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Who were the best guerilla force in the last 100 years? Taliban, North Viets, or the Yugoslav partisans?
>Norht Viets
their Guerilla forces ended up wiping themselves out and it was the conventional forces who won
>Yugoslav partisans
Won by fucking off and effectively playing politics. 7/10

the real answer is the Chinese communists of the Chinese civil war, who were effective both militarily and politically and won a nearly unqualified victory and are still in power. they quite literally wrote the book on Guerilla war
Yugs. They're the only ones who actually beat the invaders. The others only "won" because the occupiers got bored and left.
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The Chicoms, since they solo'd the US and the entire UN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoZexC7M4hM
honestly this dude is slept on as fuck. Kind of clowned on himself later in life though.
t.totally not a maoist I just like wars
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So do you just post in any off-topic thread you please, or do you have some kind of broken English-to-chink translator that doesn't understand the central question of the OP post
To add a name to the mix, Colombian communist guerillas have been an absolutely unsolvable pest problem for decades now
and they say meat waves don't work
To be fair, the Japs did most of their work for them.
Hamas because they managed to win the PR war despite openly being a self admitted death cult.
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>solos a few Americans and South Koreans with huge advantages
>still couldn't win the war
Mujahideen in the 80s and Chechens in 94
and as always, they will claim it was a victory to die in droves to Americans
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>PLA during the Korean War
>guerrilla force

Instead of stating which one was the "best" overall, I'm going to break it down into categories of accomplishments.

>most successful at transitioning into a conventional army and establishing a functional state after victory

Tito's Partisans by a mile

>most successful at MOGGING a major world power

Viet Minh, Dien Bien Phu effectively ended France's days as a leading world power and their success paved the way for the Viet Cong two decades later.

>most successful at getting their enemies to kill each other and then sweeping them all aside to seize power

Chinese Communists

>greatest comeback

The Taliban

>most effective PR

Hamas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS4xm_Itj6s

My great-grandfather served in Korea as an MP and told me that they came up with a borderline foolproof way to get Chinese and Nork prisoners to talk (even defect) by offering them a hot meal and a movie.
i'd say either the IRA or some unknown paramilitary guerrilla group that operates in colombia or laos.

yes but that was explicitly part of their strategy, and when they did have military engagements with the KMT they did very well (excluding the era prior to the long march)
Mao literally wrote the book on guerilla warfare, fought long and hard, and won decisively unifying China for which he is rightly a national hero. (Mao understood bug life is cheap but the collective has value beyond the sum of all bugs.)
>To add a name to the mix, Colombian communist guerillas have been an absolutely unsolvable pest problem for decades now

They're more a business than an army but they found their niche and war is easier to manage than peace.
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Not to rag on your arguments or anything but I'm personally of the opinion that the Chinese Communists don't really count as guerrillas because they actually had a uniformed standing army, albeit a comparatively primitive one for the time. It had division and corps-level organization, it had sophisticated logistics, it had artillery, in the latter phases it had tanks and aircraft. It even managed to conduct successful amphibious landings on Hainan and the Wanshan Archipelago.
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They never layed down arms.
>hot meal and a movie.
>Tfw your honey pot is transformers and a short stack
Those were all dogshit.
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>Hamas because they managed to win the PR war despite openly being a self admitted death cult.
>"Hamas has good propaganda and PR"

More like Hamas has cringe and lame PR and propaganda.
Surely modern day Chinese standards are much better with better and safer food safety standards- ACK!

