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Post gear. Discuss gear.
F U T U R E S O L D I E R edition.
Previous >>62088172
/bag/ infographic here.
New /gq/ infographics coming soon. Recent threads have demonstrated their utility.
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Why not tie some elastic cord on those mag pouch tops? You could get a prettu functional setup.
Yeah with a few modifications I don't think it would be bad at all.
Whatever happened to all of that shit anyway?
> https://newatlas.com/fsv-british-soldier-2025/39939/
Was any of it implemented?
It's just a show piece to justify the R&D expenses. Anything worth while gets integrated in a much more practical way instead of a full future suit
Most stuff like this doesn't get very far for a variety of reasons -- cost, complexity, too easy to break, etc. Every company/government that dreams up some sort of system to turn soldiers into cyborgs ends up dropping the idea because various factors make it unfeasible until the tech can become more robust and easier to produce at scale.
>Future soldier
>Helmet, plate, gun, camo
I think that was all implemented.
what's a good general use LBE for hiking and maybe bike camping? I like the hip sitting form factor but it seems like most modern LBE /Alice harnesses are just way too expensive for what you get
> helmet
> The most obvious advance of the FSV is the helmet, which serves as more of an information processing center than a plastic brain bucket. Referred to as a "head sub-system," an integrated power supply runs a crown of lightweight sensors that not only feed data to the wearer, but to fellow squad members.
> Over the ears are bone conducting headphones that improve communications and situational awareness without interfering with the wearer's hearing. What look like shooting glasses on the FSV are actually smart glasses with a built-in camera and a heads-up display to relay data. Continuing the wearable data concept is a smartwatch that monitors and records biometric data.
I guess it's like mega-IVAS? Still far off, even though 2025 is right around the corner.

eagle h harness
Too much tech has demonstrated itself as being a bad choice anyway. The shoot here for your target laser range finder on that one vortex scope is the correct means of advancement.
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is there a name for this thing? its a pad for sitting on wet ground. bonus points for finding the exact item
Here you go, bro:
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based thanks
Why does nobody use belt kit any more? In all the combat footage I’ve seen I never see anyone with a sidearm on a holster or any belt mounted mags.
Because there’s a difference between these guys and the tier one operators we base all our gear choices off of.

I have no doubt that there are some guys over there that are running belt kits, a lot of the smaller more highly trained units. But the fact is 90% of the footage we see isn’t of them.

In all honesty it’s quite fascinating watching modern warfare develop through Ukraine.
grunts aren't issued sidearms.
what's the best g-shock or solar watch that doesn't require over the air information from commercial satellites/transmitters? something that's still gonna more useful than an f91w even if you're in a deep sea submarine or a cave in the Himalayas
Casio pro trek titanium
What's a decent quality version of this one tigris rig/placard that's under $100?
>Casio pro trek titanium
>Time adjustment
>Radio-controlled Watch; Multi band 6
the radio adjustment doesn't influence it negatively, it's just a plus, at most it wont work and you'll adjust it manually
>decent quality
>under $100
FFS anon. If you feel like buying something made in America with the proper materials, check out this rig Head On Tactical makes:

If you only need the rig + inserts, it's $125.
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Help a dumbass out, bought my first safariland used so I'm not sure exactly how things are supposed to be. This lever should wrap over the holster body right? No clue how the guy before me got it like that but it doesn't seem right as is.
Could you just buy an Airshart platecarrier and just put a ceramic plate in it?
the als thumb thing has a lot of travel when putting in a gun. pull it toward the camera and gently over the lip
evike is a legit crye distributor. those kids are running around in gucci
Yes, but you should buy something real. Chinesium gear varies widely in quality.
Dude $34 for a dependable Blackhawk PC >>62142630
Evike is legit for getting actual name brand shit. I got a HSGI Suregrip belt from them for like $59 because it was on sale.
Is the LTC 19513 a good plate? I cant find any specs on it besides the general "it can stop this". People seem to like LTC/Hoplite but i dont see many reviews when compared to other brands.
It's a good plate. LTC is one of the top tier plate manufacturers. The 19513 is level 3+ plate that's a bit bulked up to stop M855A1. It's not a super common plate, but if LTC says it will stop M855A1, it will.

Probably the closest similar plate is the Highcom 3S9M, but that plate is a Level 3+ that's bulked up to almost being a Level 4 plate. It's heavier than the LTC 19513, and more expensive too.
saving the threadzz
What are good ballistic plate brands that you can get in Europe (Specifically the UK). I see Nexus, Vestguard, and safeguard. I cannot seem to see any testing videos online for them though.
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Out of all the gear (nvg, battle belt, chest rig, plates, ect...) what's the tier list on what you should get first?
>I cannot seem to see any testing videos online for them though
Wouldn't that be a result of that kind of stuff being difficult for European civilians in to acquire to test? Do the plate manufacturers not post videos of standardized plate tests? Even here in America, very few plate manufacturers provide videos of their plates being tested. They'll post the testing results documentation, but ultimately it's up to civilians to test plates on video. That's why guys like Buffman are such a vital source of info on plates.

