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>it was le bad because ummmm our pilots sucked
Literally a skill issue. USAF required pilots have 1500 jet hours before they could sit in one while europoors put people with less than 500 who had only flown P-80s, which is like putting a 16 year old in a supercharged challenger with nitrous, and then made them fly 10 meters above the ground in bad weather
Here’s your first (you), anon.
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it was just the germans who were clinically retarded. italians loved it and the spanish never lost a single one
>t. italian
>germans using these things as cas planes
fucking why
they were also just shit pilots since they got rid of all the hecking natzees and the ones they brought back were super out of practice
It's funny yo
US: "Technically we can put bombs on it so we'll market it as multi-role (which was a big buzzword at the time) for more money."
Germans: "They said it can do CAS so we will."
If you've had to work with Germans you'll understand.
>leading distributor of Indian air force parts
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Go fast meta.
Literally bribes
conservatives have always liked fucking people over for money
the smaller wings helped with turbulent ground air currents but the plane wasnt as advertised
Everyone always talks about German F-104 losses, but surprisingly Canada had even worse attrition rates.
not really surprising, canadians are retarded, emasculated and run their airframes into the ground, its cold there too

Why are you here with this words Are you AI or just a retard? Go back.
I hate them so much. They do nothing aside from pumping money into Bavaria while the rest of the country falls apart.The CDU/CSU spent fuck all on infrastructure which is why so many roads and rail lines are fucked now.
foreigners have no clue what cdu means, but they understand "conservatives".

Daily reminder that F-104s with the USAF had 30.63 accidents per 100.000 flight hours while Luftwaffe F-104s had 20 per 100.000
>italians loved it and the spanish never lost a single one
>>t. italian
because you used it as an interceptor. the germans used it as a tactical bomber as well. most german crashes occured in low altitude flight at low velocities.
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>have high speed lawndart interceptor
>decide to use it in a low velocity high maneuver role
"multirole" aircraft didn't really exist until Panavia Tornado was introduced. In US service the first true multirole aircraft was F/A-18 hornet (hence why the F/A designation)

You're conflating "fighter-bomber" with "multirole
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That's a nice Sukhoi you got there, would be a shame if something happened to it?
>if you hit 15 deg AOA it pitches up to 60 deg AOA
>you bleed all speed and enter a flat stall
It was a fast jet before anyone was good at making fast jets, sure you can adjust training and tactics to reduce the danger but a partial stall causing a full stall is not something anyone would field today.
>12.5 deg on speed AOA
That is a very narrow window you enter every time you try to land.
So much mindlessly regurgitated, ignorant bullshit itt. Stop sourcing all your thoughts about everything from shit you saw online.
>>if you hit 15 deg AOA it pitches up to 60 deg AOA
>>you bleed all speed and enter a flat stall
>During the early stall tests, the aircraft demonstrated the tendency to suddenly "pitch up" once it reached an angle of attack of approximately 15 degrees. This "pitch up" would result in a rapid increase in angle of attack to approximately 60 degrees, accompanied by lateral and directional oscillation, and followed by sudden uncontrolled yaw and roll. At this point the aircraft would be essentially tumbling, descending at a rate of 12,000–15,000 feet per minute...
It's even worse than that. Note the F-104 has a T-tail and these are notorious for causing unrecoverable stalls. It did have a stickshaker and a stick pusher but pilots often filter out alarm sounds etc. in busy situations.
everyone will ignore this and will keep talking about Germany.
the only Nation without any fatalities were the Spaniards iirc and that only because they had strict good weather and ultra high altitude restrictions. Virtually all other nations went "Yolo"
the pilots in that video are retarded
>you would do it too
No i wouldn't
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>Airlines hate this machine, find out how in 7 easy steps you too can turn a civilian airliner into a mass grave
Isnt the record like 2 (airlines) to 1 (manuevering kill)
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Yeah, also Spain operated only 21 aircraft for a like 7 years, compared to e.g. Germany with 916 for decades. The F-104 was just a piece of shit, there's no defending it
>No i wouldn't
Says man who has never flown any plane in his entire life.
So, correct, you wouldn't because you'd never even be in a position to do anything.
It has nothing to do with having flown a plane, it's simply a matter of intelligence. Those pilots were probably midwits, I have a tested IQ of 137
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And yet, they are pilots and you have achieved nothing at all in your life. Curious.
State of the art technology and cutting edge performance doesn't necessarily come easy. Most countries thought it was worth it to field the best interceptor in the world.
>until Panavia Tornado

multirole combat aircraft arrived in the 1960s with the F-4 Phantom II.
the F-105 Thunderchief was intended to be 'multirole' but wasn't much air-to-air or dogfight capable, as was the F-111

>saw online
or (especially) in video games
Well, "yes" that is why the Luftwaffe had a number of training facilities at Luke AFB in Arizona til '83.
Better weather meant more flying hours and more training.
Now understand that those accidents with the USAF were the foundation that kept the Luftwaffe losses lower.
Flight Manuals for high performance aircraft are often penned with pilot's blood.
>because you used it as an interceptor

It was designed as an interceptor, and intended to be used as one.


