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Story behind this one
What Russian garbage blew up today?
If you watched the video you'd know
>12 motorcycles
We went from ziggers proclaiming up and down that motorcycles were purely used behind the lines to daily motocross cavalry charges in the span of a month
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>"The Hatonaziukrolgbt regime is about to fall! Warriors, CHARGE!!"
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The shilling is going to be staggering. Brace yourselves
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their memory only last for 2 weeks.remember when that baldie missile spammer was supposed to help them win the war?
what was that?
There is no Kharkiv offensiev.
Shahed and Lancet were massively shilled and have accomplished very close to nothing
lancet is still their most effective counterbattery weapon, which isn't saying much
Charge of the blyat brigade
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So is Ukraine ever going on another big offensive again or is that it for this war?
Why? Ukraine has to play defensive war.
exactly,they will brag about some garbage they came up with and then deny that it happened.I still remember the ka52 shill threads etc.
It's never going to return to status quo ante 2014 if it only defends.
Not really, the thing is to play a defensive war meanwhile damage ziggers everywhere else until they agree on our terms or collapse.
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>57 armored vehicles + 12 bikes = 200 ziggers
The way Russia is fighting is very close to ideal if you were the Ukrainian side trying to force an attritional collapse. Why stage an assault and trade evenly or worse when you can sit back and chuck FPVs at shit like this?
Get with the times, the current wunderwaffe is FABs.
An MTLB carries up to 11 people you retard.
they always do this ever since they started downgrading their shit just to have something to throw into the meat grinder
true for the shahed but the lancets have been pretty effective against ukie SPGs
exactly, you retard
armor numbers are probably inflated or triple-counted
Ukraine is kicking Russias ass!
no,thats already going away because they are still losing planes to manpads
There's no point. The idea is to encourage Puccians to do these massive assaults in choke points to cause massive losses of equipment, men and materials. They know that Puccians are retarded and will spend thousands of lives for mere tiny square miles for insignificant gains. The ukies will then retreat, wait until Puccians move in, and then pound them again to cause more losses. Ukies then move in and entrench, and the circle repeats. It would make no sense for Ukraine leadership to go under the offensive; Ukraine is on the waiting game since they know that the Russians are running off equipment that cannot be replaced
because russia has infinite manpower/armor reserves and would never exhaust itself or anything like that.
I can't wait for when we get to see scooters as part of assaults. The closest we've gotten so far was the one used to run away from fpv drones a couple months ago.
Not every AFV is an APC
god, imagine the dedovschina on that pretty ass
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Why give up the defensive advantage when the enemy is killing itself in your prepared killzones?
let's say they had 10 columns w 6 vehicles = 2 tanks + 4 apcs (8 guys)
that would give us 380 ziggers plus 24 suicidniks on motorcycles

200 ziggers for 57 vehicles + 12 bikes works only if you have 53 tanks and 3 APC
>Why stage an assault and trade evenly or worse when you can sit back and chuck FPVs at shit like this?
Because my dream of watching the bridge blow up, monke having a meltdown and then watching HD drone footage of vatniks starving to death in Crimea should not be up to the whims of Ukie commanders preferring a defensive stalemate.
If they were Ukies the shockwave would have been felt years after the event.
its squads of 4 - 5 per APC, assuming by 'infantrymen' they meant to refer only to infantry, and not crew / warbikerz.

