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>walk around
>get hit by an fpv drone
>lose your eye and bleed out
Many such cases. Sad!

The trick to not getting droned is to not invade other countries.
What the fuck is that helmet cam rig? 550 cord?
His breathing is giving me shortness of breath I can't stand it, just imagining a bunch of fragments in my lungs panting and struggling to breathe.
Wait, where was this cut from? It is obviously some TV or YT program that's showing it (as evidenced by the last second), I wonder what the overall context is.
That's some nice sky.
Simple as
Looks to me like his armor was actually fairly effective... except the critical lack of face armor.
whats the guy doing alone? just scouting?

I pressume this is that fat blue eyed vatnik saying on camera how much he hated the hohols before but now that they tried to kill him he hates them even more
Probably baiting drones, mortars and machine guns so others could advance. Prime Russian tactics since Bakhmut.
>heroic enough to bait explosive drones and automatic grenade launchers
>not heroic enough to fix your resource rich country
I dont get it
Death from above. No place to hide.

We will need a retvrn to full armor to counter the FPV menace soon. These armors shall also feature their own small APS to destroy such threats from afar.
Drones will answer this situation with EFP shotguns firing from afar.
Thus we will also need full IR and optical spectrum stealth thanks to poncho style clothing incorporating Fresnel lenses and IR blocking material.
Standard infantry will have to become diggers and makeshift bunker builders to survive, and the tools to do so.

War... has changed.
He was denazifying Ukraine, wdym?
solo attacks is Puccia's genius attack method
Just so you know at 1:04 he starts saying something like:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

The fucking audacity!
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It's not great
This one got a twofer
Not really. They are not heroic. They are so mentally broken they just do whatever they are told. There's not an ounce of free spirit left in them.

>We will need a retvrn to full armor
Nah. The answer is your own antidrone drone swarm guarding your section/squad.
That gear looks suspiciously higher quality than average. I take it Xinnie is bankrolling puccia harder these days.
What kind of explosive was this? They seem ok after the explosion but died anyway, or they just faked out?
I think Chinks became worried Puccia might actually get fucked too hard by sanctions and therefore do some unforseen shittery so they rather decided to help them just enough to keep them afloat but not to raise too much suspicion.
Shrapnel is a fuck, anon.
Yep, he's reporting everything he sees using radio. Suicide scout.
You do realise sometimes when people get shot fatally, they might not die for hours, anon?
The human body tries its best to survive. If you don't get hit in the T zone you don't collapse instantly, hell some can even walk a mile, but the best bit is they get to endure hours of pain and suffering first before their inevitable death.
The Russoid on the right ate shrapnel in the chest, the one on the left probably his legs and back.
It's a gopro. There are some sold in Russia still apparently.
The shrapnel hit them in the ass which was in the ass.

Doesn't help either they don't get proper medical equiptment. I heard they don't even adopted tourniquets, they have this notched rubber bands they calls esmarch bandage.
What's horrifying is this will be the norm when being invaded.
Indiscriminate drone strikes on civilians that go outside.
I can only hope we are so lucky.
Shrapnel. Blood loss. Look at the color of their skin, they're both ghost-white. Probably stunned from the concussive blast at that proximity and never lived long enough to regain their senses before the shrapnel peppering them bled them out.

New indian volunteer army footage
>What's horrifying is this will be the norm when being invaded.
As soon as the use of drones against civilians occurs, the sooner we can drop the veil of honor regarding the rules of engagement. If terrorists want to target civilians with drones in this way, they risk their entire population's lives.
drone warfare is fucking gay
AI improvements go in the other direction too. We will get CIWS on a smaller scale hitting UAV targets. The nations with the best tech will have the best defense.

They are just controlled mortars.
Looked like a tough guy. Or maybe he was just lucky. If he wasn't so fat and old he would've done better
Bro he wasn't talking about the camera, but his gear. And he is right, the dude was kitted out.
At least it's not raining?
>just walking by himself
>on an empty road devoid of any cover
>could have drones, ieds, under enemy observation
>just walking

