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how does /k/feel about 3d printed firearms?
very good
They're really cool and anyone who doesn't like the idea is a faggot. The average PROONTER is a retard though.
This thread is going to be swamped by people that don't even own a file insisting that machining your own firearms is better and easier in every aspect.
They're an interesting emerging technology, but these weapons are still not viable.
They're still little more than toys and experimental prototypes at this point.
However, the technology has advanced rapidly over the past decade.
In another 10 years these things could be a MUCH bigger deal than they are now, as in both far more practical and far more prevalent.
The whole decentralized DIY thing is also pretty neat as far as I'm concerned.
>They're still little more than toys
Tell that to those niggas in Myanmar.
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Useful if you want to quickly and cheaply equip militias born of a popular uprising
I mean, they're still guns.
They're guns that suck ass, but they're still better than having no guns at all.
FGC9s played their role in Burma, but that's over now.
The war has progressed to the point where 3D printed firearms are superflous, all the different militias are running around with proper guns smuggled in from abroad, looted from government arsenals, or captured in the field from dead government troops.
Make up your mind. Are they unviable toys or did they do exactly what they were intended for? You're not as smart as you think you are.
100% sure I've seen these exact posts in a previous thread, ya'll just out here groundhoging it.
Are they viable as conventional military arms: No.
Are they good enough to kinda, sorta, work until you can get your hands on something better: Arguably, yes.

Other firearms which meet these qualifications include the original FP-45, homemade pipe guns, and muskets.
And no one in their right mind would claim that those weapons were viable combat arms in the modern era.
The tripfag that always partakes/starts that has fled to diy where people shit on him just as much as they do here.
I am a machinist and while I would generally say that machining is superior to 3D printing, I don’t look down on 3D printing and think that it has a lot of useful applications.

The 3D printing gun community have in just a few years pushed firearms design more foreward than the vast majority of the industry have in decades.
The FGC9’d probably played a role in weapons being captured or looted off of dead soldiers.
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luv me macdaddy
luv me Amigo Verde.
kind of a gimmick desu
it's really only useful in a place where firearm receivers are restricted, but bolts, barrels, and ammunition aren't
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Oh boy a 3D printed guns thread, my favorite.
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I love this little fucker like you wouldn't believe.
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I need more Kel-tecs.
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I carry this one often.
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It's equal parts fun and disappointing that you can't actually see the printed chassis in either of these.
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Almost forgot.
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Alright that's enough for now.
as of right now they are just a proof of concept. As long as you have to still use bolts, barrels or even any actual genuine firearm part then they are a meme.
all of these are not 3d printed guns, they are simply guns with a couple of 3d printed parts.
>explodes in your hand
nothin personnel,,,,kid
Love the general idea
Hate the general execution
wrong, the gun is printed. it just has a few metal parts slapped on.
>And no one in their right mind would claim that those weapons were viable combat arms in the modern era.
The FP-45 wasn't a viable combat weapon in the 1940s, let alone the modern era.
But there's a difference between "get close to a German and take his rifle" and "ambush a truck filled with government troops, use your FCG-9s to dispatch them, and THEN take their rifles". The FP-45 was made for close quarters assassination. The FCG-9 was used to win engagements against guys with proper weapons. That's different levels.
That's BS, though.
You make your own barrels.
You make your own ammo from the components you can source.
You make your own bolts for pure blowback weapons, and if you need a lock or delay... come up with something rather than waiting for Ivan or AWCY to do your homework.
The FGC-9 has used its own bolt and barrel for like 4 years now.
that doesn't count because... WELL IT JUST DOESN'T OK?!
it doesn't count because it's not 3d printed, it's just amateur gunsmithing at that point
Useful, although 3D printing lowers and uppers is something only valid for the US gun issues. You need electrochemical or regular machining to create an actual barrel. Sourcing ammo or creating ammo is an entirely different issue.
>it doesn't count because it's not 3d printed, it's just amateur gunsmithing at that point
By that logic amateur gunsmithing doesn't exist either. You have to buy the raw steel in the form of sheet, rod or bar. No such thing as a "homemade" or "DIY" gun as you have to buy shit made in a factory.
>Completely 3d printed, like the liberator?
Sketchy as fuck
>some non pressure bearing parts in addition to machined parts?
There definitely is a place in the diy world of weapons manufacturing