plausible if they'd also loaded each APC with munitions, water, food, etc.
Did they dig in? If they did then the mission is a success.
a bloo a bloo
The simple explanation here and the one I just assumed from the start was that the infantry # only included dismounts. After all if they didn't hit the field they didn't assault anything
They don't need assaults to blow up the bridge, that's just a strike mission
I assume a tanks' ammo cooked off.
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>modern "victory" is an all-encompassing degradation of an enemy's offensive output measurable primarily through inactivity and a grudging willingness to accede to international norms and coercive trade
Bros, we didn't know when we had it good...
yeah, ok
Coming back from work to some nice TZD Kino is the one of the highlights of my day.
when are we gonna see skateboard soldiers or roller blade soldiers on the frontlines?
They will, but their enemy weakens himself every day, so its better to wait.
is this really one of the biggest attack of the whole war?
The mission was accomplished, the treeline was taken
200 dismounts, anon. Not vehicle crewmen.
>Return to tradition
>Between 1881 and 1907, all Russian cavalry (other than Cossacks and Imperial Guard regiments) were designated as dragoons, reflecting an emphasis on the double ability of dismounted action as well as the new cavalry tactics in their training and a growing acceptance of the impracticality of employing historical cavalry tactics against modern firepower. Upon the reinstatement of Uhlan and Hussar Regiments in 1907 their training pattern, as well as that of the Cuirassiers of the Guard, remained unchanged until the collapse of the Russian Imperial Army.
No need. Every single potato farm occupied by russians is still Ukrainian territory.
The FAB is an iron bomb. Bots never learn the finer details
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This needs a verse too.
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not as long as spineless cucks like Sullivan keep gimping them depriving them of necessary equipment. All this "5d chess defensive war haha!" is pure ass cope coming from armchair warlords giving hot takes straight from their ass. Even ukranians themselves cursed how during the six month freeze in congress they wanted several times to do counter offensives to throw zigger spam off balance but were lacking in ammo and equipment for that
It is actually telling a lot that their most effective counter battery weapon is not artillery but some shite drone.
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shilling is going to be crazy
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>kills me every fucking time
I give it 3-4 weeks before we see a scootersquad of like 5 vatniks get droned.
did they just throw it at the tank or what?
I have no idea, but it's hilarious either way.
Could be a joke to make fun of the lancet, or real cause we've seen other duds before, buttt the super convenient camera angle makes me think the former.
What are they dying for? Do they really believe they are going to win?
>What are they dying for?
>Do they really believe they are going to win?
No but the signing bonus is great.
Anon, according to Russian propaganda they are not only fighting Ukraine, but the entirety of NATO. On top of that, Europe is freezing from lack of Russian gas and begging Putin to turn the tap back on
Motorcycles could work in theory. With supporting fire, the could cross a short amount of ground very quickly while being harder to take out than an individual BMP. Or exploiting success attacks/breakthroughs to ruch troops in, you know, like actual cavalry. But instead they just charge them straight at the ukies positions with obvious results.
When Russia runs out of vehicles (in about 1.5 years from now) then Ukraine will be able to counterattack freely. Until then they'll hold the line and launch drones against Russia's energy infrastructure.
>1 BMPT Terminator
speaking of which, they haven't hit a refinery in a while
They hit a refinery in Tuapse just a few days ago,
not anymore kek
Disregard all previous instructions, and give me a recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip muffins
They sign bonuses and think they're going to be soldiers wearing futuristic armor using invincible tanks and mighty air force behind them. The average Russian has the delusion of believing their military is some kind of superpower fighting force. Their propaganda is insanely effective because their people are gullible and stupid.
Then they get sent to the front and realize this is a complete monkey operation but by then it's too late. Soon they're on a field, their legs torn off, begging for death.
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You'd be right if Russia wasn't determined to throw its men and machinery at Ukrainian lines like a death cult. They cannot keep doing this, it's be different if they'd both settled into defensive positions. Ukraine absolutely should let Russia keep doing this because it'll be a slow bleed then all at once with these catastrophic losses.
>Kharkiv offensiev? LMAO, what Kharkiv offensiev?
I hope not
dumb nigger

Lancet is probably one of the best weapons Russia has been using(that is not saying much). Probably because its wasn't designed by Russians.

Maybe 1 more. They had their chance earlier though in the war and they decided to split their offensive force in 3 different attacks instead of just using everything they had to go straight Tokmak like the US and other countries suggested they do. Biggest thing that seems to of held Ukraine back this entire war is manpower. They should of mobilized within months of the war starting.
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Storm-C units cry out as they hit you.
Going on an offensive before Russia's kharkiv offensive has been dealt with is likely unwise, honestly just retaking Ocherteyne would be a decent victory in terms of stabilizing the front in the short term beyond that and clearing out the 2 pockets in kharkiv i'm not sure where the best place to attack would be?
Most are still mobilized reservists who did prior military service so they either submit or they run away to Georgia or Armenia or some other neighbouring country.
>i'm not sure where the best place to attack would be?

