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ffs make a normal thread don't be a zigger
Russian su-25 shot down by stinger, sadly it looks like pilot survived
>they are flying into manpad range with planes now
E-everything alright?
Those are su-25, they have disregarded their safety for long time
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Russians instinctively seek out death
what in the fuck were they doing flying so close to ukrainian positions?
only time I have seen this happen during this war is at the start of the it when everyone was still figuring out where the frontline is exactly
>what in the fuck were they doing flying so close to ukrainian positions?
Glide bombing. Please understand.
Anyone know what was used? Heard it was some polish manpad
>Ukraine has developed manpads with 100+ km range

It would be very funny.
This dude >>62130699 says Stinger.
If it something polish it is some sort of Strela, but the performance seems to good for that. As far as I know the Grom hasn't been given to Ukraine.
da now plane can be used as missile too
Could be a Stinger.
Could be a Strela.
Could be a RBS-17

Very hard/impossible to tell from the footage.
They're desperate and needy over Vovchansk, but the counter offensive has well and truly begun. Turns out Budanov didn't just send Kraken, but Shaman as well.
You misunderstand. The plane was gliding. Also the bomb. They've decided to one-up the Ukrainians and their tiny-plane-turned-drone scheme. Entirely autonomous, comrade. Parachute is ejection of computer for walking back to airfield and re-installation into next jet.
>a plane crashed in Niu York
history repeats itself....
Funny how Russians said that they didn't lose any Su-25 that day...the same way how they said they didn't lose any of those other fighter jets
We didn't need that su-25 anyways))
The Kharkiv offensive uncovered a few crash sites of Russian jets shot down behind their own lines.
The S-500 hit has not been cleared for release like the first S-400 hit was.
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All is good, the roasted piggie was successfully recovered)))
Su-25 is flying tank like IL-2 you can't shoot it down with punny MANPADs.
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They can't even shill properly
Oh he dead as hell
Tragic, really.
We have gunner's POV, sisters
>buttblasted dcs poorfag
Russian aircrafts don't have flares?
Damn, that's some impressive range for a MANPADS.
Fucking based quite frankly.
It's not that far away. Actually those niggers were flying way too close to the ukrainian lines.
Arma 4 footage. Nice try nafotroon
>newfags don't know DCS spotting, dots and scaling is nowhere near that competent
Interesting, how does crashing and burning in a fireball play into this innovative new strategy?
You'd have to know you're being targeted.
This is pretty complicated since IR guided missiles do not give off any easily detectable signature like radar or laser guided ones.
I don't think Su-25 has any MAW that would work against IR missiles so unless you literally see the launch, you won't know you have a missile on your tail.
DCS *wishes* it would look like that lmao, have you ever touched the game?
Nevermind, of course you haven't.
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the video in that tg post is completely different though you mong
>aircraft lightly damaged
>you mong
Man that's underused these days. Especially in this new Renaissance of Retardation.
No pain - no gain
>They're attacking, concept Ukrainians just can't understand.
This is correct. The Russians attacked Ukraine, Ukraine is defending its country.
>Life is not fair.
This is true, or else Russians wouldn't be born Russians.
This is clearly Civilization V with the Brave New World expansion pack.
>there's nothing you can do about it
Are you're sure about that? $$$
Is DCS good?

