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>An air group consisting of two Russian Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers and two H-6K Chinese strategic bombers, escorted by Su-30SM and Su-35S fighters, carried out air patrols over the waters of the Chukchi, Bering Seas and the North Pacific Ocean.
We can see how the US sent F-16's, F-18's and F-35's for intercepting them: https://x.com/MrFrantarelli/status/1816379503272247561?t=DttdpEWCuCKLWhKHYp94Zg&s=19
Shouldn't Russia be using those in the war to lob missiles.
Or are these pilots sons of some politician.
The fact that they flew within Alaska's ADIZ and the US had to scramble jets to intercept them. They've fulfilled their job
they do this all the time.
shiould've shot down those shitty ass planes ages ago.
What are they gonna do? Nuke someone over some stupid worthless planes that flew into a no-fly zone?
They haven't before. They are just cucks.
This is the first time they're doing It alongside Chinese H-6 bombers near Alaska: https://www.norad.mil/Newsroom/Press-Releases/Article/3849184/norad-detects-tracks-and-intercepts-russian-and-prc-aircraft-operating-in-the-a/
They do that every year, although the chinks tagging along is new.
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Based, your move now NATO.
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That F-35 just scanned that bomber like a god damned digimon.
Remember two years ago when we flew a B-52 into just the tip of Russian airspace and they chimped out for like two months about it?
Putin is working on it but it will take some time
As if there were anything new to learn from Bears and Badgers from the Cold War
Maybe they think Republicans will like them if they work more with Russia
A better way to think about this is to exclude Russia at all. H-6s have short range, because they have small fuel capacities. They're basically early cold war jets in that regard. What China gets out of this is the ability to fly over Russian airspace directly at Alaska without having to deal with the North Korean government or the Japanese/South Korea/US air force as they go through the Sea of Japan. You save a lot of fuel and time doing this.

What Russia gets? I don't know. A hundred unit F-15EX order they have to deal with?
What do you get from sucking up to a bunch of foreigners who would gladly kill you if you impeded them in any way?
>A hundred unit F-15EX order they have to deal with?
lmfao oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo Russia will only have to wait
>checks calendar
untilll *2050* before the first units are delivered at 3x the budget and with no spare parts, because why do maintenance when you could just use an entirely new airframe?
I mean even like 3 of them would be enough when you're shooting shitty transonic cruise missiles at targets on the west coast and these bombers are basically piles of scrap metal at this point so even an original F-16A would be overmatch but continue to be retarded anon, it's entertaining.
Oh no, the PLAAF can send it's bombers with basically zero autonomy far beyond any sensical range to maybe get off a few cruise missiles or one ballistic missile per bomber. I'm terrified.

Do you even know what a H-6 looks like you dumb fuck?
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>can you name literally *ANY* geo-political theatre the west is "winning" at currently?
All of them, really. Let us know when Afghans can eat again, will you?
>PLAAF mentioned
>helmettard comes screeching forward
Chinks btfo by f18s with sm6 strapped to it will never not be funny
Why don't we just shoot these niggers down? Turkey did, russia dilated for a month and then never did it again.
They're not violating airspace. They're "violating" the ADIZ, the Air Defense Identification Zone. It's an arbitrary area set by each country that they claim control over, and that includes identification.

In the case of the US, they're just sending F-22s or whatever into international airspace (again, international, the Russians have just as much right to be there as the Americans do) to meet up with Russian bombers that are tracking towards US airspace. If a Russian jet was to let off a cruise missile, the US jets are in position to shoot it down and probably kill the missile. But other than that they can do nothing, they can't interfere with the aircraft, they can't shoot at it, they can't threaten it, they can't order it around. The Russians can just carry on their way and go home without interference.

In the case of China you're going to get anything from rude Chinese controllers ordering you to fly into Chinese airspace and land at a military airfield, all the way up to a J-16 flying across your nose so close you get shaken out of your seat. If you're lucky you get a mid air like that P-3 back in the early 2000s.

Also with the Turkish incident, the Russian jet flew into ACTUAL TURKISH AIRSPACE/TERRITORY for a brief moment. It was shot down after it'd already left, but the fact there was an actual violation and the Russian pilot in question seemed incompetent (a lone Lt Col flying around without care) so nobody really cared.