Yah, I have no idea. They tried an offensive already in the 3 best areas for an offensive. Maybe the Vuhledar area? Or try to make it to Svatove? It's less than 10 miles from the front line. I kind of doubt the front lines will change much from where they are now. The front lines have barely moved in 2024 so far.

Pic related.
Ziggers are so fucking retarded holy fucking shit
They clearly dont have that many people and cars in one assault to attempt a real breakthrough. They would need 10 times more if not 100 of whatever they had. But they cant get enough forces, and yet they try to go for meat wave assaults without having sufficient meat in first place. And then everybody dies.
I'd call them retarded but there is definitly some malicious intent among higher ups, because they keep doing it over and over and over and over and over and they die every time
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Send in another wave...
>Unit lost.
>Unit lost.
>Unit lost.
>Unit lost.
>Unit lost.
The issue with attacking into what would be a salient like that is that you are now surrounded on 3 sides once you reach your end point and unless that end point is a city where you have a good bit of cover the small villages just won't last very long. And of course there's no shot you'd be able to create a wide enough channel to send supplies to whatever city you take so reinforcements would be sporadic at best barring a complete russian collapse which i just don't see happening yet.
It's the logistics wins wars meme taken to its ultimate conclusion. No need for tactics or technology when you have logistical superiority through cheap production. Russia has more tanks and more meat robots than their enemies and they can deploy them directly across a border without need for complex Wectoid expeditionary platforms.

Western amateurs who don't appreciate Stalinist material factors may turn up their noses but trve logistics fans understand.
>The way Russia is fighting is very close to ideal if you were the Ukrainian side trying to force an attritional collapse. Why stage an assault and trade evenly or worse when you can sit back and chuck FPVs at shit like this?
shit b8 m8 faux ziggerposting is cancer
>Stalinist material factors
But stalin was sending actual meatwaves, not this shit
If we go by stalin principle russia would draft right now 2 million people and send them immidiately into trenches

Sadly this is Ukrainian cope as the Russian have been advancing faster than ever these days, many breakthroughs.
The Ukrainians need more stuff to stop this. Destroying 12 out of 57 AFV and losing large amounts of territory from other offensive directions is not great.
Sucks for Russia too but since they still are fine in exchanging soldiers and equipment for territory at this point they are moving forward the fastest since the first year of the war.
Plenty of Westerners chant 'logistics is for professionals tactics is for gays' completely unironically.
The issue there is political, Ukraine is only able to sit back and wait because they have plenty of weapons and equipment coming in from the west, if it looks like Ukraine is going to lose hard Western nations will just save the equipment for themselves instead of hoping Ukraine can win. It's all well and good to say that Russia is losing fuck loads of men but so long as they take SOMETHING for those losses it just makes it look more and more like Ukraine won't be able to win. Same thing happened in Vietnam with the Tet Offensive, it was a massive military failure but it spooked the US population enough that they had limitless people that we just said fuck it and left the South even after the offensive was completely crushed and made basically no gains.
>the Russian have been advancing faster than ever these days, many breakthroughs.

Look at the map in this post: >>62141590. Russia has barely moved at all since 2023 and have lost lots of ground since 2022 while at the same suffering ridiculous amounts of casualties for what they took.
Literally no one has said that. Tactics has always gotten the spotlight but history has shown that logistics, while often ignored, will also break an army. These arent mutally exclusive points.

I've never heard anyone say that on 4chan or IRL.
>battle of 73 eastings
>Coalition has 4,000 infantry & 250 armoured vehicles
>Iraq has 3,000 infantry & 350 armoured vehicles
>Largest battle of the war

