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Fancy ones, too. There's an RFP. Here it is.
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The ones they have seem to work pretty well already, assuming they actually decide to use them.
1) They need a semi-auto sniper for the spotter, in case there are multiple assailants. It doesn't make sense that they were both rocking bolt-actions. Should have an accurized AR/SCAR in one of the modern sniper calibers in the ~6mm range.

2) They desperately need some kind of thermals on their guns or handheld. They could've spotted the assassin through the trees easily with FLIR.

3) They need to adopt the M7/NGSW type of smart scope, instead of the traditional top-mounted range finder thing without a HUD. Vortex could probably make them a 5-25x or whatever with the smart scope module.
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what they want
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>operator level changeable barrel
>bolt action sniper rifle
What did they mean by this?
Caliber changes presumably. The MRAD can do it.
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Yeah that'll solve all their institutional problems. Like a third of their agents being chicks that shy away from gunfire instead of standing tall as ablative armor for the guy they're protecting. Their performance was horrifying.
Do counter-snipers really need a magnum caliber bolt action? Is this some legacy boomer shit where they absolutely have to dome the attacker instead of just shooting him a couple of times with an accurized AR, a belt-fed machine gun would serve their purpose if it wasn't bad PR
I imagine that they also have to worry about things like people with plates and vehicles which an AR might not be enough for at long range
>The other calibers will be tested for feed and function only.
Why? Are they trying to use this to shop out an overall caliber change?
What a retarded requirement.
They should just buy anything in .338 with a chassis and call it a day.
One of the first things they stipulate is a compatibility requirement with a specific suppressor, so it's probably fair to say that the choice of mag bolt action isn't primarily about stopping powah.

And atacr for drop testing etc.
Caliber changes are a fucking meme. Just have two rifles.
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But why does it need to be at the operator level? Switching barrels mid gun fight?

>t. bought into the LMT quick change barrel that I’ve never used.
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Who wins?
Keep all the shit on your rifles guy
EDC next to destructive device plus time
>Switching barrels mid gun fight?
One thought, maybe they need it for miscellaneous reasons like VIP travel? Caliber X is fine in some other country but Y would be unacceptable paperwork, for example.

Sometimes whole delegations get held up because of issues with clearing weapons into the country. Multiple high profile incidents in europe recently.
The real retarded requirement is the rifle needing to be available in both left and right handed.
There are 0 caliber convertible and LH/RH rifles avilable rn afaik
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>He doesn’t EDC a spare frag grenade

>.308 Winchester
Fun fact, this round is actually spicier than 7.62 NATO.
So pretty much, MRAD, TRG A1, AXMC right?
Use .308 for closer up training to not burn out the magnum barrel.
>Use .308 for closer up training to not burn out the magnum barrel.
Makes training substantially cheaper, too.
If we're partially meeting the requirements...
It's an ai axsr, practically wrote the spec sheet
Anon, I was reading up on something with the Finnish military wherein they test their sniper rifles to see if they maintain a 1 MOA standard at 1000 meters

They replace them if they do not

I imagine a more serious military maintains a similar standard and just wants shit to be easier
>If we're partially meeting the requirements...
All three of those would require small modifications to meet those requirements - but that's very normal for large military manufacturers chasing lucrative contracts.
>le badass 80s guys with mustaches
>Reagan shot, needed immediate surgery, almost died
>le DEI affirmative action
>shooter killed within seconds, President barely notices

Why are you idiots so quick to fixate on dumb ID pol culture war shit? Are you lead poisoned boomers?
The only fuckups other than the SS were the police who ID'd the shooter as suspicious but didn't do anything about it. They weren't even on camera for you to conveniently seethe at.
But of course woman = neuron activation = reeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I just don't get this obsession. It's like someone is trying to force a meme.
>write requirements
>technically no existing rifle meets 100% of the requirements

"It wasn't our fault that a 20 year old with a dungeon master physique and poverty blaster AR got the better of us because the rifle we need doesn't exist."

This is the same bullshit the Army pulled with the NGSW and the FBI pulled with 10mm.
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NTA but both incidents were fuckups. You have to take individual issues and compartmentalize them IMO. The fact is that the SS Director was inept and did a bellyflop in front of Congress in her testimony. She clearly wasn't capable of running the agency and had ducked up priorities. And some of the DHS cutouts guarding Trump looked like absolute shit. But the Chad agents protecting Reagan also dropped the ball. In neither case can you delegate responsibility to local PD.
>.308 Winchester
>Fun fact, this round is actually spicier than 7.62 NATO.
>308 is 2000 PSI higher than 7.62

Ok retard
Bipod must have extra-grippy feet for dangerously sloped roofs.
>babby's first fuddlore
If they're sticking with sub-33 then I think 7mm PRC is better then anything they're considering there, even though 300 PRC is a neat effort. But if they're considering an entire new gun sticking with ancient calibers at this point is retarded.
Uh, no. You may want to look into this further before you embarrass yourself more.
>>operator level changeable barrel
>>bolt action sniper rifle
>What did they mean by this?
What do you mean by this? Caliber change is super fast, easy and nice on my SRS. I assume most good ones can do it at this point, nothing new or special about it.
>why do they NEEED a high capacity assault bullet?
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>SAAMI is wrong because...BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK?!??!

