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why does canada need nearly 90 of these? how could we ever use them?
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>UK’s bitch
>US’s bitch
>our token contribution to collective defence spending
why else would i be asking? does anyone outside of this country give a shit about anything we do?
isn't our sole responsibility defending the arctic or something? these badboys can't make it past the hudson bay
where's our BOATS?
just norad things.
1. Big country.
2. You don't usually station aircraft in smaller units than a squadron because there needs to be redundancy for maintnance.
So they can invent new warcrimes.
So you can throw 6-12 at various bases across your massive landmass to have at least a somewhat viable chance to maintain the safety of your airspace without US assistance.
Because to intercept, identify and if needed turn away or destroy an unknown aircraft suspected to be military you send two aircraft, and while those two are getting fueled, armed and the pilots get to stretch their legs after a sortie two others need to be available as spare in case another unknown shows up.
And on top of that there are two others down for maintnance.
6 aircraft is the bare minimum to maintain a somewhat reasonable alert readiness rate at a base.
If you want to add standard training sorties as well you obviously need even more.
1. To bomb bad guys
2. To shoot down flying bad guys
3. To make floating bad guys stop floating

They also look cool and make UFO reports more exciting.

Why is /k/ so obsessed with Canada lately?
Canada is quite large...
90 is probably not enough...

>Howdy how fellow 4channers!

>Would you like to join the US Air Force?

>You get to work on some super cool planes, maybe even fly them!

>Support the Mossad and the IDF in their /k/ampaign of anti-Christian genocide!

>Just hop on over to /meg/ and talk with one of our groomers- I mean recruiters!
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we should give them more
Y'all are just holding them for a friend
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to support our navy
Expect a lot more 9/11s and USS Liberty incidents then
What is "shadman"?
i'm glad people are starting to cotton on to what a bunch of dogfuckers irving are
>1. To bomb bad guys
>2. To shoot down flying bad guys
>3. To make floating bad guys stop floating

but 90 jets is not enough to take on the usa
Gwynne Dyer's "Defence of Canada" series gives a good sense of the tortuous history of strategic-level Canadian defence strategy - that is, it involved out of mostly bone-headed decisions to follow first daddy Britain into WWI (out of reasons of sentimental attachment) and WWII (out of more cautious and reserved sentimental attachment), and then big brother USA into Korea (out of some sense of idealism and enthusiasm for the UN) and then permanent involvement in NATO with a tripwire force at the West German border. For all that Canada gets to sit on the G7 despite being far more comparable historically in terms of footprint and GDP to Finland.

The Canadian military has rarely been about merely the continental defence of Canada, involvement in NORAD may make this seem like that's the case - but the tripwire force in West Germany during the Cold War went far and beyond that. The Canadian military has thus historically been about the nebulous idea of "going to war to support the rules-based international order" - that is, we accompany the US when they build a coalition for a night out with the lads, and in return we continue to get a seat at the big boy table. This logic has continued by inertia since the end of the Cold War, partly out of the Canadian Force's own internal enthusiasm for it (who doesn't want to go out for a night with the lads when the US military is up for it?) but also the general lack of political willingness on the part of Canadian politicians and voters to really have a conversation about Canada's strategic interests. The F-35 acquisition isn't really just about continental defence - although that's part of it, there's plenty of other options. What it also gives us is interoperability with the US military, and thus sets us up, should the time come, for another night out with the lads. That the government has tried to get that on the cheap doesn't really change the underlying logic.
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I still occasionally seethe about them shit-canning Adm. Norman.