.t boreblunderfag
Everyone on 4ch is like superpoor my man.
I'm sorry but there are people on /o/ who own $150,000 Porsches plus a lot of literal boomers who you know are going to have a lot of money banked up
You can tell when people here post their stuff and background is like some worn down house & 70s nicotine stained furniture.
People don't end on 4ch because they're doing well in life.
Killing every russian male 18-40 years old seems to be working pretty well. Leaves plenty of lonely russian women for the african immigrants russia keeps importing.
You're confusing us with 2ch, comrade.
But enough about your own miserable life
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If you like to read manuals.
Excellent cockpit simulator.
Bad game.
The modern combat flight sim community is split between DCS and the BMS mod for Falcon 4.
Falcon 4 had a dynamic campaign which has not been matched to this day, although it can give you nonsensical missions due to the inherent randomness it gives off the feel of real war as destroying bridges, rail and enemy factories will have an effect on the theater. BMS basically only has the F-16, every other aircraft is a reskinned F-16 with the parameters tweaked to better match the differences in airframes.
DCS has extremely detailed systems but it suffers from Early Access Syndrome in many modules, there's some drama with money issues between Eagle Dynamics and a developer called Razbam which leaves the future of a few modules uncertain, there's some jank where for example BVR missile performance is sandbagged, the air defense AI is brain dead and easy to bait (there's the Skynet IADS script which improves things), and you have no "game" to play. You have to create your own fun, download others' custom missions, buy campaigns, and if you want use a dynamic campaign generator which creates mission files for you to load but it's 100% an external tool made by the community rather than part of the official game.
The advantage of BMS is that Falcon 4 is cheap as hell. DCS sales are so frequent there's not a lot of incentive to acquire stuff for full price but if you want to learn more than one plane the costs add up.
Thanks for reading my blog entry..
>And there's nothing you can do about it
I dunno anon, it seems like something was done about it in this thread's very video? In fact, judging by casualty figures, it seems like something has been done about it several hundred thousand times?
I hope they go on a plane deletion spree like last time.
>tea status: being drunk
>which is why they are losing their desert storm off their borders
>Back at the base, drinking tea with my crew. They're all just out of frame, drinking tea too.
live view in my toilet after eating taco bell
may I have 2 cents on this "it is videogame lmao" russian bullshittery?
You see, russians have this telegram "Fact checker" "War on Fakes" (often shown on RT and Rossiya-1) that shows how everything is disinformation and everything is videogame footage or photoshop or CIA moonlanding-tier film trickery. They can in real time disprove actual factual imagery because their board of experts agrees that it is actually fake and you can see some mistake in this red circle (you cannot). I am europoor and my national (public service - BBC like) TV started its own "disinfo disproving" show, which while honest (it disproves things like "covid vaccines have microchips in them") is absolutely uneffective, because people who believe this bullshit dont watch mainstream TV, people who watch it think its bullshit that anyone believes in such crap, and I worry that it makes the Russian "hoax disproval" more valid (cause they can say the West does the same).
Currently everything is AI footage (I have seen quite recent AI videos, they still lack concepts of basic physics and object permanence when longer than 5s).
Here we can see the level of detail no GPU known to man can run Arma 3 on (but I believe this is what it looks like when you set it to ultra), things like wind caused by rocket propulsion (and tree softly reacting to it), aerosol caused visual attenuation, FIELD FULL OF WHEAT WITH TINY LEAVES, yet some idiot says its digital trickery.
This vid 2 and a half years in retard. Or the t62 train? Or kharkiv twice, kherson once? The black sea fleets gone, just like a thousand mobiks a day.
shut it down fellas. this guy just posted the nerd emoji. its joever
>This is clearly Civilization V with the Brave New World expansion pack.

Isn't everything now?
This is a land war, not a su-25 war. The eyebrow is raising up into the asshole as we speak.
This is pretty tame for as retarded as it is desu
MANPADS should be available for everyone.
Fuckers flying over your house? Stinger that bitch for violating the NAP.
Air ambulance flying to a rescue? The decibel sound has disturbed me and now a heat seeking missile is going to end that raucous.
All pilots should have the fear of missiles in their heart.
>ignores unironic daily threads
Fuckin ziggers lol
>People don't end on 4ch because they're doing well in life.

