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Anon is going under for surgery in couple hours and I would like to wake up while this thread is still up.
Post some random/interesting trivia about guns and military.

I promised myself that I'll go shooting this year once more. Living in EU state is not easy but I put aside to finally buy a shotgun and non-shitty handgun.
Maxim was a time traveller and Browning was a prophet.
Go on, I'm still fully awake
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Did you know that the XB-70 Valkyrie strat bomber was going to be equipped with a lenticular air-to-air missile called Pye Wacket. It was meant to defend the Valkyrie from Soviet inceptors and SAM systems but unfortunately it was axed before any prototypes could be made on account of the Valkyrie itself getting axed. I find it neat that it was lentil shaped.
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The Royal Navy bought and issued Winchester 1892s in WW1.
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ill be signing off soon
have a great day guys!

Me and my limp wrist wish you happy Tuesday
Not a gun but a weapon. The Romans invented special arrows to decapitate Ostriches in coliseum games because haha funny they move around after that. The tips were crescent shaped.
Ask for the Michael Jackson cocktail when the anesthesiologist comes in
>Anon is going under for surgery in couple hours
What stuff you getting? Ive gotten morphine once and it rocked my world. Might break a leg again sometime just to get some more.
Surely you jest, I thought they doubled their salary?
Gyro planes were used to calibrate British radar in WW2.
Although they could not remain stationary like a helicopter, they could "orbit" (fly a tight, slow circle) at a set distance and altitude.
As a kid, I had a gun before I had a bicycle. Happy surgical procedure.
Congrats on your sex change operation!
nta but its hilarious every time, fucking crybabies
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Let's see.

Dwell Time was the driving force in firearm design between the invention of the Maxim Gun and the introduction of the Assault Rifle. Even now it's pretty important if you want your weapon to both cycle properly and not explode.

The Fulton Recovery System was both brilliant and dangerous and one of the test users nearly died from suffocation because of how the wind was hitting him when the plane reeled him in.

The Henry Repeating Rifle, while revolutionary, was kinda shit and Benjamin Tyler Henry refused to change it, claiming the design was perfect and could not be improved. Then Winchester improved it.

The King of thrown weapons is the Plumbata or Lead Weighted War Dart. It was small enough you could pack half a dozen on your shield and narrow enough to pierce some armors.
>The King of thrown weapons is the Plumbata or Lead Weighted War Dart.
I don't know anon. Grenades are pretty good for a thrown weapon.
>promised myself that I'll go shooting this year once more
Don't you at least have a range within a few hours of transport to visit and shoot their guns? Plenty of EU countries do, I even have one 3 stops from my work, and one a 10 minute walk from my house. Great fun to visit with friends and try all the cool shit I'd never buy.
OP here,

I'm back. Muh dick enlargement surgery is a success.
It now qualifies as destructive device

I was knocked out with some intravenous thing.
Apparently morphine is phased out for something else here. Less addictive, no headaches.
I asked him if he likes dogs
There are 2 ranges within 1hr drive. I was just too occupied with job stuff to make effort.
I think I'll rent some long gun in 22LR to ease into the routine

This is neat and looks like it goes hard.
I wish you a speedy recovery anon.
>I'm back. Muh dick enlargement surgery is a success.
Remember, if you get it hard too fast you may pass out from lack of bloodflow to the brain!
They do. Around 300 AD the Romans started phasing out Pilum throwing spears for lead weighted war darts. They were also barbed so if you stuck someone it would be painful has hell to pull out.
>Living in EU state is not easy
In 90% of the EU countries it's far less hard than what the whiners here tend to claim... Just get off your ass.

>This is neat and looks like it goes hard.
The real ones usually had hooks on them, and looked a lot nastier than that repro.

>The King of thrown weapons is the Plumbata or Lead Weighted War Dart.
The self-righting bouncing grenade was here to laugh at you. But nice try.
Before China was unified, warring kingdoms competed for it. Warring States period etc etc.
Han looked west and saw the Qin, and hearing that the Qin were fond of big projects and massive constructions, send an engineer named Zheng Guo to convince the Qin to build a massive canal. 300 li (maybe 100 miles?) long, it would be used to regulate the flooding of the Jing River and also irrigate new fields along the canal's length which would make the Qin much wealthier and more powerful.

The goal of this, of course, was to distract the Qin with a massive, incalculably expensive project that would take forever to complete and keep them bogged down and unable to attack the Han.

Zheng Guo convinced the Qin to build it and was put in charge of the project. Allegedly, about halfway through the construction, Qin found out and were prepared to do unto Zheng the kinds of things you do to spies, involving a jacket like cheesegrater etc. However Zheng went "Whoa whoa wait, SURE I was a spy and saboteur AT FRIST but I've been working on this FOR YEARS and this is a totally earnest project. Let me finish it, if it doesn't work THEN you can kill me horribly, okay?"