3d printing is not the go to solution to all problems, it is just another tool.
Can be quite versatile in the right hands imo
if you live in a county where you cant freely buy barrels or bolts how do you 3d print a gun?
I know in the us the only restricted part is the receiver but elsewhere bolts, bolt carriers, triggers, barrels are restricted items, so how does one make a 3d gun without a barrel and bolt?
just look at the pdf guide for the fgc9. printed trigger with springs from anywhere, manufacture your own bolt from a tube, and electrochemical machining for your barrel.
your question was answered years ago.
only amerilard consider the most uninmportant part of the gun "the" gun.
>electrochemical machining for your barrel.
LMAO, at that point it's far easier and cheaper to just turn a barrel on a lathe
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It's really not, if you have a 3D printer then an ECM rig for making barrels is extremely cheap, simple, and easy to use. It's not the same incredibly fast ECM process that's used commercially to rifle barrels, the DIY method is much slower, but it does work very well. I'd love to hear how you personally go about rifling barrels on a lathe.
>used commercially to rifle barrels
yeah no, if a barrel is made with ecm it's literally dogshit quality. The only barrels worth buying are cold hammerforged
Kek this kid doesn't know that ECM is widely used in the industry, and not for cheap shit.
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>3D printed guns are le bad
>it says, screeching to its betters
The Navy would like a word with you about their artillery.
Never understood the point
>requires expensive specialist equipment
>whole system digital and traceable
>vastly inferior product
>high material cost
it's an argument for owning a 3d printer, it proves what the printer can do. but that doesn't make these guns any less shitty.

3d printing is neich, fast setup, on demand, distributable. It's more like the email forwarding software of workshops than workshop equipment. You might make and share test parts, scale models. You wouldn't even use it for a production run.
>You wouldn't even use it for a production run
Tell that to Kel-tec.
seems like a smart person hobby
if someone in person walked me through itd be cool. i dont even know shit about my own car
And then I think about the CNC lathe
>uses cheap generic steel
>vastly superior material
>easy to finish by hand
>reliable sustained operation
>can button barrels
But given that straw sales are far safer, cheaper, and parts can be bought off the shelf in the US the whole thing seems like a media fear campaign. If you want an illegal gun just buy one.
But surely you own a gun, know how it works, and have torn it down to parts and reassembled it, right?
I want to start printing guns but I have like no space for one and expensive :(
Its cool
What are those tools your gun is on? I haven't seen anything like that before.
It's all for leatherwork.
Cool i guess but the community is INFESTED with leftist fags and troons
Thanks anon.
What the fuck am I looking at here? Two flashlights and a snack box?
Ivan is a hipster faggot tool for larping like hes the modern day incarnation of John Moses Browning, all because he owns a 3D scanner and a ACAD license.

Most 3D printing dipshits aren't leveraging the tech anywhere near what they should be, and are chasing raindlbows trying to make it do shit it fundamentally wasn't fucking intended to do, let alone can reasonably, realistically achieve.

The obsession with 3D printed MAC receivers is hilarious considering how much of a pile of shit the MAC is, and that it'd be piss easy for the companies making these kits, to develop a roller delayed system that'd make these guns worth a damn.

3D printing was the AI movement before it was a thing, which was NFT's before it, and before that it was Crypto, and before that it was web 3.0, and before that...

And worst of all, 3D printing has given way to the delusion that you can do better, what countless manufactures have perfected over centuries of mastering the crafts of manufacturing and engineering. That you don't need formal education to be an engineer, that you don't need creativity, experience, or worst of all, fucking math, all you need is a 400$ printer, and enough fucking filament to throw at every single problem.

Case in point. How fucking hard would have it been to instead of 3D printing a retarded rip off of the ACE tube stock, you instead print 2 plates, one for the front of the stock, and one for the rear, that would accept 1/2" solid nylon tube, getting you an actual fucking polymer replica of the ACE stock.