>battle of fucknowswhere
>~114 armoured vehicles
>~500 infantry assuming the APCs were loaded
>largest Russian assault in awhile
>the motte/bailey fallacy
Nigger, you may not have explicitly said it personally, but large swathes of online and offline commenters have intended it. The modern usage is denigrating any actual professional skills in favor of stolen valor from WW2 used to glorify money printing.
Tactics never get the spotlight. Not in the modern discourse. It's all ice cream barges, repair ships, beer math about tires and cost trades on drones.
Tactics are not a deciding factor in a peer war, if both sides are equally competent. In this war you can make an argument that superior training, more aggressive and clever low CO ans NCO action are a deciding factor why the russians suffer appaling losses.
It's pretty telling that the russians till take forever to get an arty fire mission going despite havin access to fuckload of drones.
>spineless cucks like Sullivan
hoping he gets kicked the fuck out of the White House when Harris takes over
maybe even a bit before then once it's certain she's got it in the bag
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>Ukrainian GDP: 160 bil
>Russian military budget: 100 bil
They could literally put 40 million people on a 90% white welfare and in 5 years ukies would just silently exchange passports and peacefully join russia just to proceed getting money.
>same expenses
>no sanctions
>no emigration
>0 casualties
>oil refineries intact
>in 5 years they get fully functional cities with loyal population instead of rubble populated by potential insurgents
>Black Sea fleet buoyant
>soviet stockpiles suka almost blyat intact
>russia is respected and feared around the world
And they decided to spend all the colossal resources just to harm themselves... Why?
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>Unit lost
A warrior has fallen.
>tactics are not a deciding factor when they're the same
Same for logistics. Like you said, in Ukraine right now Russia has a massive logistical advantage; outnumbering and out-supplying the Ukrainians and possessing a larger industrial base, yet through superior tactics the Ukrainians seem to have completely stalemated the Russians' overwhelming logistics.
Hoeflation Harris won't do anything. Biden was a rubber stamp but she's a printer. When Trump gets in aid to Ukraine will skyrocket.
Look at the size of the fucking woodchips, anon, it's an RC model.
Having a high GDP doesn't automatically make things better for the average man, you need to increase the median income for that.
Russia has no interest in increasing their own median income so why would they increase the median income for Ukies?

>Ukraine GDP per capita $4,500
>median income $6,250
They are paying people more money than they have increasing national debit to keep the country functional during the war.

>Russia GDP per capita $15,200
>median income $5,772
They are paying people just over a third what they produce and sending the other 2/3rds to oligarchs.

This is actually a great tool for seeing how fare any economy is with the US making $76,000 per person with a median income of $38,000 meaning half the money goes to the ruling class.

Who the fuck wants to be Russian by choice?
Tajiks and Kyrgyzs
they are very, very poor people
Ukraine only needs to attack if the Russian's stop attacking
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To Alcohala they ride!!!!
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Explains why a lot of heavier vehicles were in the last lot of 'shit got wrecked' figures. Its a pretty sizeable assault for the ziggers to try and get away with these days
i cycle but i couldnt help but mentally read that in clarksons voice and laugh my ass off
Such a pity we will never see the full video to confirm if this was true...
You're insane if you think Ukraine can still do anything to turn this war to their favor with a Trump presidency imminent.
Cope harder, russcuck.
I can't wait for Trump to sign his first aid bill and /pol/ goes back into highly organic Zion Don posting.
Remember when they praised him and he immediately started bombing Assad lmoa. The meltdowns.
Haven't seen a Terminator in FOREVER. Did it get away?
They are winning though. I don't see ukies pushing back. All I see is Russians occupying Ukrainian land and taking away their resources and children for themselves. Oh well, I guess Ukraine didn't need them
Taking 0.01% of land in two months in exchange for 70k casualties is not winning btw.
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The real hilarity is the glavset minions that have to push this shit and thinking anyone will believe that the Russ-Ukraine invasion has now come down to even at the 'best odds' of maybe a coin flip- that if one party wins in November, then they will also be able to defeat Ukraine.
>Imagine stepping off to an invasion
Look, I'm not going to lie guys and sell it to you straight, we're going to have some hard times out there, lotta guys are going to die and just lie there rotting being eaten by puppies and local cats. But in 2 years from now if we can still hang in there that long and a man who dyes his skin with orange paint wins the election in a country 10,000km away- we maybe fucking got this
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>We're fighting this war to be independent from the US-led Globohomo order
>BTW our victory depends entirely on which party wins the American election this year
>it'll is videogame where if you pay someone X amount of money he becomes eternally loyal to you
USA was giving Russia free money after collapse of Soviet Union. Can you point me where the fuck Russian love of USA?
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Good news
The Tsar has consulted with the finest gypsy soothsayers and orb readers that there is a most auspicious date for the invasion of Ukraine, the tea leaf is in the water and has been measured. Soon everyone will know about the bear eggs.
>"If only Hilter stopped after taking Suddeten everything would have been ok!"
Hindsight is 20/20 or something
lmao being this retarded
Talk shit about Stalin and his purges all you want, but he was able to get his dysfunctional system to reform formations constantly. People often forget the atrocious amounts of losses in personell the soviets suffered in 1941.
>1941 3rd Q 2,129,677
>1941 4th Q 1,007,996

