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The Yafa drone was the one that hit Tel Aviv this week and now we have actual photos of the drones beforehand
Seems to be a new Samad model, shocked there's no camera on it
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Look at the nose it has satellite antenna...
Cant be
That would mean either Iran, China or Russia is letting them use their satellites
Iran and russia probs
Russia, propably.
Iran, definitely.
No way, imposibru!

Anyway, interesting that it wasn't shot down, considering the size of it and the speed, since it has a mower engine on it, maybe even the same as the shasneed?
Israel said they didn't shoot it down because they didn't see it as a threat
Iran I can see I guess
Still this is a big escalation if that's true
Well, even if it hits an empty parking lot in Tel Aviv, is that not a threat? Say it veers off a few hundred meters and actually hits something half-important, I'd assume they would care then
Here's the thing
Israel's lying
The thing flew over Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, and Israeli Airspace while the US Navy was in the red sea
Something funky happened that can't just be brought up to Human Error
It was in the air for 12 hours
Sauids stopped bombing Yemen a while ago
Can that thing really fly 2,000 miles on however much gas it can hold?
>Anyway, interesting that it wasn't shot down, considering the size of it and the speed
No clue on Israel, but whenever the USN brings down a drone, they always disclaim that it was "assessed to be a threat to international shipping". Combined with all claimed flight paths I've seen having it skimming one coast or the other of the Red Sea, and that's probably how it got up to there, because the RoE for the ships down there is that it has to be the flight path equivalent of pulling a gun, instead of just blasting everything that flies.
Yeah, footage from Israel confirms it was this drone type that managed to come from Yemen to Israel
Shits nuts
Idk what ROE are anymore but you're telling me a plane sized drone with enough explosives to take out a city block isn't a threat?
What is the Houthi endgame? To just become so much of a nuisance that Israel and/or the US come and wipe them out? Or are they literally not thinking beyond "infidel bad, shoot infidel" retardation
They just really fucking hate Jews, and will happily sacrifice their lives and livelihoods to even bloody the nose of any Jew they can reach. One of the chief reasons why the Arab world hasn't gotten anywhere in the past half century.
I mean, shit, these Houthi tards literally have 'Death To The Jews' on the warning sign that they call their flag.
I was reading an interview with a houthi general
Their current goal is to obtain ICBMs so that no one will threaten them again
The current goal of this mission is to basically make the war in Gaza economically painful for Israel and the nations which support it.
This attack on Israel? Likely just a "we can hit you too" type of attack
Ngl it's a sick logo
>enough explosives to take out a city block
In that thing? Is it packed with fissile material? Maybe a block of tents or thatch huts lmao
Idk I saw the explosion shit was fucking huge
Whatever they put in it was fucking big
They're an Iranian client. You don;t actually think a bunch of mountain dwelling goatfuckers are building drones with strategic reach, do you?
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Given the lengths the israelis have gone to over iranian nuke efforts, I don't think that's a very good strategy
Thru what port
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No more so than any other military aircraft in international airspace flying a non-aggressive course. The USA are not at war with the Houthis, the objective of OPG is not to annihilate the Houthies, militarily or literally, nor to remove them as a semi-organized state. The objective is "get them to stop touching the boats", and the RoE descends from there. To be blunt, the White House and DoD are treating the Houthies like something resembling an actual nation, especially after they put all that effort into getting the Saudis to lay off of them, and that includes the right to fly peaceably in international airspace, which is only infringed upon when one of their aircraft goes from a potential to an imminent threat to merchant shipping.
It's recruitment and moral propaganda for them, so long as ragheads see this as "blooding the West nose (hehe)" they will keep doing it, that's why the best way to kill them is from the shadows, don't make martyrs of them, just potential victims of clan rivalry and power clashes.
I know but imagine yemeni ICBMs launching towards the United States only to hit the Bahamas by accident
It's worked
Recruitment numbers for houthis are officially now at 200,000
Before the war in Gaza they were barely at 70k
Oman lol
They sneak it through Oman
Nah but according to Israel Iran moved some missiles factories to Yemen
All the shit we see is in house
Acomplish their mission and go enjoy retirement in Iran if you're lucky. The Yemenis are only there to serve as martyrs to complain about when Houthi policies inevitably makes them starve.
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For what I am reading shias are the protestants of Islam while sunnies are the catholics/orthodox, pic related, as ever these sort of people are troublemakers who think they have a direct line with God rather than respect the hierarchy and probably have never helped expand their cause aside from making foolish moves and courting heretic ideas, the fact Iran and Iraq are closet secularists show the usual theistic evolutionary deadend, I hope Islam gets a real 16th century war and the other sects wipe the shias out, the sunnies may be ragheads too but they seem like people who at least you can deal with and will obey what their bosses say.
Weird but fair
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>imagine the smell
You have that flipped, the Shia have a pope* basically but the Sunnis all follow whatever preachers/schools of thought they want.

