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What happens if the russkies drop a tsar nook on Yellowstone?
i would fard
What happens if your grandfather goes back in time and aborts you?
Absolutely nothing.
It would be like a fly shitting on a nuke.
Well except for the surface of the national park being ruined.
But would you shidd as well?
It was just called a gut punch back then
Where did people get this idea that volcanoes are stacks of dynamite that could be set off at any moment with an explosive device?
Nuclear bombs are firecrackers in comparison to volcanos, so probably not a lot
>Yellowstone, a global treasure is ruined
>Russia is erased
The US would detect the failed launch attempt and perform a full strategic attack on Russia. Within weeks, US forces would be occupying Russia to herd survivors into extermination camps.
Might as well ask what color id like my dragon to be while we're on utter fantasy hour
Nothing, because a nuke wouldn't move enough stone to do anything.
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The Atlantis movie.
I continue to masturbate to furry vore while the Army rapes Russia to death.
>russia is capable of reaching mainland USA by strategic bomber
This means our AD and AF are gone and we are fucked anyway.
the plot of 2012
this post convinced me that Russia is not pathetic, but actually very strong
The four food groups: beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard.
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America would rebuild while Russia would literally cease to exist
Hard to say but I'd argue it would be like popping a balloon before it's fully inflated. Kind of a fizzle rather than a boom.
If yellowstone went off. Would it actually be *that* bad?
We would have a shitton of warning beforehand so lots of time to prepare.
How are they getting said bomb therr?
>nuclear winter for half the US but actually real nuclear winter and not made up communist bullshit to push nuclear disarmament
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it would be really annoying, depending on the time of year, a good number of places would have housing problems from collapsed roofs from ash loading, but there are other places it'd barely be a nuisance. the people in the 1m zone would be lucky to escape. I don't think most car air filters would be able to survive near immediate clogging in those conditions. However, practically nobody lives there.
most people live on the east and west coasts, they get an inch or less. even the Midwest isn't getting a ton. the worst hit populated area would be the front range of Colorado. I bet the ash would be all fucky with the snowpack and would probably lead to flooding. remember that the ash that is falling is incredibly low density, so most places it'd be like
>oh, that's weird, I should hose that off
I bet more people would die around the world from secondary effects than in the US from primary or secondary effects.
N-n-not! You woke non-binary hato people wont dare! I-if you kill your enemies you l-lose!
not really, its actual effects are heavily oversold so people can sell low tier documentaries
g-guys i think moscow survived
yellowstone becomes yellower
Good question anon. Actually not every eruption of a supervolcano is a supereruption.
>Miami is fine
Thats unjust.
Ironically blowing a huge hole in Yellowstone would reduce it's pressure, not cause it to explode.
>entire grain belt gets up to a foot of volcanic ash
Pretty sure that that's a bad thing
>>62134537 (me)
>mistook mm for cm
I'm a retard but I still think that's gonna be a bad time for domestically produced crops. Volcanic ash is a super bitch to deal with and get rid of
Oh, this retarded thread again. What happened this time?
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why? how much mass do you think that ash is per square foot? For reference 1KPa is 0.14PSI. So a cubic foot of ash is about 30 pounds. which is less than an equivalent of wet snow. if this happens in the winter, you lose the winter wheat and just till everything back into the soil after some rains compact it. if it happens in the summer/fall, that kinda sucks, but a lot of the Midwest would be practically unaffected.
Biggest issue BY FAR would be that US agriculture basically just stops. Volcanic ash soil is GREAT for growing stuff in but only after some time has passed and it's more neutralized. A whole lot of the best farmland in the world is going to be utterly ruined for a few years at minimum. The world would immediately be faced with one hell of a famine. Once the ash can be considered soil and used it's gonna be great for growing.

The next worst issue is the US will officially be the angriest hornet's nest in the world just waiting for someone to give us an excuse. All surviving nuclear assets will be on the highest alert level. If some retard so much as even slightly saber rattles at us they'll bask in Atom's glow. We'd be simultaneously at our weakest and most dangerous.

