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It's 1945. The Nazi's valiant struggle against the ancient ones is no longer tenable as the Allies have liberated the sacrifice camps. Unknown horrors and an excruciating death awaits you. What is your loadout and plan for such occasion?
Charles Stross wrote an interesting Lovecraftian story about Old One creatures and technology being used in the Cold War
Im gonna fuck one until it loves me and then we'll live in the mountains as a married couple
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Yeah anon. Just open up the window.
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I have always wondered about this, a rival of the West having to fight some ancient entities, so far the only one who I feel truly managed to pull it out was Hirohiko Araki with JJBA as I never had access to GRU SV-8 fluf on Delta Green.
You think you're clever, but making light of Nazi mass murder of jews and others in the name of "they were fighting the occult" is awful.
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Blow it out your ass faggot.
luger and an mp40
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There was an episode of Love Death and Robots where the Red Army was using human wave tactics against demons in Siberia
I'm a Jew. I hereby give OP permission.
>be me
>escaped with a handful of other prisoners when our cattle car was derailed by an unspeakable monster
>We ran through the woods and came upon a partisan camp. Everyone was dead, and none of the bodies were still in one piece. We armed ourselves with Mausers and Mosins and Schmeissers and grenades. The old man, Levin, had fought in the first World War and taught us how to use them.
>We started walking east, towards the Russians. The moving was slow; we had to hide from the Germans and the Poles by day, and at night we had to fortify ourselves, in case the horrors came for us. Moving in the dark forest at night would be suicide.
>We did not rest on Shabbat. God has not upheld his end of the bargain; we will not uphold ours.
>One of our number, Kovacs, is beginning to scare me. He does not speak German, Polish, or even Yiddish, only Hebrew. Only Rothblatt and Mendel, who went to yeshiva, can speak with him, the rest of us can only pantomime a conversation with what little Hebrew we know from Torah when we were children.
>At first we thought he was Hungarian, but now we don't even think he's human. Rachel Fein says he is a dybbuk. Every night, we watch him mimicking our movements while we hide our suspicions.
>We made for a city that was supposed to be held by the Russians. We were ten miles away, and we saw a horrible, sickly glow on the horizon. We felt the heat and smelled the brimstone and corruption. I thought I heard chanting.
>Kovacs wanted to continue into the town. The rest of us voted to give it a wide berth.
The Call of Cthulu RPG has a whole sub-game set during the Second World War for all your "SS fucks up and summons and elder god" shenanigans.
Wasn't it a small unit of Reds, thus no human waves?

Also, it was a nice twist on the "occult nazis" trope, with it being White Russians using pagan Slavic rituals they learned from the peasants to summon the monsters
That's pretty sick, anon. Go write a short story
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Also the first Hellboy movie (and possibly the remake that I didn't watch)
I seem to remember they had radio contact with other hunter units that would go dark one by one, and that they badly wasted their manpower, relying on magdumping with Shpagins at close range.
LMAO. Faggot.
You cannot fight evil by appeasing it, OP. You are suffering from a bad case of false premeses.
>If you're looking, you won't find me
>Who's the enemy?
>Don't know what to believe
>Living in the shadows
>Living in the shadows!!
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>What is your loadout and plan for such occasion?
I “liberate” the Nazi’s entire stock of N-Stoff and methamphetamines, I proceed to dump as much of that shit onto the tear from which the horrors spill out of until they puss out. If that doesn’t work then I go to the classics: a brick and a bible.

I know that she is going to skin me alive but I think I can cop a feel before the skinning starts, which will be worth it.