What is this tactic called tactically speaking? Reconnaissance by retardation? By euthanization?
>What is this tactic called tactically speaking
Getting your Steppes in.
Did you say CIWS? I LOVE CIWS. I hope I get to own my own drone killing CIWS one day. I could use CIWS to hunt seagulls, scare off Jehovah's witnesses with CIWS on my front lawn, and maybe even mount CIWS on my car. I love the sound of CIWS.
The future is looking bright.
Enjoy it while you can marine, soon as we land we're right back to it
God clearly answered him just not the way he wanted. The damn sky is angry at you for invading your neighbor there's not much closer to divine retribution than that
The indians are learning the thieves' code from Russians quickly I see
>Indian gay porn on Instagram
now that's something you don't see every day
so if you get shot but don't die immediately, you're ok?
>Russia slowly advances
>Only see daily videos of Russians suiciding, drones ACK'ing Russians, turret tosses, AD getting HIMARS'd etc.
>Never see videos or pics of successful Russian actions

Am I missing something here? I don't wanna fall into my own biased bubble. I'd rather have some harsh truths served once in a while than comforting lies. Are Ukrainians just good at OPSEC?
phalanxfags this is our time to shine
Ukrianians often retreat from untenable positions once supplies run out. Russians have to keep supplying their frontlines as they are pushing.
Yes Ukrainians are also dying, but attacking is just generally far more dangerous due to how the supply system works.
Static lines that aren't moving are actually more risky for Ukriane that those Russian meatwaves.
good opsec and they are stretched thin and are still trading land slooowly for excellent casualty trade ratio in both materiel and manpower
Oh yes I too am Very Goncerned. There is much the west is hiding from me I must check incel lada

(you can just look at the loss figures retard)
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Are there any videos of Ukrainians doing this retreating fighting? I feel its a shame we're only seeing the "glorious" shit, not indecisive action, failures or the likes.

>Genuine question
>Instantly trying to be called out as some sort of shadow vatnig

Good God some of you are as insufferable as vatniggers themselves.
Why does he not run to the "woods" just next to him? At least there maybe the dron accidentally hits one of the branches far away from him.
Dude had a gun and a radio, he wasn't the average mobik
man just shut the fuck up
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>the front is still stuck at avdivikaka
>after 3 years
the frontline that russia takes field by field is manned by small teams or squads only so worst you will ever see is like 5 Ukrainian fallen and a vehicle or two destroyed in one spot. Lack of cover, drones and especially artillery make the "frontline" very deep up to like 50 km.
i would guess there is not enough of those things taking place to prevent Russia from inching forward with waves of meat and rusted shitboxes. And because they are advancing with meat waves and shitboxes we get to see some really gnarly shit.
>the frontline that russia takes field by field is manned by small teams or squads

Is this because the drone coverage is so high that any more would instantly attract artillery?
I addressed your Genuine Concern (tm) and you're crying like a bitch because I wasn't kissing your ass at the same time. Neck.
>hurr just take video of yourself leaving your trenches and dugouts and moving towards your new position
Shit eating moron who the fuck in the history of operational security would ever think this is a good idea your brain is a roasted peanut
drones and artillery spotters on ground, airpower and how open and flat Ukraine is all combined to massive numbers of artillery and mortars on both sides but especially russia
>Never see videos or pics of successful Russian actions
Go outside of the western media bubble?
I am a drone operator and have to watch for developments from their side. There is a shitton of telegram channels with all kinds of video from ziggers. From their civil lives on the occupied territories, to their drone footage. KAB videos are the worst desu, but you have to know your enemy, their tactics and capabilites if you want to be prepared
Its what you already know anon
We see so much Pussyian Vatniggers getting fucked up because they just keep sending men to their death, but the thing is that the line breaks eventually and they do get through.
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You are literally commenting on a video by a Russian soldier who got droned and uploaded the video. Even if Ukrainians had super tightest OPSEC imaginable you still would have the occasional Russian picking up go-pro's from fallen Ukrainian soldiers and uploading them.
Why would there be. You kill 50 mobiks using drones, you fall back when you run out. You leave plenty of mines and 2 mobiks behind as tripwire that either retreats or gets FOB'd that you hope can fight it out but will probably die when they run out of supplies (or they retreat under cover of night) and then you repeat.
Some die, but they also kill a fuck ton as a result.
>There is a shitton of telegram channels with all kinds of video from ziggers.