3D nogs have no idea what the fuck they're doing. They have a hammer, and when thats all you have, everything is a nail. Except they're too fucking stupid to even use the fucking hammer end of the hammer to drive in nails, and insist on trying to use the claw to turn in hex head screws because they know a guy who owns a flathead screw driver.
The Cock 23 Australia .40 is a Hi-Point CF380 on a custom DOLLABILL frame, with Beretta Px4 inspired grips, GRIPZONE texture so you know where to grip your grips, the competition charging handle features a gutter-style rear sight and integral bottle-opener, the PobreSinFuturo mounting system offers twin picatinny rails and a Foster's pattern optics plate, twin JUCHUANGHAIRUNA WMLs capable of several lumens, attached at the Foster's mount is a prototype version of the VICIOUS computerized aiming device, the exposed polymer is all NatureWorks 4043D Ingeo Polylactic Acid, and all other components are finished in a custom 3-stage gold aerosolized coating from RPM International. The Very Inexpensive Computer Integrated Optic for the Underprivileged and Suffering - V.I.C.I.O.U.S is brought to you by Newport Defense, a division of R.J Pabst Dynamics.
yea after watching a video ten times. guess it applies here just keep practicing skill issue
Fun hobby and people are doing cool stuff with it.
On a practical level, it's nice to be able to print reliable training mags for a fraction of the price of regular mags.
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Why are you so mad?
You don't have room for an ender 3? Do you live in a closet?
The sight picture better be funny or I'm storming the Bastille and mercing your ass
shame we don't get actual dimensions on things like barrels, or upper receivers, they just say "buy x" and then you try to buy one and they're unobtanium.
Example? I've never encountered this problem.
>t. never made anything for anyone else in his entire life
The rivalry between machinists and 3D printers is 100% one sided. Machinists see 3D printing and go "hmmm.... neat!"

IRL nobody who actually knows wtf they are doing in the 3D printing community thinks it's a total replacement for machining either. It just enables you to do more advanced fabrication for certain applications for a lot less. Pretty much everybody actually into 3D printing is fully aware of that.

But some kid extrudes a shitty out of spec Glock frame in PLA and suddenly he's on /k/ ranting about how he's the next John Moses Browning and how BTFO'd machinists are.

"Nobody cares dude. Learn how to level your bed and set your temps properly before running your mouth. Maybe buy a caliper and figure out why your X axis is off so bad, jesus."
id say 3D printing is revolutionary for production but the cheap plastic printers isnt the revolutionary part, its metal 3D printing that is game changing
the problem is its insanely expensive compared to standard manufacturing currently, in the far future when 3d printing metals is cheaper and more reliable, it will change things
You dont think printers are gonna be able to use nanocarbons, metal and etc in the future being able to do insane tiny details you are retarded.

Look at how garbage it was in 2012 unless it was some retarded 50k printer. Metal printers have been a thing for years now and are getting better and getting. Shit in the future I imagine shit will create moulds and then grow the material inside of it with pressure and heat. This will absolutely be a thing by 2040 for small scale prototyping and shit.
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Ghost guns nigga
As someone who has the equipment for both, machining is absolutely superior to filament 3D printing for anything that needs to be strong or have longevity.

That said, making things that work is the manliest shit there is and I support people doing it in anyway that they want/are able.
This attitude will hold you back in everything you do in life. Make a shelf, throw some shit out or something. Finding room for this is easy. Likewise, the cost is not high. Even if you're a neet you can skip fast food and shit for a bit and save for it.
>The rivalry between machinists and 3D printers is 100% one sided. Machinists see 3D printing and go "hmmm.... neat!"
that's the opposite of reality.
here's a supposed machinist sperging about how much he hates 3d printing.
Im an actual fucking engineer you god damn retard. Put your trip on Ivan.
You know Ivan's a machinist too, right?
I'm not Ivan, and have a Master's in engineering, calm down you terminally online perpetual victim. I'm sure Ivan would just called you a stupid nigger, though.
Nice samefag Ivan. Put your trip on so we can all have a laugh that you dropped out of community college because College Algebra was a little too difficult for you.
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Funny every time.
>Oy vey goy, I liek totally didn't phone post this
>Anyway, how cool is the Ivan and what not with his 6,0000,0000 inch circumcised dick, and the billions of shekels he makes from being the modern day Johnathan Moses Goyning and what not
are you OK? did Ivan rape your dog or something?
Do you spend a lot of time imagining men with massive penises?
>I hate Ivan, he's so cute and his dick is so big I just can't stand it!
Just put the trip on Ivan, or are you too busy blowing your spic boss?

