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Now that Hungary started to produce KF41 IFVs en masse. Will they sell them to Ukraine?

Also general IFV thread
>Will they sell them to Ukraine?
the war is almost over anyway, no point
>Will they sell them to Ukraine?
Orban is a russian cocksleeve, so probably no
With Orban in charge? He's a Russian stooge.
Hungary is selling Ukraine ammunition so why not ? He can only block wholly owned Hungarian companies. Joint ventures like the 155mm artillery shells - 51% Rhinemetall - he can't stop.
So all goes back to normal?
>Germany sells latest NATO tech to Russian stooge
1) Hungary is an EU and NATO member
2) other allies sell to Hungary too
3) Germany is also Ukraine's second biggest supporter
Bloody Krauts.
Who just managed to have Ukraine turn off the pipeline so now they are panicking.
>Hungary is selling Ukraine ammunition so why not ?
>joint ventures like the 155mm artillery shells - 51% Rhinemetall - he can't stop.
Orban can't order around private companies. If they want to sell it, they will.
Two more weeks, and Kiev regime will fall for sure.
Serbia is a far greater ally to Ukraine then hungary.
Plus, imitation monke is now extra pissed that Ukes put sanctions on Lukoil (and lukoil alone, other russian oil still flows) for the sole reason to fuck with the mongols. They will never help Ukraine and will never find themselves on a winning side of a war.
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Plz sell to Mexico. All of the IFV fleet is over 50 years old and the army finally has money.
>imitation monke
There's like three different people this could refer to in Europe.
>Orban can't order around private companies.
My anon, even in USA, which stands on MIC, the government has export oversight.
Orban, like most russian puppets, is bound by a nice omerta/blackmail combo ..
The chances of the russkies having everything in order to either destroy his career or outright assassinate him are high, the like of him having fucked some prime and underaged ruskie on tape is also non trivial. Pissniks are known to use their good ole ressources of rapeslaves this way since at least Indonesia;)
>What is EU trade agreements for 500 Alex?

Even Switzerland, desping being a haven for oligarch money and useful netrooolers bc alpine lolbertarian schizo rightoid chanvinism can't stop the EU from using the stuff sold in order to carve Putin's vranyhole.

T, Lindtfag
Most of this shithole's economy is based on EU gibs and German corpos so entirely possible if the Germans press the matter
Fico, Orban, Lukashenko, who else? This is just the first faggots that came to my mind.
>1) Hungary is an EU and NATO member
so why is Hungary not supporting Ukraine?
>Will they sell them to Ukraine?
now that Ukraine has closed the gas pipe? unlikely
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>T, Lindtfag
it's breddy gud
Frey also
because Orban is a faggot
doesn't change that his country is an EU/NATO member though.
also everyone else would gladly be selling to Hungary if Germany hadn't got the deals.
Does this thing have a stabilized main gun?
Thanks for proving that you angrily lurk every single IFV thread. Lmao. It’s true though, a stabilized gun is a must have for any decent fighting vehicle
It is germany's product, they have say
>Hungary is an EU and NATO member
2 Turkoid nations in NATO, regrettably
>Serbia is a far greater ally to Ukraine then hungary.
The only reason for that is because the entirety of Serbia is basically bankrolled by the EU these days.

Stupid retarded Slavs
>Will they sell them to Ukraine?
No, I'd reckon the Germans have a say in that.
If Hungary ever get pressured to send them, it will take 6 months longer and in the end Ukraine gets some BMP-1s with thermals or some shit.
So is Hungary, this year's budget was exceeded sometime in early spring in part due to the EU holding some funds because of Orbán acting like a massive faggot
Seriously Mexico give everything amx-13 based to Ukraine I need the kino I fucking need it. Also all your amphibious Panhard stuff.
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>Also all your amphibious Panhard stuff.
No, they're too cute and kino. At the beginning of the drug war they used MILANS against narcos because the original batch of rockets were about to expire. Fun times.
What do you mean? I think stabilisation is a standard for modern military vehicles. Even german Eagles have stabilisers for their machine guns.
Why wouldn't you want to fire on the move, Anon?

Orban is a super massive, demented faggot to the highest imaginable degree, but even he is smart enough not to piss Rheinmetall off by selling tech to Russia; he'd get the Fico treatment that instant. Having said that, Orban has too many enemies; NATO and the EU no longer consider him an annoying shitstain, that was around 2017. Now they consider him a literal traitor, which he is.

They're gonna get this dumb shit. He ignored too many warnings.
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>Will they sell them to Ukraine?
No. But Rheinmetall will build them in ukraine
Wonder how much of that goes to Orban
>Two more weeks, and Kiev regime will fall for sure.
yah basically, lol how many hours of power do they have a day? 6?

>No. But Rheinmetall will build them in ukraine
lmfao, before or after 15 fabs slam into the facility?
Yes, Ukrainian mail brides for all!
Gotta say, cute truck.
>lmfao, before or after 15 fabs slam into the facility
Its literally more dangerous to run a school than it is to run any strategic asset in ukraine
>Its literally more dangerous to run a school than it is to run any strategic asset in ukraine
thanks afu staging practices!
Tell me, how many strategic assets has russia managed to destroy in the last 12 months
>Tell me, how many strategic assets has russia managed to destroy in the last 12 months
rolling black-out status?
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egg status?
So the best they can do is destroy unprotected civil infrastructure? I guess we dont have to worry about them being able to blow up an arms factory any time soon
A good portion might just go to keeping the fiefdom afloat for once, he's in a pretty bad spot both externally and internally right now
>heatwave overwhelming demand is the same as having your power grid blasted into fucking fragments, nation wide
lol whatever you say bud

