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Soviet 152mm howitzer D-1 manufactured in 1944 in service with the russian army.
After it was damaged, due to lack of parts, it was just abandoned at the repair depot for 1.5 months.

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Why does EVERY place Russians have been hanging out in for more than a week end up looking like a fucking crack den?
I mean it's just a tube meant to lob dynamite over yonder and not get hit.
Sure SPG's and drones made towed artillery obsolete but at the end of the day it is nowhere near as bad as taking any tank other than t90 to the frontline.
... That derelict warehouse is a repair depot?
Why are Russians allergic to order and cleanliness
Cause cleaning is bitch work and if you clean once, you are made to always do nothing but clean via beatinghs and rapings.
Once you submit you are forever the cocksleeve with a broom to your unit.
That's retarded, cleanliness and ordnung improve efficiency and productivity.
For the first few seconds I thought this was some kind of HIMARS aftermath video. Russians are truly dirty subhumans.
You can clean after me.
Its kind of more amazing it was working enough to have a functional sighting system that wasn't stolen and traded for vodka after that long
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There were better things to steal.
>American general: My god, the HIMAR causes far more devestation than I could imagine.
>officer: uh sir, that place was never hit with HIMARS or any munitions, that is just how Russians left it.
You sure about that? Considering the performance of the Russia's artillery I wouldn't be surprised if they vaguely point the barrel in the direction in which they suspect the front line.
kek, like the whole fucking country!

Yeah, they may well have a plumb-bob, compass, an inclinometer and someone with a charge, shell weight ranging chart
Actually finding one of these fucking gronks capable of reading anything would be the 2nd miracle
>maximum firing range 12km
It practically has to be on the front line anyway.
>the one who cleans becomes the company cleaning bitch forever

>result: no one cleans
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looks like an earthshaker cannon, kinda cute
thats not real isnt it?
tell me that aint how it works in the rus mil
Russian culture is prison gang culture, even more so in the military
Its real, the guy who cleans is now the village bike. The result is no one cleans.
It's real. I'm not even memeing. I guess it's not universal rule but it's widespread enough to paint a clear picture.
>aint how it works in the rus mil
>rus mil
My brother in christ, that is how it works IN RUSSIA ITSELF, not just their military.
This repair depo appears to be in the state of disrepair.
Russian soul is anti-ordnung
That's why it's at the repair depot, silly.
>gun is damaged
>guy who repairs the gun is the designated repair bitch forever
>gun is abandoned and still remains damaged
That explains all the litter and dunnage in Russian trenches.

They truely are 200 years behind in social developments.
because they have an ugly society. They don't value trust or cleanliness like humans do.
It’s basically a result of 2 destructive ways of thinking. First you get the Russian ”not my problem” way of thinking, people only do what they are directly ordered to, and nobody with power to order cares enough So, no proper order beyond ”get the troops to X and have them defend/attack Y”.

That leaves a void, which in turn is filled by typical Russian abusive macho bullshit, soldiers create their own hierarchies and they sure as fuck aren’t optimized for anything useful. So you get shit in trenches, beatings out of boredom, and zero incentive to make anything better. Just beat up a younger mobik, take his cigarettes and vodka and get drunk lmao
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If I don't know it, I don't care about it.
And by know it, I meant own it.
It upsets me that "people" can degenerate so badly and yet continue to plague the material plane
Alcohol, krokodil or just sober Russians?
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if you're not a fan of human shit and industrial pollution there are 3 places you don't go
God help me I've been to all three and they're landfill with some 'humans' thrown into them because of some divine comedy or something

This is by far one of the funniest fucking webms ever made
The Russian rebels might have just killed the fsbs deputy chief. Huge Car bomb Moscow. Several others are including them are listed as critical. Happened 49 minutes ago. Russians are trying to hide it.
we are so close to WW2 kino being back on the menu boys
Nice, im here for russian vips getting carbombed as shit gets worse
Alcohol, sometimes drugs+"trash streamers"(subgenre and community of streaming akin to "irl-streaming" of iceposeidon variety, but more trashy and in post-soviet countries).
Streaming themselves getting blackout drunk, fighting each other, trashing apartments, beating up "guests/payed volunteer actors"(homeless drunks/retards), torturing such "guests" for donations, freezing girlfriends on the balcony in winter to death(that made it into international news, you might remember), and such fun stuff.
That staircase on that video was recorded/streamed not accidentally, but with purpose - it is very treacherous for intoxicated, and them falling from it is funny.
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The treacherous imported Landcruiser blowing up again

I wonder how many of those guys 'slipped in' when the FRL was fucking up the Russians north of the border and managed to distract the defence forces from noticing the agents slipping the wire and getting through
Not seeing a peep about it on xitter
Ive said it before an ill say it again, by deporting the ukies they came across and handing out passports like candy theyve created an internal insurgency that the fsb has to redirect resources to deal with. Im sure theres trucks with flatpack drones just driving about in russia waiting for weaknesses in refinery defenses.

