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Best container ship defence weapon? Automatic and high-calibre weapons are not allowed
Explosives are also forbidden by international law
Houthis or who dun it?
Pretty intense looking stuff, wonder if they hit it or if it misfired?

Also, I'd say some civilian variant semi-auto in 7.62
And who is gonna enforce this "law" you are talking about?
Mounted HMGs
US Marine boarding party stationed on the ship through high risk areas in international waters.
Houthi unmanned drone I think
I hear "blyad, blyad" but the shooters look Indian.
Even in the Red Sea, "Blyat!" is inevitable.
Automatic High Caliber weapon.
Finally some kino that isn’t just snuff porn
M2s on tripods, there are no legal restrictions on the kinds of weapons you can have as long as you stay outside territorial waters
Why houthis target only Russian ships?
because if they try that with an american ship they'll be captured and raped to death. Better to just explode on the open water.
That's illegal
come and take it, then.
FAL seems pretty good.
A more modern rifle with a scope and some better shooting positions would be preferrable.
Unmanned drones, thoughever.
Unless you mean the controller - I have no idea what kind of range those things get.
>guys just bracing against the railings with iron sight FAL's
Jeesus christ it's a question of life and death and possibly loosing hundreds of millions worth of merchandise and equipment, you'd think they would at least invest in some scoped rifles and actual shooting positions where you can get a good stable hold.
10W industrial invisible laser (IR or UV).
It will not kill them, but blind them at least for several days if not forever (glhf getting cornea transplant in yemen). You dont need to hit eyes directly, incident exposure from the water should be enough. And they wont know what hit them.

>noo thats literally a warcrime
I didnt (literally) see anything, skill issue
Also I didnt notice random terrorist group #325 being a signatory party of CCWC

Also Active Denial System if your are pussy.
Due to fuckery in regards to international laws, freighter security crews don't want to invest too much into their guns in case they get seized or have to be ditched into the ocean.
Up until recently the biggest threat to commercial shipping were skiffs with pirates, in it for a ransom or a few ten thousand in cash from the ship’s safe. They weren’t exactly heroes so having a couple of Israeli mercenaries taking pot shots at them was usually enough to get them to fuck off (throwing twistlocks from the bridge wings apparently also helps according to various drunk seaman stories I’ve heard).

Houthis using unmanned suicide boats and even helicopters is a very new development and the industry is slow to react, so the best on board defence you can currently get is a couple of mercs taking pot shots.
>10W industrial invisible laser (IR or UV).
>It will not kill them, but blind them at least for several days if not forever (glhf getting cornea transplant in yemen). You dont need to hit eyes directly, incident exposure from the water should be enough. And they wont know what hit them.
Anon, it's a drone...
They buy the cheapest beater bumsticks they can get delivered to them by motorboat in international waters and then toss them into the ocean before entering the next port.
The best way to defend against them is to bomb their harbors and sink any ship docking in their harbors if attacks continue.
Anything you want is allowed for defence in international waters, just don't try to put into port with operational Phalanx or the like.
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>Even in the Red Sea, "Blyat!" is inevitable.
At least one of the dudes doing armed security on these ships was an Azov dude. When the war began he tore up his contract with the shipping company and went back to Ukraine.
Oh, sorry, thought that was some boat with suicidal dudes in it. Because this looks like hotwired mess running aliexpress gsm kits, I would recommend aliexpress gsm jammers and probably also satellite uplink jammer (K-band for starlink).
You can just taje the scope off before port. No place is gonna have trouble with a scope.
>bomb a bunch of fishing vessels
>create a group of hundreds of pissed off fisherman with no means to earn honest living
Great idea, this will definitely solve the piracy problem.
also laser blinds cameras, so it would also work.
Lasers would still work to blind cameras though, but might require more of a direct hit to really burn it out.
Whips, cover the entire hull in whips.

If their selective genetic programming doesn't kick in they'll at least have a bunch of cuts to deal with.
Sink them too.
>create a group of hundreds of pissed off fisherman with no means to earn honest living
unless those pissed off fishermen are immortal, I don't see a problem
Wonder if you could use those giga high powered pulsed lasers with some proper optics. You could probably torch whatever they are using to navigate it pretty easily.

