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>Two of China’s H-6-series aircraft, as well as a pair of Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers, flew through a portion of the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Alaska earlier today. This is the first time Chinese H-6s of any kind have operated in this part of the world and they may well have flown from bases in Russia to get there. Regardless, this is an important development when it comes to Beijing’s ability to project power and underscores its ties with Moscow that have significantly strengthed since the latter launched its all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
>The U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) “detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two PRC [People’s Republic of China] H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on July 24, 2024,” according to an official press release. “NORAD fighter jets from the United States and Canada conducted the intercept.”
>“The Russian and PRC aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace,” NORAD added in its release. “This Russian and PRC activity in the Alaska ADIZ is not seen as a threat, and NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence.”
>“Fortunately, we haven’t seen Chinese aircraft operate near our air defense identification zones yet, but I think that that’s coming as early as this year,” U.S. Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, currently head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), told members of the House Armed Services Committee at a hearing back in February. “That shows an overall concern I have about the growing capability of China not only with aircraft, but also with ships and even submarines being able to range further from China and closer to our shores.”
Russia should send their tu160s
Winnie needing to show visible strength to the party once again. Politically, this is a bad move as it paints a picture of China as an aggressor co-operating publicly with Russia, an international pariah state. Maybe all those CSG's and AIM-174s broke something in their minds.
Am I the only person here who actually likes the H-6?
It's honestly quite incredible how the chinks have managed to keep the plane somewhat up to par with modern standards and are STILL producing modern versions of it, it would be like the US still producing an insanely modernized version of the B-47 which imho would be incredibly based and kino, early 50's bombers are just fuckin cool
It’s just a tu16, chang. Not up to par with anything.
why do they make new h6s and not some other plane?
Massive incompetence of course, they have no access to the Tu160, so they have to keep digging the hole of Tu16
It IS fucking hot. Wing root mounted engines look good. It’s just mediocre and used by an inferior country’s military.
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Only superior country(Russia) makes the best bombers(White Swan)
I mean.... the B-52 was introduced to service like 4 years before the first H-6 even flew.
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it's capable of throwing around Winnieh the Pooh's newest AShM's, I wouldn't call that bad
most probably a lack of funding
the Tu-16, which basically is the H-6 only flew 12 days after the B-52
not like it even matters because they fullfill completely different roles and the B-52 stopped production decades ago, while new H-6 variants are still being made
So is China picking up the slack in dick waving because Russia is occupied?
> The H-6 is a license-built version of the Soviet Tupolev Tu-16 and remains the primary bomber aircraft of the People's Republic of China.
>Delivery of the Tu-16 to China began in 1958, and a license production agreement with the Soviets was signed in the late 1950s.
Fuck. You don't see us flying B-47s off your coast.
That's because the west has fallen
RETVRN to M4s and B-47s
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As a show of strength, this is well below "smug woman" level.
fuck off reformer

The MIC needs to be reigned in and forced to produce simple cheap, proven effective weapons systems like B-47s, M4s, F-106s, Ye-166s and Alfa submarines
The US equivalent is freedom of navigation operations.
I mean sure I guess. While provocative nothing they did was illegal
They were flying alongside Russian Tu-95s
But imagine if we were sending 1950s destroyers through the Taiwan Straits.
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Speaking of RETVRN
I see, well time to start up the B-52 flights again. Seeing as they want to bring back the good ol days so much.
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Chinese planes are cool
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H-6 is cool, but the JH-7A is my favorite Chinese bomber.
The Feibao is the only proper chinese plane.
>they may well have flown from bases in Russia
So Russia is now "renting" out its far eastern air bases.
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VELY implessive
in todays conventional war bombers dont need much more then big payloads to be missile truck. Exactly why ancient relics like B-52 or Tu-95 are sill in use. or the H-6 (tu-16) in changs case
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I wonder what future awaits big ass expensive surface ships with the age of missile and drone spam. Latter is still in its infancy and still has yet to display autonomous underwater drones (torpedoes) stalking the seas. Already urkanians have managed to oust the black sea fleet from its supposed eternal imperial dock home with no navy
Fuck that send the Texas and New Jersey.
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In a 'dear god they really still use this' kind of way, yeah.
Did yoo know that yoour Allfa needs coolant water to keep the reactor operational?
This is like dressing your middle aged but single aunty like a tart and sending her to walk alone in dark alleys.
>dressing your middle aged but single aunty like a tart and sending her to walk alone in dark alleys.
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Footage of the joint patrol released by the Russian MOD, you can see that they were escorted by Su-30s and Su-35's and were intercepted by US F-16s, F18s and F35.
the cockpit looks weirdly european, what kid of shit did the french frogs sell them this time?
>coolant water
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Well it was in the 80's, when China was doing all sorts of defense deals with Europe, mainly France and Germany. Wouldn't be surprised if the French had a hand on it's development at some point.


