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Just a Ukrainian FPV-drone equipped with a stick targeting ZALA propeller
ПAЛКУ ПAЛКУ ДABAЙ(stick stick, give me a stick)
Why didn't they just use a grenade of a net? I doubt they downed it.
English please saar!
>Folding propeller

Next time they need to put some string on the stick
Someone has to try and R&D hit-to-kill FPVs.
This is a start!
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sticc is ultimate weapon

slava Ukrasticcky
of = or

Look at your keyboard. We all have alcohol fingers now and then.
Because it's funny
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Ha ha
They need little guns on these, like 22LR since I don’t think that they have any armor. Need a calibur that doesn’t cause much recoil. These Russian UAVs look cute because they are unarmed, but they are deadly. They are the reason so much high value material got hit by iskanders. Destroying these should be a top priority to the point kf creating an entire airndefense division to deal with them.
Imagine if it was a broom, heh.
I've been saying this for months
We already have scale RC spitifres and shit, just put some actual guns on them and send 'em in - they were almost literally designed for this kind of work
giving how light they are, we need something with zero recoil and minimal weight
I'd go with a 12g dove shell.
Leave the back open, make it the world's tiniest recoilless rifle. Or have a second barrel facing backwards that's loaded with a blank that has enough powder to equal the live round. It doesn't need to be strong enough to kill someone, just strong enough to shred some plastic on a propeller or knock a chunk off a Styrofoam wing.

But you can bet your ass people are working on drone interceptors with guns or other offensive weapons as we speak.
this is tom and jerry tier.
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WW4 will be fought with sticks and drones.
Scale spitfires can miniturize every single nut, bolt and gasket. They still won't fly anywhere near the real thing cause aerodynamics do not scale.
I don't know what WW4 will be fought with, but WW3 will be fought with sticks.
They fucking will if you attach a jet engine
Give him the stick... DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK!
Fuck that. Big beef drones flying around with recoilless rifles
>verification not required
electrically fired .22lr miniguns, I'm sure I've seen one posted here before
Instead of a stick they should erm have a little chaff dispenser so it can brap in front of it
If attacked by pointed sticks Russia should just use a banana. Or a 16-ton weight.
>Alexei, evil ukronazis have come up with dastard new anti-drone weapon.
>>What is, Dima? Drone with gun? Drone with two gun?
>Nyet, is worse. Drone that fart glitter.
>>Gospodi...I will tell Monke.
I was thinking something like a disposable single shot pipe shotgun. mounted in such a way that the recoil easily separates it from the drone so it absorbs as little recoil as possible
Not to be a shit stirrer but weren't russian missiles proven to be absolute dogshit? Didn't they launch a fuckload during the invasion's opening hours and images cropped up that showed masses of impact sites like half a mile off target?

It was around the same time wannabe milsimmers and slavaboos were tweeting "FIVE MINUTES IN AND ENTIRE UKRANIAN MILITARY IS DISABLED, THIS IS RUSSIA'S DESERT STOOOOOOORM"
I have a better idea - airshit toys
very light no recoil high rate of fire, hi Amo capacity, not too strong but enough power to knock off blades
Those were shitty cruise missiles and they missed for a variety of reasons: old maps, Ukraine getting warning so they moved them. Iskanders are hypersonic ballistic missiles and not to be trifled with. There has been an uptick in high value equipment and vehicles getting smoked by isoanders, to the point that some suspect traitors are feeding Russians information. I do not believe that is the case, and instead point to these long range UAVs.
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Nobody can beat the stick
Not the stick
Put rok on stik. Me smart. Rok hard more than stik. Rok good.
Brother Bunga, why not only big rock? Why with stik?
Would a bang stick work better?
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That’s no stick…
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Hear me out!
Some string on the stick might jam.up the propeller, or a small thin chain.
No, they won't. Jet engines don't miniaturize well.
You are a retard. Airsoft TOYS are not going to take out high altitude drones like this and would struggle to take out mini quad copters.
>Airsoft TOYS are not going to take out high altitude drones like this and would struggle to take out mini quad copters.
not him but you can theoretically crank up a HPA gun to fire bb's with up to 5-6 J of energy fully automatically. If you fire a bolt action rifle with 4 J of energy close enough, you can shatter teeth, glass, hard plastic or poke a hole in someone's cheek. Ofc by then your replica will weight around 10 pounds and will probably cost more than a real counterpart
>ukrainians whack drone with stick
>russians whack drone with stick

I'm talking about mounting them on drones.
Holy shit, is that how sticks are made?
Big rok on stik hit further than big rok alone.
well for one ukies aren't dying looney toons style off exploding drones with their stick
Because the Russian who smacked the drone with a stick did so when it was on the ground after he threw his rifle on it leading to his death.
This is just funny.
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airshit bbs arent plastic, its compressed Talc powder
2nd army vs poorest country in europe.
>Chinese pig is just a pig with quinty eyes
Man I miss old cartoons.
Man Germany has to send Ukraine old Handflammpatronen for some wicked drone strikes.
A drone equiped with a Handflammpatrone, shit, this is evil incarnate, that is a weapon of terror.
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I'd think maybe finding a way of doing 3-5 barrels with .410 birdshot would work well. Can you make a babby recoilless rifle (er... Shotgun) to use .410 shells?
>down Russian UAVs with cum filled .410 shells
I've been trying to think of what the most effective shotgun shell for drone vs drone combat would be, and I'd probably think it's something simple like birdshot to shred a propeller with a higher chance to hit, but I do wonder about some of the more esoteric shells like white phosphorus to attempt to stick to them and burn it up or flechettes
I've been wondering about drone interceptors that are essentially reusable missiles that slam through enemy drones at high speed and keep flying, essentially flying arrowheads, but honestly I could see a more robust version of the stick duct taped to a drone being a fine interceptor while solving the issue of "what if the drone you slam into has explosives on it" problem and destroying your fancy interceptor.
>Make Interceptor that's basically a baby F14-style folding wing craft with a big ol 1~3 ft lance on the front
>Loiters at high altitude until it detects a target
>On targeting, folds wings into high speed mode, maneuvers behind other drone and re-enters wide wing mode for easier maneuvering at the low speeds of observation drones
>Flies up and pokes it in the propeller with its lance, if you're feeling really cheeky put a blade on the lance just to make sure it shreds the propeller completely
>Enemy drone dispatched, if it has explosives they don't harm your interceptor because they don't detonate until it crashes
>Can be used for yet another observation drone when not poking other drones in the butt, fast mode could be useful just for getting from A to B quickly as a spotter and not just for intercept
At the very least it seems like a reusable cheap counter to Sasneeds
great. now i got the munchies. thanks, dickhead.

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