Depends on what you want to do with the gear. I personally think a battle belt is a good place to start because you can keep all the necessities for home/community defense on it (pistol, a couple pistol mags, one or two rifle mags, IFAK, etc). It can be a challenge for particularly slim guys to get everything on it, though.

After that, I'd say chest rig. A chest rig is going to be less expensive to buy and get someone started than a plate carrier. But if they have the cash on hand to buy good plates and carrier, I'd say go for it.
I mean I think one of the biggest issues is there isn’t as much of a “gear” mindset in the UK outside of former military, cadets and airsoft community. Therefore the people that do buy plates don’t want to spend the money to buy extra ones just to test them finding a shooting range that will be willing to let you shoot them.

I basically agree with >>62150046 but what gear do you currently have and what sort of plan do you have in mind in regards to usage. Then you can tailor your gear to that.
Gun, ammo, training. Everything else comes after.
Belt or chest rig
helmet can be considered but is optional until later.
Plate carrier is optional
consider taking a stop the bleed course
(Power gap)
comms if applicable to you/group

skills to learn: individual movement techniques, land nav(day/night), camouflage, rucking, sewing, and tracking.
As someone who has a blackhawk low-vis in the gear pile, it's shit and you shouldn't buy it.
for poorfags chink militech on aliexpress/their own website or adept, for richfags adept makes them in the us and cant export them but they make them in the Czech republic too for the EU market
>rifle (quality rifle with high mount red dot, laser, flashlight, suppressor, sling)
>pistol (Glock 19, 17, 45, or 47 with surefire x300 or x300T, blacked out front and rear sights, red dot)
>double rig style belt (fully setup with Safariland holster)
>Ballistic (or bump) helmet with NV related equipment (lights/markers, ear protection, etc.)
>Night vision (binos preferred or high spec mono)

Pretty much the ideal bare bones setup, you can add armor later on but this is bare essentials anyone who teaches an actual class will recommend.
you can also buy the Italian surp armor carrier called NC4-09 which comes with lvl4 main and side plates plus all the kevlar accessories for less than you'd pay a single plate, but if your American they might be less easy to acquire, and I'm not 100% sure they're lvl4 bc the tags are removed before become surp for some reason, and theres no one testing them on the internet, but a site selling them said it was lvl4, I also dont know if they're ICW or standalone given they come in an armor carrier package, I got the whole thing for 190€ which is a good ass deal
This might be a hot take but all you niggers buying heavy plate carriers and armor and shit and can't run a mile need to get a belt setup first and actually go train before buying all this useless hypbeast (insert latest Ferro Concepts PC)
I’d say get the gear and hike in it instead.
yea definitely, I hate seeing the same shitty "what PC do I get" posts, like nigger it's 110 heat index and your fatass isn't walking 100 yards in that.
>Belt or chest rig
>helmet can be considered but is optional until later.
>Plate carrier is optional
>consider taking a stop the bleed course
>(Power gap)
>comms if applicable to you/group
>Tfw, skip straight to drones for asymmetrical warfare.
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Hiking is great in several ways as well, not only do you get the exercise, but also you learn where the hotspots are, if it’s pulling on one side and anything you may find irritating about the way your kit is set up.
Shit falls outeverywhere starter pack.jpg
I laughed way harder than I should have
is the crye LVS still the best concealable soft armor?
my feet are 28cm/11in long from heel to toe, what size goruck macv2 should it take? the website tool says 41.5 but that's smaller than any shoe I've owned in recent years, that usually 43/42.5
how the fuck do I search for lowa zephyr non gtx boots?
I only get the gtx version in the results and they dont have any specific name, if you write non gtx/waterproof you get the gtx ones bc you wrote gtx
boots can run one to half a size smaller. go slightly bigger if you want to be on the safe side.
idk if the euro site works like this
Take one apart and take good measurements, I can probably get you in the ballpark of their rating.
Looking for a plate carrier I can really load down with shit. Talking 6x mags, side plates and soft armor, IFAK, nut ruck, radio, hydro, etc.
Currently have a JPC which I don't like to load down and a gen 4 IOTV which I dislike for a number of reasons. Have a 2 piece belt I can offload some stuff onto but I like to keep it light.
I'm looking at the CPC or AVS but would prefer to not spend $800 on a plate carrier. Are there any other options for heavy setups?
i got my plates here rn ill give the measurments
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they're multicurve too
Safariland SX is best.
The Crye LVS is a lot heavier and stiffer.
Well, without a vivisection to break down ceramic composition/thickness and backer composition/thickness, Ill do what I can.

Do you know if they are meant to be used in conjunction with soft armor?