It will if you bomb the harbors for long enough.
laserfags gtfo
R9X Hellfire then
an FPV copter

i do wonder how they control the boats tho. starlink???
Ok boys, i got an idea. What if i set up a series of floating islands at the edge of international waters along trade routes through hot zones? It'll have gas, guns, and porn mags for sale. Big american navy ships get free porn in exchange for not killing me and maybe bringing some more guns so i dont have to keep salvaging skinny dinghys. On the other side of the route, you deposit your guns and get them back on your way back OR we ship them to the floating island of your choosing for a hefty fee. How long before someone caps me?
I unironically wonder why this hasn't happened yet.
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I am tired of pretending we are not ontologicaly superior to gunpowderfags.
Hand held laser weapons are just 2 years away (This time for sure)
PMCs already have floating bases. They hang in international waters near dangerous routes. When ship needed defense passes by merc armed crews hop on and leave to another floating base after the route. This way merchant ships have no weapons on board when they enter ports.
You want to set up unrestricted gunstore next to exclusive economic zone of some third world shithole.
This is how you get a number and sexy name on CIA watchlist. That said, this is also ample opportunity to ask for sponsorship, so go ahead I guess.
That sounds way easier and far more gay. Get some balls, run the 711 of the sea.

Yeah, admittedly its less toeing the line and more jumping over it and handing over porn as tribute. Maybe i should have hookers too...
bring back torpedo nets, unironically
Desu you are chasing dying market, modern piracy is dying cause somalia is dying lol lmao even.
Also you would have to sell weapons to those very criminals you want to protect your customers against, who are dirt poor and who will sunk your island with RPG if you dont serve them right.
Also where would you source your weapons? You could just buy them in US or other gun loving country, but you would need to ship them yourself unless you get all the permits.
Idk, theres probably someone willing to source an aa gun from god knows where. Just put it high, if a boat looks like its full of poor you just blat em.
When facing small boats and pirates with AKs, you can probably scare them away if you show you have a bigger gun than theirs. For maximum intimidation, you want something as loud and visible as possible.
A machine gun would be a good standard choice, but the bullets will just make a bit of noise and a little splash in the water. That's pretty boring.
On the other hand, you immediately know when you are getting shot at by a cannon. You get a big cloud of smoke, a loud bang, and you can see a big ball coming your way.
The accuracy doesn't really matter, so you can probably skimp out on the quality of the cannons, and make it up with quantity. With a large enough amount, it should be able to deal with unmanned boats like in the op. I don't know how much it would cost, but it should be cheaper than modern artillery.
As for legality, idk you can probably find a loophole or something. If your actions forced people to change some legislation just because of your cannons, that would be pretty funny.
As for the other bit, an ar is a bit like legos. Itll be fine, just need parts bit by bit to get started. Might have to make some dicey deals at first to build up a stock before the poors of the world catch on and start bringing me parts conveniently delivered to the bottom of the sea.
solid state lasers. blinding weapons aren't an issue if not used in military context. works as defense against cheap drones and boarding alike.
>No place is gonna have trouble with a scope.
Corrupt third world customs officials have trouble with everything unless you pay up.
This could work.

>make way overbuilt "buoy launching" tube
>buoys have separate, adjustable charge packs for launching distance (lmao)
>load it up with cannister shot instead
In terms of cost effectiveness, ease of use, intimidation, range and destructive ability a couple of KPVs will deal with 99% of all threats. Almost all ammo for it is impact incendiary so blowing up small boats without using explosives is easy.
Rules of nature
Because it's a retarded idea
>t.big glowie tryin to keep entrepreneurial spirit down
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>Waiting until the ship is extremely close to fire
were they just libtarded or what? I'd have opened up way sooner
>won't enforce the law against the Houthis
>but will confiscate a rusty FAL from innocent sailors
probably operating on some really gay rules of engagement. But also it's pretty rare for pirates to actually try to board after warning shots are fired. Usually they just back off and try again, hoping the next ship is defenseless
Ukranian ship and crew, actually
niggas haven't learned from USS cole i guess. rules of engagement was my guess too
tfw you will never get to repel pirates from the deck of a ship the size of a sky scraper on its side
remove warhead.
It'll just smash a 6" hole through the hull, that will probably do it.
That sounds like the absolute last ship you should try and board as a pirate these days. I imagine wounded Ukrainian vets are eager for a job like this, after all
So like a dollar store Mother Base?
Sounds like a plan, get the investors on the horn and make it happen.
That's why they sent a suicide drone instead.
One teensy tiny detail, practically not worth mentioning. I found some guys to run it, strangely enough from the same family, all of them are named Patel. Kept calling me sir, and i like that in an employee.
>uh you can't arm and defend your ship due to some international law!
Yeah corporations will start arming their ships and noone will oppose it because they cannot keep the seas safe.
Unironically either FPV drones or take the biggest drone you can get, likely a cropduster are put something like a minigun or a recoilless rifle on it. It would be useless on a frontline like Ukraine, but taking out pirate dingies it would be well suited for. They can stay close to the ship for recharge and reload.