This is, of course, assuming people arent getting tired of their superpower getting btfo.
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>Huge Car bomb Moscow

I want to habeeb it.
>Environmentalists screeching about how YOU need to do everything in your power to reduce your pollution to zero
>When 90% of the world's pollution comes from those 3 countries and 8% comes from rich fucks flying private jets and otherwise being wasteful because lol money
That's how you can tell a trend following power tripping disinfo spreading disgusting hippie from a genuine environmentalist. The ones who actually give a shit aren't using it as leverage to bully or tax first world middle or lower class people, they're attempting (and failing sadly) to curb the literal rivers of thirdie shit from contaminating the rest of the planet.

That's not to say places like the US should just stop giving a fuck about the environment just because thirdies wallow in shit, things can always get better and a clean industry is almost always more efficient anyways, but if anyone actually cares about "saving the planet" step 1 is TZD.
Yeah if there's Ukraine agents or former Russian ones running around there its a security nightmare, not only do they know the place inside out, look like, speak like and can think like a Russian. They're also the sneaky bastards that aren't going to be blowing their cover with mobile phone or social media shenanigans, unlike say the ISIS guys who go in and blast up a church or mall. If I was in the position of having to find them, well I'd bid them "Good fucking luck with that!" and quit while the quitting's good!

Oh man, its a river of shit that leads into an ocean of piss and basically everyone's fault that those 3 are considered 'developing' countries so they get cut a break while they level up into actual humans. But its purely economic because while western countries 'can' make and refine things, they have to abide by not unleashing man made chemical nightmares beyond comprehension on the surrounding landscape- so they 'outsourced it'... beyond the environment
Remember it was like that back in commie days.
The west was litearally afraid of them and thinking people who can't organise sewage and basic infrastructure could win an all out war.
That's some kind of abandoned factory, and it's been abandoned for quite some time bc there's no equipment left
I hope FSB dep chief is alive but in unsaveable condition.

Head of human suffering must suffer greatly.
I also hope his family was with him.
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>don't go
Traveling between Sheremetyevo Airport and Moscow proper was straight out of Metro 2033.
Prison culture penetrated russian society decades ago
Artillerybros, help me understand something. Does the knowledge of how to operate these things even still exist? What I mean is, I'm sure there's some transfer of skill between different artillery pieces, kinda like how if you're really good at playing piano you'd probably be okay at the organ. But for shit that's 80+ years old do they even have manuals, procedures, documentation for the little nuances that makes these weapons effective? I think there's something to be said for maintaining old equipment for home guards or if you're like a guerilla (not an apologist, all vatniks should be converted to christmas ornaments). but for a modern military are these things even functionally effective or are they just landing their shells 13 miles wide of the target cause no one knows how to operate and maintain them?
You get to the AP and its not too bad, relatively modern... then step out into pure fucking chaos of buses, taxis, random cunts in cars and trucks out the front across about 5-6 lanes of complete bedlam and its good luck fucko!
>The man's feet were blown off, according to TASS.
This nigga dead as all hell, rip bozo
It mostly comes down to shell weight, the charge(s) behind it and the range charts
So if you have a X-weight shell with Y amount of charges it goes Z-km at a given inclination. that's sort of how it works with most artillery and if you can get the charts, then you should be able to figure out your shell landing vaguely somewhere its intended. Which is usually good enough, you don't want too far or short because that makes people unhappy
On the T-intersection where I was located in Moscow, as it was smack on Putin's birthday before the coof, everything was a warzone without a war (yet, not counting the poor Donbabwe 24/7 permabombed children of course), car crash when I was going to work and car crash when I was coming back. Once an ambulance and an APC (don't recall which model) had collided, which was the cherry on top.
You seem to think Russian artillery crews give a shit about accuracy in the first place. Boss says fire arty you fire it, if said arty isn't even capable of reaching the target or hitting within a mile of it doesn't matter- better to be the one firing the arty than charging the front on a scooter. Similarly the boss doesn't give a shit if it's an effective barrage or not either, his orders are "have arty barrage X at Y", and he's not gonna risk falling out a window if he somehow fails to make this happen. So regardless of how effective or not said barrage is, he reports to his boss "yes greatly successful barrage, no crests could possibly survive our 3000 shell hell storm we even destroyed 70 HIMARS", when it was actually 20 shells fired from old WWII guns, 5 of which detonated in the barrel, 7 of which failed to detonate on impact, 5 of which didn't even hit within a kilometer of the target, and the last 3 managed to mildly inconvenience the Ukrainians taking a nap in a dugout when they hit 100 meters away.

