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New ISV dropped. Sneed it or Chuck it?
It's literally just a Chevy Colorado with different body.
The Army needs to go back to sewing patches. Those empty spots trigger my autism.
ISV is 150k to a ZR2's 70k MSRP, while having all the US-certified parts and materials nonsense and the fab work of making a new body probably by hand.
i dont give a fuck suck my cock me and my boys will ride this warthog with all of us blasting flood and covenant clowns using bruteshots and beam rifles

anyone caught using a needler gets tk'd
>its a chevy colorado without the chevy colorado
I'd go out on a limb and assume the hydraulics are a bit better as well desu. The real question is wtf is the point of that windshield, it's the right height to be in the middle of your field of view without being high enough to actually provide ANY protection to the head.
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>Looks like the Halo Warthog
Remind me again why humanity's military practically use WW2 Jeeps with a minigun slapped onto it in the far future of space and not evolve their military to use the same future hardware and energy weapons like in Mass Effect and Titanfall?

Let alone, why the fuck use a doorless, roofless and unarmored Jeep as a literal Frontline combat vehicle soldiers drive into battle, direct combat and outright firefights? Don't just say toe "it's meant to be a recon vehicle." I've seen and played the games, Reach shows supposedly first world developed country military soldiers driving these unarmored jeeps into direct battlefield with no protection for the drivers and passengers. I guess I the far future, militaries no longer have APCs, IFVs and long range artillery then? Just tanks and unprotected jeeps you drive straight into a firefight.
at speed it would deflect shit from hitting you and keep sand/dust out of your eyes
without it you would need goggles to avoid being blinded above ~35mph
It's a video game. Not s single realistic video game exists.

I have been riding around in an ISV for a year now after they got issued to our unit and the windshield does absolutely fuck all to deflect dust/rain/debris. All it’s good for is getting dirty as fuck and making it nearly impossible to see through if you’re shorter than 6 foot

Aside from the windshield problem it’s a godsend. I don’t have to ruck 4 miles to a qual range anymore and since they can be sling loaded on choppers, they make life at a combat training center rotation very easy. Carries all our rucks, food, and team equipment plus the entire squad with no problem, you can tarp it up to make a little sleeping area/shelter, fast as hell, and can get through some absolutely horrendous terrain. 9/10 in my book, one of the best pieces of gear aside from the ENVG’s we’ve been given in recent memory
Fucking damn you. You just reminded me that a shitty movie is real.
The fuck does it do that an ordinary 4x4 can't, though? The fucker costs like $300K and doesn't even offer protection from the elements.
All their soldiers are armored anyway, no? I suppose the weight of carrying a squad of guys in power armor means they can't really armor it further either.
golf cart: :|
golf cart, MIC: :O
Lore wise (yeah i know, cheap cop-out), covvie plasma burns through everything short of a tank hull, and even then armor isn't very effective
better to go fast than slow with useless armor
can carry an entire squad with equipment and air mobile.
being able to air drop transportation for a squad with one aircraft instead of two is a significant logistical improvement.
look at those wheel weights. Any reason the factory tires are that off balance? Multiple tires?
Very thick wall and a core that still holds up after rupture. Lowest bidder on government contract quality.
They should sell one of these with a battery. Then maybe I could afford an electric car.

It only costs 300k because of the government markup. You know they’re pumping it out for less than $5k.
My 96 Tacoma is more capable, lighter, and probably cheaper over time. But this looks cool, so it's fine by me.
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who let potato head drive
>2.8l TDI
>3200lb payload capacity
Why the fuck didn't they just buy a Tacoma production line and go with that?
Looks like your classic infantryman blockhead.
The best looking halo warthog is the cybertruck
>>2.8l TDI
>>3200lb payload capacity
That's shit. They should have bought a Ford Super Duty

>6.8l V8
>8,000 lbs payload capacity
>40,000 lbs towing capacity
>6 seats
Like God intended
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that high cut looks goofy compared with the low cut the dude behind him is wearing
This new remake of generation kill looks gay
Sgt. Brad Colbert is now Sgt. Brenda Crenshaw
Instead of first recon you are now following a logistics units
It is just six episodes of them being stuck in their logi traffic jam
Series ends with the Captain of the supply unit getting an award for valour and bravery.
Because it's incredibly cheap to fabricate from their special 3D printers, and humanity was so desperate in Halo that they resorted to Russia-tier tactics to win only since this is a video game it can actually work
There's gotta be one episode where they fuck up, abandon a truck and get the company colors blown up.
If you want to get stranded on the way to the fight, sure.
True, all while they take the lions share of the leftover supplies. Food, fuel and most important batt'ry
It weirds me out seeing FMTVs without the armored cab.
The guy in the back knows exactly how shitty his ride is going to be.