irving delenda est
We need more. For the upcoming annexation of Alaska and bombing of the White House.
>why does canada need military equipment to defend itself
to defend itself
>how could they ever use them
to defend itself by using them
>Gwynne Dyer
Lefty Communist faggot
You people bitch and complain about Canada not spending money on defense and then when we actually do spend money on something good it's all "why does Canada need this" make up your mind
If Norway, with 5 million people can buy and operate 52 of these, surely Canada can find a use for 90, being an enormous fucking country and all
they have to maintain constant air superiority over the geese, relations have been strained for decades. without a show of strength we could be looking at a full on insurgency
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We must keep selling F-35s. I won't be satisfied until every country in NATO can solo Russia. For clarification, yes, I do mean that I want Estonia to not just be able to hold off a Russian invasion without declaring Article 5, I want them to be able to push into Moscow afterward.
I don't want to simply defeat Russia; I want them to be eternally mindbroken.
Russia has been eternally mindbroken for hundreds of years anon. Who else is still seething at Britain for having a successful empire and kicking their nuts in whenever they got uppity several generations ago? Even India doesn't have the same level of ass-pain at the mere thought of Britain and they were a full on colony.
1. for you
India has ass pain from permadiarrhea, can't even compete with them
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You are right, you don't need those F35 and they are not useful.
You should have bought more than 90 Rafale, they'll be useful as America slowly turn into a supremacist shithole and ask you to pay for the right to access ITAR components.
Should have gotten some f15ex to wmgo with the f35's
Why did the Canadian Forces drop the CF-35 variant and just go for the F-35A instead? Was the drogue parachute design too ambitious?
Also it seems like Canada won’t have an issue with the aerial refueling systems now that they acquired more A330 tankers.
The main question is whether Lockheed will finally approve external fuel tanks that can extend the range by 40%, which enhances their patrol capabilities.
>why does canada need nearly 90 of these?
It's because of Chinese infiltration in your military.

>how could we ever use them?
The chinks who control your government are going to push you into joining USA in Taiwan, then your F35s bomb China and the chink canadians will sell a third vancouver home and buy half a shanghai suburb full of rubble and slap a mega apartment complex on it that will fund a political dynasty that rules Canada for 100 years until they've married so many generations of white trophy wives that they're just Chad Chan by that stage.
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>why does canada need nearly 90 of these? how could we ever use them?
I see you are very concerned?
>Why is /k/ so obsessed with Canada lately?
A lot of thirdies seethe about Canada for some reason
Nice try Xhang
Just gonna overlook any canadian involvement in africa then right? What a baffling series of statements.
anons who put everything into GDP are retarded. some areas that have strategic importance due to purely geographic terms are important (look at egypt, why do you think america will prop that shithole up?) But oh no gotta only matter about GDP.
Stealth war crimes in the next big one
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Tranny porn.
To surrender them to China
>does anyone outside of this country give a shit about anything we do?

no but you have the best uranium ore in the world and the northwestern passages are opening soon. both of these considerations are going to get a lot more important in the coming decades and your policy makers need to be prepared for that.
As an LMT investor, I agree
>be Canada
>Air force consists of 90% geese
>This is a proven effective fighting force
>Geese have the radar section of a bird, are very hard for conventional jets to intercept, have great endurance, and they're supplied in bulk
>Canada has an air presence across the ENTIRE PLANET because of geese
>But there's a problem
>Geese have no long range weapons
>So Canada occasionally buys jets
>Just in case someone needs to be reminded that Canada is why the Geneva convention exists in the first place
Seems about right to me.
We don't need them.

And won't ever use them other than to operate as a token show of force in an environment entirely devoid of threats.

A phenomenal, pointless, and idiotic waste of money.
Fun fact: F-35 is cheaper than Rafale, EF-2000 and even Gripen E whilst being much more advanced
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>why does Canada need nearly 90 of these?
infamous cartoon porn creator (Hiloli Clinton etc)
Canada should be more like Poland. Like just blow up russian jets testing your interception times. Russia won't do anything because the US would get involved.
>infamous cartoon porn creator (Hiloli Clinton etc)
I googled Hiloli Clinton and to my complete lack of surprise, it was captioned in Russian.