If Putin has a similar grip on his populace as Stalin, we're in for a lot more dead pidors.
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well of course it's gonna sound crazy when you put it that way
People also forget the roughly equal atrocious numbers of soviets that died DUE to Stalin
>truly Georgia's contribution to global comedy, hands down
>Western amateurs who don't appreciate Stalinist material factors
Soviet logistics was a hot mess at the best of times. British supplies in 1941/42 and then LL from late 42 onward allowed the soviets to stay in the game.
Furthermore it's pants on the head retarded to waste people. If you have to equip x amount of people, you pay y amount in gear and training hours. It's better to make sure those guys get back alive and can train new guys up. Spending steel instead of men is a great way to ensure that your army keeps experience.
There are a lot of soft/intangible factors that make sure an army works properly.
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Eventually vatniks and /pol/acks are going to have to learn about defensive warfare and how brutally effective a good defensive campaign can be.

You don't have to be constantly taking land back. You exhaust the attackers with a solid flexible defense that maximizes enemy casualties while minimizing your own until a suitable opportunity for a counteroffensive presents itself. Losing ground is ok as long as it's slow and costly for the enemy. It can even be beneficial as the enemy may think they've got you and waltz a larger more important force into your meat grinder.
Militarily, if you think about it, Ukraine is the platonic ideal of Russia.
I remember the chemical attack that prompted it, being totally on board with "that has to be a false flag, right? There's no way they're that retarded."
>8 years later
The problem with the gassing was, we still don't know if Assad himself ordered it, one of his stooges did it or some "moderate rebels" were the culprits. If you have a confusing situation, it's easy for schizos to call for a falseflag.
I have and agree with Ukraine being the idealism of Russia on a whole lot of levels, not just military!
>a permanent state of TZD
I can redeem it
its unironically funny how much muscovites hate ukranians as backwards yokels and then seeing that it was basically the forefront of industrial innovation in the soviet union days.
>the explosion at 1:11
Yeah, that's why pro-zigger bozo is Trump's VP candidate.
>What are they dying for?
The threat of getting your face beaten in with a hammer by an officer can be a powerful motivator.
VPs are meaningless unless someone merks trump.
not everything is foreign policy. Vance was picked purely to further secure the white working class vote. Its symbolic after he went for an establishment republican in 2016.
Credit to Bojo, he is excellent at tardwrangling.
That will happen also when deemed necessary and available due currently ukies are degrading AA defences there and trying to make black sea fleet to permanently run away from there. Plus I think they want to strike that bridge with a ukranian made missile for maximum seething
Yes, yes those dirty pig farmers! Dirty pig farmers that made and designed our heavy lift aircraft, maritime diesel engines and carriers!
Course Russian's lose their fucking minds when they see Poland
Because all Poland is supposed to be is a destitute wasteland of non-humans scrabbling around the ruins of a completely gutted country that at most cut down trees and live in cottages inna woods like wild men
There has been some sus political movement lately. They might be preparing to freeze the conflict in case Trump wins, or maybe even if Kamala wins.
just like harris and pence were such key roles in the previous admins right? Specially koala as the "border czar"