>We did not rest on Shabbat. God has not upheld his end of the bargain; we will not uphold ours.
>White Russians using pagan Slavic rituals they learned from the peasants to summon the monsters
One of the best Laundry Files plots

>remake that I didn't watch)
Do not
Do not
Do not!
Let your memory of Hellboy remain Ron Perlman and Abe Lincoln singing Barry Manilow, and Selma Blair negotiating with the Angel Of Death
perhaps the reasoning was that if Humanity is doomed anyway you may as well reap the benefit of being the guys in charge of the sacrifice camps instead of resisting.
Just appease them until there is nothing left to appease them with and then shoot yourself in the head in a bathtub filled with champagne
Fun Fact; the Nazis actually hated occult shit and went around Europe to destroy what "occult" stuff they could find. Second Fun Fact; commies soldiers totally did do occult shit all the time because they thought it'd help them survive the war. If anything, Rando squads of Nazis stumbling on commies trying to summon horrible things from wherever and going "Oh holy shit, we have to save from these freaks"

Like I always find it a bit funny after learning this. What would really happen is that the Nazis would have team up with whoever they were fighting to kill the occult shit.
Not quite that simple, Himmler and the Thuletards were up to some weird shit, but yes, Stalin had Orthodox icons flown around Moscow in planes in 1941.
>What is your loadout and plan for such occasion?
M1 carbine. Killing nazis until every single one of them is exterminated. TNZ
A whole bunch of Marines, some sailors, and some Treasury agents and a lot of firepower. Whoever else we can requisition
>Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory.
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>loot some guns and ammo from dead soldiers
>get a PPSh, Walther PP, two M24 grenades and a F1
>pack as much of sausage, bread, vodka and pervitin into my pack
>disaappear innawoods until everyhting blows over
>die of exposure

The monsters lurking in the forest will learn why it is a mistake to share a forest with me.
Look up the Russian Murder Deer greentext if you want spooky Siberia witch shit
those men would be instantly deaf after the first shot. is this ai?
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>We did not rest on Shabbat. God has not upheld his end of the bargain; we will not uphold ours.
Based kike. you shall be kept alive. By all means, continue your greentext
>One afternoon, Rothblatt, Mendel, and Kovacs went down to the lake by themselves. We heard shots. Only Rothblatt and Mendel came back. We asked no questions.
>Later that night, when we huddled around our tiny campfire, we noticed that Kovacs was sitting with us. Nobody saw him return.

>Little Annelies is quite the marksman. She is the best shot in our group, much to the embarrassment of veteran Levin.
>We saw a deer. We had canned meat from the partisan camp, but we needed more provisions in order to make them last. Levin handed the Mosin carbine to Annelies.
>She waited very quietly until she had a perfect shot, then fired. We all saw the bullet hit the deer's heart.
>The deer didn't fall. It turned its head and looked directly at Annelies.
>The deer stood up on its hind legs, blood streaming from the hole in its side. It took a step forward. Annelies worked the bolt on her carbine.
>I heard Kovacs murmur something under his breath. I didn't understand the words.
>The deer gently fell forward onto all four legs again, then dropped dead to the ground.
>We didn't go near the carcass.
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Shitty accompanying doodle
>Writefriends thrive on a diet of (you)s
By all means friend, have some.
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>The deer didn't fall. It turned its head and looked directly at Annelies.
>The deer stood up on its hind legs, blood streaming from the hole in its side. It took a step forward. Annelies worked the bolt on her carbine.
based, you a given safe passage to continue long nosed friend
Go back to redd.t tranny
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>We did not rest on Shabbat. God has not upheld his end of the bargain; we will not uphold ours.
Badass line.
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They mostly come out at night. They drag the men away and leave the women. When we come out of hiding in the morning the street is covered in this ectoplasmic goo and the bodies of the men. They all looked happy.
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>Let your memory of Hellboy remain Ron Perlman and Abe Lincoln singing Barry Manilow, and Selma Blair negotiating with the Angel Of Death

not him.