sometimes that faggot owen won't stop posting /b/ links in your irc server

something about a pool? idgaf owen shut the fuck up you autistic faggot
>Long Count
>Not recognizing Missile Turrets from StarCraft: Remastered
Unworthy of sacrifice; unworthy even of labor.
Flight time from launch to missile impact is seven seconds. The missile is launched from the 4-o-clock pocket, which is a blind spot that's not covered by the mirrors in the cockpit and requires the pilot to look pretty much as hard to the right as he can.. while flying an attack run at a couple hundred meters. A second or two of inattention at that altitude will kill you.
Neither plane reacts, which means they very likely had no idea it was even in the air until the wingman's engine exploded
if polish, then it would probably be PPZR Piorun. Polish media reported 2 years ago its doing quite well, but fuck knows it might be polish propaganda. Anyway thats what ukies got from us.
>People don't end on 4ch because they're doing well in life.
You're probably right but being a failure isn't just about money.
Some of us are pretty senior IT professionals at the declining end of a four decade career and are quite comfortable financially, just the usual loner misfits otherwise.
I threw a shoe at it.
Are you feeling ok, Anon?
Would you like a pep talk to boost your spirits?
They are flying too high and not following the terrain so they dead.
She sailed back to port under her own power.
This is from Rise Of Nations, you lying fag.
>not recognising Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Well, I mean ... those digits. But, isn't more like Death instinctively seeks out ziggers ..?
But there is something beautiful about that moment in DCS when you line up on your attack run perfectly… reach the final moment then… realise your laser isn’t armed, the laser code is wrong and you didn’t even fuse the fucking bombs anyway anyway
I'd post my house, but the architecture is rather unique and there are photos of it wild on t3h Internets. So, not going to doxx myself that way. But, I can tell you I have to pay $15K in annual school district taxes by the end of next month. You do the maths, but you won't be able to turn that into anything less than 7 digits in property value. I should also mention the ten acre lake we own half of? And I'm poor compared to some people I've met on 4chinnz.

To be fair, much of Eastern Ukraine is pretty flat so following the terrain amounts to flying straight and level.
It doesn't seem like flares were deployed. Did they not receive warning of the missile or had they already run out?
for me, it's SQUAD
there is vid from launch site - it zigzags/spirals (plume) so its not javelin
>People don't end on 4ch because they're doing well in life.
Come on now, I've been here for an uncomfortably long time, many of us have, and for some reason keep fucking coming back despite being parents and having very comfortable lives, myself included on both accounts.
>jokes on them the manpad costs more than su-25!11
Thats retarded but id buy it
>Russian CAS aircraft don’t have systems to detect IR seeker missiles

The Su-25SM3 (latest modernization) should have Zakhvat UV-based missile approach warning system and an ECM suite.
The thing is, so far the Russian air force has only received about 30 of these and also the reliability of the MAW isn't really all that great if the Ka-52's suite is anything to go by (Alligator pilots would often just turn the whole thing off because apparently it would constantly screech false positives at them, which is probably how they got rekt by beam-riding Stugnas repeatedly.)
eggs are in ass and tea is being counted
>The Su-25SM3 (latest modernization) should have Zakhvat UV-based missile approach warning system and an ECM suite.
Ka-52 should have laser warning system. Reality showed that they don't
Are you really physically incapable of reading a post to the end kek
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Do you really need a tl:dr for every post?
did you know that in afghanistan the american muslim terrorists had to target mi-24s with 2 stingers.
There's so many videos of MANPADS hitting Russian aircraft and they're not even aware of it. They perform terrain hugging and other mitigation efforts, but it's still not enough. For comparison, 79% of Soviet aircraft engaged with Stingers were shot down during the Soviet-Afghan war. The seekers for most have only gotten more advanced, yet the aircraft have remained relatively static. They learned nothing and the same problems keep coming back.
The missile just knows...
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>NOOOOO. you are supposed to self loath and pity project on everybody what a retarded neet you are reeee
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sweet footage
You can cope about it but that doesn't make you any less pathetic for being here.
What is the Ukrainian equivalent to Allahu Akbar?
>What is the Ukrainian equivalent to Allahu Akbar?
Canonically it's Slava.
In practice we here a fair bit of бляти cyкa but also a lot of English like "yes yes!"
Holy shit! Did he walk away from that!?!?!?
>in fact he did not walk away from that
>I don't think Su-25 has any MAW that would work against IR missiles
Su-25SM3 has a UV-based MAWS to detect missile launch signatures but at this point with Russia we have to question
>Whether it still works after years of sanctions
>How well it even worked to begin with
>Whether it was an SM3 or an older Su-25 variant
>How available consumables like countermeasure flares are when there's a shortage of just about everything else
Can you blow up downed pilots with a drone or is that unbecoming?

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