Yes, I also enjoy as much weight on my head as possible. No, I don't want ear protection.
Canonically plasma shots fuck up armour, screw with electronics directly and indirectly (ingame equivalent is charged plasma pistol shot), and transfer massive amounts of heat
So even if the warthogs were armored enough to eat direct plasma hits their electronics would get fucked and the engine would overheat from a few shots
You also can't make plasma resistant tires, so the covvies would just blast the bottom and disable the vehicles anyway
Any doors would also be WELDED SHUT INSTANTLY when hit by a plasma projectile anywhere near an edge
Most plasma weaponry also has very slow moving projectiles
So since you can't really prevent warthogs from being disabled reliably, and the enemy shoots what are pretty much subsonic incendiary/emp 20mm grenades at you, you go for speed and just try to not get hit
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300k per vehicle includes enough spare parts to rebuild that vehicle 3 times over.
>and the windshield does absolutely fuck all to deflect dust/rain/debris.
They need to make if full height and folding forward.
Enjoy your traumatic head injury when facing aritllery...
>The fucker costs like $300K
Same reason an M4 costs $4k. It's not a one-and-done purchase, it's a contract to keep the item in working order for whatever duration was specified. As the other anon points out, that is up to and including total replacement.
>but is $300k a fair price for all that
>fuck no, it's the MIC and everyone is getting rich, nor will this change even with an act of God
Needs a back-mounted minigun.
You're definitely a nigger
Survive being transported by helicopter
That "windshield" is fucking retarded
Sucks ass to eat the dust on unpaved roads.
Also, I'd like to hide content of any military vehicle from the enemy drones
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Who the fuck started this
>word ahhh
meme and where can I find him and kill him
southern slang zoomers use to sound more like niggers, blame Instagram and TikTok.
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and /k/ makes fun of russians for driving around in golf carts. this is just gay shit for them to drive to ranges and take gay selfies in. the swcs guys have already been driving around whatever that tan oversized gokart thing is. fuck ft liberty
This is a bit more than just a golf cart retard, it is actually fast, can carry more, prolly more reliable too. The only reason golf carts are made fun of in Ukraine is because Russians are using them as stand-ins for MT-LB's. This vehicle is meant to not be seen, which means not riding it right into fucking battle, instead, one would hang back a bit, hide the car, then advance to the front.
If you can't tell the difference between a mine resistant jeep and a commercial golf cart then by all means stay withing the vatnik ecosystem.
IIRC before people found out aliens existed and were on jihad most of the military action was keeping down uppity rebels. So a truck makes sense in a counterinsurgency context.
And it looks cool, which is all that matters in a video game
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Idk why the Army needed it though when they had the GMV's before that, how you feel about the ISV is how I felt about the GMV, one of the best things a unit could have, makes dropping off pax to and from the range so much easier and fast, and they were fun to drive. I loved this thing like you wouldn't believe.
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Did they give up on armor because of drones?
The cars sued on the moon were roofless too. it's probably just because hard to move in armored suits.
20 years of ieds, 10 years of drone bombs, and they cameout with this to fight who ?
But don't forget the Colorado starts at 29k and this thing will cost the gov't $130k a unit.
While you raise a good point, there are some elements to the early HALO games that show the contest between ground and air forces to be closer than you'd think.
Consider for example the ability of pelican dropships to consistently penetrate covenant airspace without being shot down. We know a banshee can splash a pelican with ease because we see it happen multiple times, yet we also see frequently see pelicans operating in contested airspace with near impunity which implies to me the presence of sophisticated EWAR capability as a means of keeping the covenant from tracking them down - something further backed up by Cortanas discovery in CE that covenant ground forces broadcast tactical data on unencrypted channels.
The point I'm making is that while 'hogs might seem to be an inexplicable choice on their own the opportunity cost of using using proper IFVs might have been these more sophisticated and valuable capabilities like EWAR and in that light its probably a worthwhile trade
You can't fit seven guys with rucks and rifles in a land cruiser
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we had this, why are repeating the mistakes of past, when everyone has drones now
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now we know that everyone has assault rifle, rps, ieds, and drones now, but here is your new vehicle no armor or weapons, and it has no doors, its not like riot happen . remember to drive fast and pray

I thought the russia were retard for painting z on anything that could move and throwing at the front, but holy fuck this is bad
Gay obsession
The same reason OP's vehicle exists?
I thought the Scorpion was a bullshit design too until the M10 Booker came along. I guess Bungie knew their shit better than I thought.
>Idk why the Army needed it though when they had the GMV's before that

my uneducated view is that the ISV is more modular, being a pickup chassis the rear can be outfitted with a bed or cargo space or other modules. Also at a first glance the 4 guys in the back of the ISV seem to have an easier dismount than the GMV in your picture.
Every time peace breaks out the grunt retards want kewl naked buggies to zoom around exercises firing blanks freely in all directions.
At the first IED, AT mine, or air-burst 155mm HE in the next war, suddenly they start crying for Uparmouring and frag protection like they did with Humvees and JLTVs which they dumped as soon as Iraq was over.
>rinse... repeat...everytime
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I found solution...
there is already armored car its called JLTV...
Silence plinkett
This baby blasts the Warthog Run at over a 100 decibels whenever it drives faster than 30mph, what does your one do?
It would be cold to drive/ride in this. What if it was raining? How unpleasant.
There is a better option
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No worries. ACH will be back.
That looks even more fucking retarded than the regular cybertruck. Childish larp
What is leaning in while driving to go faster?
Canada just bought a bunch as well
Riding in the rain does in fact suck massive dick in these. No wipers, and even when tarped up the driver and TC at the very least still get soaked.
Honestly, they're meant to quickly bring grunts and their equipment close to the FLOT from their insertion point, and as a speedy GTFO vehicle if you need to fall back. They aren't meant for long haul convoy operations so I guess the DOD and GM decided not to factor in weather resistance in exchange for weight reduction
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Not even close. You can price out the parts that they use since it’s commercially available. There’s 50k worth of after market parts. In total the cost of the vehicle cost is around 70-80k. Coupled with the fact that the contract is for continued support and parts to rebuild the vehicle multiple times over 300k is pretty reasonable
Typo meant 40k of aftermarket parts
but where will you find a heavy bolter for that thing?
just rig up a tarp or something
problem solved
i can't read

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