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>there were no xboxhueg bunkers on omaha beach
Why has almost every piece of media from Saving Private Ryan to Medal of Honor lied about this?
Because they're an interesting scene piece.
Every single bit of media you have consumed that is "based on true events" is an utter bastardization with almost nothing accurate or true.
Weren't they much farther away from the shore?
Dday didn't actually exist. There's no real evidence to support it happening. Just the sheer amount of fuel needed to create it proves it fake.
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>>there were no xboxhueg bunkers on omaha beach
Yes there was, they just didn't shoot from them, they were Observation posts.
The Machine gun nests were usually small and hidden or just a foxhole with some sandbags.
Has anyone ever actually been to Normandy? I don't even think it's a real place
France isn't real, the Australians made it up.
Because multiple big scary observation bunkers with MGs mowing people down directly as they jump out the boat is a bigger spectacle and then everyone else copied saving private Ryan.
>Saving Private Ryan

It's easier to build gigantic bunkers on top of a cliff than into it.

>Medal of Honor

Copying Saving Private Ryan
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I know you're shitposting, but I was actually there in June.

pic related is on Fox Green, right on the border to Easy Red, looking directly at Widerstandsnest 62

It's an abysmal game in literally every other respect but Call of Duty WWII actually fixed this and kinda sorta featured more accurate fortifications

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This one was taken from WN62 itself, right at the spot where Hein Severloh (aka the beast of Omaha) sat in a foxhole with a MG42 and caused tremendous casualties to the landing troops (though most claims of 1-2k are obvious bs)
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The closest thing to the bunkers in most games and movies are probably the observation bunkers like pic related.
This one actually appears in The Longest Day.

Bullshit that's just Monterey
There's also this xboxhueg observation bunker right in the middle of Ouistreham, which allied recon somehow failed to spot until they had landed.
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fun fact: three days after the landing some dude was sent to take inventory of all the stuff the germans left behind. He found the bunker doors to be still locked. After fucking around for a few hours with explosives they managed to breach it and found it was still full of germans that had celebrated their end of the war quite well with looted french alcohol and food for three days straight.
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This one looks pretty damn close. Was at Criqueboeuf beach.

I've got a bunch of pics from Normandy. Any requests?
I used to play a mod for Battlefield: 1942 called Forgotten Hope. It was a realism mod and made the game very autistic. They have an updated version of it based on BF: 2 engine, haven't played and I cannot be arsed to get into a new game at the moment but seems pretty gud.

Why did the Americans get what can only be described as the hardest landing zones?
Ask Canada about theirs.
Nice pic, and yeah that is in fact pretty damn close at least as far as video game inspirations go which necessarily must blend reality with technical limits and being fun for normie audiencies.

No particular requests here just anything else you'd be interested in sharing would be cool. Went to france for the first time in like 20 years this year but was middle southern part to visit elderly family so didn't see any war stuff beyond memorials.
cool. thanks anon
This one is from the Merville battery. It's the center of a 360 degree open gun emplacement. Whoever poured that concrete felt a little artistic that day. Aside from the eagle, palm leaves and cast date, there's a faint inscription to the left and right. "Deutschland muss leben, auch wenn wir sterben." German must live, even if we die.
4chan won't let me upload the pic