Lol no. Mao fucked off to the hills while the Japs raped the KMT. The vietcong were SOUTH vietnamese and served their purpose to raise havoc behind enemy lines and politically weaken the South Vietnamese goverment. They, like most partisan groups around the world, were expendable and they willingly died for the cause so that the regular forces can swoop in.
The Greek Partisans were essentially an army unto themselves.
As much as i hate hamas simply because theyre muzzies, they do have a good pr guy. He really knows that folks age out of giving a fuck about them so they target the college age kids with some semblence of power in the west.
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The fuck am I looking at
NVA won in every conceivable form
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The KMT was weakened, but the PLA still had to do the job of conquering China without an initial manpower or equipment advantage
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> Facing this humiliating outcome of the Korean War, the Chinese Communists could do nothing but fume with rage. In an editorial entitled “The Utter Failure of American ‘Psychological Warfare’”—with no irony intended—the Communist mouthpiece People’s Daily blustered: “The American aggressor’s barbarity and cruelty have far exceeded that of its predecessors, the German fascists. Now no one has any doubt about that.” It predicted that “since mankind’s court of justice did not spare the German fascists, certainly it will not spare the more vicious American aggressor.”
> Two days after the completion of the prisoners’ transfer to Taiwan, Premier Zhou Enlai issued a statement condemning the “complete political and moral bankruptcy of the United States.” He vowed, “No matter where these prisoners are forcibly detained, as long as the Americans do not retrieve them, we will not give up our prosecution of this crime!”
The IRA were a paramilitary cell-structured organisation that actively avoided direct engagements. I wouldn't class them as the same kind of force as the Viets, Taliban, or Yugos.

They won, to be sure, but after the deaths of such leaders as McCann, Hughes, and Sands, they pretty much stuck to the bombing campaign. Even then, it was the bombing of England that won the war - a mere handful of incidents carried out by tiny secret teams.
FPBP, as expected
Have you ever even listened to the stories of a vet? Dude it was a bloodbath for everybody. Genuinely fucked up how horrifying the war actually was, and how quick we were to forget it. Korean War vets get no respect, but literally every single war we've fought since has basically been a walk in the fucking park.
The Palestinians have tried to duplicate the strategies and tactics of successful anti-colonial insurgencies particularly the FLN in Algeria but I don't think it has worked. It's a very particular form of warfare for a very particular type of enemy. But if this was going to work against Israel then I think it would have worked by now. The FLN finally succeeded in 1962 and the PLO formed in 1964 and saw that as the blueprint.

Long movie but the Battle of Algiers is very good.

NTA but it's complicated because Maoist theory is a method for transitioning from guerrilla war to conventional war. There are multiple stages. But I think that's one reason why it was successful.

Historically, guerrillas (especially peasant guerrillas) were mostly just a nuisance. Peasants, being conservative-minded and parochial types, could rise up and cause some trouble, but their ambitions were limited to keeping the government's army out of their valley, not the conquest of national power. The seat of national power could basically ignore them. The guerrilla's real strength is tactical and intuitive knowledge of the lay of the land, and living off the land, and knowing how to hunt and track, and being able to run circles around a lumbering conventional army. So Mao combined those tactics with a strategy for building up to march on the capital and install him and his associates in the government.
seriously, what was stopping them from slapping a bag of rice and onions beans on the backs of every Chinese soldier and having them carry their own food? They knew their logistics were shit
>drawing living creatures
South Koreans.
ChiComs got their asses beat, and if it wasn’t for the Japanese and the Chinese nationalists basically holding them off the opportunist communists would have been wiped out completely.
Came here to post this.

The Burmese against the Junta were good.

The East Timorese against the Indonesians were good.
This is a retarded take. The ChiComs starved to death or ate each other because their own retarded government couldn’t get food to the front lines and so every man was expendable. Their casualties were ~50%
IRA had/has better PR.

>Get supplied by Gaddafi.
>Blow up innocents
>No fucking worries

Bowie got away with fucking a minor but I don't think he'd get away with that.
I'd be fine with the Korean short stack desu.
the only one that actual struck the enemy decent blows. the others won from waiting.
colombia has some real hitters there. on both sides, the right wing paramilitaries and the communist guerrillas. their insurgency has been going on since the 50s.
We can celebrate the achievements of the Taliban and Viet Cong equally without pitting then against one another. Any dead American is always good, regardless of who killed it or why.
South Koreans except in the Vietnam war. Nasty fuckers.
They didn't even give every soldier a rifle or ammo. Some didn't have a full uniform or shoes.
rice literally grows out the fucking ground
They didn't get away with it. It lead to heavily diminished donations and widespread animosity in places it would expect to do well, such as ROI.