During the Iraq war, this was very important. Shia militias basically stopped fighting when the Bush admin got a high up cleric to issue a fatwa against attacking the US. Sunnis dgaf though.

*ofc there have been 410 billion schisms over who is the real pope just like catholicism
>Shia have a pope
I won't consider an Ayatollah a pope, he looks more like Calvin/Luther, the "gracious supreme leader", although I would recognize on paper they may have a hierarchy to look good while indeed they start backstabbing each other the moment they stop focusing on Israel.
In fact I am starting to suspect Israel in part exists so both sides don't begin an intercontinental sectarian war which would destroy the region and then spill over the rest of the world.
Shia Islam is far closer to Christianity than Sunni Islam is to be fair
According to who?
So Israel can bomb a port and let it burn for days on end but wont bomb missile factories?
And Israel basically bombed a useless port to send a message that it can strike back and strike back hard
Seriously they hit a fucking oil depot tanker. Not a bunker or missile factory
Which then burned in port for 3 days, i saw the video, the fire was massive. You cant tell me theres nothing important that got fried.
Bro it was an oil depot
That's it they didn't take out any cranes or air defense systems
im so fucking tired of houthis
Don't worry, they will become a non-factor after november.
I don't think Trump can withdraw from a country we don't have any troops in.
Trumps gonna pull the navy and Harris won't do shit
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>Iran gets ICBM tech from Russia
>gives Yemen ICBMs to fire at the Great Satan
>Belgorod gets nuked
If trump wins someone will just tell him that a pussy would pull the navy and he wont touch it
Nah it would be funnier if like
They just hit fucking Morocco or Brazil for no reason
arabs are the cringiest fucking people...
Jihadists, man.
They've already displayed the drone. It's just a scaled-up Sammad-3 with a bigger engine. The debris in Tel-Aviv was similarly nothing special.
The special part was fucking over the IDF, the US Navy and UK Navy
You got it backwards. The Shia militias take orders from the main Shia power Iran. Sunni militias and terrorist groups are the ones that are "rogue" like ISIS, Al qaeda, etc.
>That's it they didn't take out any cranes
They took out the only 2 heavy cranes there retard
So do the drones and missiles drop as well?
Oh wait they don't

When will the X-37 start molesting Iranian sats?
That Houthi-controlled port was used to smuggle drones/missiles/critical components lmfao stop being obtuse, starting a big 3-day oil fire was the icing on the cake
>We can hit you too type of attack
Yeah and the Israelis blew one of their strategic resources to kingdom come in response. Stop picking fights with people who have much bigger guns.
Doesn't matter when houthis launched another missile towards Eilat (hopefully I'm spelling it right) the next day and Israel had to use its arrow-3
You gotta strike factories and bunkers anything else is a waste of time. The United States and Saudi Arabia have been fighting these guys for 10 years and somehow they've managed to expand their range and weapons. Nothing changes unless we all just bomb their bunkers to shit
Or we kill all their missile factory workers
>Le smug pepe frog

Everyone sees your cope. We all know you're the same pathetic shill who makes IDF propaganda threads. Israel isn't winning shit. They're in a worse geopolitical position than they ever have been in their history after failing to stop Oct 7 and then chimping out and losing their international support to the point where multiple European allies recognize a palestinian State, Fatah and Hamas are allies, and the ICC basically declared all settlements illegal. The only reason Bibi is keeping the war going is because he knows he'll get shit canned the second he stops it, and meanwhile there's record protests and a fourth of the population is in the process of leaving.