I used to look at some of them but they were plagued by shitty 240p videos, split footage and outrageous claims. Are there any actually worth their salt?
If picking up a dead operative's gopro and uploading it was a standard occurrence we'd have more examples. This is not the norm. With how slow the lines move now, pretty much every dead body is in no man's land for a long time.
>The first man has the gopro
>When he falls, the second man uploads the footage
Obviously an innocent POW, ukronazis will pay
At this point what do you do
shitty $20 drones from aliexpress is going to completely change the way infantry platoons will be organized. Very odd timeline.
Picrel should give you a better idea
yeah usually you start to regenerate when out of combat, but the enemy drone was right there so they were all shit out of luck.
>God from the Mount of Sinai, whose gray top shall tremble, He descending, will Himself, in thunder, lightning and loud trumpets sound, ordain them laws.
I am not saddened by this. Cause on the current path the only way to peace and a better future is through the death of houndreds of thousands more russians. So his death is a thing of joy.
I am saddened that this has to be the way cause of the cowardice of western leaders that barely sent support and due to the evil of the Kremlin.
What funny is barely any Ukrainian footage actually makes it to /k/ either. The problem is how telegram works it's all compartmentalised into followers only so it's hard to get a good grap of the situation. Twitter doesn't get everything either.
I get most of my personal footage from a private discord of ex mil fags who just like war footage, but most of their aggregate is telegram, reddit or Twitter.
Somehow reddit is a better aggregator of combat footage than /k/ or places like /uhg/ either because you're limited to the hours it gets posted, the willingness to covert to webm and the interests of the posters.
If you're actually interested in footage alone then you can infrequently check https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/
For mostly Ukrainian footage with Russian sprinkled in and https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/ for Russoid equivalent.

Russian footage is notoriously poor quality and uses cuts and edits, they notoriously cut out the armament used to make the explosion, leading to frequent accusations of not actually hitting anything because of the cut (also true sometimes)
Just don't read the comments, fuck, you really don't want to know the opinions of these freaks.
If you're looking for high-quality entertainment, stick to the Ukrainian videos. If you want to study vatniks, their military and civil life culture, then it's definetly worth digging through their trash.
Just don't watch RT and other official videos, look for short clips from direct sources. As I mentioned, there are hundreds of telegram channels on their side with unique content. You don't even need to read the text of the posts themselves
Combat footage is the one thing I use xitter for. You don't get the personnel stuff much because muh gruesome but you get equipment losses, which I prefer as individual infantry losses don't give you much information
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For the low price of one bumblefuck, fat male relative, you too could be in the draw to win a brand new Lada!
Based song
There's another guy behind him at the start of the video
is he referring to drones or planes as birds? I though birds attacking people was something that only happens in like Australia
Been browsing leddit unfortunately for footage lately and you can tell the pro russian groups are literally all third worlders. You go to their profiles and they're all Indians or some mystery meat. Also there's the one group (forgot name) where they have their bias in their header and half of them have "pro ukraine" but it's 100% a shill campaign because it's all ziggers and a demoraliztion attempt but it's just them talking amongst themselves.
I am hysterical and in tears over this image btw
the moment the drones swoops out of nowhere and flies towards him is fucking terrifying. Straight up like a scene from a horror movie. If dynamite and nukes didn't ensure mutual destruction and put fear of war into man, then drones 100% will.

I also love the little prayer he does.Straight up mudslime behavior. I guess we were right about Orthodogs falling to pisslam one day.
Sunny with a chance of FPVs.
>to whom God’s love commits me here
He seemed to really be feeling God's love toward the end there. Sort of like being shredded to pieces alive by demons from Hell. Hope he gets to experience that eternally.
>reporting everything he sees using radio
Notice the guy on the right in this vid, too >>62142361
He's yammering away as he bleeds out.
Anon what's the purple area? That will answer all your questions
How nice of you not to iclude scale there. It might answer your stupid question.
The tank vid, the fighting hole double kill, the corner peeking full auto dump.. that's about all they have after 2.5 years
China doesn't do "charity." You can bet your ass Russia is paying above market value for this shit.
>This horrific demise was proudly sponsored by gunsmarket24.ru

What are the ethical and legal implications of advertising on combat footage?
>dumb westoid cannot comprehend genius of asymptotic offensive
Many such cases. Sad!
does he have perpetual short breath?
what does he keep saying at 1:05?
Reddit comment we all fucking know this. Stop posting for anonymous updoots
It’s like Harry Potter anon the hood guys are defeating the evil guys don’t worry about it
>He didn't invade anyone. The state did.
Contract soldier. I hope he lived long enough to curse what his fat wife would do with his death payout
I for one look forward to a day in the future, hopefully not too far into the future, when this war has ended, when there is peace again, when humankind realize we are brothers, and sisters, and normal relations are restored, and I can travel to Russia.