Their boss then reports up to their own boss, "we successfully obliterated the crest position, now the foot soldiers can just go capture it with no resistance", this continues all the way up the chain of command until Monke hears that he has slain 10,000 evil NATO mercenaries a day including thousands of Boris Johnson super-clones and shot down 50 F35s in the last hour.
People don't believe the dash-cams of Russia being that bad (or the roads, god help you the damn roads) but it really is just that awful
I’m thinking a lot of it was “MUH NOOK” fearmongering and the sheer amount of communist infiltration that happened in the West to help spread that fear as well.
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So it's true...
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chat? Is this real??
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>Yes we live in shit BUT THIS IS OUR NATIVE SHIT and no one can criticize it!
>And we will fight for this shit with all our might
Yeah. Fsb is raiding everywhere.
What the fuck is this?
putler's best and brightest
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>not even 5 posts before someone starts talking about gay rape
you guys are beyond obsessed
>russians rape each other gayly
>it is somehow gay to point this out
stop spreading propaganda, zigger chud. that was a squeaky clean state of the art tesla gigafactory before being captured. the orcs turned it like this after a week because they can't even be arsed to mop up the floor in a fucking warzone
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Only bottom bitches clean in the Russian society. Maybe you would like order cleanliness, and you want to lead by example. Well, the odds are you are just gonna galvanize the position of everyone around you.
there is no need to point it out multiple times in every single thread, it should be common knowledge by now
OK faggot. Explain this with your "witty" sarcasm. >>62138513
People kept asking
A guy literally asked about the cause of russian rubbish forming
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>OK faggot.
Really? This is your retort?
>freezing girlfriends on the balcony in winter to death(that made it into international news, you might remember)
Didn't that guy only get like 4 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend? I think he used to regularly beat the shit out of her on livestreams too.
>I think he used to regularly beat the shit out of her on livestreams too.

IIRC Russia actually decriminalized wife beating a couple of years ago.
They argued it was in line with "le trad values" but I think it's just to please the (rapdly increasing) percentage of Muslim populace in Russia.
>>I mean it's just a tube meant to lob dynamite over yonder and not get hit.
When modern artillery doubles your range for counter battery and there's little guided bombs zipping around the frontline it's absolutely as bad.
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>i call this move "the blyatdriver"
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>be russia
>have caste of professional criminals known as "Thieves-in-law" in prison colonies
>thieves code of honor centered around gay rape
>code states that only the lowest of the low, those known as Roosters should do cleaning duties
>code allows anyone to beat and rape a Rooster up the ass
>Stalin purges the country and put millions in gulag
>millions forced to live under Thief code meaning to clean is to invite yourself to be raped
>WWII happens, millions conscripted from gulag into army
>army becomes thoroughly shaped by Thief code
>WWII ends, millions of men shaped by Thief code released back into society
>society becomes infected by Thief code
>conscription makes every man in russia experience Thief code for two years, first year being beaten and raped, second year beating and raping first year conscripts

That is why no one cleans up in russia. The entire country is run like and behaves like a prison gang. You can no more reason and bargain with russia than you can reason and bargain with a gang like MS-13 or the Crips.
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Ehh, kinda? Earthshakers don't have muzzle brakes, though.
Man that's just grim. Is it even possible to fix russians at this point or should the whole society just get rebooted?
Its gotta get out of the culture, minimum 3 generations of reeducation
A gun is a gun
In Soviet Russia society reboots you
He lost both legs. No word on dead or alive yet.
It’s best just to end their suffering.
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It's really very easy. You compare the numbers on the barrel with the numbers on the box of shells. If they correspond, you put a shell in the breach and pull the sling. Continue this until you run out of correctly numbered shells or your gun stops firing when you pull the sling. At this point, inform your commanding officer the gun is out of order and wait for new ww2 gun to be given to you
>have just killed the fsbs deputy chief
>A car bomb injured an officer from Russia's military intelligence agency in northern Moscow on Wednesday, the Kommersant newspaper reported.
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> A damaged car is seen in a parking spot following a blast that reportedly injured an officer from Russia's GRU military intelligence, in Moscow on July 24.
Also Turkey arrested the Russian guy who did it. NOT based.

Also it seems like it's just some random schmoe and they're injured, not dead.
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Hmmm, Toyota again?