is it that bad?
Regardless of his frankly retarded political views and twitter posts, that dude is the perfect Hellboy
>At first we thought he was Hungarian, but now we don't even think he's human
Nyaruko was a good girl.
Your newfag is showing, redditor
It's always the parts of the story which are not written that keep the imagination going. Continue please
I invite the unknown horrors to the Potsdam Conference.
What are we talking about. If we’re fighting Interdimensional beings then I’d say our safest bet to kill them is using a flamethrower. I bet fire would be a pretty good deterrent to keep them from crossing a doorway so my loadout would consist of a flamethrower, a mp40, and some handgrenades. That last handgrenade I’d use to suicidebomb the fucks if my fireteam is overrun. I’ve never read Lovecraft, are the monsters like from MonstersInc. I totally could fuck up a Sullivan or Mike Wasowski.
who knows if god touched him**
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>W̶̢̫̝͙͆̿̉̉ě̴̘͂̒̎͒͝ ̷͎̌̈́͆̈͑͠d̸̫̺̙͕̔̇͜ḙ̸̛̗̗̘̖̩̆͋ṃ̵̭̐ā̸̠͂͐̈́̀̕n̴̹̗̓͑͛̀͝d̸̥̗͙̈́ ̵̢͔͉̗͍̝̎̈́͆̌̍Ā̷̧̡̳̖̥̼͂̒̎͘l̴̖͈̬̒̚b̴̳͓͓̬͙̳̺̃̓̈̏͆͘ą̴͙̻̻̪͕̊̇̋̿̽͠n̷̢̻̩̜̍̚͜͠i̵̘̫̤̠͐̊̊͜͝ẳ̵̢̛̖̩́ ̶̧̯͙̓̿i̷͓̯̝̒̾͌n̷͉̥̂̊̄̓͂̓ ̵̘̖̖̞̾̈́̐ó̵̡̮͔̗͇̣̽́ù̶̝̣̻̱̱̀̕r̶̢̟̱̀͒̒͑̏̉ ̶̛͈̘͈͖̦̥̐̏͐͐̚͝c̷̛̩̗͎͎̩̤̎́͌̋̿͜ó̴͔̯͓̼̣͝n̶̡̛͒͝c̶̢͉̯̹̆̂̑e̵͔͖͆̆̎̏ș̷̀s̷͙̳̙̫̖͛ỉ̴̧̹̥͓͕͗̈́̚͠o̵̦͇̙̼̯̫̫͛̽̀̕ṋ̸̈́,̶̣̰̦̔̽̔ ̶̨̺̭̇̉̆͜͜͠w̵̺̮̓̐͝ě̶͖ ̶̘̯̟̱͈̯̿͆͋͐̐̔̚w̷̻̺̌̈́͗̉̐̚i̷̡͍̣̮̪͕͒͛l̸̻͎̞̇́̄͘ļ̷͚̍̍ͅ ̷̬̘̹͇͎̜̞̋̍̐͆ň̴̨̹̮͕̀̚o̵̤̙̎͌t̶̼̩̱̀ ̶̥͂͂̽ḙ̶̢̰̜̱͕̕̚x̴͙̯͕̟̟̘͍̒̀̈͂͘̕p̸̧̥͇̰̟̋͌͘l̶͖͚̤̩͆̓̀̍ḁ̴̘̟̰̫͆̇̈́̆̊̀i̷̠͐̋̊͝n̴̝̖̩͕̜̘̉̾́̍̚͘͜ ̴̹̤̙̖̦̳͐͜w̷͍̖̫̺̐̆͗ͅh̴̢̞̼̙̟̫̤̆̌̍̒̈́͋ÿ̶̡̢̬̟̺̦̋̎͜
Hitler was a coked out gay retard who ran the country into the fucking ground and ruined it completely because instead of focusing on shit like WINNING THE FUCKING WAR HE STARTED he threw away all his resources and manpower on retarded vanity projects, the biggest one being the holocaust
Don't know why you think he was so great, according to your faggy little narrative he was some retard surrounded by schizos that he was tricked into giving a bunch of power and money to
We’ll give you Hungary too if you want it, it’s an equally unintelligible language to Albanian.
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>We passed through a village that Mendel was familiar with before the war.
>Everything was normal, the houses were clean and undamaged, everything was undamaged. We looked in a few windows and saw plates and silverware on tables. But there were no people.
>The only exception was the church on the edge of town. It was a blackened ruin, with the roof collapsed inward and all of the glass shattered.
>The oak double doors had become charcoal, but we could see that there had been a beam placed across it, preventing it from being opened from the inside. There were shell casings by the windows. 9mm.