And fly drones over veteran housing and watch the cunts sperg out and suicide.
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How hard would it be to make a suit of lvl 4 full plate?
You say this but this crap is going to be all over Yurop once muzzies stop arguing over whether Moheezy was born on Tuesday or Thursday and start figuring out Xinput wrappers. The US really is lucky that we're insulated from this by 2 major bodies of water but we still have to worry about Mexico and S. America because the Spaniards couldn't handle business.
>he didn't invade anyone
So what's he doing in Ukraine with a rifle trying to kill people? Seems like an invader to me.
With the right tools not too hard. The hard part will come afterwards when you try to walk any distance with it, shits getting real heavy real fast.
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That's a sick green AK, I'd buy one if Putin's nigger ass hadn't acted like a retard in Georgia/Crimea in the mid 2010s and fucked up Russian imports. I remember when you could get a Baikal coach gun for like $300, I live near a local gunsmith who'd sell them for $400 with a little work put into them.
some sort of prayer
"My [I don't know this word],
Be with me,
You in front,
Me behind".
Whatever he was praying to obviously didn't listen.
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noooo not the poor heckin pidorinos nooooo
captcha related
Instructions unclear, legs blown off.
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>He didn't invade anyone. The state did.
So why didn't he die on internationally-recognized Russian soil?
>[I don't know this word]
Angel protector. Personal deity
Guardian angel in English.
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>Whatever he was praying to obviously didn't listen.
Well, yeah. God hates Russia.
Don't tell him what to do tranny. Go be concernFAG somewhere else.
must be an elite Stalker, he was all kitted up

one does wonder if all the body armor slowed him down and tired him out to such an extent he became easy as shit to find and hit.
Checked, heres the summary.
>Guy walks around, saying to himself that if he's the first to assault he's the first for R&R
>Sees drone (mavic), asks if it's Russian via comms
>It's not
>Tries to shoot it down with his ak, scares it away
>Starts chanting "My Angel, stay with me. You'll go forth, and i'll be behind you" repeatedly
>Mortar shells starts landing near him, he reports the location of the hits
>Sees drone, it's an FPV this time
>Drone explodes near him
>Uses radio to report on his eye (quote) leaking out
>Fucks off whilst panting heavily
He's on the wrong side of the border, thus he is an invader
See >>62143559. Vatniggers need reminding that they're in the wrong.
as opposed to policing comments for (You)s? thank you, bootleg jannie.
Thanks anon
>My Angel, stay with me. You'll go forth, and i'll be behind you
top kek. the angel went forth without him and he followed the devil.
Russia doesn't have as much tech in the field and their social media has very little English crossover, unlike Ukraine's. The state also knows as the aggressor they're not gonna win any Western hearts by uploading videos of them killing Ukrainians who fucking live on the land they're invading. I assume there might be more stuff in the Hindi world but I poo indoors so who knows.

If you're specifically talking about /k/, I know someone's gonna call me a vatnik but the discussion here is curated.
>omg a drone lets stand right next to eachother
He is "the state".
Looks like the second guy took shrapnel to the lung and drowned in his own blood, trying to gasp for air at the end there.
or they just upload it themselves
Wait, did he survive? If so, does that mean having EOD shit is a viable counter to FPVs?
>Any type of critical thinking and questioning must mean an anon is a mobik shill
You are almost as bad as them and a cancer to the board.
Shut the fuck up retard
Flandre’s been here for ever so it’s not like this is a recent thing.

Kill yourself. Wanting to see Ukie loses doesn’t mean you’re cheering for Russia. This war should be seen as a learning opportunity for the rest of us. It’s good to see what works and what doesn’t.
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>Honestly I would have pressed it too.
Top fucking kek.
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I have seen some "successful" ziggers assaults.
They usually lose more troops than the Ukrainians.
The Ukrainians usually retreat wisely.
The whole point of the ziggers is that they have more people for meat waves.
t. Fortified Taras
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shut up retard.
It could also be why he got got. From the start of the video he is completely out of breath and moving slowly, makes him an easy target. No amount of armor will save you if you exhaust yourself. A rookie mistake is relying on protection to keep you safe
Look at the road, it's WELL travelled.
This is an area between the front and the rear, as John from Active Self Protection would call it; A Transitional Space.
Nah they're no fucking way anyone would agree to this, it's literally suicide
If he doesn't he gets raped and stuck in the DS9 commie hotbox.
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You WILL get in the community hotbox for not being a slave to my ideals
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instructions unclear - column on fire near donetsk
ACK yourself
You're a schizo obsessed with men who dress up as ugly women. You're just as bad as them and deserve to be aktion t4'd
anon have you watched the fucking videos of them assaulting trenches on dirtbikes?
no, fucking stupid and cowardly. any officer who issues such an order deserves to be fragged. following a purely suicidal order is the ULTIMATE cuck.
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me/ K_Golovin
clearly chud propoganda
>avdiivka still in the middle of the map of advances
Holy fuck lmao.
America had another trick which is out of the Russians grasp, a functioning army.
Its not like movies or video games. Due to shrapnel they bleed out or tore ligaments, punctured lungs, etc... Even if decapitated you can still remain conscious for about 2 minutes (or until blood pressure drops enough for you to pass out and die).
Can someone please post the screencap from VK with the Russian seething that Poland has IKEA furniture?
A lone soldier was sent along an unknown road, in an unknown direction, for an unknown reason.
He was fertilizing Ukrainian farmlands, what else?
So you agree the person in the video had it coming? Good.