>The treacherous imported Landcruiser blowing up again
This. Don't misunderstand me - they're good cars, but they blow up too much for my liking.
fsb is not military
anime? is this tanya the evil?
The absolute state of Russian equipment.
i hope every single one of these idiotic slavnigger mutts gets hanged for this. Destroying priceless, ancient soviet surplus weaponry is a crime like no other!
How do you even run an army like this? Like can you imagine a NATO sgt major, from any NATO nation coming in to a place like this because I can't? I literally can't imagine it, it's outside my frame of reference, it's beyond the realms of possibility.
Like every single NATO army the first thing they teach a new recruit is how to make a nice clean bed, so that no matter how shitty your day is, at night you get into a nice clean bed. And pride in your area and surroundings becomes pride in yourself, which becomes discipline, which becomes esprit de corps, which becomes elan. And just like that, you have an army worth fighting for.
So again, how do even run an army like this? I guess the answer is you don't.
You throw shit against the wall until the shit runs out or the wall collapses. But if you want to imagine something depressing, imagine a society where people don’t even protest the fact that their conscription service is basically a rape-assault-slavecamp. Lmao just buy an exemption from the service for yourself, not longer your problem
>is this tanya the evil?
Yes. It's a scene from the movie.
>we're potentially weeks away from the first SU/ISU-152 sighting
Gods, I can't wait
>Like every single NATO army the first thing they teach a new recruit is how to make a nice clean bed, so that no matter how shitty your day is, at night you get into a nice clean bed. And pride in your area and surroundings becomes pride in yourself, which becomes discipline, which becomes esprit de corps, which becomes elan. And just like that, you have an army worth fighting for
Not only that, but military cleanliness also stems from the need to control outbreaks of diseases. It’s [current year +9] and Russian soldiers are still contracting cholera, typhus, and dysentery like it’s 1812 because they still shit in the same trenches they fight in. They get hantavirus from mice because they leave all of their food waste out in the open instead of disposing it. Their wounds get infested with maggots and necrosis because the mountains of trash attracts them.
Yeah but you are a rooster if you clean up any messes
>the first thing they teach a new recruit is how to make a nice clean bed, so that no matter how shitty your day is, at night you get into a nice clean bed
You'd be surprised to learn this is what is taught in the Russian Army too. The devil's in the nuances
And no one thought to fix the fucking stairs?
sauce for the video?
Read a book like One Soldier’s War, it’s an enlightening read about Russian army in its worst 90s slump suffering in Chechnya. So much fuckups, nihilism, and foraging for food that it’s hard to fathom as a westerner.
>Russian soldiers are still contracting cholera, typhus, and dysentery like it’s 1812
The Russian army hasn't evolved meaningfully since 1800 in any way, so why should this be different?
Ah. There it is. That has to be it right?

Budanov's revenge for the attack on his wife.
>regardless of how effective or not said barrage is, he reports to his boss "yes greatly successful barrage, no crests could possibly survive our 3000 shell hell storm we even destroyed 70 HIMARS", when it was actually 20 shells fired from old WWII guns, 5 of which detonated in the barrel, 7 of which failed to detonate on impact, 5 of which didn't even hit within a kilometer of the target, and the last 3 managed to mildly inconvenience the Ukrainians taking a nap in a dugout when they hit 100 meters away.
>Their boss then reports up to their own boss, "we successfully obliterated the crest position, now the foot soldiers can just go capture it with no resistance", this continues all the way up the chain of command until Monke hears that he has slain 10,000 evil NATO mercenaries a day including thousands of Boris Johnson super-clones and shot down 50 F35s in the last hour.
I remember Suvorov writing about a situation where some drunk mobiks drowned a BMP in the swamp. They go to the supply officer, "sure I'll white you a proper loss report stating it was firebombed by terrorists and burned down, just add a grenade launcher some retards lost yesterday". Skip forward a few steps, and by the time the report reached the rear lines the BMP had magically transformed into a whole platoon of top-tier vehicles, armed to the teeth, with their own field kitchen and loaded with various missing shit all the officers in between wanted to sign off on.
That was about the 1968 Czechoslovakia invasion, and the mentality sure as hell hasn't improved.
this is an ancient meme from the days when it was legal to laugh at proto ziggers in russia, there is no video of it
I mean, the stairs are fine. They're just drunk out of their mind. Walking up/down them is like climbing the everest.
Aww, I thought it was another documentary like the Children of Leningradsky that gets posted every now and then.
>*slaps roof*
>this bad barrel can have so many north korean shells prematurely detonate in it
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just break it up into manageable pieces. Some will prosper, some will turn into even more dysfunctional prison colonies yet the important thing is everybody decides their own fate. No gangster boss tzar in moscow to micromanage everyone and everything (steal them blind) while enforcing the gulag originated prison """"culture"""" that infects the society like tumorous cancer

if you do that blyat your are star repair bitch forever getting fucked in the ass day and night BLYAT
FSB is internal intelligence / reconnaissance (not sure if I spelt it rite) so it is higher on the hierarchy than the external military roosters.
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>There was debris, debris everywhere--- and then the missiles struck.
Then maybe not Budanov's revenge, but very specifically Russian Freedom fighting it's chief antagonists (With Budanov know-how)
Forgive me for being a firstie but this boggles my mind a little bit. A $6 roll of floor grip tape would prevent these retards from giving themselves (worse) brain damage. Are they willingly getting piss drunk and falling down the stairs for money, or is this being inflicted on them by outsiders. It's so confusing.
>Look up FSB deputy director
>His name is Sergei Korolev
It's an online reality show, retards getting brain damage is what generates views and donations
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No idea, but I grew up in ziggerland-adjacent than this is a common sentiment of the lowest of the low in society. You have the dregs of society (the invalids, war veterans, and the pensioners) riling about how Washington wants to invade in order to take away "their resources" which is never explicitly defined. I think they mean their Moscow-gibs but even they probably don't know what they mean,
Oh they're in a fish tank situation, got it. Thank you anon.
They get drunk on purpose and start shit because viewers want entertainment. Drunk retards thrashing shit and beating each other up is that entertainment. If they don't get hurt then the viewers get bored.
It's like the modern version of the colosseum, you go there to have a blast watching people get murdered.
All the soldier memoirs of Russian army have convinced me that the only thing that keeps the war machine running is the way how regular soldiers have such a fatalist way of simply accepting and going on despite everything being shit. Lack of food, beatings, incompetent and vile officers, all is shit, but somehow the regular Ivan still soldiers on in conditions that would lead to (justified) mutiny in most armies.

