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/k/ - Weapons

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These are basically the exact same fucking gun, convince me otherwise.
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Other than the design, construction and operating principle, yes - exactly the same.
Nuh uh
stamped receiver vs machined
DI vs long stroke gas
structural lower receiver vs structural upper receiver
3 lug triangular bolt vs 2x2 round bolt
10rd mag vs 5rd mag
no bho vs bho
is an AK vs is accurate
Looks like an AS50 if it was in Fallout New Vegas
Who gives a shit
>operating principle
Who gives a shit
So like I said here >>62139661 exactly the same if you're a retard.

No difference at all except for all of the fundamental differences.

Things that are the same:
Big gun go boom
Forgot the other thing that's the same:
Pointy end at front

I mean, that fucking nails it, right?
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You know what, OP? That's a fantastic observation. This is exact same fucking gun as well.

It's a simple blowback 22 but who gives a shit - it's the same fucking thing, right?
Yes, they both fire 50 BMG, just like a Mini 14 is basically the same thing as an AR15, or an MP5 is the same thing as a Beretta 92, or a Hyundai Excel is the same thing as a Honda Civic Si, or Dwayne The Rock Johnson is the same thing as Woody Allen, or your post is the same thing as cancer
except the AS50 was engineered by a team of qualified individuals and underwent rigorous testing. Your picrel is the result of a narcissistic, dunning kruger faggot throwing money away on something which isn't engineered to any appreciable degree and will likely fail within 1000rds because of some trivial design element which got missed.
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Yes and you're the same thing as the biggest fattest gayest cocking sucking monkey looking homo faggot San Francisco. Exact same fucking thing.
>trust muh sciense and muh xperts
>a bridge built by romans with no modern day degrees or credentials lasts thousands of years while a simple walking bridge built and engineered by expert women with bonafides collapses onto the freeway.
>trust the siens and the experts
lol. lmao. probably going to take a look at the as50 anyway though.
Why do you retards find it so offensive that somebody had a cool idea and put the work in to make it happen?
I dont hate the idea, I hate the man behind it. he's a fucking faggot lauding his garbage rod as something good when its objectively not.
shut the fuck up, Brandon
t. guy who thinks the AK is a direct copy of the STG-44 because the profiles are similar
/k/ is really a bunch of crabs in a bucket hating ass faggots
and yo'ure a vtube orbiter with no spine or taste, whats your point? you realize you don't belong here right if you're the only one who like him?
He outright admitted it s a teenage boys dream and a janky work in progress. Its extremely suspicious you would attack someone who criticises the government and promotes competent gun ownership and self defence.
>guy has fun with his friends and shoots cool guns
>this bothers people for some reason.
Nigger let me watch YouTube in peace without your faggot ass labels holy shit please kys
>criticises the government
Dont even pretend this former Black Rifle Commie company shill wont roll over on gun control.
Id bet hes just another propped up freemason.
go touch some grass m8. a constant diet of blackpills and justified paranoia just isn't healthy.
>muh e celeb leviathan group zog bot will never sell out on me
I think its you who needs to touch grass.
get off your computer or put down your phone... and go outside. I'm not saying the jewish leviathan group zogbot won't sell out, i'm just saying go take a few breaths of fresh air.
I went outside and touched the grass, then i rolled around in it while thinking of how many British died below me to Spain.
>operating principle
Bullet go out front.
Explosion make next bullet go into gun.
Sounds exactly the same to me.
Why did this actually pro 2A spic loose the election against the shitty anti 2A Spic in the election in FUCKING TEXAS of all places?
I don't get it....
It was close -- he says something akin to 200 votes. Either Boomers literally don't care and vote for the same people every year, or they were drawn out from the graveyard.

But it's more of the message at that point, no?
Because in real life things like operating principles matter somewhat and is something most actual adult firearms enthusiasts like to learn about.
It’s not like a video game where the gun firing is just an animation and the bullet is hitscan. I remember arguing with people here about different delaying systems and their pros and cons back in the day.
I miss when people got excited over firearms, not the ones holding them or conversely shitting on them (obsessed).
No one is saying the AK50 is some groundbreaking technical marvel, it’s just cool seeing the world’s most popular operating system scaled up like this.
It’s like if you custom built a car using 3 engines from different cars or a modern ground effect plane. Fuck no it’s not practical but it’s cool and interested people will marvel at it
Damn rhino Republicans and their accursed necromancy spells they cast to keep us LoLberts down!

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