> im just a combatant, im not accountable
Yup, every single American that died in any of the sandboxes could've avoided that particular death by not being there, but they didn't and got rightfully killed by a local defending their home country or whatever mudhut they call their home.
Is that supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
>Anon expects Muslims to figure themselves out before the great deportation begins
I was glad when yanks invading random countries in the Middle East got dabbed on and I'm glad when ruskies invading Ukraine get dabbed on too.
But you have to know, if a Russian finds a go pro, he will probably hid that thing like the apple of his eye to prevent another goon to take it from him.
I expected some deaths from Americans on foreign soil, but god damn Russians really wanted higher body counts. To answer your question, you avoid this shit by not going in the first place, and that doesn't change regardless of how much or how little you support the war.
You're a chutney ferret.
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fuck off you retarded niggerfaggot lmao.
There's nothing "normal" about people like you.
>75% were Iraqis killing Iraqis lol
>1 milion civilians killed in Iraq war

Top kek at mudslime NGOs funded by useful idiots raising the death toll by a factor of 10 every couple of years
It's gonna be ten million deaths by 2040
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>hErE cOmE tHe hOhOl bOtS
Why don't you go to based and trad Puccia and die like Russell Bentley did?
It's almost astounding how many buzzwords and fallacious arguments there can be in just four unpunctuated sentences.
The question I have to ask is; why is this a fulfilling and validating exercise for you? What pride can one have in using arguments scientifically engineered to be the most vile and potent weapons, arguments you know you yourself could never come up with?
Are you a man, or are you a servant?
Hey faggot, I’m American and I enjoy watching our weaponry rip into a Cold War nemesis in a hot hot hot war.
Watching Ukrainians send a burst of 5.56 into a rathole subhuman poking his head out is based.

Enjoy your rotting banana.
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He's even worse, he's one of those idiots that thinks being a free thinker is the same as being a contrarian faggot
>brainrot operates this body.
Yep, I was right, you're a contrarian faggot for the sake of contrarianism. The only cure is euthanasia for your ilk.
This is so blatantly a translated post. This wasn’t constructed in native English.
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Nobody gives a fuck about your screeching and whining except to laugh at it. Go be a special boy somewhere else.
What excuse do you have to call me a "nafo bot"?
You use such charged language, filled with such invective and vitriol; but is it truly deserved?
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I don't care. Anyone that killed at least one rusnigger is a saint as far as i'm concerned.
>russians are winning the actual war
...by taking more casualties and holding less ground than they did 2 years ago
One would think the purpose of argumentation would be to convince the other person; but I'm not so sure this is what we're seeing right now.
The only truth is Fear and Loathing; you use these weapons to hurt and scar, because you yourself are in a constant state of anxiety and fear.
You're lashing out.
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>terminally propagandized glavset asset accusing others of doublethink

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Cool it with the anti-semitism buddy, the great leader hates that.
Just take the Death Pill and enjoy watching them all die, dummy.
You've responded to the criticism of you using charged language by deflecting and minimizing.
When I peel back the mask you wear, what do you think I see?
Post passport
>You are a great and terrifying enemy!
>That is why I must wield these weapons
I told you you were afraid.
Because in the west I can earn enough to buy FPVs for the front and then watch the funny videos as vatniks suicide. Why don't you sign a contract and share in the "victory"? Because you're a chutney ferret.
>my website
You don't even own a gun, war tourist.
Kek you're underage b&
russians always write like a spastic trying to do poetry
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I'm sorry you traded your dad for ten bags of cheetohs and a lada on back order.
Actually that's not true. I'm not sorry kek
Why is there 0 attempt by either of the guys to treat their wounds?
Yes at any moment those red arrows could move the 1 mile from Niu-York (lmao what a name) to Nelipivka, then its the beginning of the end for the xoxols.
they send the conscripts and prisoners to draw drone , artillery and machine gun fire.