Get back to me when you stop thinking a hammer can be used as a wrench, you obtuse mong.
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The Starfighter was objectively an excellent fighter. Incredible performance and a significant technological leap.
Project Feather Duster I and II found it was a better dogfighter than F-86, F-100, and even F-4. Erich Hartmann in his last interview called it a good plane, just not something Germany needed. The Lockheed scandal was only part of the debacle. It wasn't just Lockheed bribing their aircraft where it shouldn't go, but bribing for their aircraft to get the contract germany wanted: nuke capable supersonic strike package, a mission that requires moving very fast at low altitude. Combine that with German pilots only having 1/3rd the training time that American pilots had and you have a disaster.
Look at accident rates of other 1st gen Mach 2 fighters/interceptors, namely EE Lightning and Mig-21, you'll be surprised.
>Witness me Johnson
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Starfighters are the pinnacle of skill issue.
Just fly better lmao
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Also if you call it an interceptor you have terminal retardation
>be germans
>use what is basically a rocket as an as a low ground bomber and CAS plane
>wonder why your pilots are dying en masse
>be italians
>use it as an interceptor as the manual says
>not a single problem
Yeah, it was the plane fault
How is it not? Isn’t that what it was intended to do first? Doesn’t seem like it can do anything else besides zoom up to high altitude as fast as possible and blast bombers.
To be fair Lockheed kinda misled the krauts into thinking it could do CAS, though they really should have known better.
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the only plane ever to get an air to air kill on an astronaut
It shot down 2 airlines and a swede draken did a low manuever that the ruskie tried to follow and he lawn darted
I don't get it?
>hit one South Korean airliner in 1978, killing two and forcing an emergency landing
>crashed into an Argentinian airliner with no survivors, pilot claims he did it on purpose
>Shot down a second South Korean airliner in 1983 (KAL 007) with no survivors. The airliner was positively identified as civilian and still deliberately shot down.
As for the astronaut, an Su-15 is thought to have been implicated in the training incident that killed Yuri Gagarin.
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In the Netherlands, the scandal was even worse because literal prince-consort was caught accepting bribes.

actually just a theory about the crash of yuri gargarin's mig 15, that it was caused by a low flying flagon that passed within 10 ft of his plane.
It was Luftwaffe Starfighters that did an inauthorized flyby at the funeral of the greatests Stuka ace ever, Hans Rudel.
>>Shot down a second South Korean airliner in 1983 (KAL 007) with no survivors. The airliner was positively identified as civilian and still deliberately shot down.
The ID is considered murky but regardless, this incident caused GPS to be made available to civilians world wide.
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Nope, it was intended as a daytime air superiority fighter. The interception role was something the F-102/6 was intended for. The starfighter does have the characteristics of a good interceptor though
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- From the national Museum of the United States Air Force.

Lockheed F-104C Starfighter

Designed as a supersonic superiority fighter, the F-104 was produced in two major versions. Armed with a six-barrel M-61 20mm Vulcan cannon, it served as a tactical fighter, and when equipped additionally with heat-seeking Sidewinder missiles, as a day-night interceptor.

>as a day-night interceptor.

You have been corrected.
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nigger, are you retarded? the question was "what was it intended to do first" not "what did it do later"
By that logic you think the F-4 was designed as a dogfighter because that's what it eventually did
>Nope, it was intended as a daytime air superiority fighter
>Nope, it was intended as a daytime air superiority fighter
>Nope, it was intended as a daytime air superiority fighter

