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>Immune to IEDs, most small arms fire, and most missiles
>Can better than infantry in mountains and forests, better than submarines in the ocean, and better than tanks on the plains and desert
>Can wipe out entire platoons of infantry in seconds
>Conventional vehicles are so weak compared to it that tanks now fill the role that technical used to fill for third world armies too for to afford battlemechs
How the fuck is an insurgency supposed to fight one of these things?
you don't have to fight something that doesn't exist. also, fuck off to /btg/ faggot
>Immune to IEDs, most small arms fire, and most missiles
Why would it be? Its got to be able to move and lift itself, so its likely to be less armored than an equivalently weighted tank. An IRL mech would be as armored as a gunship since they have similar constraints, and even the most heavily armored gunships are only proofed against .50, and 30mm to the cabin. If you had a magic metal that could make a mech immune to all that while still being able to move, it would also make tanks and gunships even better again.
>Its got to be able to move and lift itself, so its likely to be less armored than an equivalently weighted tank
Tanks are heavily vulnerable to Mobility Crits and Through-Armor-Critical hits, which ignore armor entirely.
By ambushes and attacking the supply and maintenance network. A mech is a couple of million c-bills, a cheap auto rifle 100. Also if you get stuff like man portable SRMs or even field guns all of a sudden the mech isn't looking so hot (except if you fire infernos, then it is)
>nd attacking the supply and maintenance network
Battlemechs largely don't have a supply and maintainence network. Their fusion engines are self-sufficient and can be sustainably powered by the urine of their own pilots, their myomer muscles are highly resistant to tearing and very rarely need any sort of maintenance, and their energy weapons require no restocking of ammo.
>immune to ieds
read blood will tell
go back to /m/
Any AT missile hits it
>It dies
>A limb is blown off and the rest of it crippled
>It detonates the munitions stored and exposed to the outside causing a catastrophic explosion
>The pilot is killed
Any mobility problems a tank has a bipedal mech has a great amount more.
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Oh good mechnigger is back. Usually I'd reply to your bait with a comprehensive list of why your OP post is retarded, false, and gay, but I'll just settle for calling you a nigger and also reminding you Armored Core>Battletech.
Shut the fuck up you samefag vatnik CUNT
Thank god he's back. Bet this thread pushed a zigger chink shill thread to page 10
all of that is horseshit, as expected of a raging homosexual like OP who sucks more cocks than some zip codes have people.

See the Battle of Tukayyid. it was rocks fall after explosions and flying shaped charges go up clanners asses and everyone dies the battle.
>Immune to IEDs
Ahahaha, nope.

>most missiles
The fuck you even on about?

>better than submarines in the ocean
Mechs can't even go deeper than like 100m without risking implosion, and even tiny coastal subs completely roflstomp them in an underwater fight.

>and better than tanks on the plains and desert
LOL, no.

>Conventional vehicles are so weak
Until they're not.

>How the fuck is an insurgency supposed to fight one of these things?
Jsut for starters:
- Lure into pitfall trap, douse with inferno gel.
- Collapse building onto it.
- Kill all its friends while it's on the other side of town.
- Kill the pilot in his sleep.
>Battlemechs largely don't have a supply and maintainence network.
Absolutely false. Mech units live or die by their tech support.
Yeah. The infamous Urbanmech can only fire for 2 minutes before needing a reload.
About the only weapon that has more ammo than 4 minutes sustained fire on any Mech is machineguns, and energy weapons because they don't use ammo. They still need regular maintenance after use, as do most onboard systems.

Battletech Mechs and vees can last stupidly long in storage conditions, but that doesn't make them immune to operational wear&tear.
>Ahahaha, nope.
1 point of armor damage is the equivalent of 3 120mm abrams rounds striking the exact same place at the exact same time. That's a LOT of ordinance to put in a single IED, and you're literally just scratching the battlemech even if you somehow get all that and hit it.

>LOL, no.
lol, yes. Most battlemech vs tank fights work out like video related.

>Until they're not.
No, they just are. Mobility kills and TACs are a bitch.
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He's right. /m/ is compensation for nips losing the war.
We've been through this one before. Bipedal designs are not going to be stable or fast enough. You will be seeing 6-12 legged military vehicles, though.
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>/mech/ spammer will never stop making threads until /k/ becomes /m/ 2.0
>1 point of armor damage is the equivalent of 3 120mm abrams rounds
Okay. Meanwhile, a single 155mm HE shell fired by an artillery gun contains enough boom to equal 5 damage. (And I'm bieng downright generous assuming the Thumper is 155mm and not even smaller with that 50 kilogram shell+propellant weight.) And a single magnetic satchel charge tacked to an actuator the actuator is enough to kneecap a 100-ton assault mech.

