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Among real guns? That would be the West German P228, but I fantasize about the day I can buy a new double action top break revolver.
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The fbi version of the mp5/10 with the bolt catch
Trained with an M 16 during my conscription. It was a good weapon, but civilians can't own such things in my country. I'm better with a knife anyway, lol.
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an authentic krink probably
A bolt action FN DMR I saw ages ago in either wikileaks or Snowden files, forget the model name
VSS Vintorez
>what is your dream gun?
semi automatic pistol firing 577 BP snider from a five round mag. Yes it will foul, not after five shots though
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Type 79. I'm determined to catch a glimpse of one someday.
5.56 Spanish Ameli
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ps90 with effen reciever and an lvpo

look that's like a four thousand dollar gun and it's legitimately not worth that at all. even if i had the money i wouldn't even spend four grand on a gun this dogshit on principle. plus i would have to start buying 5.7
I’ve always really wanted a lemat, but in all honesty I feel like I wouldn’t like it as much as I think I would. The repros run about $1200 but ive been keeping my eye out for a good deal on one. My friend has been telling me not to get one since its my dream gun, and once you get your dream gun, its joeover. I don’t know if I entirely believe him, but its probably good to have a few white whales that you never get.
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Me and my brothers dream guns (or at least one of them) was getting a p226 and I got one before him by a country mile.
does it have a bigger receiver than a standard MP5 or does it just require a barrel and bolt
I really want a 10mm gun that doesn't suck
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blued colt python 3"
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cliche I know
but it's still one of the sexiest guns ever
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I have no rational reason why a Mondragon rifle is my dream gun, but I will always pine for one.
>that'll be $40k + tip
A semi automatic .357 magnum carbine with detachable magzines.
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40mm quad mount. for shooting down drones.
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>for shooting down drones.
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A takedown Mauser bolt rifle, with antique type QD system for the scope, double set trigger and spare barrels for other calibres - I thought about .25-06, .30-06 and 9,3x64 Brenneke
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For some reason I like this piece of shit and I would love to have it.
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it's pure masculine instinct to like it
you will never be able to logically explain why
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Why have 4 when you can have 6?
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And why have 6 when you can have 8?
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Yeah, it just hits the right spot. I also like the fact that the rifle is almost 17lbs. It's not for scrawny faggots.
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12 barreled 20MM autocannon
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my dad said to some company he'd like one when they were seeing if there was any interest. it never came to fruition. ruger made a .44 a few years back with a detachable magazine.

my dream gun is a magazine fed .375 ruger in semi auto. 10 round+ magazines. safari sights.
Fg42 but the early model where its sleek
>MP-412 REX
Yeah it's a meme gun but it still gives me a stiffy. That square full lug, the sculpted grip, the proportions, the exposed pin on the frame - everything about it is just sex to me. Easily has my vote for the best looking Russian gun ever.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. I'm not a H&K dick-rider but the USP45 is the most comfortable pistol I have ever shot and I AM a 10mm fanboy so as far as I'm concerned that's the best of both worlds.

>P210-1 and P210-7
I just think they're neat. Ruinously expensive (there's a P210-7 on Simpsons for like $7800 right now) but very cool.

>Brno model 3 Stetcher
One of the best mass produced .22 target rifles ever made, complete with a diopter rear and globe front sight and set triggers. They show up from time to time in Canada at reasonable prices but are basically unobtanium in the US because dude iron curtain lmao.

>Llama XV Especial
Basically a 3/4 scale 1911 in .22 LR. The standard XV models are fairly common and cheap (<$250 most of the time) but a very few were engraved, gold plated and/or nickel plated and an even scarcer handful were damascened and are very expensive. I have wanted one of these little pocket cartel blasters ever since I didn't buy one 10+ years ago.

>Llama Model XVII/XVIII
It's like the stunted ghetto cousin of the Whitney Wolverine.