so here it is
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This very Higgins boat was actually used for filming Saving Private Ryan.
They fucked up their tank support
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Here's an armoured cupola for observation. Originally cast by Thyssen-Krupp for the French following WW1, used on the Maginot line, then taken by the Germans and reused on the Atlantic wall.
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Just on the same theme, this is Anzac Cove.
Super neat, thanks anon. Little touches of humanity that you can only see irl, details like that rarely make it into media just the overall shape.
I'm french and I can assure you we are made up, just like tooth faery or the holocaust.
>I'm french and I can assure you we are made up
STFU you cunt, if everyone works it out, they'll start asking where the export fosters really goes
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I can do you one better.
Here's footprints of someone taking his doggo for a walk on wet concrete. Caqueret Battery, way up on the Contentin peninsula.
>full of germans that had celebrated their end of the war quite well with looted french alcohol and food for three days straight.
So would I frankly
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The american cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer is massive and absolutely spotless. Sadly you can't walk among the tombstones anymore.
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Michael Wittmanns grave in La Cambe. The whole german war cemetary is a really somber place.
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Longues-sur-Mer battery
There was a bagpipe player walking around the battery area and playing. That was pretty nice.
Utah wasn't hard
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Treachery by Monty.
Hard men make good times.
Guess they should have brought more than just hockey sticks.
Monterrey doesn’t exist
The germans used something similar at Cassino. They could hold 2-3 men and could be tossed in the air by bombers without killing the men inside.
that's a lotta open ground to cover...
I disagree.
>Suddenly, a voice told them in perfect English: "It's alright tommy, you can come up."
>Sceptic, BOB ORELL answered: "Bugger off, you come down"
I see how he managed to survive the war
Omaha was only a shitshow because almost none of the armor made it ashore.
Pointe du hoc was legit though.
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Same reason a Tiger somehow found itself engaging US troops the same week as the landing. It's historical fiction written for entertainment and not education.
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I wonder how many people back in '39/'45 were reading the papers about WWII and thought to themselves "n-nnooooo my insignificant amount of tax money!!", "stop the pointless brother wars" and "poland should stop fighting germany and enter peace talks"
That exact combat didn't happen, but are you trying to say there were no Tigers in Normandy in the summer of 1944? Because that's retarded.
I know this is bait, but the US had been attacked first and was actively fighting in WW2. That doesn't apply to this modern war and you look like a retard for trying to equate the 2. The US tends not to enter wars unless it gets attacked first.
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>the US had been attacked first
...which is why I'm asking: I wonder if back in WWII the US had similar useful idiots.
>leaving shekels at a Nazi grave
Call of Duty 2 got Point Du Hoc perfect, I visited a few years ago and you can tell they visited the area and recreated it perfectly.
It's worth going, you can see across the entire coastline East and west and the shell craters are huge.
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Good thing there's never anything fishy about the ways America gets attacked and goaded into a conflict........................
The reality is less interesting, it really emphasizes the whole "we're the underdogs" feel when it's portrayed as an almost retardedly futile struggle against giant Nazi death towers instead of "yeah there were a couple dudes laying in a field with machine guns and not many men actually died despite there being little support for them"
Unfortunately this also leads to a few resident ziggers claiming the US must have used Jewish MP commissars to force troops into this fake video game battle instead of doing actual research and finding that their entire perception of the battle was underdog propaganda in the first place, because a competent and well-trained army that had fucking ice cream makers in tow steamrolling over starving Germans and treating their POWs as human beings with rights doesn't leave much for screenwriters to play around with.
Prior to 1941 there actually were, and they were literally all communists. Look up Dalton Trumbo, his anti-war book "Johnny Got His Gun" was published in 1940 solely to try and dissuade the American people from supporting US intervention in World War 2, because his precious Soviet Union was allied to Germany for the first third of the war. After Barbarossa in 1941, he pulled his book from the shelves and did a complete 180, encouraging the US to save the Soviets and harping on about all the atrocities that they were previously covering up or endorsing. Other US communists did similar, being all anti-war prior to Barbarossa and then being the most pro-war people ever after it. Trumbo went so far as to report people who had previously bought his book or were merely interested in buying a copy of it after it was pulled to the FBI for "unpatriotic behavior". This backfired and landed Trumbo himself on a list of blacklisted communists as the people he reported went entirely ignored, which he proceeded to cry about for years.
yeah, we totally hadnt sent agents in to stir shit up, and would never entertain the thought of doing such a thing.

>cough, flying tigers, cough.
Japan didn't attack Pearl Harbor because of the flying Tigers idiot.

It's because the US told Japan that they were going to refuse to sell Japan oil until they stopped genociding Chinese people.

So Japan decided to steal the Oil from the Southeast Asian colonies instead. Problem is in order to do that they needed to conquer the Philippines because otherwise if the US did decide to attack first in response to Japan's escalation their new supply lines would be fucked.

So they decided to conquer the Philippines too, but they knew if they conquered the Philippines the only major American colony in Asia, the entire US fleet would show up to kick their ass, so they had to get rid of the US fleet too, so Pearl Harbor.

