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>”whoever dies first is a faggot”
Is there any situation where motorcycle cavalry could be effective?
Border patrol
in the hundreds they could storm a village with hard access
I hear the white scars are doing a good job
>s there any situation where motorcycle cavalry could be effective?
yes many situations if you are not retarded like the russians
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Motorcycle infantry.
>Mount up
>Ride to battle
>Fight like infantry
They're good as a fast response force, setting ambushes and buying time for reinforcements. We've already seen motorcycle AT teams do good work, maybe we can do the same with Snipers or MGs.
That would be the smart way to do it. Pucians prefer the other way.
>he was russian
>wears an arafatka
There aren't any non-muslim russians left, huh?
That's just motorcycle dragoons
Welcome back Dragoons
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Maybe a few more.
You mean the way of assaulting defended position in a direct assult role?
Yeah, its about the worst way of doing it
Its not like he was going to see Christmas anyway
Motorcycle is the best vehicle on PUBG because of how light and zippy it is. You can roll up, get off, waste someone, and fuck off.
>buck broken by Chechens
Dictatorships are just like that.
...Yes? Is that wrong?
Does this mean we can issue them swords?
they all got killed before reaching the ao
Id convert too if it meant my asshole was protected, but i would want to flee before shit got real real bad. Its not good to be a barrier troop during the revolution.
Man, Russian Orthodoxy used to be priests going to Gulags for torching portaits of Lenin, or smuggling translated Orthodox literature from America. They really fell off the deep end.
I've been wondering this for a while now, but why dirt bikes and not ATVs?
>Saracen convert literally purging Christians to save his own ass
Muscovy's entire future right here.
This is probably a stupid question, but could motorcycle cavalry more easily carry heavy equipment like ATGMs? I mean, I know they can generally take the weight, but there obviously needs to be a way of moving the launcher. I'm gonna assume that moving it in a cart is unfeasible due to the terrain being unstable from shell damage and debris.
>Is there any situation where motorcycle cavalry could be effective?
harassing a 40km long convoy
They are going to die anyway but have fun* with cool* rides.
less wheels less money to pay B)

tl;dr Yes and this has been done.
Amazing how a woman like that can go through an entire life in the society she's in and still worry about whether perhaps they have turned their backs on God.
They train them wrong as a joke.
>Verification not required
Game wardens in Mongolia use dirtbikes and horses, iirc.
>Yes? Is that wrong
Yes because we are talking about cavalry not dragoons
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>Orthodoxy used to be priests going to Gulags for torching portaits of Lenin, or smuggling translated Orthodox literature from America.

That was all the smaller countries west of Ukraine and south of Poland. Rusland proper church was always cucked.
>Is there any situation where motorcycle cavalry could be effective?
Motorcycle cavalry is marginally more effective during trench assaults on small trenches (Squad size defense or lower) in Ukraine, right now today, than dismounts hitting trenches. Motorcycles with 2 personnel driving in the same lane are less likely to set off mines outside a trench than dismounts are. Also marginally easier to outrun FPV drones on a motorcycle. I've seen it work.

The niche exists, but it's very small and IMO resources would have been better off literally anywhere else from an RU perspective. But the war is rapidly changing, tactics that worked for guys on the zero line 6 months ago don't work today, infantry in particular are getting fucking mulched because Ukraine and Russia both have significant drone supplies now. If you're looking to volunteer, best find some good OSINT sources for which frequencies to jam, because Falcon isn't going to update you in time.