Some groups get around this by tossing their weapons into the ocean before getting to port every trip.
>Unironically either FPV drones or take the biggest drone you can get, likely a cropduster are put something like a minigun or a recoilless rifle on it.

the most underaged post
the FPV drones bit is true, they're unironically the most effective way to deal with USV's
>2 guys on phones
>1 gun on the fucking Deck
>1 dude ready to shoot back
>1 dude just looking at the smoke and not around
>2 shots fired at unknown targets (no call outs?)
jesus fucking christ if that's what they hire for Maritime security today i might have a chance to be PMC

ok and you're just going to throw away your FPV drones and explosives every time you enter port?
Yeah? The drones themselves aren't illegal just the explosive charge you mount to them. Pay some PMC to ruck out the explosives to you every time you're leaving port for a dangerous area
Pretty much. International waters are open to everyone, so there's always the risk that your target could be anyone until you have positive ID. You don't want to be the guy responsible for shooting up some joyriding jackass who decided to get a close look at the cool beeg bote, so that pushes engagement ranges uncomfortably close.
The real answer is "meet up with a ship headed back up the way you came and transfer your contractors and their gear".
>Pay some PMC to ruck out the explosives to you

this isn't a real thing. you have no idea how the world works. how the fuck is a PMC just going to """""""""""""ruck"""""""""""""" explosives to you in a port?
No, hide them, noone is going to search your big ass cargo ship. Just shut up about killing pirates.
I don't know, how the fuck do armed PMC's get their guns onto ships? It's a total mystery anon! It's a mystery! Nobody knows how they do it!
>how the fuck
thats their job, theyre a fucking PMC. they can figure it out.
armory boats are a thing, they roam international waters for that purpose, now on land it's not 100% impossible, you can still hire PMC to guard a convoy with explosive transported by a certified carrier with all necessary documents (if you want to do it legally) non legal will require Mafia help or some shit like that
Blowing up an Iranian oil shipping terminal for every day the Houthis act retarded. And when those run out blow up the depots, then refineries, then oil rigs. They'll get the message eventually.
Good optics are often more valuable than the gun they're attached to and are the first thing to get stolen.
Hopefully technology will make this easier over time.

Saturate Yemen's coast with networked surveillance drones. Feed info about every boat/possible drone into a central system with point of origin, other helpful info. Might need to pick certain sectors to focus on and randomly rotate.

Drop pamphlets/ broadcast on radio explaining that individual port cities are responsible for ensuring that no Yemeni watercraft or vehicles launched from watercraft approach shipping lanes. And definitely not attack them.i.e., self policing.

Yemeni fishing boat goes to shipping lane: allied patrols take out its engine and allied drone boat tows it back to Yemen.

Yemeni fishing boat launches drone at a cargo ship: point of origin of that drone is recalled, port has % of boats bombed, docks destroyed, etc. Further attacks on shipping will lead to complete destruction of port.

If the Houthis drive up to launch a sea drone, the locals can choose to stop them or not. If they don't stop them, then they shouldn't expect to be permitted access to the economic benefits of being a coastal nation, such as fishing, food deliveries.

The people of Yemen are allowing pirate-like behavior from militias operating in their country. They should not get to claim that international efforts to stop this are collective punishment when it is they who are in fact collectively punishing the world.
Pretty sure thats a crime against humanity, but im here for it. Fuck houthis.
>what's the best weapon for x?
>and no, the correct answer is not allowed
If you just want to show off footage, say "hey look at this"
and then your thread dies because people look at it and don't reply
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Citizen of any country is fully responsible for anything that government of such country does, unless he is actively fighting said government with gun in his hands.
Sadly, nobody seems to feel this way anymore. (I live in a democracy and even if I dont agree with some elected leaders, I accept that I am member of a nation that elects retards from time to time)
>What if i set up a series of floating islands at the edge of international waters along trade routes through hot zones?
These literally exist.
I think they're just boats or barges but same general idea.
Will they take my indeed resume?
>Citizen of any country is fully responsible for anything that government of such country does, unless he is actively fighting said government with gun in his hands.