This in part, along with a targeted killing/arrest program by the bongs, lead them to move away from violence as a way to achieve their goals.
Fafour did really change minds
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Not many can say that the country the guerilla force created has sustained the angry gaze of USA right on their doorstep for damn near 80 years…
That they still exist speaks to our magnanimity, not their competence.
Failed assassination attempts tend to reach looney tunes levels when they get into the triple digits don't they?
So the CIA are retards, what else is new? Too busy plotting the demise of their own nation to just kill the guy in a normal manner.
Not after we were done bombing it.
>Failed assassination attempts
They were only successful because individual groups / cells (Armagh and the England squad). had the initiative whilst IRA leadership had its head up its own ass. They had the all arms but didnt use them. Taliban got everything they wanted so that makes they better only by a thin line though.
Doesn't help the Jews aren't making themselves look any better by harassing Japanese locals. Who btw are having more hatred and disdain for foreigners each day:

Hamas doesn't have good PR, their PR only works because of self-hating fags like Hasan or Fantano, as well as jews having some of the worst PR imaginable, shitting on burgers, patronizing eastern euros and antagonizing western euros. Were Hamas fighting against Azerbaijan or anyone else that doesn't feel the need to sperg out at the world and nobody would care for them.
chechens in 94 didnt accomplish shit
NVA, not VC.
And fuck you too
They killed rushits that a good thing
Koreans. You cannot change my mind.
I'd say Hukbalahap. They've existed since the 1940s but after WWII they renamed themselves as the New People's Army.
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I'd say talibans.
- 21st century
- vs USA and a coalition of 70 fucking countries
- you took our capitol? nobody cares
- 20 years in hiding
- you have patrols? we have IEDs, kek
- positive K/D ratio vs ANA+coalition troops
- some coalition members even pay you fat bribes to not cause them trouble
- invaders fuck off
- take power again immediately
Only respect for those guys.
My grandpa was an infantry officer in 53. He never talked about the war with his sons, and as far as I'm aware I'm the only one of his 13 grandkids he told stories (after much urging and begging because I was young and dumb) to. He described it as one of the most horrible experiences of his life. No glory, watching his men killed in front of him, knowing he was ordering to their deaths. He was at outpost Charlie and his company fought for almost 24 straight hours before being relieved. He doesn't remember doing it but when they gave him the silver star one of the reasons cited was personally killing three enemy combatants in hand to hand combat, in addition to the multiple counter charges he led from the rear to the front trench line. He said there were so many bodies in the 8' deep trenches his shortest surviving soldier (5'4") could stand with his chest completely exposed.

Thinking back on it I regret not trying to record more of his experiences, or the experiences of his surviving friends. I don't know if they would have been willing to share, and I don't think I would have pressed them. My grandmother revealed after he passed away he kept a bayonett and his .45 under his pillow for decades after he got home. I do know he maintained close contact with the Greeks of the battalion who came to relieve his position, a number of whom came to his funeral.
How tf did that happen so quickly? Especially the Ghobi region, I imagine some dude rolled into a village said "You're all communist now" and everyone just rolled with it.
>a coalition of 70 fucking countries

Most of them barely did anything. I remember seeing a news story about how Mongolia sent a dozen soldiers to do security on a base.
A lot of NATO countries sent less than a hundred soldiers per year. I can understand why Trump thought NATO was a scam.
American board+ratio+L (you are gay)
Everyone always talks up the fact Communists stuck it out in the mountains, but the reality is Mao got a massive boost from the Soviets just handing over one of the largest and most prosperous provinces of China to him. It also helped that the nationalists had what, two competent generals and none of them were on good terms with Kai-Shek.
>I imagine some dude rolled into a village said "You're all communist now" and everyone just rolled with it.
For the remote provinces, pretty much.
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The Japanese conquered and raped all of Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines. They raped your allies (Filipina and Indonesian) women and turn them into mestizo rapebabies.
Japan never occupied all of China. All of Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Guizhou, Shaanxi were never occupied.

The KMT also didn't do most of the fighting, retard.

Chiang Kai-shek dragooned and forced warlord armies into the front lines against Japan and refused to commit his own troops

Sichuan warlord armies suffered the most casualties in the war and contributed the most troops.