>What is "shadman"?
Makes decent western cartoon porn but infamous for being a pedo and wanna-be nazi. You can extrapolate the rest from there but the (cartoon) cp and nazi stuff are probably the reason for the reputation.
Lot of fur and futa also I think, possibly just for commissions but I never bothered looking that far into him.
Where did I ignore Africa? The argument is that Canada's always attempted to be a part of international interventions as part of a US or broadly NATO-led coalition, which means that any equipment procured are going to be more about expeditionary capability than continental defence. This is exactly why Canada procurement tends to prioritize expeditionary capability and interoperability with NATO.

lmao, IAF IS the standard retard
>>Geese have the radar section of a bird
you will always be America’s hat
Canada needs to buy more of them if you want to make your NATO committments. Canada is one of the weakest nations in NATO when it comes to military spending. You have a joke of a military with underfunding everywhere.
>why does canada need nearly 90 of these?
You probably don't, but we think it'd be real handy if you used some of those to help us bomb some poor fuckers whenever shit heats up. We aren't going out of our way to develop and spread a plane that makes it braindead easy to work with other countries that have said plane just out of the goodness of our hearts.
Please return to your containment thread. You are very annoying people to deal with. Day of the rake when?
>our token contribution to collective defence spending
Canada's buying something like 15 Type 26s aren't they? All things considered that's not a bad show for Canada.
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Out of fucking nowhere
We need so much more shit it's not even funny, and we have a chronic problem of overpaying for what we do get/getting garbage we should have passed on (those subs we bought from the brits for instance or our new arctic patrol vessels that can barely stay afloat).
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So they can redeem the shitting streets once again, saar!
True enough. Canada has a real opportunity right now to get in on AUKUS but it's dragging its heels on whether it wants to. With the enormity of the Canadian coast and the retention crisis in the navy, it's hard to understand why they wouldn't pursue nuclear submarines over diesel ones.
>it's hard to understand why they wouldn't pursue nuclear submarines over diesel ones.
We've always been fucking stupid when it comes to any form of nuke and military applications; lest we forget, we were the country that bought BOMARC missiles and then put sandbags in them because our moral indignation about nuclear weapons prevented us from putting the fucking warheads on them.
Realistically we're still in the same position Europe was prior to Russia going full retard - we haven't woken up from Fukuyama's 'End of History' dream, and I fear we probably won't before someone (likely the Chinese) kick some of our teeth in before we get our shit together.
We're going to get caught out and have to scramble to put our military affairs back in order because we forgot you go to war with the army you have no the one you're going to buy ten years from now after kicking the can down the road a couple more election cycles.
I mean to upgrade their capabilities plus recently didint RCAF intercepted both russian and Chinese bombers off Alaska with USAF in their f/a-18C. And if this continues might as well get upgrades to their fleet
One day Canadians will awaken and bomb India.
The greatest dream of Canada is to watch India and China destroy each other with nuclear hellfire.
God willing that stupid sticks and stones fighting in the mountains blows up into something serious thanks to the rampant nationalism on both sides.
>we haven't woken up from Fukuyama's 'End of History' dream
Nor should you, it's a worthy dream but if we want our dreams to manifest in reality, we need to put in the work.
You pay for the maintenance and storage until we can ship them to ukraine or taiwan or israel.
>God willing that stupid sticks and stones fighting in the mountains blows up into something serious
Honestly I quite respect them for that. It's almost chivalrous how they defined RoE that far exceeds Geneva Convention in scope and keep to it aggressively even at cost of lives.
They'll reinvent trial by combat and duels between champions next.
he's also a pretty good dancer
This schizo is among the most hilarious considering that less than 0.2% of Gazans are Christian. Reminds me of another guy here that insisted that Muslims are uncircumcised.
Fuck off shadman
srsly china and russia are cracking ice in your direction
humiliation ritual
having a functioning military is an expression of sovereignty. if canada were to rely solely on the USAF to protect its airspace, it would be a tacit admission of vassalage

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