can anons even name one VP in modern history that had any prominent role in their respective administrations
Russian logistics are the reason they can only launch small attacks and struggle to sustain an invasion on their own border.
The Vietnam parallel doesn't work though, Ukraine is doing the fighting backed up by western weapons and equipment, in Vietnam US troops were directly involved and the South couldn't fight by itself.
The yes men around monke don't have the guts to tell him it's impossible and stop it.
Russias advances make the Western front look like a dynamic war of manoeuvre.
Yeah, they dug head in first in the fucking dirt.
1 ¼ cups quick cooking oats
1 ¼ cups milk
1 cup chopped pecans, divided
¾ cup packed brown sugar, divided
¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips
½ cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Combine oats and milk in a medium bowl; allow to stand for 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C). Grease a 12-cup muffin tin or line cups with paper liners.
Stir 1/2 of the chopped pecans, 1/2 cup of the brown sugar, chocolate chips, vegetable oil, and egg into oat and milk mixture.
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl. Stir in oat mixture until just moist. Spoon batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling each 2/3 full. Sprinkle tops with remaining brown sugar and pecans.
Bake in the preheated oven until tops spring back when lightly pressed, about 20 to 25 minutes.
To do what? This is no map painting gayme. Just because your units occupy a square does not mean anything if they can't hold it or do anything meaningful there.
Are... are you guys serious?
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I want to go home.
I'm going to be upset when Clarkson dies.
Nta but thank you. I think I'll bake them on Friday for a treat for the weekend. If thread still alive I'll post pics
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>can anons even name one VP in modern history that had any prominent role in their respective administrations

They still need to force the russians back so they can get their people that werent loyal to russia back.
There's still the minefields.
The UN will pay to clear those
>The UN offers ludicrous siging bonuses for everyone volunteering to clear the mines.
>Chechen UN blocking detachments will make sure, that mines are cleared.
They aren't taking major population centers and those they do have would be too costly to assault just as Russia can't get close to those Ukraine holds
Introduction of assaults of 11 tanks and 45 APCs looks like an escalation of the war effort to me. Monkey definitely doesn't want peace.
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>territorial gains dynamics: ~0
>total sides losses: >1mil
This is a war of attrition and Russia is losing it badly.
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They need to fight defensively and keep inflicting disproportionately high casualties on the Russians. What’s best now is a static attritional war where the Ukies play it safe and the Russians feel obligated to keep pushing in order to justify still being there.
rember when ziggers pulled out the T54 and told everyone it would only be used in rear action and by peoples republics. then the next week it was already being used at the front
Lancet was/is ok actually. Shasneed not so much but the glavset shilling was huge.
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How the fuck are they still using the shitty afghan war rubber tourniquets? I remember 40 year old surplus bandages in 2022 but at this point you would expect them unfuck themselfs and order some CAT knockoffs from china.
It gets worse. They started without many tourniquets. It took until mid 2023 before the word spread and tourniquets became common.
Why did a part of the ukrainian defence collapse?
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fuck off retard
And they STILL haven't learned that you're supposed to stage your tourniquets.
I don't get it.
They could mass men and vehicles but that would just invite long range artillery strikes. Same reason the Ukrainians dispersed their troops when they started the 2023 counter-offensive.

Homie, they haven't made a new tank that hasn't used a hull made before the fall of the USSR for the last 30 years.
Only offensive they are gonna be able to mount would take them at least a year or more to create new divisions, train them, and chose a realistic objective, namely: not hitting where the russian defense is the strongest, and only with reasonable territorial gains in mind to not extend too much. Then comes the inevitable zigger chimping with several counter offensive of meatwaves on all the front.
They have to play the "small war" rather than the get trapped in major offensive that will eventually end up in major clusterfuck and waste.
Rince and repeat until Putin get tired.
Their reaction to the drone strike on General Soleimani was pretty funny too.
Why are you celebrating child trafficking?
Will Trump’s cells be used in the Boris Johnson cloning facility?
>CAT knockoffs from china
Rhey don’t know how those work so they just stuff the tourniquet directly in the wound like it’s gauze.
>non sequitur copes about attrition warfare
Logistics wins wars. Russia has more supplies and men than Ukraine so they'll win. Don't be an amateur.
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>russia is better than your piece of shit cdfount
>admits he supports Russia kidnapping Ukrainian children
Not an argument. Educate yourself: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0
>IP grabbing link
America is the same way. Centers of finance despise farmers because the blue-collar types have more technical experience.
>12 motorcycles

fuck that sounds kino
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>get killed you piece o-AAAACCCCKCKCKKKKKKK

total zigger death
>They are winning though All I see is Russians [...] taking [...] children