Chiang took over Sichuan amd Gansu provinces with his own troops and ordered Sichuan warlords into the battle of Wuhan and battle of Hankow. He also made warlord troops man fortresses defending hankow.

Warlord armies (Ma clique and Fu Zuoyi) fought at West Suiyuan and destroyed the Japanese there.

Warlord armies fought in Anhui and east Henan.

The army of Yunnan warlord Long Yun sent 40,000 troops to destroy the Japanese at Taierzhuang.

Chiang reserved his own KMT forces in Sichuan and refused to fight against Japan while warlord armies fought. The main KMT forces suffered very little casualties in the war.

Japan lost multiple battles to warlord armies armed only with rifles, swords and mortars with no gas masks.

Sichuan warlord troops in Wuhan-Hankou in 1938 even said to Freda Utley they knew that Chiang was sending them against Japan on purpose while reserving his own troops, but they fought for their own province and families because if they killed Japanese in Wuhan (Hubei), even if they themselves died while stopping the Japanese, the Japanese would never reach Sichuan and their families and homes would be safe.

Sichuan warlord troops suffered the most casualties among Chinese forces in the war (2 million dead).

Not a single woman from Sichuan was raped by Japanese , because no Japanese soldier reached Sichuan.
Soviet Red army raped 2 million German white women in 1945.

Moroccans also raped white women in west Germany.
1. "Manchuria" is not a province. Its made out of three different provinces.

2. the Soviets stripped and dismantled nearly all industrial equipment and sent then to Siberia. The KMT also controlled the cities where all the industry was located (Shengyang/Mukden and Changchun)

3. The fertile Sichuan basin was the single most fertile agricultural region in China in a single province and under complete KMT control

>They didn't even give every soldier a rifle or ammo

This sounds like complete bullshit. China had massive stocks of rifles abandoned by the Japanese, even if the ammunition couldn't be replaced since Chinese arsenals didn'tmake Japanese bullets, all the bullets already in the magazine could be used up.

China also had stocks of decades older outdated single shooter bolt action rifles and muskets
The Viet Minh never won a single battle against Japan.

Japan completely occupied and raped Vietnam until the atomic bombs in 1945.

Chinese warlord forces from Yunnan had to accept the surrender of Japanese in North Vietnam (90% of Yunnan was never occupied by Japan) because the Vietnamese failed to defeat Japan.

Japan was losing and retreating in China months before the atomic bombs.

Japan lost the battle of West Hunan in 1945 and as a result they withdrew from east Guangxi (Second Guangxi Campaign), Fuzhou and Wenzhou months before the atomic bombs dropped.
The Viet Minh fought a conventional battle at Dien Bien Phu with the aid of China and the entire eastern bloc. There were Chinese troops fighting at Dien Bien Phu.

Viet Minh never won a single battle against Japan when Japanese killed 2 million Vietnamese and mass raped Vietnamese women.
Koreans lost millions of dead in the Korean war and were starved and napalmed to death.
Koreans suffered the single biggest death toll in the Korean war.

Amerimutts always never talk about South Korean casualties.
Chiang literally refused to fight Japan until he was forced at gunpoint and he refused to commit his own troops against Japan.

Chiang tried to make warlords do all the fighting.
>This sounds like complete bullshit.

3 years ago, if you told me how poor equipped Russians soldiers were I wouldn't have believed you.
Gee whiz, it’s almost like it was their war or something
Yugoslavian Partisans lost 4 to 1 against Croatian Ustase, Taliban got genocided for TWO DECADES.
So, the only answer is the Vietnamese.
>Northern Ireland exists
Insurgents usually lose a lot more.
vietmanese lost 10 to 20x as much.

the taliban had a 1 to 1 kd if you include the ANA forces.

I have to give it to the North Viets. The faced as much as 543,000 Americans in 1969, The Taliban faced 171,736 at most counting all international forces and the North Viets actually engaged in battles / firefight all the time and took a loss of 1,100,000 million men without giving up while the Taliban mostly hid, planted IDS and waited for America to get tired of wasting money and leave and lost around 80,000 men.

