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In 1944 Lachhiman Gurung held off 200 attacking Japs using a bolt action rifle with just one arm after a grenade attack.
In 2024 this Mobik just blew his last good arm off with a grenade.
What other weapon type can he used to finish himself off?
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That's 85 now?
He could operate the buttons of a microwave with his nose and insert his head.
He's looking pretty dead to me after that grenade
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This is not one of the successful grenade suicide strategies. He should have read the literature.
But it will take a while. He's got all the time to think.
At least God gave him one more time to repent before dying.
I'll pray for his soul tonight so we can all meet in heaven, and at last, we can adore and glorify Jesus Christ for the rest of eternety
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>blows his hand off and castrates himself
For what purpose
for putin's yacht of course.
He is a Russian, he suffers. What higher purpose is needed than the order of nature?
western decadence
He fell for hato trans propaganda
Giving me 10 seconds of entertainment while I scroll aimlessly and enjoy my afternoon coffee.

That's it, that's all purpose his "life" ever had. It is less than an insect.
Doesn't work if you don't shut the door
Too bad the video cuts so soon after he found out.
Reminds me of that south park episode where the dude in the basement keeps on trying to kill himself and failing
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I'm gonna stop coming in to these threads. TZD and all but, I'm starting to get sickened by it all. Why doesn't Russia just fuck off? There's no world leader more deserving of a bayonet enema in the world than Putin after what he's done to his people.
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>Why doesn't Russia just fuck off?
Sunk cost fallacy
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has there ever been an army in modern history that has commit suicide en masse like this? And the Japs in WW2 don't count, that was more of a Bushido thing with a very long cultural history in Japan.
The Germans in 1945 I suppose
>Giving me 10 seconds of entertainment while I scroll aimlessly and enjoy my afternoon coffee.
Anon, you should really reconsider, it's bad for you.

Switch to tea.
"I knew I should have stayed at home playing counterstrike."
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Wait for sepsis I guess...
/k/Ino from the early days of the war kek
>I can't understand why Ukrainians are laughing at these guys suffering and dying so horribly
Probably because they're invading their country
He could've rebelled, or simply fled before conscription. Nothing but death awaited him. He deserved his fate.
NTA, but I can pity him at least for being lied to about casevac

After you die of diabetes-related organ failure

The damage he has done to his own people is good and we should celebrate it. Russians are pigs, liars, beggars and thieves and the world needs fewer of them to exist than currently exist.

Putin is doing Gods work.
>30+ years of war in multiple continents and countries
>not one single suicide ever caught on film of a NATO or NATO allied country

Now we see these out of Russia every few days. Unreal.
There are probably 50 ziggeruides a day, we only see a small fraction of when a drone happened to be nearby
It's actually very similar.
Japanese treated their prisoners like dirt because bushido teaches surrender is honorless and should be despised as a fate worse than death.
So they expected to be treated similarily bad by the Americans in case of capture.
That is why they killed themselves en masse.

The vatniks treat cvilians and captives alike with barbaric cruelty and expect that a similar faith awaits them upon a capture. An idea that is reinforced heavikly by their own government.
Because every night I go to bed there are less Russians in it than when I woke up.
Because nukes. Proxy wars are nothing new.
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>In 1944 Lachhiman Gurung held off 200 attacking Japs using a bolt action rifle with just one arm after a grenade attack.
Do you retards seriously believe in this bullshit?
Fucking poojeet tier propaganda.
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>russian grenades pull your pants down
Except he was not alone, he just had injured comrades with him who testified, the British commanders found the bodies of the Japanese he killed (31) and reported it themselves. There is no 'propaganda' here in the way you're meaning it (aka 'it's made up').
Imperial Japan's concept of bushido was pretty warped. Sengoku era samurai were not above retreating or even surrendering. There is no long cultural history of peasant soldiers stoically choosing death over simply running away.
Because the Russians are a literal horde of AIDS infected rapists invading their country, and they routinely murder civilians
Putin is basically innocent since he is not a cause but a symptom. The russians have done this to themselves, as a people.

>The ass is in the grass
because webms like OP's are kino and the EU is all about funding the arts
invading a country to enslave it, forcing its people to give up their lives and take up arms to fight for their freedom, losing many people and infrastructure in the process, tends to make them hate and dehumanise the invaders, I say good riddance to every vatnigger beast that crossed the border that dies in extreme pain
>pitying russians
>after Bucha
>after the dams
>after the supermarket strike
>after all the residential apartment strikes
What's wrong with you?
>russia in charge of not making me question the sanctity of life itself
everytime I think to myself, "that's the worst thing I've ever seen in this war" a mobik takes that as a challenge
>holding the frag grenade right in front of the thickest part of your FLAK vest
why the fuck did he do that
should have held it up to his face if he wanted to go out painlessly
is tea good for you?
he wanted to go out extremely painfully
>here's 6 zillion roubles (5 usd) to invade a country and kill its inhabitants
>gets killed slowly
The "you're sick if you enjoy this!" crowd is just coping because it's the people they like getting killed.
Why? They do that to each other. It's easy to blame the tsar, but everyone there is to blame.
Feeling sorry for them and going full TZD moderate are both traditional civilian symptoms of not being on the battlefield.
If you were there you'd feel a moderate sense of slow burn anger. These guys are trying to kill your guys! So kill them first. There's no point in cruelty, but there's equally no point in mercy.
Why are they SO fucking retarded? Is the Snow Nigeria meme not just a meme after all? Do they really all have sub-Saharan IQs? Even their own fucking propaganda says to put the nade right under their chin. This isn't even the first suicide-by-grenade I've seen them fuck up. Nor the second. Maybe not even the third.
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True but people will inevitably resort to anthropomorphizing to try and make sense of it all. There's just no easy way for any normal person to comprehend any of this so they'll instinctively try to frame it as Putin's war, poor innocent mobiks, the silent majority, socio-economic factors, so on.
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a mobik castrate themselves with a grenade. then I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's odd that it's happened twice.
When i get a hint of this feeling, i just remember the horrors the russians already committed. Putin didn't make them do that. They did it.
Some people might say that a single rotten apple shouldn't spoil the bunch, but when most of the bushel is rotten and infested, i really don't feel inclined to single out the few good apples left.
It is black, as I think it has a higher Vitamin C count than coffee does.
What an awesome excuse of a story to post that WebM. I like your style.
So I post this in every thread of pidoras killing themselves in Ukraine because of how baffled people are about it. Also OP's video is old. Hope it helps:

""There's plenty of stories of troops killing themselves in the trenches in WWI, on several sides. And this shit with the new soviet men killing themselves in the battlefield comes from WWII when the slaves were ordered by the father of all peoples, Stalin, to not surrender and not be captured and to actively try to die so you wouldn't be captured. Soldier-slaves who were captured or who had surrendered were then corrected into being good, decent soviet men after they came back to the USSR through the usual methods of re-education and correction into the good, moral, socialist lifestyle through rape and torture and/or execution not necessarily in that order.

This culture was reinforced in Afghanistan when the Soviet troops were fighting the Mujahideen who would also execute POWs and mutilate the corpses, along with civilians that would do the same.

Then in Chechenya they were fighting with an enemy that would torture, rape and mutilate POWs and execute them and do the same to the bodies but now they'd take pictures and videos and upload it to the internet and send it to their family members. Then 15 years later in Syria they face Al Qaeda and ISIS that would do the same but now in HD. So this suicide culture was reinforced by most other major conflicts Russia got into since World War II."

Old video.

It's one of those things you have to be in that situation of war and combat to really understand. When troops in combat see dead enemy or dying enemy they genuinely feel relieved and relaxed because of it because it means one less man armed to the teeth trying to kill you. It's a true enjoyable feeling of happiness that you have a little bit more of a chance and being alive in the future.

Again, you have to understand the feeling of bein under constant mortal threat to understand.
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some of these are hard to watch

why don't these dumb assholes kill their officers and go home?
>Why doesn't NATO end this senseless slaughter?

By sending troops in to support Ukraine?

NATO didn't start the war. It takes Russia stopping to end it.
>man armed to the teeth
cmon now, we're talking about russians here
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Someone share with him the videos of mobiks telling they are going to castrate ukrainian POWs, guys like him are agents of the country who a few days ago actively targeted a hospital of children with cancer, this is not an isolated incident, and unlike kikes there wasnt even the excuse of ukkies somehow using it as rocket launcher sites and armories, russians in general and this guy in particular deserve all this suffering.

They aren't going to change, at least not as a group, by this point it's obvious for anyone sane russian culture is like asyrians or the huns, something to be annihilated so humanity may prosper, but the utter mental and physical destruction of this individual may yet keep some people in other countries from falling to the same stupidity if only because his folly and that of his master is clear for everyone to see.
It's up to Putin to recall the troops my vatnik friend.
>be russian
>walk into country
>stark killing people
>"NATO help! Why wont you end this!!!"
They volunteered
They want their huge paycheck at the end of their contract
The West has actually helped a lot of ruskies. Most of the decent folk regularly flee their country to go take up residence to the West where they at least know they may have a shot at life.
I have said it before and I will say it again, Russia is not an alternative to ZOG, but its logical conclussion.
>the videos of mobiks telling they are going to castrate POWs

Catbox'd because I don't feel like eating a ban today.
jimmy the door switch with a screwdriver
gives you a fine buzz when you stick your head in just so
Holy shit.

Zigger shills, what say you?
You forgot the best.

>after children's cancer hospital strike
whenever i feel the same way i remember what those dindus did in Bucha among other places
then i don't feel so bad anymore
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>Because every night I go to bed there are less Russians in it than when I woke up.
Well yeah, they actually did it, so yeah...
But it makes you think, I saw them castrating that ukkie, I also saw one of them commiting suicide after getting raped by Putin's ragheads, I saw some of their love letters to their girlfriends which wouldn't have been distinguishable from someone within the West.

And I know this has been a historical recurrence.

It was never about human nature or free will I guess, all these religions and ideologies got it so wrong, it's about ensuring the system gives only good options by default so none if these hideous things can even happen.
Reminder these dudes were Wagner mercs.
That's the ideal, the problem is that from there it gets dangerously tempting to start leaning into utopianism about how you can totally pull it off if you just wipe out one more group of subversives/counter-revolutionaries/subhumans, and you end up creating the conditions you were trying to avoid. It's a tightrope walk, like everything else involving human behavior. This is what gives the family, community and church such importance, because they can handle things with the nuance that an overarching system will never be able to perceive. The bigger your net, the wider its holes, and utopian systems have never reacted well to people slipping through them.

>It was all the SS, man, the Wehrmacht was good boys
no it’s because they know they just had their legs/nuts/arms blown up and they’re going to be either left to suffer or get droned again, so they an hero. they know if by some miracle they do survive the droning, their maggot infested wounds will decay for days before being seen by even a field medic
It is too late for him, friend. Pray instead for those brave souls who seek to bring the true light of Christ into Russia. In their hands is the only hope for real peace.
>Because every night I go to bed there are less Russians in it than when I woke up.
How many Russians are typically in your bed when you wake up, anon?
>Ukrainians are laughing
Not only are they invaders they've also rampaged around with absolutely no consideration for civilians you mongoloid, they'll get laughed at until they turn their guns on their own officers.

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