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Hypothetically speaking, what is stopping NATO/America from parking a few carriers near Iran and just bombing/droning everything to rubble? Are boots on the ground even needed these days? Not to mention the large number of military bases and airfields in the Middle East that can be used as a staging point.
Question is: why haven't the Israelis and Americans engaged Iran already? It certainly doesn't seem like they don't have a means of doing so.
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>Hypothetically speaking

Russians started to pump out, repair and update old soviet bunkers..

>Are boots on the ground even needed these days
Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes OP is a faggot.
Nothing, feel free to write a letter to the president, he might appreciate your insight.
>what is stopping NATO/America
The hurt feelings of a million peaceful Mohammeds praying mantis 2 nuclear boogaloo should have happened the second they started enriching uranium
Idk man, just seems like Iran is controlled opposition at this point. An excuse to drag America into being involved in the Middle East. They had the weapons and material resources to deal with Iran ages ago after the revolution but have just been barking at them since. Weird.
limited ammunition production, that's exactly why production lines for long range precision guided munitions need to be expanded
>controlled opposition
One of the like, five or so, places on earth that America has no real influence over is your idea of a controlled opposition because they motivate people to do something that their propaganda has taught you to dislike.
tldr and the first line smacked of stale pasta
Iranians will fall towards the west naturally which is what the US is banking on
Iraqis were never going to actually make a difference hence a much more indiscriminate annihilation. the US needs Iranians to not hate it, because Iran's people don't already hate the US like most of russias or chinas and can still be courted
You're very unacquainted with Iran and its internal situation.
This is Monke-like thinking. This was how Putin rationalized invading Ukraine. Think, man, think! Do you think this is a map painting game? What benefit does the US gets out of a war with Iran? Do you think that the Shiahs in all the neighboring countries, including Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen etc will sit quietly while you wage war against their religion? Don't be like Monke. Use your brain and think of what will happen in more than 3 days.

> what is stopping NATO/America from parking a few carriers near Iran and just bombing/droning everything to rubble?

Western values like Human Rights, that the rest of the world, starting by Iran, mocks and despise arguing that America doesn't have really have them because they get stomped when they pull shit like 9/11 or try to spread their communist crap by force.

> Are boots on the ground even needed these days?

No. if you don't want to hold territory. You can just bomb them to the stone age and see how famine does the rest of the work for you.
We could do it easily. Iranian air defenses are a joke, and they don't really have an air force. It wouldn't destroy the country, but it would definitely put them back 5-10 years. It's just a question of legitimacy, which isn't too hard, since Iran is the regional firestarter.
If the hopes for interlocking regional ME alliances ala NATO get going you could conceivably have overt (kinetic) Arab/Israeli support. Gulf basing would be especially key for long-term logistics.

>Saudi, UAE, Qatar

Are Sunni muslin's, while Iran is Shia. THEY HATE EACHOTHER. They are going to help America or buy pop-corn and party.

> Iraq, Yemen

The fuck is Iraq going to do? Get their ass pounded a third time? America destroyed their army and took over their country in 2 weeks 2 times.

Yemen doesn't exist. A piece of it is controlled by the Houthis, Iran allies, and the rest is controlled by a government that hates them and requested help from the Saudis during their civil war. What are the Houtis going to do? A single Aircraft carrier will destroy EVERYTHING in their small region and they are going to be too busy scavenging for water and food every single day of the rest of their lives to do anything to anybody. And that is Saudi Arabia doesn't decide to take advantage of the situation and go for round 2 and completely genocide them. (Saudi Arabia formed a coalition and bombed the shit out of the Houthis in 2015 to prevent Iran from taking over the country by proxy in a civil war, they created one of the largest famine in recent history and almost genocide the whole population).

You can easily destroy the country if you don't care for Human Rights. They live in a desert, you can just hit their civilian infrastructure. If you destroy all their damns and water processing and pollute any large bodies of water, take out all their power, like Putin is trying to do in Ukraine, and level everything that looks like government, destroy any supply chains for a month so they can't get help from the outside, the country will completely collapse, millions will flee the country, famine will devastate them, chaos will consume them, they will never recover.

What is left of Iraq after billions of Western reconstruction and aid, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan after billions of Western reconstruction and aid will look like paradise by comparison.
Isn't Iran NOT a desert?
We literally do this every decade.
It's like asking why doesn't the US and ROK just conquer the DPRK: the benefits have never been perceived to be worth the costs.
>tldr its da jooz
but written pseudo intelectually
Boots are always needed, assuming you're not just there to flex on the locals, fuck up their military assets, and leave them seething in their impotence. Even then, back in the days of gunboat diplomacy, shore parties were not uncommon.