Not really saying that as praise, because that apathy is also the reason why things are shit and will be shit forever, and of course the entire system is dreadfully inefficient.
I support international environmental regulations because they'd impose costs on countries that currently lack pollution standards (third world) and make first world industry more competitive (reversing offshoring). Additionally, the planet won't die as quickly.
Don't forget about crab mentality
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>repair depot
>international environmental regulations
Yes but no. What if the international turns against YOU? I see China+Russia bribing enough to sanction America. It already kinda/half worked. Will you authorize counter-bribes?

Every weapon you support is what can be used against you.
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case in point to illustrate that anons accurate description. Also this >>62138827

Frankly even reading about everything how fucked up vatnikstan is why does it surprise westerns so much that monke personally is happy to oblige TZD and even gleefully escalates it whenever he can. Killing the cockroaches infesting your kingdom (russians) that either give him his empire or die so they wont be threat anymore to his dictatorship

No wonder preserving the machines has higher priority then getting the degenerate cattle cubed
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every army has a breaking point. Including ziggers. WW1 showed even they can rebel if the tzar is weak and the abuse goes overboard. WW2 results were extremely warped because of burger meddling. Yet stalin was everything but a soft handed tzar so chances are they would have rather let themselves all be slaughtered by the germans if the red army did not get burger and bong backing before they started actually shooting the communists
Agree on the breaking point, and I also find all that ”Russia will never accept defeat, ugh” posturing from ziggers silly. I just personally believe that the Russian army is so utterly buckbroken that if the system collapses, it’s more likely to happen due to economy / civilian side going kaput rather than soldier-led uprising.
>the yellow guy's slow fall
fucking kills me everytime
>A $6 roll of floor grip tape
That's 517 rubles, or 6,5% of their median annual income, that's a pretty big investment.
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true I was just pointing out the only precedent for it (including civilian rebellion) demanded a weak king as a precondition. For """strong""" (brutal) kings they will kill any uprising before it can start to get momentum. Stalin with his endless terror/secret police/concentration camp filtration and in case of monke he would FAB groups like those electricity protesters and then hand wave it as a "ISIS-hohol-amerikanskii" terror act. And the propaganda fused rabble will believe it as long as the machine backing the king appears "strong" (vicious/ruthless/heavy handed)

For extreme cases one must go outside Puccia. North korea experienced famine that killed millions when the vatnik union imploded and the kim jong fat dynasty refused to make market reforms. Did they get overthrown and the system imploded like the east block? Nope. Since the repression, propaganda and information totalitarian machine was working in lockstep keeping starving peasants from going out of control. Same thing is happening in china btw. Even in the best of times there are more security cameras then changs on the planet inside china. Since the system is extremely paranoid as even a small rebellion can snowball into uprisings involving millions upon millions of peasants due to the sheer size of the population.
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>Forgive me for being a firstie but this boggles my mind a little bit.
Ever heard of IRL streaming? There's a few lolcows in the west doing it.
The onlyusemeblade RV rape saga was so widely reported a relevance-seeking Chris Hansen was called in to question him.
>The Russian rebels might have just killed the fsbs deputy chief. Huge Car bomb Moscow
The one car bomb I watched was the deputy head of mil sat comms.
Handy to eliminate but not game changing until a lot of others die too
if you clean for someone, you become their bitch.
no one wants to be anyone's bitch
Blyad artillery is artillery, NAFO shells are very expensive so counter battery fire to destroy ww2 howitzer is a loss for NAFO zaza.
Also it's much more sportsman like and honorable to use such weapons unlike the evil modern artillery trannykraine uses zaza.
M1931 WHEN???
>4 minute reload
Reading more about this now from some other sources
>Any contacts with excrements / urine and content of dumpster. Man splashed with urine or one, who popped his hands in the toilet, automatically becomes a "petukh". For this reason, for example, plumbers are considered as "separated" in the majority of prisons.
>Any man, who had a physical (except sexual) contact with a "petukh" or used his personal belongings, are transfered in downcast. In practice, it looks like this: mistakenly picking up "petukh's" dishes or eating from them, using "petukh's" personal hygiene articles, hugging or shaking hands, putting on his clothes (intentionally or unintentionally) and having a drink tea with "petukh" automatically qualifies you for in this caste.
Lmao. It's like 6th grader lunchroom rules.
>Uh, you took off the label from the soda? GAY
So what's stopping someone from pissing on a upper-caste guy to downgrade him to bitch so they can take his position?
Are they all, in fact, bitches due to these rules turning it into a rapidly spreading virus with no cure?
Your average vatnik will never mentally mature beyond a 12 year old.
how many times has that happened so far? I only saw that 5 second clip
>using krautchan as source
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Lower rank men must piss in front of upper rank men but out of piss blasting range. Top caste men peak through holes in stalls to check that lower caste men are 'empty'. No 'ammo', no problems. No become homo.