If its aluminum oxide then I would roughly classify it as SAPI-adjacent. If its SiC or B4C then it could more compellingly be labelled "IV", especially if its 5.19lbs and meant for use in front of soft armor.

Ill try digging up some info on Italian plates.
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it's part the nc4-09 vest so it's used along with soft armor in picrel
Anyone got a recommendation on soft armor? Only really concerned with stopping 9mm.
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Depends on the individual and their needs. A good belt goes a long way for a wide range of stuff, which doesn't necessarily mean a big, bulky battle belt. The rest relies on what you need and will actually use.
SPC, 6094, strandhogg all handle weight a LOT better than the JPC and cost a fuckload less than the AVS.
Apparently the JPC-R has a structural cummerbund which I would guess also makes it handle heavier weight better
>have jpc and iotv
well, everything in between desu. the 6094 style of carrier. LBT obviously, but also strandhogg, scarab, banshees, older picos, DCS or LBX if you're on a budget.
PLCE webbing off ebay. You can fit a load of crap in the old ops waistcoats too, but they're probably harder to find at rock bottom.
See: >>62152293
Safariland SX if you can afford it and have the credentials they need.
Otherwise get something from Stealth Armor Systems.
Poorfag option: Surplus BALCS
Will check into, thanks. Didn't realize sfariland has requirements. Yknow if any have an option for like itw clips/placards? Kind of like a shitty 90's swat vest almost.
is the arktis Vulcan equivalent to the HELION B?

it's the only parallel I found that has a hood, otherwise theres the pcu lvl3b but it's got no hood, or the otte gear LV but its US made so I might as well get the helion B at that point, the arcteryx atom carinthia TLG are similar but have the side slit that i dont want

arktis shit is UK made so I still pay duties on it anyway but I found one on the secondary market

didnt think itd be that hard to find a synthetic puffy jacket
Defense Mechanisms recently came out with their APOC carrier that allows you to run BALCS armor with ceramic plates. Cummerbund is structural. Might be worth looking into.
Actually, scratch that. The cummerbund is just a slightly larger version of their hybrid cummerbund, not their structural one.

Do you like that WTF placard? I have one on my chest rig and like it a lot. I do kind of wish they used shock cord for retention because it's easy to replace if it gets worn out, but the elastic on mine hasn't gotten worn out at all, so maybe it's a non-issue.
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1. Great CCW: glock 19 or 45 with tti springs and a stipple job, holosun/trijicon red dot, good holster (txc), great, low profile belt (blue alpha), alias mount and neo mag spare mag holder, weapon light (surefire NONturbo) for around the house.
1.b. finish out ccw stuff: handheld light, tq (I use snakestaff's little tq on a keyring), fixed blade knife.
2. ar15: best bang for your buck is an in spec forged lower that you piece together and a Brownell's stripped DD mk18 upper or m4a1 upper. gucci it out or keep it simple, doesn't matter. don't skimp out on an optic, aimpoint t2, acog, or good lpvo.
3. overt belt: aws and burn the frayed strings off of it. safariland 6360rds. a few kywi pistol pouches and a rifle pouch. maybe a pouch for a gerber mp600.
get ready to spend a shit ton of money.
4 cheaper option. chest rig with 3 mag placard with another mag pouch or double mag pouch off of your support side. crye airlite isn't overly expensive compared to other hype beast products and is super comfy.
4 expensive option: crye jpc 2 or spc depending on if you want to spend a lot of money or a whole lot of money to carry more weight. same 3 mag placard with a mag pouch on support side. plates should be ltc 26605's or 26300's from hoplite. 605's are reasonably priced but will automatically put 15 pounds on your carrier which leaves like 5 lbs to play with on a jpc after 5 loaded mags before things start getting rough.
4b. IFAK on a fanny pack NOT A DANGLER. defense mechanisms has a really good solution for this.
4c. actual gear. level 4, 5, and 6 layers (beyondclothing). good boots (scarpa is the way to go), merino wool socks and underewear. tactically approved gloves someone is shilling etc.
5. better rifle, second rifle in 308 or 6.5.
5.b opscore fast sf, expensive ear pro, elbit pvs 14s which will later be sold on tacswap and traded out for $14,000 dual tubes. thermal solution mounted to rifle. if you have friends, comms.
kek who the fuck do you think you are faggot? we bullied you daily for literal years until you went out of your apartment once with your gear and now you’re suddenly a subject matter expert on gear? Shut the actual fuck up you skeleton nigger. Stick to posting pictures of yourself in your underwear in /arg/ or go back to /pol/
hoes mad
fuck u fake shark
Remember when someone off Tacswap scammed you out of hundreds of dollars and you ran crying to /gq/ to bitch and moan for months? Remember how you made dozens of posts fantasizing about going to that guy’s house and threatening him and you cucked out and did jack shit? We remember, you pathetic bitchmade faggot
no one is reading your hypebeast queer list

>loaded mags before things start getting rough.
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you've got the wrong guy.
apparently you are.

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