It's actually one of my favorite fighter-bombers.
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looks alpha-jettish
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It reminds more of a Mitsibishi F-1/T-2, except it's much larger and carries fuckhueg payload.
>while new H-6 variants are still being made
why aren't they making a modern bomber instead?
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They have the H-20 that they've been hyping for years, still no actual photos.

But at the same time i guess it doesn't really sense making a conventional, non-stealth bomber nowadays AND they also operate Flankers and JH-7's which already can carry a lot of stuff as well.
>make sense making

aren't internal engines a nightmare for maintenance?
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>They have the H-20 that they've been hyping for years, still no actual photos.
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Cute :3
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Found more pics of the whole thing.
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Su-30's were also present, apparently it was a big group that went there.
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>be bros with Russian airforce
>they decide to invite bugmen
This is like inviting your weirdo friend to poker night.
Really kills the vibes. Degradation of a hobby in motion.
It's a nice place, I like dem big bois so my racism doesn't interfere as far as bombers go.
Bloated creaky ripoff of XB-70 aesthetic
It’s an ugly and gay looking airplane

You mean the supersonic bomber that is not allowed to go supersonic to prevent it from shacking itself apart? Mighty impressive.
>They have the H-20 that they've been hyping for years, still no actual photos.
Changs can't into flying wings. I guess they haven't yet stolen Northrop's 70+ years of data/experience on the design.
I know it'S sodium in the primary loop, anon.
You still have to keep the reactor running (i.e. water in the secondary loop) or keep the sodium liquid by connecting an onshore heating source.

If you do not do this, the reactor stops working because the sodium solidifies. A cold start of trhis type of reactor is a vey lengthy and coomplicated procedure, adn I have read sources that said it's impoossible and letting the thing cool down means it requires an overhaul before it can even be restarted.
Hahaha yeah the US would never fly bombers from the 50s like China and Russia. That would be crazy. Hahaha.
F-104s please
Not content with simply copying our weapons the chinks now feel the need to intrude on the whole song and dance we’ve been having with the Russians for decades, feels wrong
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The military has fallen for the siren song of "multirole" jets. In my vision such things would be done away with and the dedicated interceptor would be back in the limelight
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The US is fucking gay and turned its back on god's light

We must RETVRN
I bet that was actually pretty cool and fun for all pilots and crew involved from both sides desu.
danger triangles are the domain of the euros now
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Modern eurocanards are the chatGPT of aircraft, call me back when they're in bare metal schemes and also much larger strategic bombers

Rafael gets a pass because it looks fucking weird from the front and I respect that
Man, I wonder what they blanked out on the console at the 46 second mark.
dead beat dad and his 3 loli daughters
this looks like a follow up from their joint basing bomber operations in the 2010s. i expect that we may see russian bombers conducting similar missions in the south china see and near guam later this decade.
>but also with ships and even submarines being able to range further from China and closer to our shores.
Battle of Anchorage here we come
drone/missile spam and impending budget woes are being desperately ignored by we burgers who love to pretend its still 1990
There are no impending budget woes, just bad allocation.
How do Russian and Chinese pilots communicate in these operations, do they just use English?
Built for AIM-174 (formerly AIM-54).

They move the throttle quickly back and forth to create smoke signals.
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Would make sense if it was the Bear.
The H-6 is like that uncle who you know nothin about, but somehow has a lot of money even though he never talks about what he does for a living.
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>Destroys your HVT outside of your AIM-174 engagement range
Nothing personal amerifat
>Gets intercepted
It's just a ballistic missile.
very badly, yes
there are a few clips of FONOPS on Youtube with the Chinese saying something absolutely incomprehensible while the US pilos repeats the FONOPS formula

honestly a little balls shrinking as you don't know if the Chinese are really saying something like "I not care, this rast warning amelikan pigdog, letleat or we raunch missire"
>saying something absolutely incomprehensible while the US pilos repeats the FONOPS formula
is that the one where the chinese pilot meows over comms?
>Tupalev 160
Don't those things belch out toxic orange colored smoke? If so, why? Wouldn't that kill or harm the airfield crew and personnel?
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>Latter is still in its infancy and still has yet to display autonomous underwater drones (torpedoes) stalking the seas.
>he doesn't know
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you're a nigger faggot
I remember that shoop
>The other aim 174 intercepts this
Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers...
It’s not just screwing around, I think the actual protocol is that both sides have to acknowledge each other. It’s basically just a game from the Cold War, everyone just treats it like an unofficial training exercise.
Like i said in the other post, it wouldn't make sense for them to build another conventional bomber. So they'll either keep rolling with the H-6 as the US does with the B-52 for decades or build the H-20, most likely the former.
Or the third option, a hypersonic bomber that flies at 30-40km altitude that the sovitts had in mind before ICBMs became a thing: https://youtu.be/Ed5CYLk6B5Y?si=IsZjHTNc7jC6jQ89
China could reuse tech from the DF-17 HGV
Snake, its a snake! Ooooh its a snake.
there's owls in the navy.

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