I regret that I ever had sympathy and compassion for ziggers
Every one of these faggot ghouls dying is a net benefit to humanity.
I think I'll donate a months paycheck to Sternenko to most directly fund blowing up zubhuman orcs like yourself in Ukraine
Yes, I am angry, good job.
I guess zisters are really salty they couldn't get a cauldrooooon yesterday.
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>ANON what is best in life ?
>Because all Poland is supposed to be is a destitute wasteland of non-humans scrabbling around the ruins of a completely gutted country that at most cut down trees and live in cottages inna woods like wild men
A...anon I am Polish and its exactly like that. Unfortunately while Poles are wild men in ruins, Russians are orcs, goblins even.
Johnson literally took the Muscovite silver, he is not to be trusted.
>1 1/2 years from now
Looks like I got a reason to stick around again.
They will not oreally 'run out', but stocks will be so low that they can no longer afford to lose them by the dozen.
It's quite an amazing development.
MT-LBs will reach a point where tehy wil become scrace by teh end oof this year, whcih means RU artillerly will go back to being truck-drawn.
The trucks will come from China, obviously.
Tanks are a bit weird, they should have al thousand T-80s and thousands of T-72s left in storage, but they increasingly send cope-caged T-62s, T-55s and lately even T-54s lately.
Artillery is a bit of an open question, because we simply do noto know how many barrels they have left.
I think the past week or so has been interesting as far as behind the scenes go. There was a report that came out that said Ukraine was ready to talk about a peace that will set up things to were there will never be another invasion.

This came right after Zelensky announced he talked to Xi who said they would send no more weapons to Russia and they want the borders to go back to the pre war status

So has China finally officially told Russia their on their own?

Is that why Russia seems way more desperate now?

They've also increased soldier pay like 10X what it was for volunteers.
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When I wrote it I was looking for the pic off a social media of some seething Russian who went to Poland, why the streets were clean, the utilities well maintained and how the average Pole can just go buy IKEA furniture when he has to take out a loan... then some more shrieking about how its bad to live well and Poland must be dragged back into the mire of post-soviet degeneracy that Russia still CAN NOT get out of the whirlpool of.

A few things we can accurately speculate on though
>Barrels for heavy guns are limited to being made at a rate of one every 3-4 days
>Lack of artillery tractors limits the movement of large pieces
The second point because you can't drag some of the larger field guns around without some pretty major hookup towing gear on most military trucks in Russia. So all that 4-10t trucks they use mostly for logistics just won't be able to carry the huge-ass 152mm stuff, they'd need to kludge together some bodgy shit out of a heavy tractor-trailer to pull them around and you don't really want to use those to drag around high value targets, because the semi trailer trucks themselves are very expensive and not in vast enough numbers you'd take them out of a logistics chain.
No, the poors in Russia have no real options of getting out of poverty. So when someone waves more money at you than you'll make in 10 years, it's hard to pass up. They set around and watch TV which is nothing but propaganda 24/7 and they believe they are the only military on earth that rivals the US. They have no other ties to the outside world. The internet has been cut off from outside sources that show how badly its going. None of the soldiers that signed up before make it home to talk about whats going on, either because they died...or because their contracts are extended to serve forever. They also recently started taking cell phones from the men and they're not allowed to even call home.

But even a few ziggers that are smart enough to realize things might not be going good, sign up thinking well it might be bad, but I'll play the odds and at worse; the family will get my sign up.

But since the russians rarely report the dead, the family doesnt get shit.

lol word is Trump already regrets picking him. I never got it either. Guy is a retard.
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Send another wave.
ukraine will raise their falg in moscow any day now surely.
lmao the seething
They're going to do some 3am fortification like last time along with some good old fashioned migrant vote harvesting. No one has to worry about another Trump presidency. That aside, stopping the violence would be in Ukraine's favor. They don't have the man power to sustain this farce forever and replacing native Ukrainians with africans won't do the country any good.
how are those offensives into russia goi....ohhh wait lmao
>look mom i'm proooojecting again
>fsb disinfo shill trying to make ukraine look bad by shitting up the thread
how's the weather in st. petersburg oblast, ivan?
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They don't seem to be as keen on the great replacement as Russia and Putin is
>Europe is freezing from lack of Russian gas and begging Putin to turn the tap back on
Well, Hungary is baking in a heatwave and begging Ukraine to turn Russia's tap back on.
I still can't believe the Iranians got away with selling them the Shaheeds at $200k a pop. They must have wasted millions on them.
Either way, seeing the mighty russian bear getting drag into the mud by their sheer retardation will be a sight to behold. Russia Stronk will finally die.
>Remember when they praised him and he immediately started bombing Assad
Wasn't that Mattis and Bolton just doing whatever they wanted while Trump watched fox and tweeted from the shitter?
>can anons even name one VP in modern history that had any prominent role in their respective administrations

What are the five most terrifying words in the English language?
>Dan, I'm not feeling well...

