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anon most of those hatches were probably left open after the crew left.
retard those tanks are abandoned
What the drone doin'?
AC not working, please understand
BRDM-2 has no AC. It's currently exceptionally hot in Europe, way hotter than most of the guys from Ukraine or Russia are used to.
Given a choice between death or discomfort, if you pick discomfort you will have death anyway.
but its hoooottttt~
Also most of these are old reactivated vehicles that are closer to 100 years old than not.
Rubber only lasts 10 years at most.
Just like in classic ww2 t34 fashion, the hatches lack rubber seals, aren't water tight, rattle so loud you literally go deaf for good.
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blyat! Hide!
This is just staggering. Its like the most extreme hyperbole about ziggers is never enough to match up to reality.
Command detonation instead of the traditional electro-spokes. Keeps it from going off when it bumps something.
Jesus. Why in the world would you just retreat to as safe as a distance you could manage and light it up or lob a nade and run?
Short of head trauma…the logic here is staggering. FAS slavs once again.
Your point being?
>Me in 2022
>Meatwaves to take objectives!
>Oh stop talking mad shit you lunatic, no one's done that since Korea except in Vietnam and it ended up with outrageous casualties
>Me in late 2022
>well shit, that happened. Don't I look like a fucking retard
no seriously
its like hes a fucking cave man
he threw his fucking GUN at a now harmless drone
what the absolute fuck, was he trying to kill himself??
you know what i just thought. that if someone would want to make a movie about this war(and someone surely will), they can't put like half the shit that was actually happening into it cause it'll be a comedy and no one would take anything seriously.
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>throws his fucking rifle at it
This is, what, the fourth time? And it somehow gets worse with each one.
I thought picking up the RPG-7 and spearing it was probably the most retarded part.
But no
It just never ends, this ride will continue!
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The classic's a hard act to follow, but damned if they haven't been trying.
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How... Just how. Are we sure ziggers aren't dressing orangutans and sending them to the front ?
There was one zigger a few weeks ago that looked like they'd dug the motherfucker out of some permafrost
Not even kidding, the bastard looked like the missing link between Neanderthal and Modern Human
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a Russian scientist actually tried to create a human-ape hybrid in the early 1900s.

War was not meant to be this fucking funny.
Ok enjoy cooking yourself alive with a closed hatch in 43 degree celsius weather then
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This guy?
lemme guess, air conditioner is a western degeneracy?
It can get to like 130f with high humidity inside. If you aren’t being supplied with lots of water and electrolytes keeping it closed would probably actually kill you too.
I read somewhere that Russia is shipping out the actual Mentally Disable because theses usually no one around to save them from the press gang cops.
I've actually been deployed in worse, 43 breaks people pretty good though. Once its over 47 I think manages to kick the whole body into a 'this is fine' delusion that the steering wheel was not giving me 1st degree burns through the gloves and I was sweating out 2L of water an hour.
My gunner was a hard cunt too and even he just had to sit down through the worst of it because the 50 would give him 2nd degree burns

That's our boy
Look at him go!
I am convinced a few escaped and have been fucking Natashas ever since.
Trips for the FAS caveslav
He really does look like an ape trying to figure how something works. You could put an animal planet logo on the bottom right and you'd have yourself a bonafide documentary.
This, it’s like a prequel to the chimpanzee with an ak gif
They supposedly never managed to impregnate any monkeys but then again Ilya Ivanov was exiled in the 1930s due to political reasons so maybe it was a cover up and we actually did get monkey men out of it.
Do mobiks even get ammo with their guns anymore?
They weren't inseminating the apes...
>In the 1920s, Ivanov carried out a series of experiments to create a human/nonhuman ape hybrid in French Guinea. Three female chimpanzees were inseminated with human sperm, but he failed to create a pregnancy.
>In 1929, after returning to the Soviet Union, he attempted to organize a set of experiments involving nonhuman ape sperm and human volunteers but was delayed by the death of his last orangutan
Supposedly. Putin’s lineage is notably unverified.
And? Now single fpv just guarantees destroyed tank instead of needing to expend much more because you just had to leave hatch open
>This just in, ukranian battery powered buzzing devices penetrate vulnerable holes on russian assets resulting in multiple explosive climaxes. It's not yet confirmed, but it is assumed that the ass is firmly in the ass.
>forever ruining nice things

They get some, I think its maybe 3-4mags and 2-3 grenades when they're part of the storm-z guys because they won't really last that long. This is modern warfare and the odds are so far against them with artillery, drones and machineguns that would reap a hell of a toll. Plus they just don't get any training, maybe a couple of hours tops and none of them would be able to aim real well, clear a malfunction, reload quickly and all that kind of stuff that keeps some degree of effectiveness.
you think when you bail out the first thing on your mind would be to close the hatches?
fucking retards
What is he trying to achieve here?
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don't be rude to my pongo niggas, they're probably smarter than russians