the professionals stay comfy and get all the good gear

the fucked up thing is its really effective.
Bless his Soul and may he find Forgiveness and Redemption.
Any good sources for combat footage on Mastodon?
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>trust me im winning
At the end of it all, when you're looking a man in the eyes and pulling the trigger, its all on you.
Its honestly amazing we can get side by side footage from both sides sometimes. Modern war is crazy. This is all stuff that as recently as the mid 2000s was only something you'd get war reports and war stories from veterans about. You didn't get to see the guys explode, bleed, have parts blown off, burn to death, and kill themselves in various manners.
Out of all of our man made horrors, maybe the affordable video camera is the scariest. What used to be a story your great uncle took to his grave is now brought to your room.
russians literally do not care about the meat waves.

they have two tiers,
professionals and meat waves

this has been confirmed by garand thumbs ukraine boys
oh boy this one is comedy gold
Why do the shills come to threads when they know it will upset them
>5:34 PM in Moscow
The raid is over in 30 minutes.
>nvm we don't care either
And you just ousted yourself as a newfaggot. You can leave now.
>Kill yourself. Wanting to see Ukie loses doesn’t mean you’re cheering for Russia
You can't speak English which is why you can't correctly interpret my post. Not sorry, die mad.
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>You can't speak English
Oh no, I missed a single letter! That must mean I can’t speak English. Kill yourself retard, you’re making the rest of us look bad.
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I don't care how someone who can't read looks in the mirror. I'd be mildly surprised you even own one.
skill issue
This is a response from someone you can tell has more than 2 brain cells to rub together.
>What used to be a story your great uncle took to his grave is now brought to your room
In the form of low brow memes
So why aren't they using electronic jamming on the drones? It's not a choice between jamming the drones and talking on the radio, is it?
Why don't helicopters and aeroplanes just use electronic jamming for guided missiles.
>lose your eye and bleed out
He's still alive and still has his eye. Here's the longer video from his youtube channel


He doesn't sound to happy though

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Look at those poor trees. Those barbaric pricks have fucking ruined them.
>no blood or exit wound
was this a nork bullet?
>this has been confirmed by garand thumbs
>why do they never post footage of their drones getting jammed, shot down or simply missing the target?
gee, I fucking wonder
this board has been scourged by onions fats like this that cant entertain a post about the war without polluting it with their football fan type shouting
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Fucked up what war does to a landscape
I think it's a 360 camera video thats been converted to 16:9 and the editor is steering the view towards what he wants to be visible
nigger do you think you can outrun an fpv or drop drone while being in an open field
uh oh, jannie won't like this...
>dead drunk Russians invading Ukriane.
Good he fucking deserved it.
>dead fat American in Iraq getting clapped by an IED.
Good he fucking deserved it.
Ukraine is trading land for Russian bodies and tanks. Russia will be nearly out of both within a year. Then you will have a complete collapse of the front, and the F16's will go to town on the Russian logistics, Iraq 1990 style. Its going to be kino
it's a shame there's no HD videos of the latter
they are volunteers, so yes, he personally invaded, he signed on it even
and then everyone clapped
Agreed. Its why I hate veterans in the US.
>meh PTSD.
no one fucking cares faggot, you signed up and you buddies got clapped by fucking 80IQ sand monkies while I stayed out of that stupid war and fucked you bitch. Zero respect for retards signing up to invade Ukraine or Iraq. Retards.
k is now reddit
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>and then everyone clapped
>election tourist
The triple threat. Go back.
projection, I did serve, got out ass soon as I saw what a retarded shitshow it was.
Projection, I'm not American, I'm Texan. I am legally required to own an A15 or be considered a faggot by the state.
>eleciton tourist
Ya, I came here when King Monkey was running Against Mormon King. Fun times, candy ass, ruddy poo.
>I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
Same old story. We saw that with Finland.
Tanks/missiles/soldiers/AD won't be out. Ukraine negotiate surrender, lose some territory, sign papers and everyone will tell that Russian throw meat waves and actually lost that war. Screencap.
anon absolutely BTFO, how will he ever recover?
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I honestly thought the "Russians are orcs" thing was just a fucking meme.
And how did that help them in afghanistan kek
go back to your oblast you worthless subhuman russoid snow nigger
Last year they went all in on it and even their propagandists and the snaga at home were like "we are all orcs, so what"
>3 years
Try ten
the ussr was capable of procuring more materiel on their own, current russia for some absurd reason has to buy from north korea
Stealing. The word you're looking for is stealing. Namely from countries further west than it.
East Germany practically had its entire industrial base uprooted and taken eastward. Without the other SSRs, Warsaw Pact countries, and other nations in its sphere, Russia reverted to a backwards shithole only slightly better than the backwards pre-Soviet agrarian shithole it used to be.
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I know only one idiot who keeps screeching about plebbit here, you wouldn't happen to be him, would you?
Germans lost war, m8, and all their might was spreding all over the world: scientist, machines, chemicals and even camera films - everything.
That’s the most hilariously aspect of all of this. They had a decade to prepare for the 2022 offensive. A decade of mostly unmitigated time and ability to prepare while they harassed and brutalized the fake separatist regions they had puppets in.
And they still fucked up hard. It’s a failed state.
They’re so transparent, it’s embarrassing.
It's just wild that more drone deaths have happened since 2022 than IED deaths in the entire Iraq/Afghanistan wars over the course of ≈20 years. Not arguing against your point, nor relying on videos as strictly evidence, but the rate at which vatnicks are dying is maddening.
>Fighting a war in a pretty flat area with barely any cover
>Decide walking alone on foot out in the open is the best option
>Get drone'd by someone using a controller and probably sipping on Slavic Mountain Dew