Yellowstone going off and it being even half as bad as the map >>62134282 posted puts the clock at no more than a tenth of a second from midnight.

A geyser basically blew up at Yellowstone.
and cum?
i know nothing about agri engineering but even a retard like me would immediately recognize that fucking with the soil's ph levels would have grievous and immediate impact on the food supply
Do you cum when u shit?
Kida and Chel are responsible for making me attracted to brown women.
how much pH disrupting material is it hauling per unit mass?
If its good
about tree fiddy ppm
Depends on the volcano.
Yes but the survivors have been eating each other in the subway and are convinced the rest of the world is as irradiated and fucked as they are, so same thing.
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>found the anon who has no idea how magma chambers work
I wonder if there's some obscure Cold War era lunacy where either the US or the Soviets tried to come up with ways to make volcanoes in enemy territories go boom? Sounds like a good idea to secretly waste millions of dollars of taxpayer money on.
the full vid is even better, it just keeps going eastwards all the way to vladivostok, not a single zigger hive across the entire continent left untouched
>stop for a few years
>then becomes even more fertile by far
even when we lose in america we win
>t. the Earth
I think there was actually, along with another look into tesla's earthquake machine
You missed Israel
>Kaliningrad is completely unscathed
Your mother sitting down creates a more notable seismic event, OP. One could say a Crack-atoa of sorts
How many Tsar Bombas does it take to pop that zit
none because that's not how that works
>The next worst issue is the US will officially be the angriest hornet's nest in the world just waiting for someone to give us an excuse. All surviving nuclear assets will be on the highest alert level. If some retard so much as even slightly saber rattles at us they'll bask in Atom's glow. We'd be simultaneously at our weakest and most dangerous.

Cringed so hard reading this
orc nooks don't work
I mean it would immediately be annexed by Germany, Poland or Lithuania, they'd be nuking allied land.
thats future czech clay
>What happens if the russkies drop a tsar nook on Yellowstone?
A better question is what happens when Trump orders a nuclear strike on Moscow.

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we enter the project wingman timeline
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Future EUrope capital land
>posting Euroshit propaganda on an American imageboard
USA would cease to exist and billions would die in the following years from the collapse of agriculture.
We just don't know.
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may i see it?
>nuke + Yellowstone = Burger genocide

my god, is this the Burger version of Three Gorges that I hear so much about?
Realistically, it'll push a bunch of radioactive dust into the air and the actual volcano would fizzle over and remain inert for the next million or so years.
It's not going to combine with the supervolcano and cover 2/3 of the us with radioactive dust, that would be stupid.
If it did happen, China and Russia would be playing Metro Exodus IRL
We have enough nukes in the water to make it happen.
A large number of US and Canadian citizens will move into Mexico, Mexico will be accepting them whether they want to or not.
The US will use our military strength to force Brazil to quit exporting food to China and feed our people instead and the Brazilians will comply because the fuck is China gonna do about it?
>the fuck is China gonna do about it?
Declare it a victory and follow up with a warning to stop acknowledging Taiwan.
how is he wrong anon?
You know there's some juicy russia news out when the bond villain plot threads start being made
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>What happens if the russkies drop a tsar nook on Yellowstone?
it will delete Bilhorod from existance
What happens if an asteroid hits Yellowstone?
would it be wise to unleash your entire nuclear arsenal without saving any for any other nuclear threats that didn't use theirs?
>the fuck is China gonna do about it?
eat some food*
link to full vid please?
It works well for Russians and their search for James Bond like terrorist attacks.
>What happens if the russkies drop a tsar nook
Do they have one?
Can they mount it on a plane?
Can they fly a plane that far?
Will it explode?
Number 4 on that image put so much dust in the atmosphere it caused

The food shortages probably lead to more than 100,000 deaths that year. If Yellowstone erupted, it would suck very badly for everyone, especially people living in countries that import their food, depend on food aid or don't have large stockpiles. Large parts of the third world would be devastated.
Geologist here.

