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How would a full out US nuclear first strike against Russia look like? What weapon platforms would be used and what targets would have priority?
>How would a full out US nuclear first strike against Russia look like?
>What weapon platforms would be used and what targets would have priority?
it would be counterforce and coincide with hitting all their SSBNs. Russia still has mobile rocket forces, however, and they may be a bit tricky to nail down. Sub launched missiles would be used because it shortens reaction time.
The US has enough nukes to employ countervalue and counterforce simultaneously. Knowing Putin's psychology, he doesn't care about the lives of his subjects beyond their economic use as tools for the state, which is why it's important to go for the population in totality. This leaves Putin in his bunker as the dictator of a country of graves. Nobody working the factories and tending the farms is what he actually fears, thus it should be the projected deterrent, ergo the countervalue ticket should be what gets priority.
I'm a moderate and I support this.
I don't think the US would ever magdump against one single nation in a countervalue attack. Sure, if nukes start flying it's game over for humanity anyway, but in the context of keeping the upper hand against everyone else regardless it's important to retain strike capability even after a nuclear exchange against one specific enemy, simply because there are many nuclear-capable actors nowadays, it's not just red vs blue anymore. Nuclear War: A Scenario as a reality-grounded narrative falls apart in the moment nukes start flying because of that. To me it doesn't make sense to expend everything in a huge countervalue attack when you risk to end up in a cartoonish situation where you and your enemy take each other out and every third party sits there as the winner.
this should have happened on February 22,2022. The B-52s were already in the air on the Polish border. The US would have done the world a favor
South America and Africa inheriting the Earth is a concerning possible future. I'm not sure if they could make it to space before the sun kills the earth.
The comical childish naivety of this is that theres nothing going the other way.
I have nothing to do the upcoming weekend so I hope for a nuclear holocaust.
I'm sure the nukes on russian subs are ready for action. Each one has like 96 warheads packed into 12 MIRVs.

But the land based nukes probably aren't so slick. If Russia uses aircraft launched nukes, those would be unlikely to get off the ground in time.
>full out US nuclear first strike
The United States of America has a No First Strike Policy. We are very nice people.
It would be extremely painful.

Pretty much all of russian OTH radars are inoperable, as they were eaten by rust or Ukrainian drones. Russia has no means of detecting and reacting to submarine launched missiles. Dead hand is inoperable because of years of neglect and false alarms. Russian silos are rusted shut and mobile TELs can be targeted in decapitation strike. Air force is a joke and would get shot down the moment it leaves the hardened bunkers, if not atomized by nuclear tipped cruise missiles.

Sad thing is, NATO will never do a preventive nuclear strike, so we will have to watch russians getting ready for 3 months only to score a hit on London for NATO to start doing anything.
>has a No First Strike Policy
No they don't. China does, but nobody else with nukes does. France actually has a "warning nuke" policy.
So TZD was the plan all along
according to Daniel Elsbergs book The Doomsday Machine the Pentagon had precisely calculated the death toll of a full nuclear exchange in the late 1950s/early 1960s: Western Europe would be wiped out, India would depend on which way the wind blew, and a billion people would be dead-a third of the global population at that time. And this is before nuclear winter was understood.
No it doesn't, it refuses to make such a declaration and has been tearing up arms proliferation treaties since Dubya
Yea, but that was 1960s. Stocks were much higher (and dirtier), europe much more strategically important, India, Pakistan and China didnt have strategic arsenals and nuclear winter is a myth.
It just takes two US nuclear attack subs to destroy Russia's nuclear arsenal and every major strategic target inside Russia.
They would hide close to Russia's coast from where it would take less than minutes to hit their targets after launching.
Russia wouldn't stand a chance
>And this is before nuclear winter was understood.
No such fucking thing.
read about SIOP-62. they were going to magdump, unconditionally, on the ussr and china.

