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>kel tec rfb
>tavor t7
I want a .308 bullpup and these are the only ones worth a damn apparently. 18.5 inch vs 16 inch respectively, which is the better bullpup battle rifle? Does the tavor win by virtue of using AR10 mags alone, given how rare good FAL mags are? Pic semi related
>the kike rifle
god i love /k/eddit
florida swedish grandpa ftw
why dont people like the mdr?
Ive universally heard its dogshit, if you have a reason its good im all ears
my roomate is a huge dt fan boy, he says they were shit in the early years
maybe because it was their first gas gun idfk
>kel tec
>worth a damn
Pic one.
Is the PS90 worth it (assuming it gets SBRed)?
It would be expensive but for a proper p90 it would be worth it
Is a P90 worth it?
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Slings lead all the same
Every gun is worth it if youre not a fag and poor. Im poor lest i would get the rfb, tavor AND the mdr even though i think its shit
PSA is making a 5.7mm PDW soon that should mop the floor with the P90 in terms of ergos and trigger. You should get that.
>what if we do what lel-tec tried but actually good?
Its about damn time
I wonder how this will compare to the T7.
The plr16 is a decent little scrapper
I've never shot one, but from what I hear, the MDR had teething problems but the MDRX has ironed them all out.
Lol it'll be shit just like anything made by PSA. Enjoy non-milspec trash without QC and with out of spec picatiny rails
Not even a PSA fan but if mil spec is your quality standard you're a fucking retard
enjoy undertorqued barrels i guess
I’ve never seen a Tavor 7 irl but an old coworker of mine has an RFB that I’ve put hundreds of rounds through and it’s a pretty cool rifle. I’ve never had any malfs through it and I’ve never seen him have any malfs through it all the times he’s had it out shooting when we’ve gone together.

Steyr A3 is the only one worth having and that has been around long enough to have all the issues worked out.

Kal tec lol
Tavor is overrated
P90 is cool but needs special coated ammo that is expensive
Did you even read the OP
There's no point in getting a 308 bullpup.
>I get all my gun knowledge from instagram
People are salty at DT for abandoning the MDR/MDRX for the WLVRN.
>direct blowback
>expensive ammo
>awful trigger that makes the AUG look good
>three sets of iron sights
Of those options I'd get the MDR/WLVRN. They're good about fixing them if you have an issue. Tavors are hunks of shit by design, yours will suck and there's nothing to fix. Across the board in all calibers I've seen them fail in classes. The shotgun (Tavor 12) has never made it through a tactical class without jamming to the point it needed tools to fix. It was constantly jamming and the rifles jam a decent amount, way more than a modern rifle should. If you want AR10 mags I'd get the m17s over that hunk o junk.

AUG is a solid choice for 5.56, trigger is hollow plastic and feels as such. That VHS monstrosity seems good but it's so long it might as well not be a bullpup.

I fucking WISH the p90 could be scaled up. Neat comfy design but baby caliber, I wouldn't take it to war. We're unfortunately short on .308 bullpup designs since the MDR never really got good, nor cheap. I'm waiting for PSA to make their .308 Jakl in bullpup config, that would be a market dominator.
MDR/WLVRN also takes AR mags in all it'd caliber configurations. If you want the cheapest mags there's the RFB which takes FAL mags, boomers might be hoarding them though.
Tavor 7 or the newest iteration of the MDR. The Kel Tec RFB wasn't even suppose to continue being produced at this point. Only reason Keltec hasn't axed it to produce a more modern Sr25 magazine compatible version is because retards keep buying it
In thay video (posted 8 years ago) the Kel Tec guy says there's going to be a .308 RDB at some point... 8+ fucking years they've been saying that but instead of making something useful they just crap out random monstrosities no one asked for. I gave up hope for that one and now hope for the MDR to finally deliver accuracy and reliability or PSA to produce a .308 bullpup Jakl. So far they're only talking about a 5.5shit bullpup Jakl.
>People are salty at DT for abandoning the MDR/MDRX for the WLVRN.
WLVRN is just MDRv3. MDRv1 was already EOL'd long ago when the MDRv2 (MDRX) came out, they issued upgrade kits for the MDR and you could get parts and they'd do warranty but no further work on it. Wasn't the first time. And fwiw, and somewhat surprisingly, DT didn't actually abandon the MDRX, they just offered a new upgrade package for it if people want. I like my MDRX pretty well, it's an enjoyable gun albeit pricey. The multi-cal is actually kinda cool, at this point I don't see any reason to still pick 308 in general over 6.5 since 6.5 pricing has fallen to almost the same as 308 on the bottom and it's more accurate, lower recoil, and just as effective at any range you'd use a battle rifle.

My personal irritations with the WLVRN, stupid name aside, include:
- They gave up on forward eject rather then work to improve it more. Yeah that saves money and complexity, but no one is buying one of these guns vs a keltec on that front people are interested in innovation.
- The launch sucked, weird as fuck like it was kinda rushed just to hit shot show which was stupid.
- They didn't do a 300bo Micron despite dropping the stupid gasblock<>rail section so it could be adjusted, dropping FE, etc.
- They skimp on the default handguard still and the upgrade to that system is still worse then others.
- It's probably the most accurate bullpup semiauto (in some configs) but that's not saying a lot and it wasn't majorly improved over the MDRX despite the whole big rebrand and reworking tons of stuff. Though they're mildly more honest about it now.
- 3rd parties not cultivated and brought along.