Aww, you mad the USAF's own museum said you were a witless nonce?
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get better bait. not my fault you cant read
Say the demonstrated illiterate.
Well done, you utter mong.
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The German F-104G is/was super fun to fly WT.
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I think you mean "said the demonstrated illiterate" ;)
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you guys too huh
can't wait for all my fellow 20-something bongs to forget the utter incompetence we have witnessed after 14 years of conservatives who know the price of everything and the value of nothing
it's gotten so bad that to avoid scaring the boomers into voting for more obvious and visible decline, the Labour party basically has transformed itself into what the Conservatives were at the start of those 14 years. Now we wait and see if they were just pretending to be retarded or if they actually believe the same policies that got us into this shit are what will get us out of it.
>labour will fuck up in the next 10 years so hard, that no one wants to vote them anymore
>the memory of Tories is still in so they aren't an option either
>LibDems winning by doing nothing
imagine that scenario
Definitely not gonna be this
the two party system of the UK is extremely hard to crack. Consider how the Conservatives have done an indefensibly shit job at literally everything and yet they still got the 2nd most seats, twice as many as the lib dems. So many people just don't pay attention and vote red/blue based on what they've always done. My granddad straight up told me he was voting Conservative in 2024 because of the taxes in the fucking 70s, not even the last Labour government which ended in 2010, but the 1970s. Millions of people have already decided how they will vote in the next three elections, right now, no matter what actually happens to them, how the parties change, or what the UK's situation is.
Anyway this is definitely off-topic so I'm stopping here.
Pakistani f104s shot down a lot of Indian air force planes
not really, both the F-104S and F-104ASA came in two different configurations, CBO (All weather fighter/bomber) and CIO (All weather fighter/interceptor)
we also suffered a quite high accident rate, granted not as high as Germany’s, but still significant nonetheless
hnnnnng sexo
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>b-but she killed the valkyrie
>implying ICBMs didn't render the concept of a supersonic, high altitude nuclear bomber obsolete
>Implying the Valk didn't deserve it for being ugly
I love this stupid little lawn dart more than you can ever know, the only thing she did wrong was not kill more krauts
Sometimes I wonder if it's just our politics that are especially retarded but then I read a thing or two of what's happening in Europe and realize nah we're averagely retarded
I think the main reason for this was that the USAF mostly operates over north american desert. Whereas whenever a German crashed a F104 it would hit someone's house, or at least near it. So the publicity levels were different
>but then I read a thing or two of what's happening in Europe and realize nah we're averagely retarded
The worst red state corruption doesn't compare to Hungary and the rural ignorance is just about the same.
she looks like sh'd like strawberries with wiped cream

Canadians were actually using them in West Germany for the exact same low-level strike role and ran into the exact same problems of trying to use the Mach 2 high altitude interceptor in a terrain-hugging strike role in West German weather conditions and ran into the exact same accident causes. No CF-104 was ever meant for use in the air defence role of continental Canada (that was the CF-101's job).
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At Mach 0.8 at sea level the F-104 is no less agile than other jets.
At that speed in thick air it is limited by pilot/airframe Gs, not by lift.

The Mirage III that they were competing against would have likely been more dangerous in that role, since they suffered much more from ground turbulence buffet, which would have made the workload of low visibility navigation and strike even more difficult for the pilot.

What made the F-104 dangerous in that regime was the absence of modern avionics like moving map displays, HUD and automatic terrain radar.
Pilots back then would have to compare raw radar returns against special maps in order to navigate at low level in low visibility conditions.

Later aircraft designed for that specific mission, like the Jaguar and the Tornado had similarly high wing loading, but they had specific avionics designed to make life much easier for the pilot.

The F-104 also suffered from unfavourable landing characteristics, with high approach speeds, that were even higher if the blown flap system was not operating correctly.
Dead stick landings would have to be very fast, although this was not that common due to the poor glide ratio.

The aircraft also suffered from the same engine reliability issues that plagued basically all jets of the era, at least compared to today.
Based rat
The F-104 was too fast for its time, it wasn't until boomers that planes could let ot rip
What's the comparative number of fatal accidents?
I'm pretty sure there's still a Luftwaffe squadron out in Goodyear, Arizona.
>the F-4 was designed as a dogfighter because that's what it eventually did
The F-4 was designed to do everything, with fuckloads of power, armament load and decent maneuverability because the original program was for a common basis platform for all navy planes. But that didn't go through so they sold it as an interceptor. However, the original design goal is exactly what it ended up becoming.

The main reason it's remembered poorly is the USAF's dogshit pilot training. The navy and the kikes used it to great effect even as a dogfighter.
Hartmann (best WW2 fighter ace) was literally discharged from the Bundeswehr for opposing the Starfighter you dumb moron. Defence minister Strauss got a fat bribe from Lockheed and forced the Starfighter through while silencing any criticism or concerns.
>meanwhile Greens literally blocking repairs of the Autobahn because cars are le bad
At this point every party seems to hate infrastructure. Unless it’s in East Germany. There we have to keep pumping money to cuddle our beloved snowflakes.
Hartmann was a retard who didn't fight in Korea and understand the new meta

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