>Mendel told us of a ravine a couple of miles outside of the town that we could camp in. We could build a larger fire without fear of being seen.
>We got there and Mendel was sure that we were in the right spot, but there was no ravine, just a slight depression in the earth. It had been filled in.
>We set up camp in the ditch. It was shallow, but deep enough that we could build a decent fire without it being visible. The ground was soft. We went to sleep.
>Annelies woke up around midnight. She said she heard voices, like a crowd of people whispering. Rothblatt and I were on watch and hadn't heard anything, and we told her to go back to sleep.
>Levin woke up next. He heard it too; many voices whispering to each other. Rachel Fein heard it too. She said they were crying.
>I heard it next; unintelligable at first, but becoming more clear. They were speaking to each other in Polish, with anguish in their voices.
>We could all hear it now. The voices were speaking at full volume, but muffled. They were all speaking at the same time, and it was difficult to pick out individual voices from the cacophony. We heard some of them say "Germans" a few times.
>They were screaming now. The voices were coming from beneath our feet, the sound dampened by the dirt in the filled ravine. There were fewer and fewer words being said, and soon there was no dialogue at all, just shrieks of terror and cries of pain.
>We doused the fire and left, the screams fading in the distance.
>When we did a head count in the morning, Kovacs was missing. He reappeared by the fire that night with muddy hands.
Keep going pls
The cast, in case I ever flesh this out (prolly not, cause writing Holocaust ghost stories at 2 AM is terrible for your mental health):
>The narrator: A blank slate. Details intentionally vague. Maybe there'll be a twist, like "it was a girl the whole time!" Doubt it though. Probably just a German Jewish dude with a name similar to mine. Carries a Mosin.
>Levin: German Jew. Older bearded man; served on the Western Front in the first World War. Jovial, but the nightmares are wearing him down. Carries a Mauser, and often caddies Annelies's carbine for her.
>Mendel: Polish Jew. Was a yeshiva student in his younger days. Tries to quote the bible; not very good at it. Feels a little guilty about not keeping the sabbath. Carries a Mosin.
>Rothblatt: Polish Jew. Total asshole. Looks like Leon from Deadwood. Neckbeard atheist, fucking pissed off at God. Carries an MP40 and a Tokarev in his waistband.
>Rachel Fein: German Jew. Beautiful, but with an RBF. Her guard is way, way up. Very secular, but believes in the ghost stories her bubbe told her. Having the hardest time living rough. Carries a Mauser.
>Annelies: Dutch Jew. Bright kid, tries to cheer everyone up. Close with Levin. Very good shot with a rifle. Named her Mosin carbine "Kitty".
>Kovacs: Hungarian (?) Jew (?). Only speaks Hebrew, and not often. Creepy fucker. Haunts the group like a ghost. Motivations unclear. Not trusted with a gun, doesn't seem to mind.