Other stuff I'm forgetting now but yeah pretty badly handled which sucked since they seemed to be making real progress in 2023. Then they got completely ransomware'd or whatever and website nuked for like a month lol.
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Ignore the mp5. These are my bullpups. I like my 308 wlvrn a lot but I also got it brand new for 2400.bit runs fine once the gas has been tuned. Only found 1 type of ammo it doesn't like. I've seen some other people have issues with their wlvrn with the mag not holding in place but I have not had such issues
>I've seen some other people have issues with their wlvrn with the mag not holding in place but I have not had such issues
I think that was the very first release or pre-release models they sent out. Yet another example of a fumbled launch that they let those get out at all but yeah I've heard of nothing since. The weight savings are nice, and it still has highly adjustable gas vs most of them.
I like my Tavor 7. Manticore Arms sells a curved buttpad for it that is an outright upgrade. The stock one is just a little plastic plate. The aftermarket one is more comfortable and takes a good deal of weight off your arms. Picrel was 13 fuckin pounds and was easier on the arms to aim than a standard M4 clone build.
I will also say I think they fumbled the gas settings as well. For it to run correctly on the 6 settings, I have the use the 2nd lowest gas settings with a huxwrx 762 can and the 3rd lowest without. Any higher or even on the "normal" setting seems to be overpassed. Feels like they errd on the side of caution and made all the gas settings a bit to much on the higher side
I have that exact same can on my MDRX, and that sounds a like it's a little more. I wonder if they carried the exact same gas volumes over from the MDRX to WLVRN, which would I think be a mistake. Forward eject required more to work right, so if they didn't adjust the settings enough when going to SE only it'd make sense you'd end up overgassed, but would seem sloppy.

Though may be as you say that they were simply really overly conservative with it after all the criticism. "Look it'll do just fine even in jungle mud!!" which nobody will ever use the MDR for.
Alright ive decided on the tavor, the front ejection is cool and i like how the rfb looks, but ive never seen anything above 2000 rounds reported and i imagine parts are hard as shit to come by, not to mention if theres an issue in the chamber or something it would need complete disassembly
What's the third gun called? It's cute as fuck
>picks the worst piece of shit of the pieces of shits

Those are the cool Hebrew guns along with the Uzi. Their bullpups just don’t do it for me.
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It's not 1998 anymore gramps, you can get it under $0.50 a round.
Interesting to see someone with one. Any particular impressions on the wlvrn coming from the mdrx? I've got an mdr right now and wlvrn hasn't made me really feel like selling/upgrading unless they did a 300bo sbr, but not like I have any real idea about it either.
45-50cpr is a lot for a handgun round. Usual point of PCCs is to have ammo more like 20cpr so you can have more fun with them. P90 isn't going to break the bank but it's not cheap when you're chonking through $20-25 per mag.
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you can order parts direct from keltec. I've got about 4k through mine and I haven't had a malfunction that kickstarting the charging handle couldnt fix
It's an ar15 lower in an a3 tactical bullpup chassis with a PSA jakl .300blk with 8.5" barrel
It's definitely lighter, less moving parts, more accurate than my old mdr308 that I sold. Came with a better trigger but it's been swapped out for a JARD trigger.
Wat to do for mags. Are the thermolds not shit in the rfb?
>It's definitely lighter, less moving parts, more accurate than my old mdr308 that I sold. Came with a better trigger but it's been swapped out for a JARD trigger.
Thanks anon. I've got a mdrx308 as well, but I'm working on an SRS that will be my "accurate at longer distances" rifle so less concerned about that at this point. Something significantly lighter that is more fun at short/intermediate ranges is attractive. Maybe I should just suck it up and buy the 16" though instead and just live with it vs wishing for something they might never do. Plus even if they did do a conversion eventually not like would be buying that direct vs form1. Maybe too it'd be better to sell the mdr sooner than later if I want to do that? What what it's worth around here at this point if anything lol.
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pony up for the steel or aluminum FAL mags. thermolds work ok but I wouldn't rely on them for serious use
How does the RDB fare also? Im not a fan of the pencil barrel, but the lucky irishman forend supposedly solves some of the problems with accuracy and all that
I got lucky and sold mine for 1800 on armslist after about a week of waiting right after they announced the new wlvrn. Afterwards a bunch of them went on gunbroker for like 1500 so I got lucky there. Also forwhatever reason tombstonetactical had one in stack for 2400 instead of the 2700 msrp. I think because there was a small chip on the engravings or they had their prices wrong. Either way the weight savings is probably the biggest upside to upgrading it. With no accessories it weighed as much if not a bit lighter than my Micron MDRX sbr and that one didnt even have the foward eject to add to the weight.
QC issues
I’ve got to play with one that runs 100% extensively, but it’s a pain in failure drills so I can see why if it’s not 100% people think it’s utter dogshit
But when running, my absolute favorite rifle I’ve ever shot
>There's no point in getting a 308 bullpup
>No I've never seen a suppressor before, why do you ask?
>No I've never seen a suppressor before, WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK UP!
>.308 bullpup
I recently got a SRS A2. Quite happy with it.
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>.308 bullpup
unironically consider the K&M M17S
I'm jelly. Might see my barrel and scope next week though.
Ive never heard of this, what mags does it take and how does it fare in durability and accuracy?
It's an old Bushmaster design where they attempted to make a bullpup AR. It shares trigger components with it and takes SR25 mags. They have some reliability issues from what I remember, not sure about accuracy. I was in the market for one but decided against it. If I wanted to finally fulfill my .308 bullpup niche I'd get it or the WLVRN. It seemed good despite the reported issues, which I don't even remember anymore but DYOR.

I'm waiting on PSA to come around to a Jakl bullpup, that would be tits but way down the road unfortunately. At least they actually deliver.
I think ill stick with the t7, still got my eye on the rfb though but if i get more money ill look into it some more. Doesnt seem like theres much production on them but you can order them directly which is cool
tempting, will have to consider it

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