Russian military tactics are truly videogame NPC tier
They don’t even have the FEAR radio call outs to make it seem more thoughtful.

FASlavs are sad shit.
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always has been, they just keep complaining that "human waves never happened" and even convinced some retards their version was right
monke, being the chief of the kgb government clan, trusted his glowniggers too much when they paid lip-service to him saying a majority of ukrainian politicians and other functionaries had been bought off and would welcome them with open arms should russia invade.
monke basically went full
>We only need to kick in the front door and the whole rotten structure would come crashing down
yes, they'd have to pacify rogue batallions like the azovs and other determined fanatical nationalists, but the rest would gladly accept russian rule when it meant there'd be peace.
only this never was the case, at least not in a large enough degree. they had a couple dozen or hundred sleepers that were working for the kgb, while the rest took the russian money but never intended to sell out their own country.
it's pretty obvious, those 180k they invaded ukraine with would never be enough, they were just there to take key strategic objectives and expected the rest to collapse on its own.
there's also goreleaf and his vast collection
I mean, since monke chief’s came to power, the insides of Russia’s war machine had deteriorated heavily. He got his own generals killed in the Chechen war to replace them with loyalists.

Wannabe dictators and self sabotage, iconic.
>NOOOO you can’t utterly become a failed state within twenty years of Putin’s rise to power.
Go back.
>The problem is how telegram works it's all compartmentalised into followers only so it's hard to get a good grap of the situation
Honestly this is the only reason I follow Denys, he aggregates and translates shit for me.
Just ignore his retarded hopium takes.
go back to /pol/, tourist
>I though birds attacking people was something that only happens in like Australia
Trigger warning please. I m literally shaking rn

t. Australian cyclist
>Like when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan right?
Oh boy, I knew this moment would come.
I get to play "le both sides" from our side.

Nobody in the west blamed insurgents for being insurgents, we absolutely understood their position. Some of us sympathised and respected it, while still acknowledging that they needed to be defeated to avoid bad outcomes (not 100% successful but eh, you lead the horse to water and hope it works it out).
>Top kek at mudslime NGOs funded by useful idiots raising the death toll by a factor of 10 every couple of years
tbf US officially denied even counting because it was so many.
That kind of concedes the field to your ideological opponents.

If you want a count you respect, try doing it yourself. Otherwise, stfu and live with the count that other people do.
>he doesn't feed and befriend the magpies and crows
it's like you want to get swooped
It’s funny every time they try to conflate America at war with Russia at war. They aren’t equivalent. Americans have RoE constraints.
Not to mention Shia on Sunni violence is what it is.
Can’t blame America for Muslim on Muslim hatred, it’s a cultural pastime.
Nothing wrong with prayer.