>lingua franca of the group is German, except for Kovacs
>no special meaning behind any of the names, except Annelies, who I think I'm probably being a little too on-the-nose with
>Stuff I'm going to rip off if I ever do anything with this: The Terror, Kino's Journey, STALKER, Solaris, various skinwalker greentexts, the beginning of A Serious Man, Fiddler on the Roof
Keep going anon, you're quite an adept writer.
Please have Anneliese get preggers with an eldrich horror
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>mass murder of jews
>not fun
3/5, too blatant, but have a (You). Just do better next time.
>Kike self-insert
It's alright. 6/10.
More spooky jews pls
that's the hook, dipshit. imagine the horror if the Holocaust was being carried out by the good guys. and what would the victorious allies do when faced with the same enemy?
Be kind to yourself, Anon, but this is real neat & you deserve praise for it. I'd like to read more, but thanks for as much as you gave us. I think you're a nice person.
>is it that bad
Pointless gore and vomit inducing scenes to justify the R rating but not contributing to the plot
Hellboy 2 was fucking art by comparison
I watched because Hellboy, Ian McShane and Milla Jovovich, but I was nauseated and the plot wasn't worth it
An M2 Carbine and a 1911.
My plan is to tell the newly “liberated” heebs that there is a train waiting to take them to freedom at the end of what is actually the sacrificial tunnel.
Man I wish I was a writefag like that one guy. Imagine being in a Tank Destroyer Battalion and watching your one way of fighting back slowly getting whittled down
>One night, we started hearing drums.
>It was a constant beat. BUM BUM BADABADA BUM BUM BADABADA BUM BUM BADABADA. They rolled deeply in the distance.
>The drums didn't stop. They continued through the night and all through the next day.
>We debated what it could mean. Could it be the Germans communicating with each other? The Russians? Partisans? Was it just artillery? No, much too rhythmic for that. It must mean something darker.
>As we murmured amongst ourselves, Kovacs suddenly spoke up. He said, "תופים זה טוב. כשהתופים מפסיקים, רע." Mendel translated: "He says that the drums are good. When the drums stop, it's bad."
>The drums continued for the next three days. BUM BUM BADABADA BUM BUM BADABADA. They never slowed, they never quieted down, the beat never changed, but we never got used to it. The tension rose and rose. Rachel Fein seemed about to crack.
>On the fourth morning, the drums stopped abruptly. We looked at each other in shock. Mendel asked Kovacs what happens now. Kovacs replied, "סולו בס."
>סולו בס
Bravo, Nolan
>"(Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth" intensifies
>The Reichsführer-SS deployed his elite Paranormal assault troops but even they could not stem the tide
>Himmler deeply regretted the previous losses they had suffered in Stalingrad in their attempt to contain Chernobog in the catacombs beneath the pagan edifice of Mamayev Kurgan
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>We were walking through the tall grass when suddenly, we all became incredibly tired and weary.
>We'd been walking a fair ways without a rest, so we all decided to stop right where we were and go right to sleep.
>Only Annelies dissented. She kept insisting that something was wrong, that we should keep moving, that we hadn't gone far enough to be as tired as we were.
>We all ignored her. She was a decade younger than me; I assumed she was just being hyperactive and energetic. I had some doubts about sleeping where we were as well, but my energy was sapped and it was becoming harder and harder to keep my eyes open. Just a couple of hours of sleep...
>Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. That little brat! Annelies was stabbing everyone with a thorn she'd picked off of a nearby branch. She pricked everyone multiple times, and stabbed herself a few times for good measure, keeping herself awake. She was yawning like the rest of us.
>We all yelled at her, and Rachel Fein slapped her hard. We needed sleep! We could barely keep our eyes open, and our brains were buzzing with exhaustion. Annelies wouldn't relent. She kept pulling on old Levin's arm and poking his hand with that damn thorn.
>Finally, to stop that crazy girl from stabbing us, we agreed to at least move down a ways to a less open area. We drudged and plodded away.
>As we moved through the tall grass, I found myself more and more awake. Everyone else seemed more alert too. We all realized the unnaturalness of the situation and picked up the pace. Annelies smirked a little bit.
>We came to the edge of the field and climbed up a berm. We looked back. A half mile back, where we almost fell asleep, there was a black figure like a scarecrow towering high above the grass.
>We ducked down on the far side of the berm and kept moving.
Nazi "occult" was in fact first ever, and last ever, semi-serious Govt semi-supported fact based investigation into origins of Mankind and pre-history.

Once a year in Japan their top big boss Uni professor submits (once again) his findings that Japanese are unrelated to any other humans and evolved on their own, on Japan, and (once again) their Diet votes 700+ to 0 to confirm and accept his finding.