The flying tigers were an annoyance to Japan nothing more
the flying tigers werent just a few pilots and a tv show, it was the OSS version of Air America and the glownigger headquarters of china. Billy Graham's wife's father was big in the American destabilization in china. we had a lot of effort going on there from the 1800s onward.

someone needed to clean up china, and I have a feeling if Japan had been the ones doing it, they would have done the job, buckbreaking the chinese into a weird form of quasi-japs. then grown like a timelapse of a flower, and things right now would be either tense or outright fucked. china today is still the china of Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China. yes it was propaganda as well, but it was still fairly truthful.
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Heuqueville observation bunker, after a bit of the cliff went downhill.
The observation part is connected to a lager part of the bunker behind, that's why it "floats".
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The japs were gunning for the bongs from the start, had nothing to do with the embargo
The yanks were also in the picture as rivals
The seeds of Jap ambition and rivalry with the anglos were already taking root by the time of the Washington Naval Treaty; it was exactly what the WNT was trying to head off
WW1 had both given the Japs a taste for conquest and alerted the Anglos that the Japs had been merely allies of convenience and were likely to turn on them next

Japan then was worse than China then, China was the lesser of two evils
Flying Tigers had nothing to do with Pearl, see above
flying tigers were glowniggers, who got us into WW2 in the pacific. why would the OSS and its precursors be doing industrial sabotage in china and in japan in the 20s and 30s?

the fucked up thing was, Ford Motors Japan did a better job of spying on the japs than we did.
Pretty awesome from a /k/ perspective, with the gun in context can consider some of the design details of it as a defensive emplacement.
yeah stick that and associated big underground bunker behind on a volcanic island and could be right out of a bond film
Makes you wonder what else did they lied about..
>but the US had been attacked first and was actively fighting in WW2.

How can a country be "attacked first" while alreasy actively fighting in the war?
>start asking where the export fosters really goes
America? Fosters in every store here. It is OK
>Makes you wonder what else did they lied about..
Those people in Hollywood sure have a penchant for greatly exaggerating historical events.

They just weren't in the American sector.
>America? Fosters in every store here. It is OK
I thought you guys had good beer?
It's not all Indy muso PBRs is it?
>Those people in Hollywood sure have a penchant for greatly exaggerating historical events.
You should see what they claim we did at Nagasaki.

Can you go inside this bunker or is it closed off to the public?
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Guess where
>he believes in australia
What a topsy turvy way of looking at history
The glowniggatry was not there for no reason, hostilities were already present
That's with the sea out. Everywhere that is beach will be water in high tide.
Storming open beaches for 400m was not the norm, storming while in knee high water was till you hit the grass.
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Because they looked cool.

IRL even a dirt trench on the ridge above the beach would have afforded a fucking brutal vantage point
There were absolutely tons of people crying about the draft and the cost of war.
There were millions of peaceniks and "isolationists" of German heritage within the US, there were just more WASPs in numbers and positions of power that pretty much bullied them into changing their names later in the war.
yeah, since the 1790s. and we were there stirring up shit before the japs ever left their islands.
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The Allies landed at low tide to avoid losing landing craft to beach obstacles.
Having to fathom doing it with 60lbs equipment and possible nausea from sea sickness, holy fuck. I want to visit Normandy too just to take it all in, cause that really is a fuckton of open cover
Americans didn't run into Tiger units in France until after the Siene was crossed, months after D-day.
You can walk amongst the German graves but not the American ones? What gives?
Is it the sand people? It's the sand people, isn't it?
It's easy to forget now but joining in on the war was incredibly unpopular. But then Pearl Harbor happened and provided the excuse needed to draft everyone and fight Germany.
Part of the reason the US decided on nuking Japan with a until then unproven and rare weapon they had little off was that they really needed to end the war because the population was getting real tired of it by 1945.
I remember being absolutely awestruck by the size of the shell craters at Point Du Hoc and how utterly ruined the bunkers were. Definitely the highlight of the trip for me. Looking down the cliffs and thinking about having to climb up them while getting shot at was a very humbling experience.
>we had to le climb
they outnumbered the German militia 10:1 and the majority of the fighting took place on the ridge itself, the position had decoy guns, and most of the Rangers were kept together while the Germans and Ost Legion were moved further east to oppose the main landing.
The Rangers took heavy casualties assaulting the hamlet despite light resistance. The men on the beach were flanked from all sides and took less casualties than the Rangers who had a frontal fight on even ground.