Damn right. I've always maintained that all the nations of the world have exactly the type of government that their peoples deserve.
>Will they take my indeed resume?
They're in the PMC family, occasionally someone reposts a USA ex-mil email list job ad on /k/ for this stuff.
Ex-marines are kind of ideal for this and there's loads of those.
That's the logic that subhuman durkhas use to justify blowing up civilians you boot licking freak. No civilian is responsible for the actions of the illegitimate entity living as a parasite on their country.
t. mexican
The best defense is carpet bombing the country of origin until you can put up a 'Shithole: population 0' sign.
retarded opinion
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>international law
You guys know there’s this thing called “hiding” right? What customs agents don’t know you have, and don’t see, they won’t steal. And if they do find it who fucking cares anyway, it’s not a weapon.
>A major shipping company was found to be involved in a worldwide weapons smuggling ring, an INTERPOL spokesman said Tuesday
>A container ship entering a European harbor was found to be carrying military-grade weapons aboard, leading to a search-and-seize warrant being issued against the company. Searches of other ships found nearly every vessel operated by the company to be carrying similar caches.
>When asked for comment, the CEO said "we didn't think anyone would check."
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>international law
Well those are the cheapest bottom of the barrel guns for hire, you wouldn't trust them with a good gun.
It's important to remember human rights laws and rules of war came out of customs of Europeans fighting fairly standard wars where there was a powerful central government or colonial power who had some measure of control over combatants. Events such as ethnic cleansings in the late 1800s/early 1900s, the Blitz, Dresden, and Katyn massacres were shocking in this context and lead to further refinement of these rules in the 20th century. But normative laws independent of context are a recipe for disaster. It's ridiculous to apply those standards to many modern conflicts, in fact, they create perverse incentives for various parties in conflict to extract concessions from the rest of the world which results in endless conflict. Honestly countries like China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, and sometimes even the US, see such perversities in international laws as strategic advantages and will propagandize countries with constitutional democracy/ rule of law to strongly resist reforms ( even while flaunting such rules themselves).

If Yemen were capable of preventing some reasonably high percentage of Houthi attacks and prevent them from acting with impunity on international cargo, it wouldn't be good policy to retaliate in such a fashion as I described above. If a handful of Houthi attacks occured per year, most which failed, and were dealt with swiftly by Yemen, it would be best to let Yemen handle it.

But the fact is, Yemen lacks this capacity. The people of various regions of Yemen should be asked to self-police and afforded a clear hierarchy of escalation/consequences by the coalition and some time to establish control. But if they refuse or are unable to control the Houthis, eventually it becomes morally wrong for the international community to allow one small nation to collectively punish the rest of the world and their merchant sailors in particular.
>High Caliber
Kek. Dream bigger kiddo
You are like small child, cute yet weak.
/gq/ take notice. real operators do it in gym shorts
Demon core
Sit down, plebs. I'll tale it from here
Hobby drones can fly 1km or further. The guys that spec long range can go very far (+7km) and still have both control and video feeds with a LOS link. A sat link or serious military LOS link will go further.
14.5mm is a meme because the only thing Soviets can do is increase barrel diameter to compensate. It is a crude downgrade of thr 12.7mm that was licensed to them.
I reckon this will be sufficient against suicide boats.
They will have to dismantle it every time they approach a sea port though.
>They will have to dismantle it every time they approach a sea port though.
Pretty easy to do, the whole gun& mount is entirely modular and easy to stow
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Anon it is a embigginded 12.7x108mm which was in fact a Soviet round influenced by the 12.7x99mm but also a WW1 German AA/AT round. All of the rounds mentioned are objectively superior to 12.7x99mm. The 12.7x99mm was never licensed to them and both Soviet rounds were developed before they had any amount of 12.7x99mm that could be used for development. There is however a happy middle ground in 12.7 x 114HL, 14.5mm necked down to .50: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukrainian-sniper-sets-new-world-record/ar-AA1kcbpw

Fuck.....Um....Say hello to my hyper active friend! Wait.....How much are we being paid? You idiots know this thing costs $30k a minute to fire right? What, two speed boats? Fuck fuck fuck.....

Any HMG be it M2, KPV, DShK will work against anything speed boat sized.