>Most battlemech vs tank fights
Tell it to the Alacorn. Tell it to the Demolisher. Hell, tell it to the Manticore. The Schreck, the Challenger X, the Patton/Rommel and I could go on. For funsies, tell it to the Savannah Master swarm roaming the open steppe/desert/river delta.

> Mobility kills and TACs are a bitch.
So are Gauss Rifle and AC/20 hits to the head - or anywhere else for that matter. So is "LMAO, try and hit me through my +5 movement modifier, bitch!"
/m/ is fucking shit. /m/ is to /a/ as /mlp/ is to /co/.

Also, I think he posted a /k/-related thread on /m/ earlier, so he's clearly trying to start shit lile raids and whatnot. Dumbass doesn't know he could just invite /k/ over for Ace Combat and Pizza.
> You will be seeing 6-12 legged military vehicles
No you won’t
>Immune to IEDs
Physically impossible meme.

>most small arms

>most missiles
tukayyid says you're a goddamn tourist and a faggot know nothing. it wasn't a battle, it was when the phone company came to collect, and made an entire planet a series of IEDs to assfuck the clans into slobbering, shuddering, quivering submission.
man, i like battletech but it really is just being used to shit up the board, aint it?
Yeah, battletech isnt real life though. It violates physics for gameplay purposes, dont be dishonest. In the first place, FTL travel isnt possible
And there is no magical sci fi armor and structure that can withstand real life kinetic and chemical attacks. Myomers and ferro fibrous armor isnt real, its made for a tabletop game. Like a fucking explosion and shrapnel is going to kill anything that walks or drives if its big enough, simple as. Battletech distances itself from real life to be more appealing, just admit it.
Even still, in battletech you can easily kill mechs by using tag vehicles and vtols, offboard homing arrow iv guns and light aero support.
They're vulnerable to rifle fire, what the fuck do you mean they're immune to most small arms?
NTA, but they're not vulnerable to rifle fire. Normal rule scale abstracts infantry fire down to the entire platoon firing a single attack to make infantry playable. More granular systems that actually seperate things down to the different infantry weapons (Battletroops and the RPG) make it clear that small arms ain't doing jack shit to Mechs and vees and you need explosives or AT if you want to achieve anything.
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Friendly reminder that no matter how much you pretend that Battletech mechs are powerful you will always be small fry.
They'd carry around big anti-tank rifles like in Mellowlink.
Armored Cores however would probably demolish any kind of infantry, "handgun" bullets are the size of a human, artillery is the size of a truck and they still move faster than the speed of sound.
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mechniggers when ground pressure:
Tukkayid? The battle where 80% of the phone company's army was composed of battlemechs? THAT Tukkayid?

it was the battle where focht trolled the clans into walking into his PATENTED ACME BRAND Wile E. Coyote SUPER GENIUS tier boobytraps that stretched for timezones. the mechs were only there to lead the clans into bigger, sillier and more ridiculous booby traps, including an entire mountain range rigged as IEDs to blow dropships out the sky. that they lit off to blow clan dropships out the sky and wound warships in space.
That's like using ALL of America's carrier battlegroups to lure the Chinese navy into a fucking naval mine area.
You forgot the part where they still work after centuries of neglect, there is a reason why Battletech is a setting where you shouldn't think too hard about the details.
thats the thing tourist, they had more mechs, and brand new ones at that, than they knew what to do with. they didn't have enough mechwarriors, and didn't trust the treacherous bastards of the great houses and couldnt ask them for mechwarriors. Focht trollfaced his way through the clanners by using the letter of the law and not the spirit of it in the batchall. he simply used assets the clans thought unworthy to even mention or use in battle and rigged everything to go KABOOM.
Not that mech autist your talking to. But Tukkayid gutted the momentum of the Clans AND crippled hard the ComGuard forces there. On one hand the tube babies were retarded as fuck to go down into that prepared hell hole for them, and that one clanner killing himself via jumping off his dropship with his mech just to claim that he got there first. On the other hand most of the boys in white got slaughtered there and were green as fuck while losing vast chunks of there prepared mechs. Can't forget as well that they were cooperating with the Clanners till they realized that Terra was their goal.
yep, why kill your elites when you can use the FNGs as "PLEASE, OH PLEASE FUCK MY TIGHT INNERSPHERE BOIPUCCI, MY GIRTHY, SWOLLEN AND ENGORGED CLAN MASTERS!!!!! DARE YOU CHALLENGE MY ASS BATCHALL? COME GET ASS DRUNK WITH EXTRA TENDIES" meatbags and recreate the sonny gets massacred scene over and over again? The comguard survivors were some hard motherfuckers after though.

>Immune to IEDs
no it's not
>Can better than
can what? die?
hide thread
problem solved.

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