Nothing would happen.
>Large parts of the third world would be devastated
I fail to see how that would be a bad thing
>Large parts of the third world would be devastated
>I fail to see how that would be a bad thing
I think he meant that the USA, being part of the 3rd world, would also be affected. That should worry you.
the US doesn't rely on food aid. we are already fat.
>the US doesn't rely on food aid. we are already fat.
Its relies on cheap foreign labor to pick berries, fruits, nuts by hand. Good luck with that.
i wish brown women with white hair were real, but they aren't.
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None of those are staple crops though. Stuff like wheat and corn is heavily mechanized.
>berries, fruits, nuts
what portion of the total caloric intake is that?
Nobody wants that piece of shit land, glass it
>Revenge of the Tang
They don’t have any Tsar bombs, plus they can’t even reach Yellowstone
they have nothing with a penetration that'd offset the mass of rock capping something like that. blasting it multiple times actually won't do much of a difference.

Probably that they're heavily pressurized. The theory is that if you blow the top off it will cause the high pressure area (the magma chamber) to go into the lower pressure area causing an eruption.
The supervolcano shoots a bunch of volcanic dust in the immediate area and becomes permanently inert.
The only way Yellowstone is making a doomsday eruption is if it’s left alone and we’ve been tapping into it and releasing pressure gradually for decades now.
A nuke would permanently disable the volcano.
Nuking (or other big boom) is one of the theoretical methods of relieving pressure to prevent a massive eruption but we aren't at that point yet so they just nuke a bunch of wilderness for no reason
>American imageboard
Oh this guy
Tsar Nukes don't exist anymore you fucking idiot. And there's no ICBM that can carry one.

You really think the entire US military couldn't stop a slow moving Russian bomber?

What's with these utterly retarded Pro-Russian slide threads?
To the volcano? Nothing.
To russia? TZD.
Yeah but the force needed to remove the cap is literally bigger than the eruption that would happen after otherwise the cap would have just been popped by the pressure
Detonator would melt and nuke would become lava
the poles want it intact
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That turn of the century / WW1 expedition aesthetic was kino.
id guess even the biggest ones wouldn't be big enough to do anything, even if drilled 10 miles in. even a 30 miles radius isn't a big percent of 8000.

also why would they want to? the planet dropping 25 degrees and 3-10 years of lack of 20-80% sunshine isn't a localized issue. Most of the planet would starve to death.
N95 masks would be making a comeback.
Blue area would have so much ash the cleanup companies would package up the ash and sell it as an alternative to nitrate fertilizer
global temperatures would lower ~10C for 50-100 years
lower crop yields but also higher crop yields, that ash is basically gold for farm land
~30 million people would die, but mostly California expats so nobody cares
based cookie
>A nuke would permanently disable the volcano.
Effectively, they would achieve their plan to annihilate the human race.
I imagine it's like a giant zit that will pop with so much power it will make the mirror ring
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We already called dibs on it
Not understanding that we put our most extreme people in the military.
Not admitting that we would let them retaliate with maximum force against a russian agression...
>global temperatures would lower ~10C for 50-100
no it wouldn't. we probably wouldn't see 3C for 5 years.
Tambora was about 3C and Tambora was much smaller. That lasted 10-11 years.
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If you scare the hoes enough it will be.
>global temperatures would lower ~10C for 50-100 years
that is definitely not how volcanoes work lol
The earth's crust isn't an elastic membrane though...
>global temperatures would lower ~10C for 50-100 years
>We did it guys! We solved global warming, now if only we had a way to deal with the plastic in our balls.
Chel is just ridiculous, how you get anything done with a woman like that around is beyond me.
>The world would immediately be faced with one hell of a famine.
Fortunately, we have plenty of landmines to keep the world out while we focus on keeping our food internal.
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Uhhh guys…..
It doesn't look that big to me. They could probably make an ICBM the size of soyuz or falcon 9 to carry it.
>Implying russia will even be able to move a nuclear bomber in range of yellowstone
>But muh ICBM
This means that USA will glass entire russia before the rocket even reaches the american border
That''s a geyser though just purely heated water
The worst contry on earth is finally gone

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