Jokes aside deck mounted Bushmasters or Nork roto-gats aren't really appropriate because they have to be easily mounted and unmounted by the crew and are too expensive. Remember the gun, ammo and operators have to cost less than the increased insurance premium the ships owner would pay if they didn't have them.
Sacrifice a few container spaces for self contained high capacity pulp units then mount a large diameter hose to a waterproofed version of those industrial robot arms.. shoot for having at least 2 hoses worth of coverage at any point of approach.. remotely flood the shit out of open boats… call it advanced fire suppression equipment.
Yeah, water cannons see use. Risky against anything that can shoot though and probably not reliable against drones
FPV drones loaded with incendiaries so the shitskin pirates experience maximum suffering. Use an agent that burns underwater so you can laugh at them drowning while burning alive.
Very common tactic. Some security teams just hide the weapons, though. Brownskin port authorities couldn't find their ass with a flashlight and a map, and if they do you just bribe them.
WP, just to illuminate the target.
Maiming towelheads is honestly preferable whenever possible because it also hurts their families. And if they don't have families they die slow deaths of starvation since no one will help them.
Kill them as well.
Then send videos to their families back in Yemen going "Hahahaha! 'Ahhh, durka durka Allah, aaaaaah!'"
You bloodthirsty retards know its a USV right?
Thermobaric launchers.
Some of those ships have ships boats that can be 40-50 feet long and are lowered by cranes, you can just leave them with a few guys 12 miles out. Added advantage of having what amounts to a small screening vessel while you leave port. For the larger ships you could even carry a small escort vessel or two for high risk areas, something like the Nork Harbor Patrol Boat of Doom (NHPBD) should handle speed boats and Sea drones reasonably well. That would be pretty expensive but for really big cargo ships and tankers would probably be worth it.

A small boat the size of the NHPBD could carry a vulcan adding a theoretical anti air drone ability but at that point it would be better having a small naval detechment manning it while the ship was in the high risk area.
I think you vastly underestimate what a 2 - 4 inch diameter water stream will do at industrial pressures when you have the whole ocean to feed it from
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Then you drop it on the people controlling it.
They send people out in regular boats all the time. With faggot shit like this, just firebomb the port it came out of. Last I checked the other one was still burning, lol.
Mmm, roast sandniggies)))
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so basically, every big shipping company flies flags of convenience (it is obviously a danish owned korean built ship with indian crew shipping argentinian pears to tahiti, but for all legal reasons it floats under the flag of bahamas, so the crews doesnt need any luxuries as "overtime pay" and "health insurance"). And guess what, some flags of convenience (Bahamas, Marshall islands, Eq. guinea - they are not as much popular as is Panama or cayman islands, but those are pussies for some reason) are not signatories of CCWC. So land mines, booby traps, incendiary devices and blinding laser weapons are a fair game.
It's just a pointy stick retard.
Neck yourself.
fly a drone carrying a gallon of fuel and surefire ignitor into it.
if you zap enough of the fast movers, they just might decide to stay home
Something tells me the people actually blowing these boats up know better than armchair faggots like you
>it's a question of life and death
Except it's not
Not in international waters it isn't.
>not a question of life and death
If the ship is damaged enough to stop it, the follow up is a ballistic missile.
It kind of matters.
Electrified fencing and nets.

High powered lasers (strong enough to fry eyeballs).

How about a shotgun-like gun that blasts a cloud of glue, like the shit used in glue traps for rats? Doesn't have to be hand-held; static emplacements can be located strategically. Also.

A number of old Medieval Funstuff™ can be adapted with modern materials. Cheap.
>out on the high sea
>set your own ship on fire

Although, I don't think the idea is all that bad. It would need some care in implementation, but we're talking about something that would be categorized as some sort of flamethrower. Goes back to the days of Greek Fire, just a modified delivery system.
Is anyone else kind of surprised that these shipping companies aren't hiring PMCs? Seems like it would be cheaper to invest in a handful of bored veterans and a ma deuce than spend all of that time and money going around the cape of good hope.
I'm fairly certain this is common practice in high-pirate-areas. I remember seeing a handful of webms over the last few years of PMC's on container ships lighting up Somalis with M4's
fpv drones with assisted targeting
>You guys know there’s this thing called “hiding” right?
Yeah, anon, I'm sure nobody faced with these issues on blue-water vessels have never thought of this before
I thought of something similar but with Oerlikon AAA trailers
You rock up to my floating shack, hire yourself a AAA emplacement and crew for the journey, and then drop it off at the floating shack on the other side
something along these lines honestly seems to me as a direction the market could end up taking if these problems ever spread outside the red sea
it's a matter of insurance i think, you've basically got a choice of paying mercs or getting insurance since i don't think insurance carriers like it when ships have mercs on board
Hmm, fair enough. In that case I guess I'll start wondering if there are any naval PMCs out there; one ex-Soviet corvette with a helicopter deck would probably be able to protect an entire convoy.
Just kill everyone it'll deter the rest.
>drone speedboat
This is absolute news to me. I haven't been following piracy (I guess terrorism on international waters is more accurate) closely enough I guess. Can someone give me a rundown on what the objective of the end user of the unmanned speedboat is? Who is bankrolling this shit? This isn't something you just give a small group of people some used speedboats and Amazon made drones; someone has streamlined the process of terrorism here.
I decided to read your wall of text and I am impressed with your assessment.
So...take our gloves off?
>"Ok you want to block shipping? Fine. Full embargo and destruction of any aid that tries to go in."
Hand cranked gatling guns chambered in .22LR.
You need enough to fill the sky with lead to thwart drone attacks like it's early 1945.
you can get insurance and a armed crew if it's for pirates ect
the problem now that mercs probably won't be able to stop drone attacks
the best solution if an insurance company gives you flak is to just simply not tell them. Mercs get flow on and off by heli for the dangerous bits of the route and all the shit happens out on the high sea. No one around to see or report shit.
>Can someone give me a rundown on what the objective of the end user of the unmanned speedboat is?
Houthis, have you been living under a rock?