It is also gay to use toilet paper so no one wipes. If you DONT have diaper rash, you're gay.

Also for you to ask me this question means YOU are petukh.
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>plumbers are considered as "separated" in the majority of prisons.
And not because they are responsible for making the vast majority of tubing/tap related terrors beyond imagination and completely fucking crazy. Sometimes when you look into the tube, the tube looks back into you
>Why are Russians allergic to order and cleanliness
Same reason the Ghetto is the way it is.
Are you qestioning mighty Russian self sustaining economy? They are beating the so called west in every field right now even when homo alliance put them under sanctions. No need for international trade. They are too trad and based for that. Tucker and Musk told me so.
I'm curious how russian tech companies even exist when this is the culture all around them.
Would it not have been easier to just buy a new battery?
You fix the blue screen, YOU are petukh!
There is literally nothing wrong with pipe autism.
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Its not just the pipes, its the fittings too!
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Check out Town of Glory (2019).
It encapsulates the Russian condition very well.
One of the people they interview is a teenage girl living alone with her mother who brought her up as some bizarre kind of RU army fangirl/stage performer/worshipper and she literally has nothing else going on in her life.
When they ask her why she does it and what she wants out of life she's like a deer in the headlights and looks like she's gonna cry.
The rest are the typical retirees and drunks living in a hovel but worshipping the dirt Putin walks on.
Oh btw the director had to flee the country afterwards, for obvious reasons.
>Didn't that guy only get like 4 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend?
It's normal. 1)If it's a first time you murder someone, not in an especially cruel way, not as a part of a group, without robbing or raping, you get something laughable like 6-8 years, with possibility of parole. that's when a murder is called "murder"
2)a lot of murders, sometimes even of "victim getting stabbed with a knife to immediate death" kind are often classified as "inflicting injuries, that unintentionally resulted in a death" or "killing because of carelessness", etc. For such crimes, sentences are even lighter.

That lowers unpleasant "murder" stat and obviously allows for corruption. And is a continuation of soviet justice, that was weirdly humane and patient towards certain kinds of crimes and criminals.
I think a somewhat capable piece of software is written and after it sells everything stops and now every man for himself is seeing how he can embezzle the most money from company funds.
Or the power goes off for 5mins
>All you hear is some mad scrabbling, grunting, crashing, swearing and the lights come on with the place picked clean as a whistle
>soviet justice, that was weirdly humane and patient towards certain kinds of crimes and criminals

Kinda fucked up how thieves, murderers and rapists were the de facto nobility of Soviet penal institutions, while political prisoners were treated worse than filth by both 'normal' criminals and the wardens.
I guess it was 'humane' because they knew the cops were just going to bumble into the area, find some drunk and plant evidence on him, then by the time he sobers up as a hardened criminal he's doing 4-6 in the old pokey for something, someone else did
>So what's stopping someone from pissing on a upper-caste guy to downgrade him to bitch so they can take his position?
You don't take his position. Once you are "petukh" there is no way back up. There are no "lvl ups" in this system.
Then yeah, you "made upper caste guy unclean", but that doesn't eliminate the fact that you face imminent beating, probably to death.
And don't forget that this "code of honor" is obviously not a written one, and a subject of constant interpretation and reimagination.
Interpretation by career criminals. Will they abide by it, or twist it to their needs, I wonder.
Could also be. I got my playbook from Escape From Tarkov.
>Lmao. It's like 6th grader lunchroom rules
Russian prison rules are basically high-stakes avoiding stepping on cracks.
The kids who invented rules for other people being gay would, if born in Russia, fit right in.
They'd also need to never grow up.
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yeah I noticed that too when reading Solzhenitsyn accounts of the system. Communist in particular had a huge soft spot for criminals and a lot of their mid level managers were tzar era career criminals themselves

but remember, they were the "not-so-bad" guys since they won WW2! I wonder if in a alt timeline where the vatnik union was wiped out as burgers stayed completely isolationist and the german empire merged on the mainland, would calling someone a bolshevik be considered the same kind of swear word calling someone a nazi or fascist is today?
Look! They have tigers!
While we obviously can't confirm the veracity of that story, the author is clearly very familiar with the russian prison culture and the behavior he describes has been reported by multiple sources.
Witness accounts from the gulags and videos from modern day russian prison colonies corroborate the broader picture if not the detail of the krautchan story.
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Come on anon, we've got tigers at home
ChatGPT, tell me a joke about germans
Until all russian males are considered homos by default, it needs to be pointed out at every possible opportunity.
>Are they all, in fact, bitches due to these rules turning it into a rapidly spreading virus with no cure?
Yes. I once read an interview with an ex-convict who was a prison faggot (made so the classic
way of anal gangrape), then somehow transferred prisons without other inmates finding out about that and got assigned to kitchen duties. At that time the rule was that faggots are absolutely banned from the kitchen and whoever eats food made by a faggot becomes one himself, the punchline was how "he made thousands of inmates into faggots just by working there".
Here's a joke for you; Suck a nigger dick.
Also, post guns.
That would explain so much why Russian games are invariably janky/buggy as hell regardless of how enjoyable they are.
a step closer to t-34 obr 2024
1. it was because politicals were 'undesirable' by definition and a political sentence was a contagious disease. Don't associate, lest you provoke dangerous questions about YOU.
2. criminals weren't browbeaten into submission. If you attack an intellectual, he'll try to reason with you or get out 'legally' (especially if you provide a law stating he's guilty), while a criminal will take a chance with braining you with a pipe and fleeing into the night.