The AB are the real heroes of D Day but they dont get half as much appreciation because the army boomers see D Day as their iliad.
>and they were literally all communists
Especially Charles Lindbergh, Silver Legion and German American Bund.
>because his precious Soviet Union was allied to Germany for the first third of the war.
>Other US communists did similar, being all anti-war prior to Barbarossa and then being the most pro-war people ever after it.
For obvious reasons. They saw WWI as the war waged by rich fucks for their own gain. They saw how government has stomped on the veterans from the Bonus Army, and how it treated working class people before New Deal. So, of course they would be opposed to war. It was a common notion among people of different origins and beliefs back then. Germany had a lot of religious pacifists, for example.
Big Red One at least got it right.
>He believes in oxygen.
this place has gone to absolute shit, just look at these retard-tier fucking posts.
I bet you come from Bielefeld
Even after Pearl Harbor there was still strong resentment against fighting in Europe, which was seen by and large as a needless distraction to fighting the war against Japan.
I don't know why, but I'm just gonna say Korea.
anon was using hyperbole, but there definitely were communists pushing against war until Barbarossa. Its utterly fascinating how much control the soviet union had over foreign communist parties. It kinda fell apart after Czechoslovakia in the 60s though.
The British Foreign Office wanted to end the war occupying the parts of Germany closest to the Low Countries so that if the occupation went sideways and they decided to cut and run, they'd have the shortest path directly to friendly countries. The US, they intended to get left holding the bag both in Germany (the sector farthest away from the coast) and France (which was expected to be a political basket case after liberation).

They were willing to do *anything* to ensure their escape route, no matter how many Americans--or Brits--lost their lives in the process. Despite the fact that the US had more armor and better mechanized logistics, and would have been a better fit for the tank-friendly terrain near the coast, they were adamant that they should have the northern sector. Ike threw a fit when he found out what they'd done, sent a protest to FDR, who protested to Churchill, who got it fixed... only for the Foreign Office to secretly change it back again. At some point, too much lower-level planning and organization had been done to fix it again, and the Allies had to commit to these invasion beaches. Thus, the US wound up with the western-most beaches, had to deal with most of France (Ike neatly side-stepped the problem of "running" the country by throwing it at DeGaulle), and then had to fight through rough terrain that favored the defender. And the Brits got to fight against some of Germany's heaviest armor concentrations in the West, taking heavy losses all the way. Then they got to defend the best tank terrain in Germany against the Soviet Hordes for 40 years. The whole "escape route" wound up being an expensive myth.
i really need to visit
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>Especially Charles Lindbergh, Silver Legion and German American Bund.
Cherrypicking, typical. In any case, authoritarians are birds of a feather. Your knee-jerk reaction of "if you're not commie then you must be nazi" is very telling as to what kind of "person" you are.
Molotov-Ribbentrop, my vatnik "friend". They literally went fucking halfsies on Poland, how is this level of marxist delusion even possible?
>For obvious reasons.
>makes up a bunch of commie cope to hide their Nazi leanings
Still doesn't explain why they became the biggest fucking war hawks after Germany betrayed the Soviets. Fuck this communist historical revisionist garbage, every Russian commie needs to die ASAP, they are traitors to my beloved United States of America and deserve only the worst. If you don't support American capitalist democratic-republican supremacy and the global supremacy of the Anglo-American way of life, then face the wall and wait for the muzzle flash faggot.
Flying Tigers weren't even operational yet. And somehow you seem to be forgetting the Northern and Southern Resource Areas.
For what i know it is on private ground and closed. However, i saw pics from the inside, so it doesn't seem to be entirely sealed.
>Its utterly fascinating how much control the soviet union had over foreign communist parties
That's because back then Comintern actually had authority. The Moscow grasp have been weakening since 30s - the Trotskyist activity, anarchist propaganda, dissolution of Comintern, Jewish question in late 40s, Hungarian rebellion and Frankfurt School working for CIA, split with China, local leaders wanting more power and money with less responsibility. The problems were snowballing.
The UK had already spent a ton of blood, it was time for the Americans to do the same.
Starting to have my doubts about this "Europe" thing. It's really convenient for people who hate our way of life that there's just some flamboyantly gay place across the ocean where they do everything weird.
It's called being objective, LARPer.
Right, but where's the actual military alliance treaty?
>Still doesn't explain why they became the biggest fucking war hawks after Germany betrayed the Soviets.
They called for resistance against fascism/nazism/similar leanings all throughout 1930s, if you haven't noticed.
Germans didn't have enough resources to do every beach like this.
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>Why has almost every piece of media from Saving Private Ryan to Medal of Honor lied about this?
I guess they got confused when they went to the beaches and saw the bunkers
>where's the actual military alliance treaty?
Holy shit its an actual communist. You people need to fuck off its our fault your bullshit subreddits got banned years ago.