Did the dogfucker lose his trip or what?
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Him or Sieg. Fortunately I have some Sieg repellent on hand.
oh shit, that would explain it.
that poorfag does schiz out like this when he's mad.
Sieg is the worst poster. He shits up /diy/ constantly. Imagine being hated by TWO boards. He also is simultaneously a 15 dollar an hour machinist and a capitalist mastermind who plows milfs in exchange for discounts on product.
Did Ivan the closet fur nigger on funnyjunk (whoops, nobody was supposed to find that one out huh?), the supposed JMB of today who can't even put together a Sig P320 right, forget to put on his trip or what?
>Case in point. How fucking hard would have it been to instead of 3D printing a retarded rip off of the ACE tube stock, you instead print 2 plates, one for the front of the stock, and one for the rear, that would accept 1/2" solid nylon tube, getting you an actual fucking polymer replica of the ACE stock

money where your mouth is. that isn't even a particularly hard design either
You're the only one praising Ivan, calling him JMB, saying he's got a huge dick, apparently you follow him closely enough to know about his sexual habits. I think you're an obsessed homosexual stalker.
>The rivalry between machinists and 3D printers is 100% one sided.
>disproves own point
all this thread has taught me is that people who operate machines think they are really smart
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Don't worry, I know exactly how to appeal to the target demographic.
To be fair, artillery has a pretty big "close enough" circle. Small arms don't.
>You wouldn't even use it for a production run
Safariland did.
My employer might.
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The design isn't hard to fucking model you retard, the point is you assless chap wearing rodeo clowns are so fucking oblivious to the reality of what you can do with 3D printing, you refuse to fucking consider the simple fact that manufacturwrs have done 90% of the work necessary for you idiots to make something half decent.

None of you consider using 3D printers to build welding jigs, or drilling jigs. Using wax for casting casting aluminum, using actual fucking casting aluminum and not just fucking beer cans. Or god forbid, using 3D printers as a jumping point for cheap plasma cutters so you can cut steel flat that can be bent and welded to make everything from fucking pistol slides, to triggers, to fucking receivers.
I don't care what retards think, why do you?
>I have special insight into the minds of retards!
>everyone who isn't me is dumb because they don't share my design goals
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You are like little retarded child.
couldn't you just print a normal stock with favorable orientation (recoil forces along length) and then have some M5/6 bolts hold the mounting point to the rest of it?
fewer parts, fewer operations, fewer materials, better cheek rest geometry, etc. hell, if you want adjustability do it in 3 parts, butt pad (printed mounting surface down so you can texture the top AND/OR do it in TPU, then the main stock body(printed vertically), then the mounting hardware at the other end(printed however you want). then you have good print orientation for everything, you aren't limited in LoP and you can change the mounting/interface hardware. You'd also gain a shitload of stability in the transverse direction because your moment of inertia would be so much higher than two 5/8ths rods.
That's weird, what with all the designs that utilize 3D printed drilling or welding jigs, cast receivers, laser/plasma cut components cut from sheet metal that get bent with 3D printed jigs and welded to make things like slides, triggers, and receivers. Maybe you just fixate on designs you dislike because you're a faggot?
he doesn't know about those. He wants to be mad, not reasonable.
Oh, like when a toddler cries because you won't let them have something, so you give in and give it to them but they refuse it and continue to just scream and cry.
Which is why none of you will ever be taken seriously by anybody within the firearms space. Because there is no posturing, no bullshitting in the realm of engineering. Your shit works or it doesn't. It exists or it doesn't. Its elegant in its execution and deployment of a solution, or it 12 pounds of thermoplastic welded together because you can afford a 200 dollar ender, but not a 100 dollar drill press.

And just like that, your infantile fantasies of sticking it to the man, being the thin line between gun control and true freedom go up in smoke.

Wow, you have a working hinge. Now show the class how it bends like a reed in the wind under recoil, how many attempts it took to print, and explain why a better, faster to make, and not to mention, cheaper solution is somehow worse?

Sure, you can totally just throw more plastic at the solution to end up with a stock that weighs 3 pounds, that's still held together by literal screws.