AI remix when?
Back at Ukie drone surveillance team:

>"He is behind the tree, go right, right!"
>"Ah blyat Nikolaj you hit the wall instead!"
>"Such a shame, get the recon drone ba-"
>"What do you mean Nikolaj? Continue filming the target?"
>"Look Nikolaj he will just run aw-"
>"Wh.. What is he doing with the gun?"
You do have to admit it's a great way to clean up society:

* gets rid of prisoners
* gets rid of mystery-meat transuralians
* gets rid of anyone who was dumb enough to stay and protest
* gets rid of retards
can't fucking wait until orangutanbros evolve smart enough to hang out and be bros, they seem so chill
lol look at how he moves. He's barely able to keep his feet under him. I wonder how much death from alcohol poisoning they deal with.
So...what happens when Russia runs out of Russians?
Russian tanks are worth more than crew inside
Soviets ac, please understand
North Koreans won’t stop at faulty ammo. Soon NK chimps will be forced to serve.
Why are you so salty, russcuckboy? Get prepared for new wave of gravilisation.
this is exhaustion coupled with fight or flight. but he's fighting when he should have been flighting. just couldn't resist getting at the drone while it was a sitting duck.
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Sminem no!!!
there is still a non zero chance we get his death on camera
>What the fuck do you MEAN your "two Russians sharing a blowjob" scene was REAL? Get out.
Has somewhat of a lost innocence vibe within the context.
>What is he trying to achieve here?
> tried
Trying to make the gun shoot harder
Flip the N to make it a Z and you got it.
>this is exhaustion
He's drunk. Inebriated. Intoxicated. Under the influence. Hammered. Wasted. Plastered. Shit-faced.
He was really asking for it.
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It's been over a year, anon
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first the jar guy and now this
this war is a fucking disaster
I saw an interview with a Ukie soldier who said that the "Sheep" (disposables meant to draw fire and reveal enemy positions) get about 3 magazines
>way hotter than most of the guys from Ukraine or Russia are used to.
Only if you have a gold fish tier memory. I remember how 20-30 years ago I was getting fucked up from the heat.
Imagine watching this live
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Well we got something... ugh nasty
kek, you could've just flipped the N from planet but that's great. Saved both.
>this was all because he's insecure about his flange never growing
Everything makes sense now
Chimps and orangutans can somewhat mimic human speech.
fuck that guy was old. you can tell he had no idea what that thing even was. probably thought it some kind of surveillance/tracking device. stupid fucking war.
This guy is old. Both sides are using a lot of old dudes to fight this war.
Isn't killing yourself when you're a zigger a non retarded move?

>20-30 years ago
how is a 18 year old mobik going to remember something from 30 years ago?
>no one want to admit they've seen it
That fucking SOUND
Average age of Ukrainian soldier is 35+
No idea ruskies.
Hatch is open like Mobiks gaping anus.
Please don't insult Orangutans by comparing them to Russians.
My vodkas are too strong for you, traveller.
orangutangs are actually smart and total bros. Vatniks are closer to chimp levels. About as malicious too
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>most whitest russians they could find
One (1) little powerpoint presentation or one (1) informational flyer about how ukie FPV drones work would have prevented this stupid death. Who could have predicted back in 2022 that this is what would happen if you send all your mobik trainers to the front first? (everyone predicted it, except for monke ofc)
Yeah but that would be a good PP presentation, all I got 'volunteered' to do once was some dumb shit about not bashing Saudi's because they're faggots
Which was so good they never asked me to do another!
For all the idiocy this dude showed, I can't help but feel I would do some dumb shit like this too

>No sleep, running on like 3 hours of REM, max
>Been rucking for days, practically been marching on autopilot for the past 48 hours
>Just survived a near-death experience with a drone, so nerves are shot
>See the drone just sitting there, unsure if it'll start chasing me around again, and if so, how long I have
>Don't want to run and take my eyes off of it in case it starts chasing me once more
>Feel pressured into taking it out right away
>Don't want to run 50 feet away from the blast radius because I don't want to go into exposed territory