The obvious historical facts you deny show your bad faith. Fuck you, you don't deserve actual honest engagement.
I forgot a lot of stuff about it, including actual honest to god white pirates on chinese waters. my father's father was one of them. had a family in every port in the pacific.

we used to dump Carl Panzram types in china too.
You're mad
Or brown
Nobody said they did
This is objectively not true, since things are always hardest before the end.
wtf is this true?
>Rangers who had a frontal fight on even ground.
They took most of their casualties on the climb which was well enfiladed, moron
You should visit Pointe du Hoc at the exact spot they came up, it's brutal how perfectly exposed it is
could you fucking faggots give it a rest? go jerk off to your snuff videos and fuck off for a while. get have a breakroom quickie with the guy in the cubical next to you or something.
Of course not

You're telling a popular unproven myth about the way the Cold War front was divided up, conflating it with fucking D-day which is a whole another fucking country, and ignoring that the US Army at this point was regarded as largely inexperienced and unreliable which is why they were given easier beaches, a point borne out by the results of the first day. Also the front was supposed to be quickly connected and the Allies were supposed to be able to switch their divisions back and forth so it's irrelevant which nation's division landed where first on the day itself.

Fucking asshole
The American was entirely opposed to entering the war in Europe until Pearl Harbor. A lot of the patriotic sentiment shit we hear about ww2 was sold to the American public about ww1 and there was very little enthusiasm about entering another war in Europe
>It's because the US told Japan that they were going to refuse to sell Japan oil until they stopped genociding Chinese people.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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The only German unit in-country with Tiger tanks was the 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion under the command of Michael Wittmann and they were only deployed against the British and Canadian sectors. Even then, they didn't actually see action until the Battle of Villers-Bocage on June 13, a week after the landings.
Psh, Monterey is in Mexico, if the picture were taken in Mexico there'd be a sepia haze over everything because that's what Mexico looks like.
>t. I have seen movies set in Mexico before.
>Holy shit its an actual communist
That's not the right term.
It's a nationalist. Communism hasn't existed for years, it failed and was discarded (if ever even genuinely tried) decades ago.
People arguing that the CCP or CCCP did nothing wrong are loyal to an invented history of their (possibly larping) nation.
>This is objectively not true
Russia is a clear counter-example because they have the hardest of times and are the weakest of people.

Hard times create traumatised, insecure men.
Strong men are raised with positive role models, positive reinforcement, social justice and virtue.
All distinctly western values.
>gfw bait
You're a /pol/tard moron

That shit has never worked.
You can't even post here unless you scaled the wall and you fundamentally fail to comprehend HTTPS.

t. lived in China for years
>Thyssen-Krupp for the French following WW1
I wonder what it felt like making parts for a fortification that you knew was meant to keep you out.
>People arguing that the CCP or CCCP did nothing wrong are loyal to an invented history
Imagine if Commies took over England, destroyed nine centuries of history, tore down all the castles and palaces and stately homes and museums, razed your village to the ground, specifically made sure to burn all the parish records and Royal College of Arms so nobody has any family history any more, and brainwashed the nation into mindless godless bugs
That's how a true diaspora chinese feels about the CCP
But we're outnumbered by the CHINA STRONK wumao nutters and most have adopted the culture of our new homes, especially "Asian" Americans like the Yang Gang who are chinese only in colour.
So ultimately who cares really.
>That's how a true diaspora chinese feels about the CCP
Sounds like we're on the same page. Though you appear to be defining yourself by things that happened before you were even born and that might not be healthy.
Not that I can talk though.
>defining yourself by things that happened before you were even born and that might not be healthy.
That's kind of what culture is, and it's important because it worked for generations.