A Russian jet shot down by a US jet something like 300 miles from the beginning of US airspace after having done literally nothing wrong (again, flying around with weapons vaguely in the direction of Alaska is not a bad thing and you can't be shot down for it) would be a major escalation. You might even see tit-for-tat from it it'd be that bad.
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>the Russian pilot in question seemed incompetent (a lone Lt Col flying around without care) so nobody really cared.
It was 100% deliberate. Turkey protested a number of airspace violations publicly before the shootdown and it was even being discussed on imageboards. I remember very well Russian flags posting images with shit eating grins and posting shit like "What are you gonna do about it?!"
Well they found out.
Yes, but that would imply the Russian government intended the airspace violation. It wasn't that, of course. It was the Turkish, those bastards, deciding to shoot down an innocent Russian aviator doing his duty.

>At his annual press conference on 17 December 2015, when asked about a third-party involvement in the current Russian-Turkish relations deteriorated by the shootdown of Russian Su-24, Vladimir Putin remarked "…if someone in the Turkish government decided to lick the Americans in a certain place, well I don't know then, was that the right decision or not?".[121]

Of course it was on purpose. But back then it was seen as easier for everyone not directly involved to lay the blame on the dead pilot and chalk it up to human error/simple misunderstandings.

Honestly Turkey should have bombed a Russian air base over that shit. Teach them early.
>I remember very well Russian flags posting images with shit eating grins and posting shit like "What are you gonna do about it?!"
Why are they always like this?
>some of the footage looks like something filmed on camera from 60s and 80s

kek, buy better camera cheap faggots
I appreciate the consistency of your schizophrenia desu, theres only so many people in the world that think the us air force gives a flying fuck about them shilling chink military capabilities on a anime forum.
lmk when they're no longer gutting russia's stockpiles with Ukrainian blood and a trickle of cold war hand-me-downs
Imagine the timeline where they violated Israeli airspace during their Syrian intervention


It wouldn't even be intercepted by a jet, just iron dome'd
I enjoy how booty blasted you get over desert storm because you realize there's not even a ghost of a Chinese equivalent
see you in the lazerpig thread buddy
Cool, so we're not actually seeing T-54s being pulled out of museums and sent to the front?

>this post convinced me that the shilling is not happening, and the airmen narrative is in fact strong, when one could erroneously believe it to be weak
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? ESL or retarded?
he gets very upset at the USAF and it keeps him up at night
It's a classic case of a retard trying to turn a meme back on someone else, not realizing why the meme works, and failing miserably.
>muh better resourced
More =/= better, ziggie.

>1:2 or 1:3
So in other words, it's the same or a worse ratio than at the start of the conflict, with russian equipment quality having nosedived into the ground on top of this failure to expand thier numerical advantages. Good job undermining your own narrative, retard.
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the joges write themselves
It's not a no-fly zone. If it was, the missiles would be flying the minute they were identified. It's an air defense identification zone, meaning they try to contact the aircraft and send someone to escort them.
>They sent one of each to intercept for style points
America is so cool
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>this is supposed to be impressive
God, chinks and rusniggers are pathetic
Schizo here, the CIA pays the Russians to fuck with US air space to keep the arifroce sharp.
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NATO should do this more often lol
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they are white niggers
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Look at all those pilots on both sides having fun flying around, bobbing and weaving.
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>xaxaxa having the same or a worse ratio of equipment compared to your enemy with the quality having fucking nosedived means we're winning zisters
>Canadian F-18's
Yay! I like those jets. Sad to see them go.
t. maple syrup guzzling Canadian
3 day military operation
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>muh heckin Paradox gamerinoooooooooos
Dozens in Vulhedar alone
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what is this
How is the weather in Calgary?
They should just pull a Turkey and be done with it.
This is such cope and is very disrespectful to all the American troops who fought and died in Afghanistan for zero geo political gain for the US empire or the American people.
Head of an AIM sticking off the edge of the opposite wing I think.
Holy projection Ramesh. Good luck with those SU-75s or whatever made up shit you scribbled on a napkin this month
>when you try to concern troll but forget you're a turdie and your resentful seething inevitably slides through
>PLAAF: The Americans will be terrified of our bomber
>USAF: Time for a group photo!

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