>someone has streamlined the process of terrorism here
That would be Iran.
Though technically it's a naval blockade.
>Houthis, have you been living under a rock?
Yes, please brief me on the amplifying information I requested. I had no idea they were doing drone operations.
>please brief me on the amplifying information I requested
No. Google it you lazy cunt.
I did. I guess I'll just work off of that information
AR10 with a nightforce would be a good upgrade.
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Anon, ship workers being armed is against most international laws. The reason you can have this in the first place is either by having authorization by the port nation to have arms (usually by hiring a security firm that already has the appropriate licenses), or by not being in internationally policed waters to begin with.
>Make it mildly bigger is an influence now
Abrams is inferior cargo cult garbage, they just copied the British Mk1 but couldn't even make a proper body kit which is why it is so much smaller than the original and only has one cannon instead of two.
Does the bullet propellant counts as an explosive? If you are allowed to use explosives inderectly, why not an air burst warhead?
>Does the bullet propellant counts as an explosive?
No, it just burns really quickly. There's a technical difference.
The legal difference between ammunition and ordinance is something I'll leave to your imagination.
Fine, then give the marines javelins so THEY can defend the ship
Real question is, would it be economically viable to have cargo ship offer "pirate interceptor" passenger spots as a form of modern safari experience / bloodsport?
Maritime insurance would not cover them since they are not crew, making the liability concerns too high for shipping companies to accept.
Additionally the clients for the shipment would prefer their cargo is protected by a professional organization rather than amateurs.
>Side line them, give'm a salvo
Glad you cleared that up, 14.5mm can't hurt you guys because this dude thinks it is just a bigger .50! Guess that means since .50 is just a smaller 14.5mm .50 can't hurt you either!
Explosive kamikaze drones.
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For the specific legal challenges civilian cargo ships face, something like the SMASH Hopper is actually perfect. You can arm it with whatever random rifle the company get you this trip, and take the rifle off and toss it when you leave intl' waters. The gun turret itself might still have some legal issues, though, considering the trigger grouping might be legally a MG in the US, for instance.
You have never even touched a gun retard
>considering the trigger grouping might be legally a MG in the US, for instance.
If the trigger is one button press/control input and then the gun side only presses once, wouldn't it be a non-MG then? You could just have the trigger pulling solenoid be directly linked to the power switch on the panel and it would otherwise be legit even if the operator had a gat crank tapping away at the button.
>the trigger grouping might be legally a MG in the US, for instance
It probably wouldn't matter. ATF wouldn't be involved on this level.
You'd just have ports that audited and sealed a locker on arrival and inspected the seal and inventory on departure.
Anything in the locker doesn't pass customs and is in legal limbo like a bonded warehouse.
Allowing guns on ships would lead to bigger problems because they're often pretty dodgy in lots of ways but for certified ships and officers and selected ports, it could work.
Wasn't there a thing with large caliber (>0.50") pneumatics being considered as a defensive option when the Somali piracy was a thing? Apparently since those aren't "fire"arms that simplified the legal issues with ships mounting them and running them off ship air.
Bushmaster and Mk47s then.
Smokeless powder conflagrates, not detonates.
this on top of the bridge
the true answer is yemen should have been starved by saudi arabia 5 years ago, the USA fucked this one up big fucking time, something tells me if trump wins we won't hear of these faggots again
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Teargas drones

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