But anyway I myself have more or less done the same, save that I can speak two additional languages and my personal values are very slightly more Confucian than WASP. I'm resigned to raising my children Western or as good as. Though conservative, not liberal.
>Right, but where's the actual military alliance treaty?

I thought I've seen it all, but this is the first foe PROOFS on Molotov-Ribbentrop. Even the Russians don't do that. They don't admit to it, and try to ignore it, but they don't deny that

>om nom nom
Which is precisely why Allied troops suffered disproportionately high casualties at Omaha compared to the other sites.
>go to "australia"
>nothing but chinese, indians, arabs, africans
>no australians
i dont know where i went but it wasnt the australia i saw in the tourist ad i saw in 1996
>disproportionately high casualties at Omaha compared to the other sites
Is because the Sherman DDs sank
>Why has almost every piece of media from Saving Private Ryan to Medal of Honor lied about this?
Who even knows? Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg do these weird unncessary completely fictional takes in every WW2 media they're apart of, you wanna see a real big fuck up? just look at all the errors and absolutely crude mockery of disrespect Band of Brothers did to various members of the Company.
Well the US did encounter Tigers (though mainly Panthers and Panzers) during Normandy but yeah the whole bridge battle is poorly done, I mean am I really suppose to believe less than 15 guys are holding out the entire town and bridge by themselves? even small villages and bridge positions in Neptune had at least 2+ platoon worth of men defending them, I guess that just wouldn't fit the plot like the rest of this half-assed movie.
For a fag like you, maybe
>US Army at this point was regarded as largely inexperienced and unreliable which is why they were given easier beaches
How come? the 1st and 4th Infantry Divisions had been in constant fighting since Torch and were very experienced with amphibious landings, I can understand if you were talking about the 29th alone, but regarding the army as a whole seems like a bad faith arguement.
>absolutely crude mockery of disrespect Band of Brothers did to various members of the Company.
Was this mostly the fault of the guy who wrote the book remembering shit wrong and ended up having to amend his book, like the guy who supposedly died but it turned out actually went on to fight hordes of chinamen in the korean war?
>Was this mostly the fault of the guy who wrote the book
Mostly, Hanks and Steven treated it as a bible and did a poor research job, the fact that Ambrose himself also poorly research and gathered the stories makes it even messier, Hanks and Steven STILL did various innacuracies of their own, for example, the entirety of Replacements episode
>Battle of Nuenen
It went NOTHING like in the series, the 3rd PLT LT which I forgot the name of, did not stand in the middle of the road and get sniped, Bull's story did happen but differently, Martin's arguement with the tanker did infact happen though
Cobbs also was portrayed as a villain when it did never happen, nobody shat on replacements for having the PCU badge, Cobbs himself served in Africa and was one of the oldest members of the Company, if anything he would've understood what they felt out of everyone, as he only joined the Company barely before they left for England
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where you there for the d-day 80th thingie too?
This was my favorite part about Normandy too, going inside all those bunkers was a neat bonus.
Money Germans and Americans couldn't wait to sell stuff to the commies. Albert Kahn should be listed as the greatest traitor to the US.
It's funny how impressively accurate saving private Ryan it when it comes to everything but peoples favorite parts, the opening scene and the sniper scene

Peddling enemy propaganda was actually punished back in the day so no.