Its their version of US Congress/Israel (but sans real world ill effects).
>Allies have liberated the sacrifice camps

fun facts: no "Kamps" were "liberated" by surprise. Everything Allies found was cleared by Nazi High Command to be found, like weeks in advance.

Free flow of info on WTF, including personal mail for inmates coming and going, was going on didn't start with "liberation", it all stopped.
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The fact that some newfag posts lame bait like this shows how far this site has fallen.
Off to the oven with you, faggot.
We wuz good boys who dindu nuffin wrong
We sent all the jews to a spa/resort with movie theaters and cotton candy machines, and we only killed a few hundred thousand from neglect and incompetence, and then every jew in the world and a few nazis got together and decided to tell the exact same story about Auschwitz (which never even existed) for no reason
I think it's much more likely that they were trying to summon the ancient ones.
This is quite good
These are fucking awesome anon,maybe a quest on /qst/ would be cool? But i would read an entire book about this.
is this what passes for dank memes for shitskins and ziggers?
Everything gets its facsimile at one point so far removed from the original because most niggers don't know half the shit they do.
It was kinda funny the first few times
The problem with /pol/troon memes is that they are fueled by butthurt, and butthurt is always desperate and never funny.
Achtung Cthulhu is pretty good. Played it with Savage Worlds, both me and players had fun.
Historians are hired to write a history that is in line with said administration's core values. So if they wrote about the nazis in a positive manner they'd lose their jobs lol.
>a lot of amphetamines
The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, but god damn does it burn.
>wall of double-spaced text about how israel is literally hitler
You are unironically a bigger Reddit fag than he is
Also, this is 4chan, you fucking troon, we like Nazi Germany here
Great stuff kike writerfriend.
I'm glad to have witnessed this thread.
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>be me, Kovacs
>be super autistic turbo sperg that got homeschooled by his even more autistic single mom only speaking Hebrew, having no way to communicate with other hungarians (wtf mom)
>through chaos of war end up with ragtag group of jews of different nationalities
>even though I'm with my peers everyone treats me like an alien due to my awkwardness and language barrier
>try to speak with Rachel, the beautifullest woman I ever saw, have a crush on her
>she backs off from me like I'm a hungarian mangy stray that she suspects of carrying rabies
>feels רַע man.jpg
>whatever, am just happy that I'm with a group that doesn't oust me amidst all the creepy shit going on in this dark foreign forest
>one day go to the lake with Rothblatt and Mendel
>they act kinda weird, but then again everyone acts kind of weird around me
>stand by the water overlooking the calm lake
>Rothblatt says something in Polish behind my back
>turn around to him having his TT-33 drawn
>Mendel nervously makes gestures like shooing away flies
>the fuck is this, some hazing shit? We are not in the Red Army
>Rothblatt becomes agitated, "Go" he says in broken Hebrew
>try to talk to them, I don't want to leave them
>"Go! No come back" Rothblatt shouts
>aims the gun at the lake and fires three shots
>I back off, go along the pebbly shore
>at the point where the path into the shrubbery begins turn around and look back
>they both stand in the distance looking at me, then turn on their heel and disappear into the brush in direction of the camp
>shuffle over to where they stood
>dunno what to do, just sit down on the spot chucking pebbles across the water until nightfall
>get cold and hungry
>fuck it, decide they're stuck with me, what can these inconsequential faggots do
>return to the camp where everyone squats around the pathetic fire, blankly and absent-mindedly staring into it
>when one after the other notices me, they say nothing like the beta males they are
Poor Kovacs, constantly putting up with these (understandably) paranoid neurotic Jews psyching themselves out because they never spent a night in the woods before, and they won't even give him a gun
You do realize that during the cold warthe CIA sponsored ex-german army officers to write a huge amount of history on ww2?
This is From right? Kino show premise.
What is it that makes eldritch things during the 40s so kino?
How does one equate Orthodox icons to occult summons? Are you retarded?
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I prefer the 30s myself
Nothing there is from 1945

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