t. green book haver
More like 2 squad sized mini trenches near Chasiv Yar but lol, alright
>Zelenskyy now says "We have to end the war as soon as possible."
So he wants to attack Moscow?
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Ukraine is winning the war of attrition against retards.
What blew up today?
Nah you've basically described the ideal use of dirt bikes in modern combat
Like during the japanese attack on Singapore, bikes give a commander the option of sending a sufficiently disciplined force of light infantry (nowadays equipped with all the drones and ATGMs they can carry) to a position where they can attack from an entirely unexpected direction with distressing speed
Actually using the bikes themselves as assault vehicles is nothing short of madness unless you can somehow garauntee the enemy is totally unprepared to shoot back - in which case the sheer speed alone might get you in and amongst them quickly enough to force a surrender, like the Australian light horse at Beersheba
That's literally what the Bosnians and Albanians did, they both converted to Islam and as a result Turkish officials couldn't fuck their wives. Greeks and Serbs stayed Christian, and as a result they're a lot browner today because Turkish officials would knock their wives up.
Actuall russian Orthodox are persecuted same as catholics and baptists there
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>Id convert too if it meant my asshole was protec
40% of Albania is Christian and we get along based off race more, bosnians did it because they were Nestorian Christians and did it for taxes. Ottomans never Captured Northern Albania especially mirdita and Albanians of all religions buck broke turks many times
someone post a translation, I can't read orc scribbles
I bet he was force married to akhmed and had to convert to islam cus they don’t allow otherwise
you say this as if bosnians and albanians are not as, if not more brown as the latter
Yeah, the Russian Orthodox Church was always sanctioned by the Tsar. Once the Tsar changed names to General Secretary they choose to do his bidding.
There is a reason there is a current schism going on within the Orthodoxy, the russian Patriach even lost his blessing from the Patriach of Constantinople.
Also the russian monastery on Holy Mount Athos is under investigation of money laundering by the Greeks. Being orthodox with no local partition of your church within the Patriachy of Constatinople is pain right now.
In a post-apocalyptic jousting match.
>2 heavily armored bikers rise on their bikes
>Both are armed with 8 gauge shotguns, which are fired as the two riders get closer to eachother
>The one not blasted off of his bike wins
Some Serbs look full blown Romani.
They also tend to be the most nationalistic.
Russian orthadoxy was never religious, it was always under the thumb of the tsar or some leader just like western Europe.
It has always been a tool for control of the people, never the elites.
The Earth would still have QT Egyptian and Persian girls if it wasn’t for the muzzies.
Nah. You just need one guy with knowledge of "Haut Couteau de Cuisine" techniques and they're both exploding into gore.
Denmark used motorcycle troops to hold off the Germans during WW2 to good effect. Crew served weapons teams were able to quickly get into an ambush position, suppress the advancing Germans, and displace before they could recover.
Admittedly that's not a very good example since the combat was small scale skirmishes and the Danes defence was doomed from the start, but it can be done.
Motorcycle dragoons make a lot of sense in some environments and situations, especially for light recon and stuff. They make less sense in mountainous, heavily forested or muddy regions where getting around on a bike takes more skill and experience than can easily be taught
That's some top tier defending of Christian values.
smartest vatnik in the whole company
No scouts/recon ie SF yes. Only a forth world shithole would go nyte nyte anything above 500cc cost to much give them 150cc bikes the Chinese will sell us for 50$ a piece. Send them in waves is good idea they will break the line cause chaos and win land comrad sovet battle tactics are the best in the world no one can def*BOOOOOOOOOOM*ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Rather than send fucking drones they waste humans and bikes
god damn what a bunch of fucking mouth breathing albino niggos z*gger """*Officers*"" are

I swear man its gross as fuck perform an autopsy on a z*gger especially the ones that call themselves "intellectuals". It will make you want to vomit for you see the higher the are in the government the more melamine and blacker their brain is. They are able to check the colour by X-ray this is how the pick officers. The more melamanated the cranium is the higher ranked one is as a """""R*ssian intellectual"""""
Now you know why these people are such failures, Africans have to live with the shame of it in their skin and all its negeitive effects on the body. R*ssians have it in their brains to the point it can turn coal black and it fucks with neuron activity so much its not even funny. This is why these people cant do basic tasks without fucking up. This is why they always do retarded shit, or claim everyone is wrong the R*ssian way is right. Their brains are literally infected to the core with tar coal black melamine the niggiofniggyest of skin colour is still a few shades lighter compared darkest "R*ssian intellectual* pit of the abyss of anti intelligence where thoughts neurons and ideas go to die get subverted doomed to fail and etc.

They are literally not human they are indeed a subspecies and subhuman, you know 80% of Jews are slavs&65%+ of israel are R*ssians/Slavs since the 90s right?
cant be evil retards that ruin&corrupt everything they touch while claiming they are the true rulers and intellectuals of this world.
Got taken over by the FSB. No, really, look it up. Even their patriarch is literally a glowie.
Reminds me of the ones who got themselves purposely imprisoned in regular prison prior to the impending Stalinist purges 'cause they knew how the bureaucracy worked and that being imprisoned meant that in the eyes of the system they were already "taken care of" and thus weren't on any kill/gulag list anymore.
WTF are you on about?
the three winter war is wild
>no rhetorical contemplation of Mister President Tsar Sir not knowing what the boyars are up to

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