And Qin went "Hmm. Yeah okay sure. But we're totally going to torture you to death if it doesn't work."

And the canal was constructed. It irrigated thousands of acres of new fields, prevented disastrous flooding of existing lands, and made the Qin vastly richer allowing them to expand their already large armies. The Qin, empowered by this new Zhenggou Canal, went on to conquer Han, Zhao, Yan, Wei, Chu and Qi. (It didn't last very long, but the Qin were the first to slap a China together and call it a single state.)
...Well if you're going to be rude about it.

Virgin Grenade
>Short range (40 meters)
>Dangerous to the user and his allies
>Needs two hands (one to pull the pin)
>Impossible to reuse

Chad Grenade
>Longer range (100 meters)
>Whisper quiet.
>Only dangerous to it's user in extreme circumstances
>Can be drawn and thrown with a single hand.
>Can be reused endlessly.
lmao, these chinese sure do have very funny history
everyone does, it's just on a larger scale with them.
You can look at all kinds of things in the US. One of my favorites is the early american/colonial era where every town and village had their own bank(s) that issued their own currency. So when the Second Wherefuck Town Bank goes bust, you grab all the bank script you can and a fast horse and ride to unload it on someone who doesn't know the backing institution doesn't exist anymore. News only travels as fast as someone can ride or sail.

But Zhenggou Canal is one of my favorites for being an intersection of scams, megaprojects, and spying.
>Historian Sima Qian(146-86 BCE):

>But Han heard that Qin was fond of embarking on enterprises, so with the intention of causing its energies to be dissipated and in order to prevent it from making an attack to the east, it accordingly dispatched a water engineer named Zheng Guo to give controversial advice to Qin by making it excavate a canal from the Jing River west of Mount Zhong as far as Hukou, from where it was to go east along the Northern Mountains and flow into the Luo. It would be more than 300 li long, and the intention would be to use it to irrigate the fields. When it was half completed the true purpose was realized, and Qin intended to kill Zheng Guo, but Zheng Guo said: ‘At first I was acting in order to cause dissension, but when the canal is completed it will surely be a benefit to Qin.’ Qin thought this was true, so in the end had the progress on the canal continued. When the canal did make further progress, it was used to cause the stagnant waters to flow, and irrigate the salty land over an area of more than 40,000 qing, so that the harvest totalled one zhong per mou. Thereupon the area within the passes was turned into fertile but uncultivated land, and there were no calamitous years, and thus Qin became rich and strong, and in the end unified the feudal states. Because of this it was called the Zheng Guo Canal.
Y-shaped arrows for bird hunting is much more ancient than that.
OP is a faggot.

Although, I guess that's not very interesting. And, everyone who sees this thread knows it.
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At some point a Duplex (two bullet) load for .50 BMG was being developed. I own a round shown here. IIRC there's also a 3 bullet version. Note for some ungodly reason "Duplex" is also used to describe loading with two powders or two shot sizes so searching for such a thing brings up tons of unrelated ammo. The .50 BMG duplex in this pic is sitting next to a 460 Weatherby Magnum. I'm not totally sure what the backstory for this round is; IIRC I haven't found out when or why it was developed or if it was ever used. I've found info here and there but that's about it.
That reminds me that the British Navy also used Arisakas! Thought that was wild when I heard about it for the first time. Oddly I can't find the video I was thinking of but here's a weird collab with C&RSenal I have never seen before for at the very least some further listening/reading.
The C&RSenal episode on the Type 30:
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I remember getting morphine when my legs decided to rebel against their master.
Felt nice, but only took the edge off the pain surprisingly. It took a lot of things I don't remember to really calm it down.
I then figured maybe I wasn't being a pussy and this actually hurt a lot

Cool to see a Drachnifel video about small arms.
If I remember correctly, they were intended to increase hit probability. Possibly during the SPIW program.
Duplex 5.56 rounds were experimented on as well.
Did not know about .50 duplex and its pretty cool you own one. Where did you get it?
>Have a recipe for gun butter.
1 part Bees Wax
1 part Bacon Drippings
1 part Coconut oil

You can use it to plug and and lube/clean black powder guns to prevent chain fires, but I've also used it as break-in lube in my shotguns and ARs
Jannie got butthurt 2x, look for this comment to get deleted by the hot pocket faggot
Were they going to be stored in the bomb bay before deployment then? And what's the advantage of the weird (and presumably somewhat difficult to pack) shape over a typical missile?

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