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yugoslav war photos

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Slovene territorial defense (pro-independence) during the Ten-Day War (Slovenian War of Independence)
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Slovenian National Police also played an important role in the War
I keep forgetting that the former Yugoslavia was a (relative) economic powerhouse that had quite a sophisticated state and well equipped military. Like, early 90's and you've got cops in plate. Compare them to late 80's Russia or just Russia in the 90's generally.
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dont know this one...
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Chud civil war
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Something I've been wondering about Yugoslavia's collapse: was it analyzed how many in the Yugoslav military consisted of which ethnic group? To elaborate, how many within the Yugoslav People's Army were Serb? How many were Bosniak? And so on.
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There was a swedish gang in the 90s who broke into old army storage amd stole gun that yhey were planning to bring over there to sell but they weren't able to find any buyers. Militärligan, The military league.
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so they did it to steal one gun? that seems like a waste

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Threadly reminder that my uncle killed 5 Serb irregulars on the peacekeeping mission
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doubt it, and I dislike serbs too

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also balkan people, how much weapons are laying around in houses and crates somewhere in a restaurant?
serb soldiers with croat flag

that is the end
for now....
Is that the mountain division that lit the fuze on all the ethnic cleansing?
theyre from the 109 Brdska brigada and bosnians
My fingers are allergy swole and arthritis ridden. Think they stole around 50 but can't remember. Mostly swedish k's
Well that makes more sense than just stealing one. Who were they going to give them to?

These guys love underfolders lol >>62137884
No photo,but here's a short news story from back in the day about foreign volunteers fighting for Croatia.
Whats with all these gayreeks?

Russians actually had plates back then though. Just not very good ones.
It’s true and it took me a long time to pry the story out of him
>be uncle
>on “peacekeeping” mission
>assigned to locate and destroy weapons caches
>get intel of an unguarded cache in basement of a machine shop
>stack up and kick door
>bad intel, it is very much guarded
>ended up being one of the largest caches they found
That’s as specific as he got with this story. He also found a 400 meter long trench full of “liquidated” Bosnians
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to help serbs I guess
>Is there a term to describe this?
that's just hypocritical self loathing with a bit of narcissism chucked in.
Makes sense, both are orthodox, probably have fundamentalist groups communicating to each other, asking for help after someone said they are genociding the Christians here.

Although just conjecture it doesn't seem to far off to me.
Nothing wrong with religious fundementalism
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Serb paratrooper, also one of two images of an m85 in the wild.
Everything's wrong with religious fundamentalism
>well equipped military
Thats a stretch, yugoslav army was more like the chinese army of the time large with old equipment focused on partisan warfare
Something is wrong with this pic it looks too new
A lot, like millions
you could be right I saved a bunch from pinterest
Why is his finger like that?
its AI. Look at the fingers & hands
Why are you using AI-generated pics? Is this some new gayop?
That's a serb and don;t ask me how I know that because I don;t want to talk about it but I know that woman and she was a serb that came in to Croatia in 1991 after Vukovar with serbian paramilitaries. She was not a fighter just a whore in tow with I think the white eagles who enjoyed cruelty to croat civilians.
That's HOS not Croat regular, good men. Condemned for being 'fascist' just like Azov.
I have to be honest with you as a former combatant seeing these images just makes me feel a bit sick, I mean nauseous. Funny that
He's some wierdo serb/orthadox trying to spam shit about greeks. Some of the images are maybe real some fake. I don;t recognize many and I have seen most. The only blondie kicking around in surp in Croatia was as I say a serb woman who hung out of serb paramilitaries but I think her hair was more bleached but she wore shades a bit like that but she was not a croat
Post stories
No, it was shit and it's not good for me.
Theone with the greeks is not AI, i found it on pinterest and vlogs years ago. I also am not orthodox nor slavic
I assume youre just larping
Bosnian and Croatian prisoners of war at the Serbian run prison camp in Trnopolje, Bosnia
Arkan's Tigers kill and kick Bosnian Muslim civilians during the first battle for Bosnia in Bijeljina, Bosnia, March 31, 1992
A destroyed Roman Catholic cross in Vukovar, Croatia.
Ah found it
A Serbian couple kisses after the fall of Vukovar. Fall 1991
Long after I was there.
United States soldiers in the snow at night in Bosnia, in the winter of 1995, after they arrived to enforce the Dayton Peace Agreement to end the war in Bosnia.
God Bless America.