Enjoy your precious K:D ratios and keep pushing the narrative. Don't forget to call me brown next. It won't change anything.
I mean fantastic job proving his point?
To support their fellow Arabs who are being massacred and dispossessed. It really doesn't take a lot to make Israel and the US spend vastly more money defending than they have to spend attacking, and in conjunction with Hezbollah and Hamas, the point is to wear down the Israeli people's appetite for war by keeping them under constant stress of attack from all sides. They don't give a shit what kind of losses they take, it's a holy war. It's also more logistically challenging to strike back since they're in Yemen.
>To support their fellow Arabs who are being massacred and dispossessed
I highly doubt they give one shit about them
>wearing down the Jews

Wow posts like this convince me that Israel is very strong and not pathetic at all.

You guys can't even handle Hezbollah or Iran. An airstrike here or there doesn't mean shit. IDF can only achieve true victory when they start wars with trapped women and children in hospitals and that's only with 4 billion of annual support.
the fuck are you talking about, people have been trying to say that Israel is genociding them and you say they aren't doing anything?
>Another Arab-Jihadi retardation thread

Guys, care to enlighten me with this reasoning?


Apparently other than hatred for Jews and jihad. Islamists apparently achieve victory by supposedly humiliating their enemies and as everyone else said; "giving the West a bloody nose."

Also, correct me if I'm wrong. But wasn't this image and footage of a wrecked Merkava and Hamas niggers dragging out it's crew literally old news that happened many months ago? Seems to me the Hamas 'tards have not achieved any real wins against Israelis they keep reposting the image of a disabled Merkava and it's crew being dragged out. Which again, isn't it old news that is many many months ago? Especially when you see Gaza being rubble and not enough Merkava wrecks littering Gaza. Ain't it?
isnt it more humiliating to die in the tens of thousands failing to do anything?
Muzzies confusing the West's patience and mercy for weakness and bragging about not having been exterminated yet is almost as funny as it is retarded and obnoxious.
Ill never understand it.
>They didnt kill us yet
>that means they cant and are weak!
>all die
>repeat ad nauseum for a century
>still dont get it
It's cultural. The only reason they wouldn't slaughter every man, woman and child in their enemy's camp and rape the corpses afterwards is because they can't, so they assume the reason the west isn't doing it to them is because the west can't.
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Maybe the Houthis should figure out how to feed themselves?
Nice, how many of their ships sunk? Did they sink the Gerard Ford yet?
All the houthis and arabs in general need to do is make israel so awful to live in that all the jews move back to bronx or wherever. Thats all they need to accomplish and random drone bombings is a step in the direction of victory. They dont need to conquer israel or defeat its military just make the average jew think screw it im going back.
Not bloody likely. If anything, rising antisemitism in the west is actually causing Jews to move to Israel, because they'd rather live in a place where they can actually defend themselves on their own terms.
The Arabs have had this massive blind spot at the core of their ideology for decades. They believe that Israel is merely some colonial venture, and that the Jews will pack up and leave if they get annoyed enough. They refuse to recognise the fact that the Jews can't just 'go home', because they already ARE home. The people who moved there in the forties had nowhere else to go, they came back from the concentration camps to find their homes either gone entirely or occupied by people who weren't much interested in giving back shit to Jews. The people who moved there after the Arab world kicked out all their Jewish populations didn't have anywhere else to go, because... well, Arabs.
Jews are a stubborn people. It's what's kept them alive this whole time. Why would some retarded goatfuckers make them walk away from their homeland?
I'm not really shocked at anything 40IQ desert dwellers do
Imagine looking at the devastation of Gaza and the continued Houthi stranglehold on the Red Sea and thinking that Israel is holding back lmao. Fucking braindead propaganda suckers, I swear.
>Jews to move to Israel, because they'd rather live in a place where they can actually defend themselves on their own terms
Large amounts of Jews have already left with more making plans to do so. Also lmao at "le rising anti-Semitism in le west".