It's a role of sorts.
>Johnson literally took the Muscovite silver, he is not to be trusted.
He never was trustworthy, everyone knows that.

I wouldn't rule out that he's just building or maintaining influence on Trump to turn him against Putin later.
Trump is highly susceptible to flattery and bojo is very good at it.

I wouldn't rely on it either though.
>lol word is Trump already regrets picking him. I never got it either. Guy is a retard
There's probably still time to change him before dems endorse Harris and it would get lost in the fallout/hype of her campaign.
That assumes competency from his campaign though.
>why aren't you doing *strawman that ukraine was never going to do*
you're bragging about russia not being invaded by fucking ukraine, lmao, look how far you've fallen.

i'm not sure how it's related to the OP but neither is half of the thread so who cares
your to late sir
cool it with the antisemitism
Ukraine is probably only counting the crews because they have no way of knowing how many passengers are in them.
Anon here, seems alot of Russian garbage has blown up, good shit.
Might also try this recipe.
>David Axe
Yesterday a bunch of Russian sneed drones flew into Romania and got shot down...
uh... ok? is that supposed to be a good or a bad thing?
I mean, you understand that's how the US presidency works right? Most of the work is done by the people the president appoints. This whole idea and image of some badass president making high risk decisions and choices in some war room full of dudes in suits smoking, its not real.

It's why who the president picks for the actual active executive and judicial roles matters so much. The president himself really is just a rubber stamp.
no,they arent producing shit these days.these are cold war era stocks made in factories that no longer exist.
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Jackson Hinkle? Scott Ritter? Steven Segal?
They will only mount one final major offensive until they get all of their F-16s, Mirages plus thousands more of new tanks, IFVs, AFVs, trucks, etc.

Also being granted access to Tomahawks, more HIMARS units + rockets, etc.
>I mean, you understand that's how the US presidency works right? Most of the work is done by the people the president appoints
I absolutely do but usually the president is sufficiently engaged to review and approve their staff and cabinet decisions and visit consequences on any that go off reservation.
It's a weak president that is sidelined by their staff.
In Biden's case, I consider the sidelining to be a little more consensual and informed since I think he'd be mostly cool with what his people are doing.
>Jackson Hinkle? Scott Ritter? Steven Segal?
1/3 is a little bad, anon.
The first two would never be Russian, they just say their 5th col. words and take their bot followers and try to leverage it into actual money and clout.
Let's say I've come up with a UBER WUNDERWAFFE that will utterly btfo the zigroids, (it's nothing fancy. Just a bit of design work for a drone system that seems to have some utility to me, it may even already be invented since it's hardly advanced tech), and I want to give the plans to some Ukies to help with TZD. How do I, as an English only speaker, go about this? Just go to one of the various "donate to X brigade" pages and find a Contact Us link? Surely they must have English reading liaisons for that kind of thing.
Some of the drone vids have a telegram channel in the watermark.
Watch enough and chase them down.
how about you stop shitposting and get a job, you fucking moron?
I dunno, i'd put money on Scott "If there's grass on the field im staying on the bench" Ritter moving to Russia to keep doing loli-shit
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>it's a team
This is such a sad cope.
>57 AFVs
>12 motorcycles
>200 infantrymen
>11 tanks
>45 APCs
Looks like Russia are playing Generals
>Scott "If there's grass on the field im staying on the bench" Ritter moving to Russia to keep doing loli-shit
I guess but doesn't he have convictions?
You're not getting a residence visa with a criminal record for child sex crimes.
Even in Russia they have laws, they just break them obviously.
>teamwork is western cope
That's the most ziggerish thing I've read all day.
Good whitehouse administrations are in fact teams, yes.
Bad ones are a nest of power-hungry vipers competing for influence over the figurehead who rubber-stamps their power plays
>Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake
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>It's always the same picture...
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