This could be used to your advantage in times of red terror, I know at least one case where some minor aristocrat aware of the NKVD purge decided to take matters in his own hands, broke into a store and got caught on purpose. When the NKVD came for him, he was already under criminal police jurisdiction. He still got into the gulag, but as a common thief with a much lighter sentence and treatment.
Do you really think they're capable of modernizing the T-34 in merely 5 months?
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They also need crews.
I think there's a whole heap of shit like making the tracks not fall off every 20 miles and having to change gears with a lump hammer that might need to be looked at first
Of course if they ever get one actually running, it will be a joyous occasions when it blows up. Hopefully with something ironic like a panzerfaust
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Never forget Churchill was in favour of continuing the war against Russia but Roosevelt and Truman cucked out.
and in the 90s they rushed to save puccia from finally imploding with all the help they needed to remain solvent while today they are tying ukrainian hands in dealing with the plague because nooks. I will never understand the burger simp complex for vatniks no matter what flag or colors they are currently flying
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From what I've seen of other zigger tanks, the obr2024 upgrade package seems to consist of a couple bricks of (fake) Kontakt-1, and a cope cage.
With the AIDS of russia's elite military engineers (vid related), they may be able to figure out how to adapt that upgrade package to the T-34 before the year is over.
Apparently also a home made thermal sight. Without a cooled matrix and such.
I mean, he didn't shoot himself of blow up himself and his squad. He didn't spontaneously rape a baby or lose a gunfight to a door. That already makes him one of the best Russian soldiers featured on a video ever.
This is China, right?
That doesn't look too bad.
That's just a normal H+C showerhead combiner with a long head with the tap holes blocked off, with two rear taps for both the hot and cold water, so you can replace the entire thing later without having to go downstairs 5 flights of stairs to turn off the building water.
This is probably a communal building water heater system right?
Because these aren't really rules, anon. They're simply a way for the strong to terrorize the weak and enforce their power, they don't apply to the people who enforce them. They're meant to be a framework by which you stop ordinary prisoners ganging up on you for protection because they represent a kind of "order". And the arbitrariness is by design, so that a normie or non-criminal who goes to prison is immediately on the back foot and cowed, never knowing which dumb rule he might transgress without knowing.

In actual fact when prisoners have fought back against the thieves-in-law and beaten them, it's an open secret that the guards then immediately intervene to reset the status quo in favour of the thieves, to keep them on top.
>improve efficiency and productivity
Russians hate both
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Reminder that Darya Dugin was a beautiful angel who did not deserve her fate . I was gonna fix her.
Can't blame them. It would be hard to sell it public.

Now this was prime mistake. Puccia could've been dissolved without any western casualities at all.
It's literally all Kissenger and his influence.
>half-walled already
Its the soul that matters
Her soul was ugly and that was a very old photo of her. She hit the wall hard.
She looked like a female Ron Perlman.
there was a legit russian mobik on kohlchan, he got trench foot but didn't tell lieutenant cause he was afraid they'd beat him so he became unable to walk and they beat him anyway and he had his toes amputated, but he got the wounded pay and is still a zigger although his war is over
I'd rather deal with Crips to be honest.
Why even raise her like that? How does the mother benefit?
>blows shit up
>"NOOOO, it has to cost 4 x more and have slightly better accuracy!"
Russian artillery is guided by God and lands where so ever He deems suitable.
>How does the mother benefit?
Russian version of beauty pageant mother.
Narcissism by proxy or something .
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The 2S7 Pion/Malka replaced it. I doubt they saved any of them to put into storage.
Old artillery barrels explode, anon.
It's like bragging about eating expired food; you're just poor.
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fuck that was infomercial tier of retardation
Russia knows logistics win wars. They focus on the important things instead of minutiae. Better guns don't win battles.