Not reading the rest of your cope post.
Around forty percent of the global Jewish population lives in Israel. Millions of them, in a nation of their own making. They aren't going anywhere, thirdie.

Fyi, houthis are focusing on israel and not trying to start a war with US, UK. Sinking us warship would distract them from the task of attacking israel
How does attacking neutral cargo ships relate to them focusing on Isreal?
Demoralized retard sycophants in the west look through the records of the ship's owners, or of the products being shipped, or of any port the ship has ever docked at, etc. until they find a Jew, and claim that proves it was a targeted strike against Israel.

This is not an exaggeration for comedic effect. This is what they actually do.

Yes, if a ship doesn't explicitly wave the Israeli flag then it's neutral goy
Apparently it flew along commercial flight routes.
so probably there are strict rules in place to avoid doing the Russian AD thing
Saudis are doing their best to try distance them selves from this whole affair, the Houthis are already pointing the finger at them and threatening retaliation
Only problem is that Yemen has fuck'all natural resources, so they have to import anything, and Hodeida being the only major sea port the Houthis have for brining that shit in from Iran
Mashalla gluttony is haram
Which is beyond negligent if true, how do they even know what payload and target it has
>"their" drone
You mean Iran's drone.
Brown hands posted this.
The original alewites were like "aight aight we muslims now... here, take a look at our twelve apostl..eerr imams" shias and alewites are technically from the same branch but shia (the iranian brand) are absolute apeshit, like sending iranian orphans into minefields and celebrating their martyrdom by pouring red food dye to the fountains across Tehran kind or apeshit. You basically won't be having a dialog with shia on the basis of Christianity in this millennium
They have an agenda of subjugation and conversion, not total annihilation - not that they would be capable of it anyhow. But let's say, they wouldn't be bothered with a Samson option if they had the means.
>rising antisemitism
Literally outlawed, thought-crimed in non shithole western countries.
> thirdie
As we have observed throughout the latest festivities, third world categorization nicely covers israel too. Takes one to know one I guess.
It's a retarded form of protest, like self immolation but with hostages. It is more about making a statement
>Orders from Tehran
>Anti-semitism that would make Hitler blush
It was an easy sell.
Hues, jews; tomato, tomato.
I say it because houthis have accidentally bombed
All to hit Israel
Hmmm... Okay now please post proofs of Hamas and the Palestinian people successfully winning and images of wrecked Israeli armor in Palestinian territory. You Hamas simp brownoids sure do a good job at yapping how you're "winning" and Israel is "loosing", but none of you seem to do a good job at keeping Gaza and Rafah from being smoldering pile 'o rubble.

>Its not even theirs
Muzzies already claiming Big Ben is Islamic and belongs to Palestine