Being an insincere Russian orc, yes
>/pol/-ack! calling board native a tourist
Many such cases.
I'm subscribed to some Z channels too and for every Russian drone video ukies upload 6. They are attacking after all they are going to eat a lot of them daily.
No, I don't think I will.
I appreciate that you think I’m a board native. I’m not, sporadic oldfag to 4chan but newish to /k/.
Anon is still a scumfuck retard though.
>slowly walk around beautiful countryside pursued by endless horde of murderous drones
We really did get the Phillip K Dick future we deserved.
what does that mean?
that he's from reddit but he disparagingly calls other people redditors
Loony tunes was real
>feed and befriend the magpies and crows
It's just magpies, swooping crows aren't a thing.
Problem is that the swooping magpies are horny cunts showing off for chicks and I'm not sure they're in a mood to make friends
>I appreciate that you think I’m a board native. I’m not, sporadic oldfag to 4chan but newish to /k/
Close enough desu, /pol/ are alien to all other boards.
Where are you native to?
NOTE: many Russians fail this extremely easy task
>>62151465 #
>No, I don't think I will
You do you anon but don't expect to be taken seriously if you don't put in the work others do.
Decisions are made by those who show up. It turns out that this kind of applies to history too.
>he replies to himself
you don't need a giant explosive to kill someone, one lucky piece of shrapnel that hits a vital or artery will do it
sometimes its quick, sometimes its slow
I’m not a board cryptid, I dip my wick everywhere besides /pol/, /int/ and /fut/ because no foids are allowed.
Quick question, how come I can’t view catbox videos on my iPhone? It just always says “server cannot be found,” but I used to be able to watch them
>inb4 faggot phoneposter etc
I’m at work
Also a faggot phoneposter here. What model? I have zero issues smoothly opening and viewing the vid in OP with iPhone 15 on 17.3.1 iOS.
Try a different browser, update, or check your connection isn’t too spotty.
Its because taking 10 kilometers at the cost of hundreds dead over a month isn't advancing outside of the most literal technical definition.

The real problem for the Ukrainians is when they run low on ammo. That's when they gotta run back.

What's KAB? the Russian guided bombs?

Don't mean shit, artillery, mortars and missiles still blow them up like the reservist units. Wagner was pulling that after prison recruiting in Bakhmut and they still lost tens of thousands including many of their best men.
are there people who actually think russia isn't steadily and easily winning this war?
I mean this is from their own propaganda: https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/24/i-know-we-will-win-and-how-ukraines-top-general-on-turning-the-tables-against-russia
Russia's forces have grown by a 7 fold since the original invasion and “When it comes to equipment, there is a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 in their favour,” he said. Since 2022 the number of Russian tanks has “doubled” – from 1,700 to 3,500. Artillery systems have tripled, and armoured personnel carriers gone up from 4,500 to 8,900."
I thought Russia was going to be out of equipment in two weeks?
This Russian is real tough, he may be a dumbass going off on his own on this suicide mission but he got his eye blown up and doesn't even yell.
Yoo these guys got Holosun!
this is so fucked up
are you an NPC? If their "equipment" is all like this, what does it matter whether it exists or not?
anon just because you took the 3000 T-60's in """"cold storage"""" and then moved them onto the "in service" list, doesn't mean you magically transported 3000 tanks to the front line and filled them with vatniks who can drive it

and even if you did, you transported garbage from 50 years ago... genuinely might actually be a bigger hindrance then it helped
ukraine is steadily losing ground and are losing dramatically in the casualty battle.
again, this is ukraine's defense minister giving these numbers. he seems to think they are in country and is reporting it to western media. do you think you have a better idea of what is going on than he does?
I mean, if they dared to offer this to the family of the fallen soldiers in Western countries, they would get kicked and beaten. But Russians accept it. Suffering and misery is in their blood
I mean, let's not forget to mention how important it is also to not be from a non-US aligned middle-east country with oil.
But admittedly the Obama era is getting further behind us.
We're getting raided today because Ukrainians blew up a Russian air base.
I’m also on my phone at work and it’s working fine for me. Are you using your service or WiFi?
A tank is a tank. Logistics is more important than having the best tech on it. That's why Russia is winning. They have thousands of tanks while Ukraine is dependent on (((western))) high tech.
Why do you samefag so hard, faggot?
a swing and a miss
they're not families of fallen soldiers, stop falling for such obvious propaganda. it's still kinda laughable, just not THAT laughable

and this isn't?

We never see such determination from Kiev forces. This is why they're losing the war.
not really. see >>62142704
I think he means the canadian flag in /uhg/ that spams gore of russians while talking like he just walked out of /dbs/
>I honestly thought the "Russians are orcs" thing was just a fucking meme.
They made books what retell Lord of the Rings from Orc perspective
Along with books where modern Russia teams up with Nazi Germany to take down west
Not enough F16s for that, but soon we will get 1917 mode and both sides will starting to collapsing badly.
But no victory can save Russia from the fate it has choose.

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