Think about it: if you gave a Mosin to every american troop fighting taliban what would change? Nothing. You lost.
>Russia knows logistics win wars.
Oh wait you're serious let me laugh even harder.jpeg
Russia is taking ground through superior numbers. They can supply more men so they win. Western wunderwaffen don't win wars. Logistics does.
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oh fuck, you aren't joking
>all techies dealing with crowdstrike are now lowest caste
That revenge won't stop before either Budanov or every russian is dead.
Kinda funny how Tanya is more decent than any of the guys in charge pf mighty Puccia.
>starts remembering webms
>that video of the mobiks with blown out asshole shitting liquid
>the mobik with the nurgle-tier festering wound
>corpse of mobik eaten by rats
So yeah, check, check and check, it's not even propaganda, after 10 seconds of thinking about there is no wonder ukkies decided to put the fight of their lives because dying while fighting is a better alternative to russian mir, also it tells you something of the chuds, leftiepols and turdies who support gulaghomo, they are more broken than the most deluded troon, troons are just mentally-ill people fucked over by self-deluded authorities, russians and their fifth-colmunists, they are ontologically evil.
Simple answer:mental illness. You get so depressed to the point you just stopped cleaning after yourself. This is pretty common in the americas too with elderly people.
There is a reason even thirdies look down upon them whenever they aren't thanking them for giving thrm "gibs to fight the western opressors" after the wall fell.
Not worth making a new thread for, but have there been any refinery hits recently? Haven't seen any threads in a while.
Past 5 days I think there was another refinery hit but I can't remember its name, not a big one but it got smoked pretty good. There's been a lot of storage sites in the Rostov region hit too ranging from fuel oil for ships to aircraft fuel in their bases.
I'm not sure about refineries, but their last cargo ferry got blown up recently, which means the Kerch Bridge is there only way of transporting stuff into and out of Crimea now.
If russia know what’s important to win a war, then why did they lose to Afghanistan in the 80s and now in Ukraine?
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You say that like it's a bad thing.
>This thread
I have become convinced that not only do we need to kill russia to be safe from them, but that we would in fact be doing them a service. Russia literally needs to be euthanized for their own good.
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>meanwhile all the US Marines I've met, for all their issues with devouring eggs, breaking shit, and fucking anything that moves, all have high level cleaning autism
What's the USMC's secret?
Its just part of basic training, you never know what you're getting. Maybe someone from a 2-parent, house in the suburbs guy or delinquent retard who got raised in a trailer by a biker gang.
Either way
They all get the same training on how to brush teeth, do hair, pick up their shit, put it away when they're done and by the end of it all they're considered 'human' enough for the job. That tends to be the way its done in most western military forces as well, until you have demonstrated that you are capable of maintaining your miserable self and not living as an animal in its own filth they move you onto further training. So at least they know you're not likely to shit on the floor or if you do, at least you'll clean it up.
Actual training. The russian experience is two years of the grandfathers giving cleaning details as a punishment. Usually with no actual cleaning materials or brooms, usually something deliberately pointless like mopping up the rain or sweeping leaves with a stick. Go out into theater and russian field discipline is just awful.
If they don't modernize it it wouldn't be an obr 2023
DA and when your troops are forced to drink from puddles shows how great Russia is at logistics.

>Destroying you young demographic so Putin can LARP as Stalin is winning.
Thanks Obama
>Is unable to reach the range of a m777
>Gets blown up by a counter battery
>usually something deliberately pointless like mopping up the rain
Pretty sure USMC do that too but it's to make them just follow orders without slacking off because they don't understand the point of it.
Means that shit gets done even when officers aren't micromanaging it.
At least that's the theory.

Meanwhile in Russia, nothing is done and vehicles break down because nobody realised the maintenance mattered and it never got done.
>m777 incapable of hitting targets 2,000 km away.
>gets blown up by a cruise missile
It’s like putting down a rabid animal. They’re a danger to others as well as themselves, and risk spreading that same disease.
I remember in AIT at Fort Sill, there was a snowstorm and we didn’t have enough shovels to clear snow. So we had two guys each grab a pallet use them as makeshift plows.
>he thinks Puccia uses cruise missiles on anything except civilian targets
Stfu bitch post spoon
Just like with ole ronnie: any holes a goal lads
It's because the USSR criminal justice system was based around marxist criminology, and in Marxism criminals are considered "natural allies of the working class" (by working class read revolutionary class) due to usually being poor. On top of that, political prisoners were considered as being the ones TRULY responsible for the regular criminals commiting their crimes, due to being bourgeiose, reactionary, thieves and robbers who oppressed the people and owned land and businesses and such etc so they were thought as the REAL criminals unlike just the normal murderers, thieves, robbers etc who were obviously killing and robbing and raping because of socio-economic factors of course...

This bullshit is mostly put into policy only in Latin America these days.
>They all get the same training on how to brush teeth, do hair, pick up their shit, put it away when they're done and by the end of it all they're considered 'human' enough for the job.
Therein lies the problem. In most western militaries, being able to keep your shit squared away is a sign of your humanity. Meanwhile in Russia, it's reinforced that only faggots and fuckslaves clean and maintain shit while the older soldiers get to sit on their ass while they get their shoes shined.
So once they get out into the field, nobody does any basic cleaning or maintenance and you get something that looks like Skid Row.
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It's Russian Mir terraformation
They live like that, it makes them feel at home

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