>Savage 99H in .22 SHP with factory peep
Ultimate durr rifle. It's not hard to find model 99 takedowns and you even see them in .22 SHP from time to time but both of those together with a factory receiver sight is extremely uncommon as AFAIK those were custom orders. Even the models with tang sights were more common.
purely because of playing RE2 growing up
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The Mateba 2006M is one of the sexiest looking guns to ever be produced, simple yet refined.
I would kill to get one of them but the problem is I would never wind up shooting it out of fear of damaging the gun.
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muh old SMGs are all cool
I was really excited for the possibility of new Matebas, then I heard it was all a scam. I normally wouldn't consider spending new motorcycle money on a gun, but I would make an exception for the 2006m.
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A kitted out G36C. Been my favorite since I was a kid.
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It's just perfect. Too bad it's a pain in the ass to build a clone. I've been obsessed with it ever since I got into guns.
The fact that it was used to protect nuclear plants just makes it even cooler.
Your friend is retarded, there’s an anon on here with one and he fucking loves it, looks like a blast to shoot too.
A machine gun. Obviously a MP5 would be nice but I’d be happy even with a Mac 10. I just can’t bring myself to pay so much for what I know is a cheaply made meme.
Mauser 06-08.
You posted it. The Mateba, my beloved.
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IDK, I like variety. Pic related are the two things that got me into weapons, from the time I was barely out of diapers lol. I still think swords are the most aesthetic weapon invented by man. I like sci-fi where somehow technology means that swords come back (Dune, Red Rising, etc.).

I had toy guns too, but they never captured my imagination the same way.
Tanya the evil was a pretty fun show.
Because of my kids I've seen a lot of Disney movies lately and Sleeping Beauty is by far and away the best looking one.

This got me interested and it turns out it was a real labor of love from Disney himself, who was a huge medievalist. It's why the style tries to copy medieval tapestries and illuminated manuscripts.

Anyhow, to do it right they used an experimental canvas size/film combo that was much larger and more expensive to shoot. This led to it taking years to finish and massively overrunning its budget. But it looks so much better compared to the Sword and the Stone or Robinhood. Snow White and Bambi also look really good, but they certainly got lazy on some of the later cash grabs.
>weight 2.2kg
meanwhile a glock 19 is like 600g
I just want a gun ( ._.)
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it's retarded fun.
I recommend just sitting and watching on GB for several months. it took me like, half a year, but I eventually got one for under 900 bucks.
hey, that's me!
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Rationally speaking I know it's a really poorly kludged together bullpup like all of the 90s projects, but I'd still choke a bitch for an SVU.
The saddest part is I already have a regular Dragunov but this fucking shit still calls to me.

