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FAS / Bulletin of Atomic Scientists nook book: nork edition.
Previously: russia

>North Korea continues to modernize and grow its nuclear weapons arsenal. In this Nuclear Notebook, the authors cautiously estimate that North Korea may have produced enough fissile material to hypothetically build up to 90 nuclear warheads, but has likely assembled fewer than that—potentially around 50. To deliver the warheads, North Korea is enhancing and diversifying its missile force, most recently with new solid-fuel long-range strategic missiles, short-range tactical missiles, and sea-based missiles.

all https://doi.org/10.1080/00963402.2024.2365013
epub https://files.catbox.moe/h89wf2.epub
pdf https://files.catbox.moe/oreo85.pdf
In 2021, Kim Jong-un announced several key strategic goals for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, proposed as a five-year plan. According to Kim’s statement, these goals included: 1) producing “super-sized nuclear warheads,” 2) producing smaller and lighter nuclear weapons for tactical uses, 3) improving precision strike and range capabilities, 4) introducing “hypersonic gliding flight warheads,” 5) developing “solid-fuel engine propelled intercontinental, underwater, and ground ballistic rockets,” and 6) introducing a “nuclear-powered submarine and underwater-launch nuclear strategic weapon” (KCNA 2021). North Korea appears to have made significant progress on these goals, and has since introduced more demands including the dramatic increase of missile production and “cutting edge strategic weapon engines” (Kim 2023).
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no interest?
Thanks, anon. Worthwhile reading. It wouldn't surprise me if they lobbed a nuke into space one day.
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I'll post the figures, at least.
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Always nice threads, thanks. I enjoyed the one on Russia. Interesting reads.
>Norks build missiles
>have to maintain said missiles
>country finally collapses under the strain like the USSR
I love nukes so much bros
It's the ultimate thirdie filter dividing the humans and the subhumans.
Yes, how will they pay all those technicians? The retirement plans alone will bankrupt them!
Almost all their advancements in missile tech are related to reduced upkeep, reliability and long term storage. They brag about how quickly their solid fuel abilities are advancing and how anything that requires liquid fuel is being converted to encapsulated fuel. OP's article even mentions in the citations how they seem to be avoiding tritium boosted weapons because it needs to be replenished every ten years or so.

Recent articles talk about how they are reducing some of their redundant conventional military facilities due to them moving to a smaller more modern army, those greenhouses they are making are built on old military bases mostly by the troops who were based there. A similar siduation is going on with their Navy, now that they have at least two nuclear armed ships (the new flagship, their baby boomer) with more on the way they are making massive numbers of off shore fish farms which can be expanded quite quickly.

Their atomic program as in all likelyhood reduced their maintinence costs, by having a smaller active force and moving redundant equipment to their reserves they not only lower costs they modernize their reserves (and more importantly help modernise the 5 million Red Guards who have pretty old equipment) they free up labor for agriculture. Their atomic and missile programs are a net gain for their economy.
So, are they building 2-stagers or 3-stagers with a moderated solid hydride? Seems like the former because a moderated solid hydride booster is a right bitch to get correct. If it's the latter, I would be genuinely impressed (or terrified that Chang gave it to them after stealing our latest designs post W-88)
>1.8 meter person
Nork slenderman
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No idea of the exact fuel but they have tested 2 and 3 stage solid fuel on many occasions, the monster on the 11 axle TEL is a three stage. Often overlooked is that they are making their own TELs now, in many ways those are harder than the missiles they carry.

Although people often talk about how good they are at stealing technology they aren't stupid and are perfectly capable of figuring things out on their own and are ruthlessly optimistic about their ability to do damn near anything with enough effort. They might take a while but they seem to honestly believe they can accomplish anything any other nation can with enough determination and willingness to take risks that no one else would even consider. Think about this one:

They are dead serious about having a successful manned space program within ten years. If i had to make a bet i'd bet that they will pull it off. Will they lose a alarming number of Chosonaughts doing it in what amounts to a Soviet dog capsule with a parachute? Absolutly. Will they do it any way? Oh hell yes they will.

Best Daughter is only 11-12 and she is getting pretty tall, i want to live in the timeline where she marries Barron Trump and spawns a race of Nephilim.

Fun fact: She is as tall as Putin if you compare her to her dad who towers over Putin.
>If you only knew how Juche things are
>Often overlooked is that they are making their own TELs now
So no more spliced together Russian logging trucks, cool. I wonder what kind of missile tech Putin could give them since they are already making solid fueled icbms.

I seem to remember having seen a picture filled with rows of MIRV warheads like the top right picture.
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Whatever is going on there it seems this really is a Golden Era for them, i can promise you they will keep Russia in the fight as long as they can.
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>Kim shedding Fatherly tears thinking about Peace
I like how they tried really hard to match the details of the paint jobs so you can't track or identify individual launchers via sattiites. Very good OPsec.
Norks nuking the moon would be fucking awesome as hell.
When they eventually land there you just know they will film themselves kicking over the US flag and replacing it before stealing the lunar lander.

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