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Why was everyone so afraid of the Soviet Union? The US alone could have beat them in a Cold War gone hot scenario.
Nukes and people didn’t want to die.
because soviet union only manufactured military equipment while 50% of what China makes are funkopops
>The US alone
New name for NATO just dropped
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Did the Soviet Union build super carriers with EMALS catapults?
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>Germany is reunited
>population increases by 30%
>literally no change in output
A lot of it was manufactured by Ike, CIA overestimates and the spread of international communism after WW2. You need to put yourself into the shoes of what someone would know in the era i.e.

>The USSR was growing like an absolute champ until the 1970s and was predicted to soon catch-up and surpass the US economy
>It really, REALLY wasn't apparent at the time that the model of a planned economy was less efficient than the free market - especially given the experience of mobilisation in WW2
>The US and its allies had their own deep internal problems and nobody was sure how they would be resolved while it was difficult to see the USSR being torn apart by nationalism
>People really underestimated the coming information age and those that did were nerds (McNamara)
>On PAPER the communist bloc had huge advantages in manpower, artillery and tanks

Obviously the whole 'we might end the world in a few minutes' would also be on everyone's mind.
>thinly veiled chink thread
yes vely implessive sir vely nice thank you
Subs that can fire nukes are more frightening.
West Germans sent their people to DDR factories, but because they had no idea how industry functions under planned economy they just closed a bunch of them and threw workers on the street.
there was a pretty massive adjustment period because the east german economy had a huge shock going from soviet style to western style
the (false in hindsight) "missile gap", russia had a few space exploration firsts and it was believed they could have hundreds of nuclear icbms and mrbms by 1960
American heat > Sino shitrifles
Not to mention the weapons they aren't telling you about.
>they had no idea how industry functions under planned economy they just closed a bunch of them
Turns out industry didn't function under planned economy and they were outcompeted the second the border opened by western factories that ran orders of magnitude more efficiently.

That period is not over. Eastern Germany is closer to Poland than to west germany economically.
It takes a generation or two to get rid of the communist corruption.

Because the US is a democracy and you need to actually convince people to spend massive amounts of money on defense, so you use propaganda to exaggerate the enemy to make sure you don't fall short.

Russia and China could just spent what ever they wanted and let their populations starve as communist always do.
look at what is going on in Ukraine - meatwave after meatwave - and USSR was much bigger then (twice around 300 million people) plus another 200 mill of rest of warsaw pact...
also "collective west" was smaller by 100 mil people in central europe

What the fuck is this retarded shit? It’s factually wrong. It isn’t even pretending to be accurate?
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Chinese are the protagonists of the human race at this point. Westerners are mutilatting their kids, forcing gayness down their throats. Africans are niggers. But the chinese han are producing all the things that make civilization turn its merry wheel. So when your gender fluid child quits screaming for once in its disgenic life as it death grips a McToy you should give your blessings to the Han state

Chow Ching Chong Ping Zhow Zhing Pong
This post has convinced me that China is not weak but actually very strong
Chinese are the quintessential NPC. They are mentally incapable of being protags
OP is fucking retarded
>Chinese are the protagonists of the human race at this point
Bugfolk literally keep other bugfolk as slaves and steal their organs while they're still alive. The Chinese are like the shitty enemy in a mid 2000s fps that's edgy and brutal to make you feel better for exterminating them.
It's called hindsight you dumbfuck.
At the time of the height of the Cold War what we thought we knew was kinda removed from what was really going on behind the "Iron Curtain". It was significantly easier to hide a country's true abilities. Spy satellites and electronic eavesdropping, and all the other methods which we use to keep tabs on everybody else in the world were comparitively primitive. Back then there were only state players in the espionage game. Now you have to worry about things like Google Earth catching you with your pants down and your dumbass soldiers on secret bases using compromised exercise apps on their cell phones. The internet allows free communication from just about anywhere to just about anywhere. Keeping state secrets is extraordinarily difficult. There was the "Missile Gap" (look it up). There was real fear about soviet submarine capabilities. And as always, people in charge needed a boogy man.
In short, it was a different time and what we know now is not what we thought we knew then.
And Eisenhower couldn't admit that his corona satellites were massively successful at spying on the ussr, so he had to sit and grip his teeth while journalists like alsop shit all over him and fearmongered
It's crazy to see the direct effect 9/11 had on the U.S. Even something like production was majorly fucked afterwards.
Because of their age. Numbers were a much bigger deal in the 1940s-1960s and tanks were a wunderwaffen which hard countered artillery. It's hard for modern people to understand how overpowered tank hordes were back then.
Once microchips were invented in the 1960s and applied in the 1980s the USSR was no longer as threatening, but the people then had grown up on the 1940s-1960s set of tactics and strategies so the culture lingered.
Communism hadn't been fundmentally disproven either so there were many sympathizers and many more opponents who thought it might subjectively suck compared to freedom, but could still win in a fight.
>Why was everyone so afraid of the Soviet Union?
Nukes and spies. Don't forget the Soviet's soft power.
>Chinese are the protagonists
lol, lmao even

Last I checked, the US Dollar was still the world's reserve currency, American English was still the Lingua Franca, and everyone was still doing business with American companies while China is circling the drain in almost every conceivable way before they've even had a day in the sun. What's more, the culture is fundamentally incompatible with individuals shedding the collective to excel, which means they'll never be the protagonist even if the US falls. We don't think about you at all, and we couldn't hear you over the sound of all this winning even if we did.
>industry didn't function under planned economy
Tall statement considering East Germany's GDP grew just as fast as the West Germany's one.
now tell us the equation for GDP, tankie.
>East Germany's GDP grew just as fast as the West Germany's
these share something else that fell
It was China entering the WTO
Carriers are for power projection. Soviets didn't have 6 gorilion military bases overseas.
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>revives his shill thread when it hits page 10
you do this every fucking time, chang. It's such a consistent pattern that literally everyone notices it. I hope your boss sees this reply and sends you to the re-education camps for it
>Two of China’s H-6-series aircraft, as well as a pair of Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers, flew through a portion of the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Alaska earlier today. This is the first time Chinese H-6s of any kind have operated in this part of the world and they may well have flown from bases in Russia to get there. Regardless, this is an important development when it comes to Beijing’s ability to project power and underscores its ties with Moscow that have significantly strengthed since the latter launched its all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
>The U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) “detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two PRC [People’s Republic of China] H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on July 24, 2024,” according to an official press release. “NORAD fighter jets from the United States and Canada conducted the intercept.”
>“The Russian and PRC aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace,” NORAD added in its release. “This Russian and PRC activity in the Alaska ADIZ is not seen as a threat, and NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence.”
>“Fortunately, we haven’t seen Chinese aircraft operate near our air defense identification zones yet, but I think that that’s coming as early as this year,” U.S. Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, currently head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), told members of the House Armed Services Committee at a hearing back in February. “That shows an overall concern I have about the growing capability of China not only with aircraft, but also with ships and even submarines being able to range further from China and closer to our shores.”

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