Which is entirely besides the point because OP didn't print a A1 buttstock, or a CTR. They specifically tried to imitate the ACE skeleton stock, which is why I reduced down to 2 3D printed parts that are assembled using nylon stock you buy from amazon for 10$.
>retard cries, still doesn't build gun
Put your trip on.
Dude the stock in the OP isn't even printed, it's welded sheet metal.
They can't tell the difference, it's why they're so pissed off.
>Sure, you can totally just throw more plastic at the solution to end up with a stock that weighs 3 pounds,
do you know how 3d printing works? you can set high perimeters, low infill to preserve stiffness(due to high second moment) but reduce overall weight. That's what's nice about 3d printing, you aren't beholden to things like material density because you can control that arbitrarily. designing against the strengths of a process is the sign of a bad engineer.
>held together by screws
you mean like, practically every stock ever made? screws IS how you hold the butt pad on, and my Magpul stock is held on my 590 with one, M6 screw.... on a 12ga.
Anti-3d schizo got real quiet

>Power requirements in excess of what typical homes are wired for, requiring some dipshit to come in and totally not notice your embryonic gun factory
>Extremely obvious purchase (Dollar value, shipment, emplacement)
>Needs to be on concrete, will happily sag the floor of the apartment even if you were retarded enough to cut the wall out to get it moved in
>Still can't actually cut rifling like 3d printed ECM tools can, can't even make gears and racks for a sine bar rifler like a 3d printer can

Yea retard i'm sure no one will ever figure it out. This'll go great for you.
doesn't matter, they're still ghost guns
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>Most 3D printing dipshits aren't leveraging the tech anywhere near what they should be, and are chasing raindlbows trying to make it do shit it fundamentally wasn't fucking intended to do, let alone can reasonably, realistically achieve.
post your best print then dude? you didnt make the super safety you didn't make the plastikov 1 2 or 3
you dint make the fgc-9
you never made shit. anything some one else makes that works is a benefit to the community of gun owners as a whole and you likey call people in for having a fore grip on a pistol you jew
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Me like
Given that they are shooting 10s of miles away, they really don't. Hitting a 169 yard long destroyer at 10 miles 17600 yards broadside is like 3 MOA, and they have a range of 14 miles, so closer to 2 if you are making hits
Where can i get the stl for an m9... Cults has one, though not sure it is anything but a mimic, same with defcad which is asking a yearly membership... Like jesus... It's the most common fun thing out there known as "gun"
lol no, they're traceable as fuck
Call me a nigger but that's cool
>doesn't matter, they're still ghost guns
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There is no printable 92FS frame, yet. The Sphynx frame by GeraldKatz is still in development, and I wouldn't hold your breath for it. Avoid DefCad like the plague, anything they have that you can't find elsewhere is something you DO NOT WANT, everything else is guaranteed to be found elsewhere because that's how they get their shit, they reupload others work and charge for it. It's a shit-tier honeypot.
What's the file for this one? How reliably does it cycle?
isn't fedcad also full of the compromised cad models that french activist uploads everywhere with slightly off dimensions so that your gun wouldn't work?
Yes, yes it is.

That's one of TroutBlood's DB380s, based off Freeman's DB380 model. Unreleased beta shit, but functionally it's the same as Freeman's original model. It works very well, but it's picky about ammo, it doesn't like flat-nosed bullets and if you shoot a lot of 380 you know that's a big problem, fucktons of flat-noses out there. Actual round-nose from Fiocchi, Sellier&Bellot, Magtech, and Prvi Partizan all runs flawlessly. I've never put hollowpoints or other defense ammo through it.
ecm chad here. going 250+ rounds. Im a shit shot but it seems good enough for government work.
Yeah I had only seen the beta versions, little over a year ago, it just seldomly crossed my mind, it's really the only fun left I wish I could rebuild from scratch, apparently though one of the most common, it is also harder to find a diy kit than for a 1911... Anyway, damn, I knew something was off about them putting some obvious vidya replicas on defcad.. And still charging a subscription. Iirc odyssey is still okay for a few things isn't it?
Odysee is still just fine.
Thanks. Was definitely going for a meme build when I started but it actually came out really nice
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Just bought an ender 3 v3. Am I able to print gun parts with it?