North Viets win by any metric

Yugoslav Partisans are bad ass, but lets face it, they had massive help from the two future superpowers. Without Americans, all the allies and the Soviets we don't know if they had won.
Not even worth a mention
Taliban simply had the occupier (who had to travel from the other side of the planet) grow bored and shift its policies elsewhere.

IRA got Britain to fuck off on its own doorstep
>40k UN total
>600k+ chinese
>400k+ Norks
>200k+ souks
>muh both sides
Come on now it wasn't a picnic but "bath" might be a bit too harsh. I'll accept a "blood when you shit in the toilet and it splashes up on your butthole" for the UN
>we will grow our own food!
>in massive flat flooded rice paddies
>in 4 to 5 months
>how did the Americans find them!?!?!?
They suffered less military wounded and killed than either China or the Norks, they lost A LOT of civies though
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>IRA got Britain to fuck off on its own doorstep
Learm English retard
Thats genshin impact
Yeah Mao was trully a master of war, top 5 20th century general
UNITA got south african support and training for majority of its existence. It did fuck Angola up, but it burned out as the years went on. If it wasn't for south african pmcs they probably would had a good chance to cripple Angola. So they're a 7/10 in the trolling scale.
Why are Aranara supporting Hamas? I don't remember that part of the quest where they condemn Zionism.
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>Why the Genshin Impact image? What am I looking at

That's the thing that really grinds my gears and hurts my brain cells whenever I see these types of Pro-Palestine posts and "artwork". And no, to this day I refuse to believe Hamas and the Palestinian people have good PR, let alone get Propaganda! Hamas and Palestine PR and propaganda is absolute top shelf Grade-A CRINGE! It is cringe, pathetic AND LAME! Why do I insist Hamas and Palestine PR and propaganda is so cringe and lame!?!?

Look back at 2014, 2015, 2016, etc. when ISIS was all the rage in the jihads and Islamic terrorism sphere. IAM not saying ISIS propaganda is "good quality", but I find far more believable and even immersive compared to current day jihad Islamic propaganda, especially coming from Hamas and Pro-Palestinians. ISIS propaganda and PR was filled with bravado, grit, determinism and their own version of heroics and heroism. Combined with the fact they did take over and occupy territory and ground.

WHAT THE FUCK DOES HAMAS AND PRO-PALESTINE PROPAGANDA AND PR HAVE!? Pallywood sob stories and fanfiction, AI slop images AND corny art work from leftwing White People from California, New York state and other Blue Democrat Places!? Like pic related and also popular characters holding and waving the Palestine Flag you can go lookup in Twitter and social media!? That's the best Hamas and Pro-Palestine people can muster!? Can't glorious leader Arafat and daddy Sinwar spend a bit more money to hire better Propagandists and PR teams!?

Also! It is IRONIC that so many Pro-Palestine people are not only gullible White People. But are gullible young girls and women who're otaku and consumers and fans of anime, cartoons, music and video games making the corny Pro-Palestine art work I'm talking about. Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt artwork and music considered Haram and Heresy in Islam and Sharia Law?

That's what boggles my mind.
>The Burmese against the Junta were good.
*Are* good. They're seizing ground as we speak and I wish them the best.
>t.butthurt american
Hamas has such good PR that even compared to the orthodox jews, it's hard to take sides
Not the best koreans, the worst koreans.
in 'Nam
3+ million best koreans and 90+% of their buildings and arable farmland.
The NVA had similar stats if you count the deaths from the ARVN.
>North Vietnam
>People's army of Vietnam
Northern Ireland is still part of the UK you dullard
They didn't accomplish jack shit
>Chinese communists of the Chinese civil war, who were effective both militarily and politically

My understanding is that they basically jacked off in caves during the truce between them and the Kuomintang where they were supposed to fight the Japanese together. Then when the Kuomintang were spent by fighting the Japanese and WW2 ended they emerged from their cum-filled caves and took control with their pretty much untouched forces.

This is what they teach in Chinese "history class"
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What did they win? The north still exists. They failed to re-unify and instead created an even worse cultural apartheid and intergenerational trauma/hatred.

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