holy fuck we have had these threads for a decade we get it you think you're smart
Less than 10 minutes
Oh there he is again
US is too chickenshit to ever attempt even sneezing in Russia's direction lol
Where did the Kuwaiti oil fire winter go?
Nuclear Winters do NOT exist, Carl.
>How would a full out US nuclear first strike against Russia look like?
>What weapon platforms would be used and what targets would have priority?
All of them. Though some might get used on the chinkoids. In for one genocide, may as well go for two.
what do you think happens to Russia if the military is obliterated?
>t. Fat loser with acne
God I wish this happened so fucking much, add China as a target as well and you have my perfect wet dream there.
We've already seen their response. They just find more bodies to put into uniforms.
Nowadays China is the bigger threat, especially since it would consider the fallout coming from best korea an act of war. Russia is pretty much a non factor anymore, since an European invasion Fulda gap style has been empirically disproven. You can also imagine how once the nuclear taboo is broken both Pakistan and India, and Israel and Iran would immediately nuke each other. This to say that it would be much worse. And even if nuclear winter wasn't a thing, the collapse of the global supply chain and the disappearance of the power grid would set humanity back thousands of years.
Yeah, I know, fun times. The fact is that nowadays such a thing is pretty much off the table, since in '62 the global situation was much different.
Whos gonna find those bodies?
I wish we would but the US cares too much about international reputation to implement TZD. Why do we even let Russia still exist? Who cares what thirdies think? Russians need to die
The only thing monke fears is his inevitable death by bayonet up the ass once his regime crumbles. He would gladly be a king of rubble if it means he still gets to sit in the throne. Or rather, the head chair of the long boi table.
I personally think Ukraine should be blowing up Oligarch manors and businesses specifically. They won't take too kindly to king monke causing them personal loss of comfort. Of course I understand that, for the moment, ripping the entirety of Russia's petroleum infrastructure a new asshole is a more direct way to impact the war effort, but at the current rate they will literally run out of refineries in range of their drones and then that's when they can start blowing up mansions.
Shouldn't silo missiles be easier to maintain? I mean Russia doesn't have a stellar record when it comes to nuke subs
I meant nuclear powered subs, not boomers
imagine how much the world would improve if both countries nuked each other
>The US has enough nukes to employ countervalue and counterforce simultaneously.
This, in fact 80% of the Russian population are dead either way as virtually every Russian town over 50,000 has a military facility. It actually takes very few nukes as well

based moderates
>imagine how much the world would improve if both countries nuked each other
I love America and Americans and most European nations.Fucking hate Russia though? Remember marxist leninist terrorists? I do.
>inevitable death by bayonet up the ass
This has to be putins execution method. Need to start a petition to the hague. They need to get a button activated bayonet stabby ass machine set up.
You'd be surprised who browses the chans. Really surprised.
Shouldn't counterforce be the first thing you do in a first strike?
I'm [Center Left New Deal] and believe deeply in Western values. Burn them all down. America is the only rightful Empire,

Russia only exists as a threat because the will to decimate the Soviets after Berlin died with FDR.
You are an ignorant and immoral bastard.
You target economic(manufacturing) centers, not population centers.
You cannot kill every worker, but you can destroy power and raw materials plants, ports and hubs, making surviving workers useless except as liabilities to your enemy.
lol get nuked vald
There's no real reason to go counter-value against Russia. There are enough valid counter-force targets in Moscow and St. Petersburg (mostly places that could originate or relay launch codes or otherwise authorize nuclear release) that both cities would suffer significant collateral damage anyways. And thanks to Russia's quasi-imperial structure, those are the only two cities that really matter when it comes to holding the rest together. Thus, the US is best off going for a full counter-force first strike against Russia's nuclear forces and senior leadership. Also, thanks to the new superfuzes, even silos and hardened bunkers can now be targeted by Tridents, and US missiles and warheads are more reliable which means that fewer warheads would need to be allocated against each target... which is important given that even in a total victory, enough of a reserve would need to survive in order to deter China.

The catch, of course, is that DC is heavily staffed with folks who are incompetent, prideful, easy to bribe, and in many cases simply don't like the US too much. The odds of being able to keep word of a first strike from leaking out in this day and age are somewhere between slim and none.