Honestly I never got why they assigned a company of Army Rangers to make an extremely hazardous amphibious landing where they would have to fight their way through German fortifications that were built specifically to stop that kind of attack instead of assigning the mission to paratroopers as was done with the Merville Battery
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Nah, I was there the week after. Schedule wouldn't allow it.
Here have a Churchill Crocodile missing it's trailer in Bayeux.
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COD 2 Big Red One got it right
Probably the best depiction of D-DAY in a video game really, very underrated
>random StG 44 just lying on the beach for the player to pick up

This is probably a silly question but would any German troops on D-Day have even had StG 44s? Most of the troops stationed along the Atlantic Wall would have been second-rate infantry or Eastern European racial mystery meat who were barely a step above slaves. My understanding was the StG 44s were mainly issued to Panzergrenadier and Volksgrenadier formations and even then, they could only really afford to equip frontline infantry with them, meaning that weapons platoons/companies and support troops were still stuck with Kar98s until the end of the war.
Big Red One just has them there as a way to show that Germans have begun fielding new weapons, it's something that the game does, like how in Africa you fight mostly with Stuarts but around Sicily they disappear as the Sherman begins to be the main tank, not fully inaccurate, BUT it gets the idea across.

To answer your question, probably not, STG 44s began being fielded en mass on the western front after Op Cobra, mostly around August-September
A lot of Americans were isolationist until Pearl Harbor. Propaganda went to maximum overdrive and dissent was censored, so difficult to know how much isolationism stayed. WW1 was unpopular in the US in its entirety.
I suspect 80 years of erosion has undermined the original dirt underneath.
Airborne was overtasked
nice cgi
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They didn't have low-grade steel and tree trunks?
>They didn't have low-grade steel
They needed it for tanks and stuff.
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my negro, I was in Bayeux too, just the week prior
Its muttoid cope for having high losses
>"b-but there were massive bunkers filled with Gitler's Buzzsawes!!"
Is how they explain away their massive inability to land
"Europe" was invented by Saudi millionaires in the 1970s so they could go to discos and drink without Allah finding out.
>tfw ive been to the small mixed nation cemetery in belgium not far from mons where the first and last soldier to die in WW1, an irish infantryman and a brit, were buried together
Its extremely morbid going through belgium and seeing every little village has a memorial for WW1 and 2 and anonymously marked graves for unidentified soldiers.
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My mistake, the last soldier to die was a Canuck. The first engagement of WWI saw an irish regiment get mauled in a skirmish over a bridge along the River Marne just outside Mons and those first casualties were buried in this cemetery, the belgian property owner was a botanist and he got permission from occupying german forces to turn it into a mixed-nation cemetery and cultivated it as a garden as well post-war
Yes. Ambrose did not fact check the claims of anyone he interviewed, he just took their word as gospel. This is how we end up with Blyth being dead (he wasn't), Dyke being a coward (he wasn't), and Dog and Fox were too (they weren't).

What's weirder if less egregious is they made up crap that didn't happen but then left out cool shit that did happen for seemingly no reason other than the made-up shit would require less money to shoot. The Battle in Carentan is basically wrong, they turned it into some big battle where they annihilate like a hundred Germans where in reality all they did was trade some shots with the German rear guard as they retreated, but then leave out the battle in the sandpit south of Veghel next to Hell's Highway where they got into a fight with those same Fallschimjager from Carentan and beat them with a bayonet charge of all things. Yet it's not in the show because I guess there were just too many tanks present at that battle and the vehicle/pyrotechnics budget just wasn't there for it, I guess. Same reason there's no proper battle scene in Bastogne, they didn't want to spend the money to shoot one.
>battle in the sandpit south of Veghel
more on this? from what I searched it was the 501st 1st battalion and not the 506th's 2nd
501st was actually in Veghel, 506th came in south of them. There were two German kampfgruppe they had to stop and, to simplify it, 501st handled the north group and 506th tackled the south group.
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but you literally can, you double niggers
Not when I was there in June.
they were probably fixing the place up after sleepy joe went there to play around
the whole week was a pain in the ass for regular history nerd tourism
They blew off course
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>It's because the US told Japan that they were going to refuse to sell Japan oil until they stopped genociding Chinese people.
Lmao no it was because Japan invaded French Indochina because the local commander decided to WHILE TOKYO WAS IN NEGOTIATIONS WITH VICHY FRANCE for port access, and that convinced the US that they were psychopaths. Look up this dude
NAYRT but the US enacted a total embargo of not just oil but also all materials and tech that could be used for war, including fucking shoe leather

Japs knew their time was up and decided to shoot first
You think someone should told the boys who died at Juno it was a walk in the park compared to Utah?
Omaha being a shit show doesn't nullify the struggle on the others

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