Soveit anecdote:
Can son of the Colonel become General? No, because General has his own son!

Soviet elites pushed their kids into same profession so they can prop them with nepotism.
There were sideline cushy professions buy not military: diplomacy absolute top tier (living on the West, buying Western goods, having dollars in your pocket) and journalism (blah blah do nothing job).
Florida is Luxembourg?! I was sure it would be worse.
Maybe the rich pull it up.

Malta though, Louisiana should be ashamed.
>important things are more expensive
>unimportant things are cheap
You have demonstrated his point
>Both WFH
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nobody since normal people dont huff copium of wumaos. Even mainland mainly uses blackmail (targeting family members) and peer pressure to extort changs on the outside. Blackmail only gets you the bare minimum from the one abused and trying to bribe with perks (grant moneys) etc falls flat as anybody with a brain can research what a outright toxic shitpile mainland is to live in. I am not talking about the pollution alone but also the sheer unpredictability and instability the dictatorship creates

>zero covid lunacy
is only the most recent major example of Dear Leader Xi fucking up and wumaos are trying as hard as they can to memory hole it already
>Ethnic Chinese haven't been terribly loyal to the U.S. lately
Anyone who gets near sensitive equipment gets a deep fucking look at. Even basic intelligence enlisted get TS/SCI checked, whether or not they'd ever interact with actual classified material.
If you're flying a state-of-the-art jet, they'll do a LOT more than that to see if you're above board.
you took in the wrong kind of ethnic chinese
should have limited yourself to pre-CCP diaspora and Taiwanese
>t. ethnic chinese
>Bible belt
Look up the demographics of those states, and you'll have your answer.
>socdem US
>it's already trash
>nooooo just a bit more!
You motherfuckers need to be burned alive.
>Anyone who gets near sensitive equipment gets a deep fucking look at
A couple of 1st or 2nd gens in navy tech roles sold or stole stuff like classified tech manuals.
>muh niggers
Several other not-shit states have large black populations and aren’t anywhere near this bad.
The common thread is former confederacy and failing education systems mixed with low social trust.
Enjoy your idpol retardation.
Neat. Have anything of substance to say?
The perfidious Ukranians are disguising their Himars as tractors and hiding them inside hospitals and daycare centers.

Co tam anonku
This post was auto translated, wasn’t it?
Go back.
>kill innocent people for no reason
>publicly gloat about it
>what the fuck why are people defecting
>Was most of Russia really this bad or was it just the far east "end of the earth"?
That's true more or less for the whole eastern block
I remember a story from a girl that bailed from East Germany (and that was one of the better places behind the iron courtain because they tried to look good compared to West Germany, unsuccessful as it may be) and since she liked yogurt, she was shocked by how many types there were available in the west
It ended up with her buying 20 different ones and getting the shits, because theres only so much yogurt types you can try at once before your stomach says no
I just like the word.
not everyone's a mouth breathing sister fucker like you, anon
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We all do, that retard just outed themselves as a lE rEdDit /pol/tard because they don't know one of the most popular additions to /k/'s lexicon in the last several years.
>I just like the word
Anglo detected
It's not even /k/'s lol
It got spread from /int/ in like, 2010.
filthy dumb newfag scum
If proper vocabulary makes you an Anglo, so be it.
There are versions of the armoured lorries you need a certain licence before driving.

Uhhh scary.
Pretty much any intelligence leak to the Chinese in the past 10 years has been an ethnic Chinese guy in the Navy.
Chinese National idiotically allowed to be U.S. Navy Sailor because the U.S. is not a serious country anymore: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67920011

2 ethnic Chinese send technical data on U.S. warships/equipment to Chinese Intelligence for several years before being caught: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-us-navy-servicemembers-arrested-transmitting-military-information-peoples-republic-china

FBI linguist was a double-agent for years: https: //www.staradvertiser.com/2024/05/23/breaking-news/ex-cia-officer-to-plead-guilty-of-giving-classified-information-to-china/

Jinchao Wei's family knew about and supported his espionage for China: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/san-diego-navy-sailor-facing-espionage-charge-due-in-court/3280437/
Most of it was ever worse lol
Soviet women didn't have pads or tampons, they had to do makeshit crap using cottom wool and shit. No, I'm not joking.
The common-sense military would have. This is the neo-liberal diversity military. Back in the Obama years there was a Pakistani who sued because his clearance was denied due to his extended family in Pakistan. He got his clearance by claiming it was discrimination against him not to give him one. That's the military we operate with now.
The MRE wasn't especially bad. The issue is that most soldiers didn't eat MREs, but shit food from canteen on the base. Now that shit was horrible. As the joke goes:
>Russian and American Defense Ministers meet at a summit. The Russian boasts:
>- "We've developed a shell that can penetrate a meter-thick armor plate!"
>- "That's already outdated; our experimental models can penetrate armor up to 135 centimeters thick."
>- "But our snipers can hit a coin from a kilometer away!"
>- "I don't want to upset you, but the latest models of our sniper scopes can reliably hit a nickel from 1200 meters."
>- "But, but... but our soldier gets 2300 kilocalories a day!"
>- "Actually, the standard NATO soldier's ration guarantees 4700 kilocalories a day."
>- "You're lying, you NATO bastard! No way your soldier can eat two bags of turnips in one day!!!"
>a Soviet jet pilot is part of the higher caste in the USSR.