Pic unrelated
Yes, but a baseline knowledge of 3d printing will make your efforts and attempts easier. Imerse yourself in the youtube and reddit 3d communities and print a bunch of basically useless trinkets and toys, household items if you have a use for them, to build your knowledge and confidence.
Good, and looking up. In under a decade or so SLS printing for plastic and metal WILL get entrenched in the DIY market.
iirc there is still a manual floating around how to build a FGC-9 with a 3d printer, salt, a voltage modulator and a small angle grinder.
Why no 3d printed bolt actions?
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Because printed locking lugs don't work, if you get a cut kit with the lugs still intact you can print the missing, non pressure bearing, part.
See >>62148718
ECM is machining. Lathe is machining. You're trying to be a dismissive purist when you don't do any gunsmithing at all.

Amateur gunsmiths produce or aquire parts and assemble them into guns. 3d printing is a great way to get a lightweight, tough, complex and dimensionally accurate plastic part with very little post processing.
>3d printed bolt action
Several on defcad and black lotus. The Myanmar rebels use a bolt action in the style of an AR-15.
go out and test it anon! whats the worst that could happen? (:
>cnc lathe
You do realize that pretty much all the cnc machines made in the past 20 years or so are geolocated right? Some of the hobby stuff like tormach isn't, but any industrial machine is registered at an address and you need to contact the manufacturer if you're going to move it outside the facility.
Don't care faggot. It is legal to own a CNC or lathe, printer or any other tool. It is also legal for me to make any firearms I want, including form 1 NFA items.
I don't understand why you're mad.
I didn't say anything about the legality of you making guns, or even imply that you shouldn't.
I simply pointed out that modern cnc machines are in fact tracked.
Tracked by the manufacturer for maintenance service contracts is not a national registry.
>Tracked by the manufacturer for maintenance service contracts
>is not a national registry.
It actually is exactly that. It's explicitly there so you can't pick up a haas or an okuma and send them to north Korea or Iran. Mori Seki just got in trouble for disabling some so they could sell them to Russia to get around sanctions.
>MFW telling my engineer and machinist friends about the plastic receiver I printed and assembled and trying to convince them it's not objectively worse than literally every 9mm smg ever made
Forgot pic
what material is the frame made out of?
Ingeo 3D870 PLA
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You're trying to troll me aren't you?
I feel shame I didn't realize it earlier.
So much bad faith and seethe in this post.
Did you ever consider guns are supposed to be fun and playing with new designs is fun?
Fun is for children, this is /k/, very serious business for grown-ups.
Fun is for people that enjoy their lives. If you don't get a smile out of going to the range or a new gun, why are you even in this hobby?
I have passed by the point where guns that exist interest me, I'm in the "make my own freaks of firearm engineering" now.
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Entertainment cannot be overvalued.
And I love you for that anon.
I'm slowly reaching that point too now that I have my own shop.
Please post more of your abominations I can aspire to.
Extremely and dangerously based
my first thing I designed (then had done, I don't have the facilities for this kind of work) was my suppressed desert eagle. I just bought a clapped out Enfield mk. IV, and it's going to become an integrally suppressed 45-70 deLisle.
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oops. pic related.
>can't tell if it's zeroed, too many muzzle burns on the target
This some kids on Twitter are putting this board to shame.
absolutely fucking malding. Kill yourself, fed
It's better in that you don't need to be a machinist with a machine shop to make one. Also a blowback 9mm made out of scrap metal is pretty good in its category, but much more complexity is easy with printing. Hardware is advancing with 3d gunsmithing, but it's mostly become a software issue, and that has been advancing at an impressive rate.
>Which is why none of you will ever be taken seriously by anybody within the firearms space.
why do I need validation from pixels on a screen?
> 3d printed firearms
that shit only works in US because you can buy a crate of ammo in any wallmart without providing id, weapon license and other schizo papers. technically you can make your own powder by cooking up some crude flash cotton but primer and cases are not so easy to make
Right, and all those DIY ammo guides written by people in the UK, Russia, and Germany don't exist haha.
reloading factory made brass is not diy ammo
> ammo guides written by people in the UK, Russia
pls post it
i saw a guy video who made a folding glock, he made a "model" so 9mm wouldn't work i am so confused if he did that for youtube or it's an acutal 3d gun cause he used 50 dollar in glock pieces

is there a 3d printed folding glock.
>the best method to machine complex shapes in difficult to machine metals bad.
You would too, if you had to fix that much shit to cut metal in a straight line
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I think they're cool.
Somebody needs to kick her lardass off that tortoise.
I will pick her up and princess carry her into the nearest meth trailer.

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