In minecraft, however, it would look something like a Time on Target, using a combination of ALCM (from B-52s) and conventional JASSM (from stealth fighters and bombers) to clear out key radar and command & control facilities ahead of a close-range Trident attack, in order to minimize the enemy's ability to recognize the attack and issue launch orders. Any boomers actually at sea would be sunk at the same time. Minutemen would be held in reserve for use against priority targets that survived the first strike, because they have the fastest kill chain of the triad (and because as long as they don't launch, they're a "fleet in being" that has to be respected and/or targeted by enemies).
The military doesn't matter. The senior leadership and the secret police that keep them in power are all that really holds the country together.
That's just what they want youto think. America will never ever strike first. We are very nice people.
Going after refineries and power plants/substations (especially the ones used to power Russia's electric locomotives) is an excellent way to hollow out their economy and the oligarchs' wealth as well as their military production and logistics. The only two parts of the WWII strategic bombing campaigns that really worked were the efforts against transportation and fuel targets.
>Any boomers actually at sea would be sunk at the same time
Rubbish. We couldn't get them all.
Well actually they didn't work. The allies tried bombing axis railways and it was only marginally effective.
Konigsburgerchads spared
nukes have never been used
>inb4 atomic is nuke
so we dont know how it would work especially when the majority of our arsenal is outdated.
That logic applies well to Russia's arsenal. Not so much everyone else's.
I guarantee maintenance on Brit and French nukes is beneath US but above Russia, even with the miniscule stockpile.
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That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.
I saw the Youtube video too
It's a moot point anyways, because we couldn't keep it a secret long enough to launch the attack in the first place.
Not the rail lines themselves; unless you're bombing a bridge, going after a rail line is a waste of men and resources. You go after the rail marshaling yards, the big turntables and blockhouses. You clear your escorts to go after locomotives as targets of opportunity. Both of these practices were successful; one thing that wasn't seriously tried, however, because its importance wasn't well understood, was going after the canals and other barge infrastructure. The Germans got a *lot* of value out of inland waterway traffic.
Silo missiles probably never get checked. It's the subs that would be getting their nukes switched out every year or so.
>ergo the countervalue ticket should be what gets priority.
Counter value is against morals of the Western countries. It would be used only as response to counter value strike.
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dangerously based take from this anon. As soon as westerners finally figure out monke personally views the average vatnik with the same disdain and hatred as any normal human being views them from the outside, the sooner they figure out they are meant to be cubed until nothing is left

That and for monke even getting them all killed is still a win scenario as it means nobody is left to assassinate him. He can give off the remains of puccia to chyna in exchange for a cushy retirement with changs. Like that yanu-whatever tzar of ukraine fled to puccia after maidan
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>Sure, if nukes start flying it's game over for humanity anyway,
not even close. Total destructive potential is laughably weak compared to actual five armageddons that have happened on earth in the past. Hysteria+fear has big eyes+useful propaganda have convinced you le bombs will kill everybody but the cockroaches
What a cool picture.
The world is much different nowadays than in the past. Humanity en large relies on ubiquitous electricity distribution (aka The Grid), global trade, and all sorts of good things, like sewage treatment.
You can see how a countervalue exchange would flatten every major powerplant, and most if not all fuel production facility. Without power everything stops: fuel, food, medicine, etc, production and distribution instantly halt. Mass starvation is an unavoidable consequence, public health dies into a ditch as no system can handle ALL of the population having health problems at the same time, who doesn't die of hunger or illness has to compete for resources as everything is now an irreplaceable consumable. With the depopulation an insane competency crisis would ensue: there would be few left that know how to design, produce, and maintain anything. Whatever infrastructure left by the bombs would eventually fail.
Would humanity survive? Yes, technically, but unless you're one of the very, very few extremely rich fucks that can just Enclave it out, which is unliely to say the least, you'll end up envying those that got instantly evaporated.
There’s no reason to do counter-value against Russia, because Russia doesn’t have anything of value

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