Half the delinquents and idiots and idealists and adventurers in Europe went there. For many it was a chance to be in a war. The Croat war was a Just war.
War for the sake of war is faustian
>War for the sake of war is faustian
I don't see how it is. Are you sure your understanding of that word is correct?
the point of Faust is that most men will give anything [everything] to attain that which they desire

see: monke
The serbs were slaughtering Croat civilians and police, if the Croats had not made a stand more of their women elderly and children would have been made homeless during winter, raped or murdered. It was war of just defense, the Croats now call it the homeland war.but it was in 1991 a war of defense and a just war.
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Sometimes its just bravery and youth pic related



"Jean-Michel Nicolier, “the Frenchman,” was born in Vesoul, France, in July 1966. In July 1991, at barely 25 years of age, he travelled to Zagreb to fight for Croatia. He had seen the news of war on TV and decided that he wanted to help. I want to help these people; they need me. I must go, but I’ll be back. You know I’m a wild grass that never goes away. Those were Jean-Michel’s words to his mother, who begged him not to go. He was mobilised into a HOS unit and spent two months fighting at Duga Resa. In September, he was among the last groups of volunteers to arrive in Vukovar. He fought in the Sajmište area, where the battle was extremely difficult and constant. On the 9th of November, he was wounded and had to remain hospitalised.

In the hospital, he was interviewed by a French TV crew, and this is how Jean-Michel Nicolier described his days in Vukovar: “I’ve lost too many friends, I’ve seen too many people cry too much suffering. I have been advised several times to leave Vukovar and return to France, but I stayed. We lost. I knew it would be difficult, but I didn’t think it would be this terrible, especially for civilians. I came to Vukovar as a volunteer. It’s my choice, for better or for worse."
Correct and he was a retarded zigger who lost, when you win thou it is glourious

Sounds like a glourious bronze age setting for champions and heros
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Nine days later, Jean-Michel Nicolier, the Frenchman, was taken to the Ovčara concentration camp, along with many other volunteers and civilians from the Vukovar hospital. According to Dragutin Berghofer Beli, he stood up even when his name was called at the camp, where he suffered torture. On the night of the 21st of October, he was murdered by Spasoje Petković, nicknamed Štuka, who then proceeded to rob him of his last 20 Francs. The murderer himself confessed to this at the Belgrade War Crimes Court. Claiming that he was a frightened soldier who feared for his life, Petković went from being the defendant to a penitent witness, earning a privileged status, freedom, and the position of a protected witness, which guarantees that he will never be extradited to Croatia."
>Sounds like a glourious bronze age setting for champions and heros
For a very short time it was and then it was just an abattoir.

the reasons that a soldier fights are a thousandfold
I don't mean to impugn anyone's actions.
but the reasons for a war are always the same: conquest. war is a failure of politics, when one side thinks their will overrides the will of the locals. War is where the rubber meets the road so to speak, and the reasons that it comes to that point are always Faustian. a loaded wager that the ignorant think they can win.
Well now I'm crying in shame at being alive. Lovely.
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dont cry

heres some ass to cheer you up
Serbia i think but not sure probably whomever would pay
interesting. I wonder how much weapons are laying around the balkans in peoples houses

What sight is that?
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depends where
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Just in some normies house or uncle

Dayum, if I was a cop I would take a gun or two
no, obviously normies don't keep hand granades and LAWS in their basement
if you're doing that you're a crazy motherfucker from the war, maybe you gave some to your son but that's about it
You would be surprised just how close the Croatian and Ukraine wars are. Both were started by jingoist monarchists who wanted subjugaction of their neighbours. Serbs (Russians) claim how Croats (Ukranians) are just confused Serbs (Russians) who are lost without divine guidance of Greater Serbia (USSR) is closely mirrored. Both wars featured massacres, mass expulsions and forced settlement of disputed lands as aggressors are trying to use population numbers as a justification of their conquests. Even the course of the war is closely mirrored. Early war featured mass attacks from aggressors, lots of land grabs from first couple of weeks and frozen lines after the initial push. Then we saw mass rearmament of defenders, first offensives and lessons learned from these offensives. Now we're seeing attritional warfare as aggressors are trying to unsuccessfuly dislodge the opponents while defenders are reorganizing their units and rewriting doctrines. In about a year I expect to see the final phase of the war, which will be small but strategically important gains, followed by a massive rout from a large swathe of occupied land and aggressors suing for peace as they panic. Mark my words, entire Donbass and Luhansk will fall in less than a month after Russians get routed while Crimea will be used as a bargaining chip to stop the crippling sanctions. I also expect the mystery meat that Russia forcibly settled into Donbass to immediately flee and Russians will use this as definitive proof how Ukraine are eating Russian babies for breakfast to get sympaty from the third world.
Yeah, and i still see people in croatia supporting russia
And most of these people hate serbs
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>Yeah, and i still see people in croatia supporting russia

The tolerant West, where you can criticize or suplort anyone, unironically

>And most of these people hate serbs

Should be the default state of mind of any sane person
I've only seen 2 zigger supporters, and both were the /pol/-tier retards
I noticed they are people who are in a very bad spot in life very unhappy
It's easier to blame some shadowy boogeyman than admit personal failure, and a lot of people would rather make some faustian deal with zigger propagandists selling them a lie than to work on themselves
maybe not grenades, but do people, even normies have a pistol or rifle?
not ai just off and new becasue it is, theyre reenactors

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