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File: airdefense.webm (633 KB, 352x640)
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Weird to see the evolution of Hezbollah from using AA guns to Air Defense Missiles against Israeli Jets
They probably will never hit anything but the threat being there is a big upgrade
Even Lebanon doesn't have that
And before you say anything yes I know the video shows the flares
Is there a version with sound or what because I'm not seeing tracers or anything to indicate an AA gun
>They probably will never hit anything
But Allah is guiding their weapons though.
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Why can't Muslims successfully do air defense?
What UNIFIL doing

>fucking each other and Lebanese prossies from what I heard
>What UNIFIL doing
Helping Hezbollah.
we'll never know. Israel's only strategic advantage is airforce but the muslims around don't see the need of good AA for some reason. and that goes for decades. it's a mystery.
Look up "why arabs lose wars". It's a short book about its namesake.

Basically the problem is cultural. Arab culture doesn't promote cooperation and shared learning. Everyone has to hold on to their special knowledge because that makes them special.
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>Weird to see the evolution of Hezbollah from using AA guns to Air Defense Missiles against Israeli Jets
>They probably will never hit anything but the threat being there is a big upgrade

the threat of hezbollah AA is real but i don't see any AA missiles in this video, just flares and what sonic booms.

>don't see the need of good AA for some reason
israel would destroy any AA the muzzies could get. literally there is no AA they could get that would make them immune from the IAF. even if russian gifted them dozens of s300/s400, israel would simply destroy them
> we don't need army because Israel will destroy it
> Israel can't deal with 30000 hamas towelheads surrounded from all sides for 10 months and counting
AA is fucking key. use decoys, use anything you can get your hands on. when the first F-35 falls down on muzzie land for whatever reason, the jews and the entire West will shit themselves for real.
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>> we don't need army because Israel will destroy not saying they don't need it. i am simply there is no AD in the world that could save them from the IAF? proof? syria. they have a shitton ton of russian and Iranian AD but yet that doesn't stop them from getting occasionally bombed by the israelis

>> Israel can't deal with 30000 hamas towelheads surrounded from all sides for 10 months and counting
what does this have to do with AA? are you a bot? if you want to talk about hamas we can do it man but i thought we're talking about AA

> when the first F-35 falls down on muzzie land for whatever reason, the jews and the entire West will shit themselves for real.
how about dealing with israel's older planes first before fantasizing about the f35?
>> we don't need army because Israel will destroy it
i am not saying they don't need it. i am simply saying there is no AD in the world that could save them from the IAF? proof? syria. they have a shitton ton of russian and Iranian AD but yet that doesn't stop them from getting occasionally bombed by the israel
> what does this have to do with AA?
a lot. Israel these days is a paper tiger. too used to good life and being a "first world country" to send their children to death (like russia does in ukraine). Air force is literally the only thing that allows them to strike their neighbors with impunity. take that away (even partially) and they have nothing.
>Arab culture doesn't promote cooperation and shared learning
It doesn't promote work, period
That's the real conclusion of the book
>a lot
so what's stopping the syrians, iranians, hezbollah, etc from shooting down israeli planes?

> too used to good life and being a "first world country" to send their children to death
there is still a good life in israel. i would rather live there than any of the sourrounding shitholes. the rate of deaths in the gaza war is extremely low. especially now. hamas isn't killing a lot idf soldiers. they spend most of their time hiding under tunnels and within civilians

> Air force is literally the only thing that allows them to strike their neighbors with impunity. take that away (even partially) and they have nothing.
you're wrong. they have better intelligence, ICBMS and submarines and more but go on. show us how retarded you're
reading comprehension = zero
> Israel can attack Iran with submarines
> show us how retarded you are
I kneel.
did you miss the ICBM part? also yes they can. israel has submarines that can fire surface missiles. notice how you ignored the rest of my points?
if the jews use that, EVER, Israel will be turned to glass withing 1 year.
> m-muh submarines
don't mean jack shit against any ME country as they don't have fleets to begin with. Using surface missiles with a submarine in a land war is fucking retarded when resupply is a bitch.
>if the jews use that, EVER, Israel will be turned to glass withing 1 year.
you're fanatsizing. just like you were fantisizing ealier about shooting down f35s. it's what you do. in reality, we would never get to this because muzzies suck at warfare and the israelis will always maintain aerial supremacy

>don't mean jack shit against any ME country as they don't have fleets to begin with. Using surface missiles with a submarine in a land war is fucking retarded when resupply is a bitch.
lol no they would just nuke them lol. i t thought we were all playing out unrealistic scenarios in our heads
> the israelis will always maintain aerial supremacy
air is not what it used to be. Israel is not what it used to be as well.
>nothing is what it used to be because I said so alright
>air is not what it used to be. Israel is not what it used to be as well.
so where are the israeli planes dropping down? why is israel still bombing shit all over the middle-east?
>Arab culture doesn't promote cooperation and shared learning

It's the opposite of nordic cultures where people survived the cold climate and hunger because of planning and teamwork.

It's not surprising that muslims never truly fit here. There's always something wrong with them.
> i'm gonna noook
chill and take a banan
read the rest of my post, retard. you're making yourself look stupid
Bro, I think you misread it.
Only a matter of time. Missille tech is getting cheaper and proliferating. Manned military aviation will hit the point of diminishing returns soon. They will get replaced by drones.
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>Manned military aviation will hit the point of diminishing returns soon. They will get replaced by drones.
that's a load of bullshit. drones are useless against manned fighters
Every single corporation has that, the problem is they don't have enough of an incentive to work and adapt. Their enemy is so strong and relatively benevolent, why bother thinking about big enemies when you're struggling with the small civil ones at home.
>He says posting a fighter close splashing a crude cruise missiles with an automated missile
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are you gonna make a point or what?
We aren't talking about corporations, but war. We're talking about tank mechanics who won't train other mechanics properly because that means they're no longer an irreplaceable tank mechanic.
>when the first F-35 falls down on muzzie land
things that will never happen
File: hezbollah_car.webm (822 KB, 1280x720)
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sorry pal, allah doesn't do night shifts
File: fighter_jets.webm (706 KB, 480x618)
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ok. at this point they're just trying to get shotdown. new footage just dropped of israeli fghter jets flying extremely low in south lebanon/ i know they're trying to bait hezbollah into firing a SAM but jesus christ, jerry

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