Cocksuckers both of you
their rifles also had no bearing on their effectiveness. if anything they should be spending more money on communication equipment since it simply took too long to get confirmation on whether or not the kid was a shooter or some rando cop
>Do counter-snipers really need a magnum caliber bolt action? Is this some legacy boomer shit where they absolutely have to dome the attacker instead of just shooting him a couple of times with an accurized AR, a belt-fed machine gun would serve their purpose if it wasn't bad PR
We're talking in a civilian setting mostly within the USA, often in areas with boat loads of American civilians around. If you opened up with a belt-fed machine gun and nailed a bunch of other people no, that'd be completely unacceptable you absolute fucking /arg/ retard.
>requires wrong hand configuration
Stupid, and I say that as a leftie. Just learn to operate a gun right handed it's not a big deal particularly with a bolt.
Bro couldn't even be bothered to shave before suiciding by SS agent.
>new equipment to fix what was clearly a tactical mistake
my ARMA 3 group would do a better job of identifying the key positions to lock down than they did
you have replied with this exact post for 27 days in a row now
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Not them but how do you know this?
Send this patriot to the fun zone at once
>Can't do their jobs to begin with
So basically everyone is saying that the aftermath of the shooting attempt is as follows:
- ban U.S. citizens from telegram and TikTok. This goes without saying.
- ban common drone proliferation
- keep trump indoors. No more rallies for his pro vatnik hate, it’s too Dangerous
- crackdown on conspiracies. The world is saying Twitter and Russia played a role. The time for authorities to limit their reach is now.
- send Ukraine the max helps possible. Defending democracy means democracy is everywhere. No more deflections and denials.
>Small Legs Review
Fire Rogoway. We need Bugby.
Did Zelensky himself type this? Wtf am I reading
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Not mutually exclusive. Comms stack and protocols might be too closely guarded to get obvious RFPs like this one, though.
Anon,the SS chief got beaten at her own job by AOC.AOC would be better at protecting Trump than her.Fucking AOC!
It was supposed to be an execution. They knew the shooter was there but still told Trump it was safe to get on the stage.
You forgot banning le AR-15. Like half of the hearing about the USSS fuckup was politicians bloviating on evil guns.
>all snipers were men and they all took too long to ID the assassin
Ironically, if he'd been using a cheap shit "hunting rifle" setup like a Savage bolt action with a $300 scope, he probably wouldn't have missed
>caliber conversion at operator level
The only person who is ever going to do that shit is the armorer, when the barrel needs to be replaced. Even then, they're just going to replace it with the original caliber.

He's right you waterheads. (Ironic last set of digits)
Operator level Caliber conversion on a sniper rifle is more absurd the longer i think about it. You're not going to be able to flip flop and re-zero a precision rifle, and get used to the recoil impulse of a different cartridge on the fly. Not when the margin for error is that low.

If anything the sniper is just going to pick the caliber they like and stick with it.
Nogunz spotted
How many field offices do they even have? One armorer per office? Meh
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how is a lefty supposed to cycle the bolt while still maintaining sight picture?

sorry anon this meme is a bit too forced.
Glad I missed it. Anything absolutely essential to know? Or just reading the riot act to the Main Character (never be the main character) for failing to protect class interests

And assuming they have at least 1 in every 50 states, Is there even 1 armorer per field office?
>The Secret Service currently looks after 36 protectees, down from 42 during Mr. Trump’s presidency. This year, the service, which employs more than 8,000 people, received $3.1 billion in congressional funding.

>Current and former Secret Service agents who worked both in the agency’s dozens of field offices and at the White House described a culture of workaholism, driven by a single-minded focus to protect their charges, but one that risked burnout.

>Former agents recalled working for weeks on end, sometimes in foreign countries, often with frequent and unexpected extensions to their travel schedules. To keep their clothes fresh, they steamed their uniforms on hotel ironing boards in the middle of the night or ran to Walmart for extra underwear. Their homes and pets were watched by neighbors.
>The Secret Service’s work grew more complex in the Trump administration, which drew in a large first family spread out over multiple states. The service secured tens of millions of dollars to outfit Trump Tower in New York City for agency use, only to find that the president spent much of his time away from Washington in Florida and New Jersey.

>And foreign dignitary visits, which the service is also assigned to handle, can sometimes occur with little advance warning, prompting a last-minute scramble.

>As an agent in the New York field office in the late 2000s, “we’d get a call on Friday night from American Airlines saying: ‘Just so you know, the Bahamian prime minister just boarded a flight to New York. Is anyone aware of that?’” remembered Jonathan Wackrow, who left the agency in 2014.
>The agency has been unable to win funding for even some top priorities. It has never secured the $8 million or more it would need to build a White House replica on the service’s Beltsville, Md. training grounds — despite pushing for nearly a decade to avoid having their agents train on an empty field.

>“You wouldn’t ask your Super Bowl champs to go out and train in a parking lot,” said Ms. Cheatle, who tried to renew the push for a replica, in an interview in May.

>Instead, dozens of agents settled for a series of visits to movie producer Tyler Perry’s studio in Atlanta, which is a model of the White House. They even ran a training exercise there, an agency official said.
they want the mrad and so they've set up the requirements so the mrad is the rifle that does the thing they want.
> ultrasonic
well, there goes any aluminum.
theyre going to end up some 15 pound pig of a rifle.
i disagree, with the infinite budget secret service likely just got access to they should be adding in any small thing that can make a rifle perfect
Explain why an SR25 and an AR-15 for the spotter would not be sufficient. The only exception would be a .50 cal for occasions when they are worried about vehicles however they're primary plan in every situation is to remove their protectee from the situation and let local cops deal with it.

The secret service would be much better off spending money on drones with AI that can rapidly ID suspicious individuals and objects.
>Explain why
Sir, that is NOT my job.
>The secret service would be much better off spending money on drones with AI that can rapidly ID suspicious individuals and objects.
>> This was literally HYDRA's plan in The Winter Soldier.
You could easily program a drone with a list of no go zones that alerts an operator if anyone goes into one.

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