>enough explosives to take out a city block isn't a threat?
they took out a city block in tel aviv?
They are literally Jews 2.0 without the Judaism (Judaism light instead) or the money my God.
Apparently, when it came on Israeli radar at first they assumed it was a neighboring country's drone and that it wasn't something coming their way.
Then they lost radar contact and by the time it reappeared it was too little too late.
Maybe it was on a particularly roundabout course.
Point is, someone fucked up by saying "it's fiiine".
They blew up one apartment and killed a dude.
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I wish the US could take the kid gloves off. Do some shit like operation Linebacker only over Houthi-controlled Yemen. Make that entire geographic area look like the surface of the fucking moon. Nothing of value would be lost. The white collage kids in kafir will have a melty and post their little videos of their protests on Reddit and Tiktok but noone cares and the world will keep spinning.
They do the time tested strategy of hiding all their valuable shit in amongst civilian populations because they know we wont blow it up.
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"blew up one aparment" is really stretching it. it's more accurate to say they blew up part of his unit.
I don't get why ayyrabs seethe about Israel so much. Just leave them alone. I get they're shaitan and Haram and heretics, but fuck, not EVERYTHING can be dictated by religious ideology.
Arabs can't leave anything alone, they're culturally driven to seek violence. That's why at least half the wars going on in the world at any given moment are in the MENA region.
>I don't get why ayyrabs seethe about Israel so much.
>Quran 2:191- Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.
>Quran 3:28 . Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.
>Quran 3:85- Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.
>Quran 5:33 - Maim and crucify infidels if they criticize Islam.
>Quran 8:12 - Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an.
>Quran 8:60 - Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.
>Quran 8:65 - The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.
>Quran 9:5- When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.
>Quran 9:30 -The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.
>Quran 9:123 - Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.
>Quran 22:19- Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.
>Quran 47:4- Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.
Religion of peace by the way, and if you start asking questions like: 'Why are so many members of a particular ethnoreligious group of 2 billion with 50 countries under their control obssessed with waging holy jihad against a tiny country the size of New Jersey?', you're the racist colonizer.
>a fourth of the population is in the process of leaving.
got any links?
Not an ar-AAAP! apologist by any stretch, but the Bible contains the same "death to infidels, enslave all infidels, forcibly convert all infidels, it's not a sin if you do it to infidels" bullshit? Total Infidel Death, basically.
Non-meme answer
First of all terrorist organizations are built around hype, they come around when outrage and zeal swell to the point people want to take action.
With that in mind if a terrorist organization sat around twiddling its thumbs it would lose street cred and all the hot-blooded young men will look elsewhere to chimp out.
That means they can't afford to be static, they need to show their potential recruits something that can pass as a result, doesn't have to be a strategic result, or even a tactical one, just anything that makes people go "FUCK YEAH KILLEM" to generate hype.

So the Houthis can't really do much against their usual nearby enemies, if they could they would have already, meaning they need to look for greener pastures to generate hype.
Israel, as far as the Arab world is concerned, is a physical manifestation of the west fucking them over.
Really, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is like a microcosm of the conflict between The Muslim world and The Western world.
Meaning, Israel is a very prestigious target.
So by tying themselves to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, which feels a lot like a Jihad to a lot of Muslims, they establish themselves as true Muslim warriors.
And HITTING Israel, that's full blown David and Goliath stuff, Powerful Israel backed up by the archdevil America took a blow from out glorious combatants, we're SO powerful and relevant!

That's it really, hitting Israel makes them look good to their people, and in terrorist organization optics are everything.
Abrahamic faiths are all genocidal
Yeah that seems about right.
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>Not an ar-AAAP! apologist by any stretch, but the Bible contains the same "death to infidels, enslave all infidels, forcibly convert all infidels, it's not a sin if you do it to infidels" bullshit? Total Infidel Death, basically.
Oh cool, then you should be able to find me the relevant OT or NT verses, then?
>Abrahamic faiths are all genocidal|
Shut the fuck up you lying faggot, kuffirs know about taqiyya Omar
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Someone definitely got fucked in the exchange, but it wasn't Israel.
so the iranian grain ship was actually full of mossad special forces?
lol. lmfao even
I'm from austria and I'm ashamed of my forefathers deeds. People like you and current acts of Israel makes me want to reconsider
yemen is going to get itself invaded isn't it...
>I used to think genociding jews is wrong, but now that Israel bombed the jihadist terror group shutting down an international waterway, I'm sadly starting to realize Hitler was right.
What makes /pol/troons think their bad-faith faux outrage is remotely convincing?
hyper cringe
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>I'm from austria and I'm ashamed of my forefathers deeds.
Have you considered killing yourself like another famous Austrian degenerate?

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