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>Future wars in Hollywood
>Space lasers
>Robot mechsuits
>Mach 10 airplanes
>Future wars in reality
>Guys squatting in bushes with 1980s missile launchers
>Infinite drones
>Dirtbike cavalry
>WWI trenches and artillery duels
>Guns and tanks from the 1940s
What went wrong?
The internet being given to the third world.
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Nothing, hollywood future is gay, we living in the best timeline.
>Future wars in meridianiwood
>quantam particle cannons
>nanomachine exosuits
>FTL ships
>Future wars in reality
>Guys squatting in mountains with 2000s pgms
>Infinite drones^2
>rover cavalry
>ww1 trenches and artillery duels
>Guns and tanks from the late 2000s
What went wrong?
Future wars look like 2 sets of 5k ballistic nukes launched within 15 minutes of each other
Wars end up being fought between 3rd world countries that can't afford the high-tech shit.
you just watched the wrong movies
>Guys squatting in bushes with 1980s missile launchers
idk the Terminator future war scenes scared me when I was a little kid but my parents let me watch whatever I wanted:
>take the few good pieces of equipment you have and destroy them in pointless attacks
>refuse to commit anything remotely modern because it's literally irreplaceable (see the entire Su-27 fleet)
>you are now sending riflemen into prepared presighted artillery kill zones with motorcycles bought for a few grand from china
In an actual peer war you'd see the US lose a lot of its fighter fleet, run out of munitions and have to cut back on expenditure, but you'd still get daily strike missions with HARMs and shit. You could nuke several cities in the US and still see competent air raids with high tech weaponry. It is literally just Russia that is incompetent.
The US has no peer, i.e., peerless. It has the 1st, and 2nd largest air forces. Even their Marines have their own airforce. The oldest F/A-18 and F-16s still outclass any non-Western aircraft. The F-35, dumbed down and mass produced, is leaps and bounds ahead of anything in service or in prototype. No, the US will not be losing many planes.
This isn't a future war though, it's a present war. It's only natural it'd be fought with contemporary technology.
>have to cut back on expenditure
If you give the US a black eye, they are ramping up for sure.
WW1 kickstarted the MIC because the doughboys were ill prepared.
The US won't lose many planes to enemy pilots but it will lose a lot to its own pilots.
Yet pretty much every military on earth was shocked by the Transparent Battlefield.
>lot to its own pilots
what did you mean by this (genuinely, I'm not that anon)
Daily reminder - future of warfare was solved in 2011 when Battlefield 3 launched.
It proved that if you provide a bunch of 18yos with explosives and recon drones, you WILL end up with exploding fpv drones chasing down everything that moves.
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>MAV+C4=bannable exploit

The signs were there.
Did I spy an M2 lookalike? That's accurate at least.
why does this look like ukraine
The war in question is being conducted by poor people against poorer people.
What if they nuke the carriers too?
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That van looks so stupid surely it was made for medic or something non combat related initially?
The Buhanka was actually designed for the Soviet military, as hard as that may be to believe looking at the thing. It's very goofy. But like the MT-LB and other strictly utilitarian vehicles that can't be used for international dickwaving, it's one of the actually useful things the Russians produced. It's four-wheel drive, has a spacious interior, is simple to repair and operate, and can carry a one-ton load.
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Reminded me of pic related.
Russian mystery machine is the best thing to come out of the war
one of the few times that bastard has actually told the truth
I mean it's just OTT. There is no way Russia loses this war. There is not going to be a case where Ukrainian troops are advancing into Russia proper and seizing territory and I mean actually seizing, not raids into Belogrod for memes. There won't be tanks firing at the Kremlin or whatever. Russia will not 'lose the war' because Russia will just say they won and achieved their goals even if they were kicked out to 2013 borders (which is unlikely as it is). So it's him just saying shit so people can't say 'Well you're pretending everything is going well so you're lying'. So he pretends it is not to make people angry so people scream 'if only the Tsar knew!' and 'I could make a difference if I was in the army!' and sign up and all that shit. It's theatre. It doesn't mean anything. Yeah people laugh but it doesn't change the situation that much. Russia will continue to throw more and more stuff at the situation hoping to take the oblasts they 'annexed' so they can quadruple pancake mine every square inch and make it impossible to take back and declare victory. Or, as it seems, wait for Trump to win and hope he honours his election campaign speech of removing aid if Ukraine doesn't go to the peace table. Delusional or not, that's the goal. But Russia will not 'lose' the war because they will claim, as I said, they won it and achieved their goals. They already have entire divisions of people camp wikipedia to make sure that articles go their way, they'll do it for this.
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Modern wars in reality
>Propaganda machines in every home
>Surveillance devices in every person's pocket
>Genocide of the host people legalized and mandatory
>All government left or right is Zionist Jew spies for the WEF
>Actual space lasers causing "forest fires" that don't burn trees and only burn houses but don't burn anything blue
>Poison in the food and water supply
>Minimum wage slavery
>Part time employment
>Education unaffordable and no time to obtain
>Military enforced homosexuality
>Grooming children in schools legal and mandatory
>Estrogen legal, testosterone illegal
>Anti semitism is a felony
>Poison injections at birth which cause worse and worse birth defects with each generation
>White children have receding hairline by the age of 5 this generation, the next generation will be completely bald
>Male genital mutilation of whites mandatory
>3 of 4 Circumcision styles remove more than half the length of penis, much more than just a tip
>Harvested flesh of the white children is blended and used as face cream for Jewish overlords to appear younger
>You have to pay the Jew to poison and mutilate your child
If only you knew how bad things really are
You polistinians are out in force tonight, did the jews wack another brown people that dindu nuffin?
Crashing the planes because they're diversity hires.
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Yeah, it sucks to live in russia.
>war in present day isn't fought with future tech
who could have guessed?

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