Knowing all this, I feel like I'd act fucking retarded too lol
More firepower.
Discipline issue.
It is remotely possible the the pin has a burr on it and he is trying to loosen it up "for some reason."
This is as charitable as I can be in this instance, because it is more likely that he is simply retarded/drunk.
In theory. This is when the war actually begins. If Russia isn't completely full of shit. They should have a capable military force hiding back there somewhere. All signs point to Russia primarily using cold war assets and actual retards/prisoners for the war thus far.
If all the videos we have been seeing, are genuine retards. It is all a bit more sad than it would be otherwise.
Wait why were they abandoned I thought russia was winning?
Russians are so insanely retarded.
bet your fun at Christmas too.
that dude is piss poor drunk.
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
If you saw an Abandoned Sherman on Tarawa are you gonna assume the Marines are losing?
this .webm had audio but I can't remember
>No sleep, running on like 3 hours of REM, max
>Been rucking for days, practically been marching on autopilot for the past 48 hours
That's what I thought too, but for fuck's sake. Why isn't his first thought to fucking run. I can even understand him not thinking about shooting it. Seeing these fuckers blow stuff up around me, the last thing I would want is to come closer to this literal flying anti-personnel mine.
It's not him, it's a different older Roman Zuev
Most "mobiks" in Russia are former conscripts who were conscripted decades ago. They're mobilized because after military service they get put in the general reserve of the military.

It's like selective service in the US.
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why wait?
>drone is out
>stats screen appears
The gamification of war is getting out of hand.
>guy takes a jar up his asshole, jar breaks inside
>"died from a shrapnel wound"
it was the jar that killed him wasn't it
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>Russia primarily using cold war assets and actual retards/prisoners for the war thus far.
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most attractive russian male
pic related is second best looking
This is a fake.

The jar guy did do a Pornhub interview and is Ukrainian though. He said he never saw a doctor and just pulled the glass out himself. Said he survived because he regularly gave blood and could handle a larger blood loss.
Russia's capable military force was destroyed outright all the way back in early 2022, cold war relics and retards are all they have left
Well, because it's a drone, you can't really outrun a drone. That would be my first thought, especially if I'm sleep-deprived and panicking after a near death experience. It's like seeing a bug in your room, and you have to make sure it doesn't leave your sight, because once it leaves your sight, you just KNOW the threat's not neutralized and it'll be back to get you.

So put all those factors together, I'd probably act retarded and fuck around too much; probably blow myself to pieces and get laughed at on the internet too lmao
This guy has to be completely wasted
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That's the thing people have to keep in context, they aren't burning through prisoners and retards because its some kind of 'cleansing' of the whole gene pool back in mudderasha (there would be no one left if they did that) with some kind of cope about sending in the real troops.
>All their real troops and professional military were gone by early 2023 and they pulled in all their 4th-company training corps out of the BTG formations by about Aug-Sept 2022 to bulk up numbers. So all their trainers and veterans are dead now
>The 'smrt guy' exodus saw somewhere between 750k-1.2mil of the 20-45 age bracket of 80% university-educated, white collar workforce just fucked off out of Russia to go clog up Georgia, Thailand and Turkey once the Finnish border was closed. So all the best and brightest to actually run anything, just left and don't seem to be coming back
>There is no one left, anyone capable of being able to think, breathe and walk is in a factory contributing to inflation with their overtime wages while $20k sigh-ups are inflating the economy further so that just leaves the dumb dumbs and degenerates out in the wilderness

People need to understand that there is actual limits to what Russia can both produce and mobilise along with a timer on how long the money will last. Sure they can do some shortcuts on things but there's on inherent problem about being a thurdie shithole is that niggas stealing from the state is a feature and not a problem like it is in the west. In the west they can be hunted down and prosecuted by effective law enforcement, in places like Russia, they can't even hunt down the the biggest thieves because they're essentially already in the mechanism by virtue of how much they stole so far and how much they're going to be stealing tomorrow!
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Is this more or less scary than having a spiderbot scuttling across the landscape and skittering into the hatch?
Spiderbots would struggle to climb a tank.
This sounds "Mark IV Tank Crew" levels of awful.
>he survived because he regularly gave blood and could handle a larger blood loss.
That's not how it fucking works.
I can't fucking believe it, it's literally the meme
What if we stuck a large spring underneath them so they can leap like the hopper mines in Half Life 2?
Well an AC would take up space, and since the Soviets wanted to make there tanks as small as possible so that they could have more of them and make them easier to hide than NATO tanks, it would have been immediately cut from the design if it was even there in the first place.
They would have just told the crews to drive with the hatches open or ride on the outside of the tank until they reached combat if it was too much of an issue for them as drones like this weren't a concern in the 50's, 60's and 70's when most of these tanks were made.
stop writing like a stupid, clapping negress
Should have fixed his bayonet and stabbed the drone.
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Hearty KEK
Isn't one of the first rules you learn in the military regarding your rifle, do not use as tool?
I can't imagine I'd ever be so opened that I take my anti tank weapon and throw it on something that can't move.
He lets his homies have a swig but no kisses, miss him with that gay shit.
Your personal weapon is precious on so many levels its really no joke
Sure it probably sucks and you hate it because its built by the lowest bidder, but its all that stands between you and another enemy so you look after it before you even look after yourself

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