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Why did Israel replace the M4/M16s with this abomination?
abominations love abominations
They went back to a M-4 clone because AR-15 supremacy and that's also what they kept getting for free.
Their special forces uses M4s.
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Have you been living under a rock for the past decade? Nobody uses the TAR/SAR anymore. The x95 has been the standard Israeli bullpup for a long time now.
Heavily mechanized force that is expected to fight in extreme close quarters (gaza, the old city, etc) and vast open spaces (golan heights) in equal measure. In principle, they are the textbook example of a military that a bullpup is ideal for.
Welfare checks for IWI.
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Bullpups all the way, anon.
>AR-15 supremacy
>Laughs in Viet Cong
>Bro we lost Vietnam because of that damn Mattel rifle
>No it wasn't due to shitty policies or clear goals
Yea that's why Spec Ops was more interested in RPD Stubs. And every solider was reaching for a Type 89. They would rather use M1's and Thompson's then a gun made by a toy company. At least the AK was made by a REAL soldier, even if he was part of a Tank Crew.
>Type 56*
Interesting, thanks for the retarded take anon.
Because they get into urban fights a lot and have a heavy reliance on APCs for troop movement, while still needing the longer barrel for picking off snipers across the way. That's bullpup territory.
Arabs are among the Semitic people so IDK what you're on about. Sandniggers gonna sandnigger and most of what you'd ascribe to any given religion likely has to do more with whatever religion becoming fashionable or legally mandated in a place that otherwise had its shit together.
I don't think /pol/tards are qualified to discuss this, since the highest form of art they themselves are capable of is ever more grotesque Wojaks.
To boost domestic industry. Plus Israli wepons have to have funny names like Galatz or Uzi
ah the tel aviv bot woke up
Bullpups really are the ultimate IQ filter
>AR-15 supremacy

Sure, antifatard
>both women betray their cultures because of their feefees
accurate enough
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Should somebody tell him . . .
What's the best cheap bullpup that isn't israeli?
Israel is dumping their free US ARs alongside the TAR-21 and X95s. The new AR platform will be locally sourced.
Steyr AUGs can be regularly had for $1600-1700.
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gen 1 tavor is only used in reserve units which use the dustiest oldest m16s also.

idf recently expanded the combat reserves by 50000 troops and is expanding and modernizing infantry units buying guns in great numbers soon all the rifles will be gen2/3 tavors and arads
is that the arad? also thought it only had limited procurement
arad is replacing m4/m16 in units with old/worn ones
Wow, when did Strike Industries start making complete guns?
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i wonder if theyll buy the arbel version of arad
Either the Arad, the Emtan MZ or the non-retarded version of the Gilboa
No idea wether one of these is more likely to win the contract

SOG constantly was using CAR-15s
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It's definitely unfair to describe them as "more interested" in sawed-off RPDs, and they certainly loved the CAR-15 and used them a lot, but they used all kinds of things according to the needs of the mission and individual preference.
you have to go back
Really they didn’t. Most combat units prefer the M4.
because the IDF does almost exclusively CQB operations and despite your feelings the tavor is a quality standard-issue rifle.
>been using it successfully for like 2 decades to shitstomp retarded sand people with cold war AKMs
Beats me but it serves its purpose wonderfully apparently
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Same reason you marry your kosher first cousin.
>To keep the shekels within the family.
Tavor is entirely Israeli made and the shekels stay at home.
Israel and Palestine must unite against their true enemy.
The RPDs were mostly early war, when the US failed to supply any good MG that didn't weigh >20lbs.
Its also why the Swedish K was widely used.
By later in the war there were more popular options.
I enjoy my tavor, but I can't get over how oddly thin the area behind the grip and in front of the magazine well is. Makes me think of an ants anatomy
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Is this the first documented case of trinkets attached to a rifle? Is this where CoD took inspiration from?
there's a reason we're not even pretending to be angry at them anymore. that reason is that once we left, they basically told China to fuck off.
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Don't they use both interchangeably? I don't see what the hate is about, they're both good rifles that serve different roles.

Side note, what did they do with all their surplus Galils? Aside from convert a few to semi auto to sell to American and Leaflander boomers? Do they keep them in reserves for artillery crews?

Where do these rumors come from the the Vietnamese were ever allies with China? Didn't Russia originally dump a bunch of AK's and SKS's there? Also the CCP backed the Khmer Rouge which later became an enemy government to the VC and probably contributed to the Vietnamese dropping the hardcore commie larp and becoming more moderate when they wiped the Khmer government out and saw all the toddler skulls stacked as high as mountain because little Jimmy didn't labor enough to earn his rice bowl. Funny thing is the Vietnamese never wanted to be commies to begin with and even wanted a partnership with the US to bad we're fucking retards though and insisted on a foreign policy that was more or less designed for the sake of kissing Frances ass.

But yeah say what you will about Barack Obongo BUT one of the few things he did do right was approve of weapons sails to Vietnam because fuck the CCP and fuck Winnie the Flu.
was the tavor just jews way of getting americans to buy guns from them?
Because it has sovl. I wouldn't expect a goyim like you still clinging to 19th century weapon configs to understand.
5 years ago you've never heard about them.
Closer to 10. Wish we could go back. Evidently holding your speaking tours ot rally in the morning takes care of most of them, though.

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