I bought mine for about $550 back in the day, absolutely mint 1990 Tula.
It wasn't really that fun to shoot compared to a fullsize 74, so I sold it after a while for a bit less.
Now I'm fucking MALDING because they climbed to over $3000 after the war started.
within my reach? m1 carbine.
are there any other integrally suppressed marksman rifles like the SVU other than the VSS? I can't think of any off the top of my head
This is actually doable. If you have money a MP5/10 kit can be bought
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Kel-Tec RFB in the 24 inch heavy barrel configuration.
I’m 99% sure they never made one.
Or their M43? RDB
It's a muzzle break or a flashhider rather than a suppressor.
I still cannot fathom how this thing feeds and cycles.
It is
damn guess im dumb, I've always seen it depicted as a suppressor and didn't question it
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Why are Asians so feminine?
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The “close enough” version is easily attainable
its really just some
that guy in my pic looks it (helps you can't see anything other than his face tbqh) but even the dude in your pic looks masculine
Unless your definition of feminine is lacking body hair and being short
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This Class III HK33a3 with wood furniture
Most of the guns I want are totally attainable if I just want to blow some money, this is probably the only "dream" gun I have in that getting one would be pretty difficult.
Get you a Fusion Firearms 1911 in 10mm.
Just remember the vast majority of factory loads these days are nothing like actual 10mm; and much more like .45acp. You'll either have to hand load or buy boutique ammo if you want the real 10mm experience.
1911s suck
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You're alright
Yeah? I heard your mum can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
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>Llama XV Especial
>Basically a 3/4 scale 1911 in .22 LR. The standard XV models are fairly common and cheap (<$250 most of the time) but a very few were engraved, gold plated and/or nickel plated and an even scarcer handful were damascened and are very expensive. I have wanted one of these little pocket cartel blasters ever since I didn't buy one 10+ years ago.
Try the Browning 1911. I held one. It's stupid how small it is, I love it. They also made a polished blued option with some gold filled engraving IIRC.
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>he doesn't know NoDakSpud merged with Palmetto State Armory and is making pretty much any M16/M4/AR model you could ever want slowly but surely
Short of paying a couple thousand for an original upper it's your best bet.
True. Just reminds me of the good old days playing COD 4 on xbox live.
Dragunov sucked ass. M40A3/R700 chads rise up.
SVD, 1970s production
when ur as broke as me, every gun is a dream gun
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I'd like a Bren Ten.
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I wish my dream gun was a black stocked Remington 700 or even the M40A3. Hell, Howa makes the M1100 which looks like a little mini M40A3.
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And even the M40A3 itself is somewhat easily cloneable. I mean shit, there's a company making repro scopes in your choice of black or green so you can make it look like the older wood stocked models. If you really want to clone one you're a lucky fuck as it seems rather easy; no way to clone a dragunov outside of sinking way too much money into making a cope AK that really doesn't look anything like one.
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Don't even pretend that everyone in this thread wouldn't sell their left nut for one.
pardon me while I make a test post
I don't need the rest of the gun, it looks like any other AK, but the helical mags are interesting
I want one
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Are you trying to determine if i am a AI bot or just a autistic DPRK appreciator? I assure you it is the latter. If you are a AI information collecting bot i should be a easy target, i reuse the same images quite often and my language patterns are quite predictable.

How much would you pay for one? Personally, i think it is worth about $300 but since they are unobtanium $1000 would be acceptable if only because you could resell it for 4-5X the amount you paid on ebay.
They fit over the bayonet lug and lock into the magazine well. The guys who use them usually have a full normal ammo load, the idea appears to be that that in case of sudden action they have a shitload of ammo for defensive/offensive action. Like everyone has a LMG for that first moment, two minutes of fire if they do a aimed shot ever second. After that they just use normal mags. It really isn't that bad of a concept.
like $60, there's no way it works properly
Arent bofors better than pom poms due to way more muzzle velocity or something?
I'd rather have a 6x bofors mount than the 8x pom pom mount. Plus you need less people to load 6 guns than 8.
OTS-33 Pernach. Its like a monkey MK23.
I really don't know what you don't like about the current 10mm offerings. It's a full size handgun cartridge, it goes in full size handguns. Buy one of the FN ones and if you don't like it then you probably just don't like 1cm in general.

The beauty of 10mm is in the versatility, if you only view it the lens of the full power stuff you're missing out. You know you don't have to shoot that right? It's still enjoyable and effective with cheaper ammo.

I want a goddamn China Lake
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>The man they call...
any of the Glocks would be perfect if they didn't have a Glock trigger
the bubba-ass HK USP .40 conversion to 10mm looks fun
if my FK BRNO PSD had mags that worked in 10mm instead of jamming up if you try to put more than five rounds in them it would also be perfect

Tanfoglio? How are the S&W M&P triggers and general build quality?
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I can't choose just one but I'd love a VSS Vintorez. Horrible silencer though; a modern silencer design would easily make this thing way nicer. It's one of those guns I wish I could have to go hike around and hunt with.
Block II
UMP9. I shot one on full auto and I’ve been in love every since.
Keep in mind how much the ammo costs.