>unprotected civil infrastructure?
lol unprotected HAHHHAAHA

>I guess we dont have to worry about them being able to blow up an arms factory any time soon
lmfao, what factories?
>404, factories not found
what "arms factories" exist, and produce in any meaningful numbers in ukrindia?
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>t. Hungarian

We should restart production of the 39M Csaba, but with modern electronics, an up-to-date engine, ABC protection, decent weaponry and composite armour. We should also get rid of Orbán.
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I mean, look at this cutie.
>power grid blasted into fucking fragments
Weird how it's being fixed regularly.
>Weird how it's being fixed regularly.
yah, because its being prolapsed regularly
as as result there is "regularly" only power for ~6hrs a day...
this is shit widely reported in firstoid news, its absolutely meaningless for you to refute it
>how many hours of power do they have a day? 6?
so same as southern r*ssia then lol
he cute
>so same as southern r*ssia then lol
difference being Russias is due to demand
where as ukrindias is on fire or in pieces
Cute and friendly.
All that money and not a single cent of it spent on teaching the Serbs not to be complete pants-shitting retards.
>even he is smart enough not to piss Rheinmetall off by selling tech to Russia
You're thinking of the other anon. I'm not refuting anything. The blackouts are rather widespread, but they are managed. Not as severe as they would be if Russia was competent.
Nonetheless, you're random fag comment is cringe.
God I love armured cars.
>Plz sell to Mexico. All of the IFV fleet is over 50 years old and the army finally has money.
but that's why its so cool
>We should restart production of the 39M Csaba
based armored car enjoyer
Are you.. gloating about swinging from tree to tree in some jungle-covered shithole in the global south?
>gloating about swinging from tree to tree in some jungle-covered shithole in the global south?

>The blackouts are rather widespread
a fucking understatement, if there ever was one
Probably less than you think, because their power grid is synchronized with the EU system, and they are importing a lot of power.
Nonetheless, not IFV.
>Probably less than you think, because their power grid is synchronized with the EU system, and they are importing a lot of power.

its worse than you would think actually
way worse and the *worst* is yet to come
the Treaty of Trianon is non-negotiable.

Oh yeah, I forgot they almost Chernobyl'd themselves in Rostov. Oh well, we've got two months left of summer yet, so there's still time to try again.
Impossible to find people that could fit the drivers position if you don't import them from Asia.
Every Hungarian knows Fidesz was built on the back of Russian mob money. They were a literally who party and then suddenly won the elections in 1998. To say Putin has Orban by the balls is the understatement of the century
>Where can we find some Asiatics to drive this Hungarian armored car
Boy do I have good news for you
>you MUST sell equipment to Ukraine
good thing is, thats exactly what they are doing,
willingly even!
>Now that Hungary started to produce KF41 IFVs en masse. Will they sell them to Ukraine?
I thought Hungary was neutral? They might export them to Romania and in turn Romania and Moldova would definitely keep a stockpile for themselves and send the other half to Ukraine since at that point they have no control over what other countries choose to do with their purchases.

I by no means like most of what Orban does however can you blame them for their stance? Both the Ukrainians and the Russians steam rolled their civilians for peacefully protesting in the past for wanting independence and not wanting to follow a retarded ideology cooked up by some Jewish neat who hated himself for being a privileged Jew and wanted to rape and butcher farmland owners for some reason because commies think le food is bad.

If the Hungarians wanna exploit businesses opportunities that's fine but they're by no means morally obligated to come to the aid of either country. They've already lost enough land as is and I'd imagine most of their KF41's are gonna be for self defense more than anything.
>can you blame them

Ukraine was hardcore Soviet throughout the back half of the 20th century and here they're literally dying rather than go back under the Russian thumb. Hungary was even more oppressed and is now outright a NATO member, supposedly, yet they're in cahoots with NATO's number one enemy. It's a disgrace.
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Let's not open that can of worms.

Speaking of Russian money. Orbán used to be fiercely anti-Russian all the way up to 2009. Then, he went to a conference of the United Russia party as a part of a delegation, met with Putin and he never said a single bad word about them. He won the elections with a supermajority in 2010, changed the constitution and the election laws and he's been entrenched into the system ever since.

You have to comb through 1200 years of Hungarian history to find another leader that was this much of a loathsome psychopath. Maybe Rákosi. This Shrek-looking motherfucker was the only one comparable to him in terms of evil.
>You have to comb through 1200 years of Hungarian history to find another leader that was this much of a loathsome psychopath. Maybe Rákosi. This Shrek-looking motherfucker was the only one comparable to him in terms of evil.
All of this because Otto the Great decided to fuck over the Maygars once and for all....
>Both the Ukrainians and the Russians steam rolled their civilians
Which one of those was in charge during that whole kerfuffle again?
>You have to comb through 1200 years of Hungarian history to find another leader that was this much of a loathsome psychopath
I hate the greasy gypsy as much as the next guy but only having to go back 18 years is the main reason he could cement his power this much
Gyurcsány wasn't half as bad as this fat fuck. But yeah, fuck him too.
>he went to a conference of the United Russia party as a part of a delegation, met with Putin and he never said a single bad word about them. He won the elections with a supermajority in 2010, changed the constitution and the election laws and he's been entrenched into the system ever since
Reminds me of Ceaușescu visiting China and North Korea in 1971, and we all know how it went
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I want to see him end like Ceausescu, in Minecraft.
Vgh... What could have been
>wheeled IFVs for quick response
the Gidran already fills that role

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