The bigger issue here is that it would turn much of the Arab world against us, piss off the Thirdies in the UN, and set the fifth columnists stateside to seething about muh imperialism.
>They are going to help America or buy pop-corn and party.
I wouldn't count on it. Sure, we might get some enemy of my enemy shit going on, but never forget that both major branches of Islam despise the US. We are not just The Great Satan to Shias.
This is retardedly short-sighted. What do you think will happen to Iran's neighbors if you do that? They get overrun with refugees, which they will not be happy about. They will blame us, and the rest of the world will dogpile because the Euros have always resented us and the Third World sees no difference between us and Europe.
1. Iran has anti-ship weapons
2. Iran has an actual airforce
3. Iran will retaliate by launching missiles at Israel. It's suck for that to be how we find out they have chemical or nuclear weapons.
4. Informants in the Iranian military said back in the 90s part of Iran's strategy to fight America is activating Hamas and Hezbollah to launch of a wave of terror attacks like nothing we've seen before. Blowing up military buildings is a coward's way to fight, 9/11 was a national tragedy, but the next phase is literally shit like suicide bombers walking into kindergartens.
5. The government may know things we don't about consequences of attacking Iran. Overthrowing Saddam lead to AQ becoming the major Sunni political faction, and killing Bin Laden lead to a power vacuum in AQ where the bullshit artist Saudi rebels who ran everything were replaced by people who were 100% for real about the Kill All Infidels stuff and rebranded themselves as The Islamic State. Fuck only knows what's lurking in the shadows of Iran for an opportunity to "fix" these pansy ass half hearted "revolutionary" policies.
>what is stopping NATO/America from parking a few carriers near Iran and just bombing/droning everything to rubble?
This strategy has been very effective at stopping the houthis, I'm sure it will be even more effective against a larger and tougher opponent.
This fifth point is, I think, underappreciated. The guy who just lost Iran's presidential election, the one with the Ayatollah's seal of approval, was unironically and publicly against the 2015 nuclear deal, despite that basically giving Iran everything it wanted. It was the principle of the thing to him, he didn't want to even let us save face. If these are the people they let us see, God only knows what kind of barbarians lurk in the shadows of that country.
>It's suck for that to be how we find out they have chemical or nuclear weapons.
It's suck indeed. But it reminds me about a story about how we know for a fact Iraq had plenty of chemical weapons left over based on how much we sold them to how much they used. So where the fuck are they?
It's a fairly short list of suspects, and Iran is near the top.
because it wouldn't make any difference, the IRGC will continue to force their slave population to keep making rockets to send to terrorist groups even as their cities burn and their farms are reduced to ash
You cannot bomb religious extremists into submission, wholesale extermination is the only viable method and there is simply no political will for that
Bombing them back to the stone age and then not filling the resulting power vacuum does nothing but kick the can down the road and make whatever rises from the ashes hate us even more. Doing it repeatedly every time they become a problem just makes us look like violent oppressors and adds fuel to the claims Russia and China makes about America and the west. It would lose us allies and drive countries we could have worked with into the arms of our enemies. We want people to work with us because they see that they can benefit in doing so, not because they're scared of what will happen if they say no. We do business, not imperialism.

Forcing the Iranians to fix their shit at gunpoint, or toppling their government and fixing their shit ourselves, would absolutely require boots on the ground and would work about as well as when we tried it in Afghanistan. Which is to say not at all.

Murdering them all, even if it actually was a viable option politically which it isn't, would scare the everloving shit out of everyone. Sure most of the other Arab countries hate Iran but I guarantee the only thing they fear more than the Iranians is an America that is truly out for blood, because who could stop us? Show that we capable of that, prove that genocide is actually on the table as option, even once, and suddenly all those American military bases start looking more like occupying garrisons. People would inevitable start to wonder if it could happen to them. It would be a fundamental breach of the implicit trust that underlines the current world order, which is that America is not interested in conquering the world through force. It's not even necessarily about the diplomatic consequences of doing that, we could probably survive those. We just don't want to live in that kind of world. The American ethos, for lack of a better word, is that working together for mutual benefit is superior to running the world using force. We want friends and partners, not vassals.
ok vatnik
bruh they couldn't even do anything to the Houthis
Amerimutts are simply incompetent
>why doesn't [COUNTRY] just attack [OTHER COUNTRY] out of nowhere for no actual reason?

i dunno

Iran is holy to America (not as holy as Russia and China, of course). Note how, during the 2000s, the hysteria about a supposed war with Iran was never about the fact that invading countries is wrong, or even about a cynical assessment of the negative value of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, but about the fact that Iran can never be invaded because it's Iran. This continued and was amplified all throughout the 2010s (pallet of cash, Blupmpmf blasphemed against Iran, etc.), and the mood only slightly changed in 2022.
Nobody is going to die for you, Moshe.
Is this what Israelis believe or is this just your shilling material?

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