>They get better treatment than most soviets.

>Was life really that bad even if you're on the top?

Don't forget that the soviet system was ubercorrupt, hence a person with access to things often would live better than those who are officially in better places or earn more. Some random fuck working on a meat section of a soviet "supermarket" would have access to meat, would steal meat, would provide meat for friends, other corrupt fucks, for money, services and access to other things. Technically he's just a guy working in a store, but he lives 10x compared to some MIC R&D engineer kek, because he can bride him way into many things and places (such as restaurants) and has connections. His access to meat is in demands by others, while the engineer can go fuck himself under a staircase.
>Social Democracy is the only good outcome
Gateway drug to commie shit, fuck that
"What is wrong Demitri?"
"Wife has panties full of Lada cushion again this week comrade"
>Sweden is a roaring success
- of people not being able to rent out an apartment for like a year;
- of people leaving the country because it's impossible to do business;
- of people getting raped by migrants;
- of having sharia patrols and "no go" zones;
Don't look up soviet "period panties"
>There are versions of the armoured lorries
HIMARS is just an HMV with a built-in cargo crane.
Soviets couldn't hunt/fish?
They could and they did, but that wasn't enough. Urbanized fag would get a shitty plot of land near the city and literally play farmer there for some extra food.
>just an HMV
Ruined my joke
>muh niggers
Several other not-shit states have large black populations
Not compared to the South
You go back.
>Chinese National
>Hongkie with a home and bank account in China

see again:
>wrong kind of ethnic chinese
>should have limited yourself to pre-CCP diaspora and Taiwanese
and even then, cut them if they retain ties to China as obvious as property and bank accounts

t. ethnic chinese
>as obvious as property and bank accounts
how would the us gov know if someone owns property and bank accounts in china?
paper trails
every bank transfer leaves em
ok, but the property?
fella has to buy it, or pay for its upkeep and repairs; bank transfers and statements should be checked for the purpose of the transfer e.g. to pay for plumbers, electricians, etc

no doubt it's possible to hide this information if one is careful, but since the investigation did discover the property, he clearly wasn't that careful
I don’t want to hear babbling about this from a neverserved faggot who eats up slop as facts.
Go back.
You just proved that anon right. Are you even American?
Not even remotely how that works. Communism is an authoritarian system, Socialism is not. Social Democracy isn’t even remotely that.
>The state of /k/
Stop tolerating retards just because they line up with the same ideology. Socialism sucks, trying to conflate it with Communism is for half wits with no argument.
>Socialism is not
it's an intermediate step towards Communism, and a pretty important one
it means the government directs the "free" market by planting commissars or outright taking over major private corporations
in the case of Norway, something like 50% of listed companies is Government controlled, and many industries outright monopolised
the reason why this is problematic is that governments cannot be trusted to be knowledgeable enough or altruistic enough to command the economy or even influence it to that extent

arguing that "socialism is not communism" is like saying "pay no attention to the political commissar assigned to your platoon, it's not communism"
Fascism and Communism have more in common than Socialism and Communism. The Auth part of the AuthLeft does the heavy lifting.
Get real.
There was nothing socially Left about the USSR, the CCP, or any Commie nation.
>Fascism and Communism have more in common than Socialism and Communism
>There was nothing socially Left about the USSR, the CCP, or any Commie nation

sure, but that's not the argument here
>goalposts on wheels
It is entirely the argument. Either you’re being a disingenuous faggot or you’ve lost the plot.
FDR was the best leader we’ve ever had, period. The New Deal was socdem and it was deeply American. The banking elites are behind this culture war nonsense.
Being against hybrid capitalist socdem America is about as unpatriotic as you can get without violence.
Choosing to be an indentured slave to bankers and insurance is for retards.
>unable to differentiate political and economic left and right
>New Deal
see >>62133260
Don’t expect these dipshits to get your point. They love cookies but will disdain the dough. They will drive across the country and never reflect on the policies and process that made it so widespread. They’ll live off social security and their eyes will glaze over if you try to address what that means. Public works programs are the devil despite forging America into something stronger, richer, and ready for war.
It’s pointless.
Once again, these talking points you tossed at me are a non-point. You don’t care to see reality. Simple.

At least we can agree Ronin is good shit. Thread is over.
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I'm probably the only Montanan that knows Liechtenstein exists.

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