Iran has a awesome 8x23mm gun that costs $30,000 in ammo everytime they fire it, $150,000 if they empty a battery of them. It isn't viable for them from a economic or industrial viewpoint besides high importancepoint defense cases. They can't use it on a large scale.

Bullets cost money and industrial capacity, keep that in your thoughts. I have no personal opinion about the advantages of either system you two are are talking about as i am not knowledgeable about either but economics shoulds be something you think about in your considerations.
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Really? I heard they were garbage. I regret passing up the opportunity to try one.

Mine is cliche as fuck. But a PDR in .300 Blackout with a QD silencer would literally be the perfect gun for me.
I used to have a west German p220. I didn’t care for it that much.
It is a suppressor. Not meant to make it quiet, just more comfortable to shoot from buildings and less identifiable as a gun report.
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>They also made a polished blued option with some gold filled engraving IIRC.
Yeah, but I won't feel like a cartel kingpin when I play with it like I would with pic rel.
i already bought an m1 garand from CMP. i'm just too poor to shoot it consistently. maybe i should get a nice 1911 to go with it.
WA 2000
I'm mad that for some reason Walther never restarted production for these. Even if they sold them at ridiculous prices, they'd still sell them all out in about a minute
Model 8 rechambered in .350 Legend
What's a good gun to shoot myself with? They all have 666 on their tags, literally written in their tag. I'm pretty sure I'm trapped in a slave planet by people who are lying to me about religion to steal.
ai typed this
Are you Jewish? They tried to tell me I was different, so I didn't need to have sex or own anything. It's annoying as fuck, spit on the promiser. Spit on his cock slave.
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Here ya go little buddy
Doesn't exist yet.
>15" OAL bullpup carbine in a high-caliber intermediate round like .350 Legend
We are so close to a concealable carbine that goes from concealed to shouldered in the same time as a pistol draw.
The Phan... sorry, Spectre M4.
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heavy as hell but i love mine
M1895 Lee Navy. I'd never shoot it unless I got into reloading, but I just think it's really cool. I had some other dream guns but there's a good chance that those might actually become more attainable for me in the near future.
>good looking
>mechanically and historically interesting
what's not to like?
>Yeah it's a meme gun but it still gives me a stiffy. That square full lug, the sculpted grip, the proportions, the exposed pin on the frame - everything about it is just sex to me. Easily has my vote for the best looking Russian gun ever.
The fact alone that it is a modern top-break revolver sells it to me. It being a good looker is just the cherry on top.
You know you can just buy one, right?
Oh fuck thatd be perfect
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What's that?

A BAR carbine?
Wait for canada's currency to collapse and you could probably buy a genuine G36, and from there its a couple parts from online and you have one
t.leaf with g36, not going to sell it ever though
I think it's a Monitor, a FBI BAR
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A cotton candy x-ray gun that can see into the future and then turns into my cat and says she loves me.
Nah, dude. Super controllable on full auto and quite ergonomic. Would recommend
A modernized M1 Carbine? I don’t know only had one chance to fire an old one and it was like heaven. It felt perfect for my frame. Not even remotely a perfect gun but it was interesting.
Is there a good successor that true holds the same feel?
idk why HK never made a USP10, it's the perfect gun for that round

there's used to be a retard autist here who would drone on about how it akshually was designed for .40, but .40 is weak and gay and doesn't matter
10mm with that dual recoil spring, pic rail, optic cut shits on everything ever made, it would be an overbuilt pistol, firing an overpowered cartridge with ease
i thought this was cool when i was a kid and didn't know what 5.56/5.45 out of an sbr was like
now, i look at krinks and m4 sbrs in 556 and realize the people in charge have no clue lol
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the guns in my dreams don't make any sense
I've seen videos and these things look like a blast to shoot and look surprisingly controllable, no thanks to that compensator or muzzle break?

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