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>russian vehicle explodes on landmine on the road
>a second russian vehicle comes up
>there's still landmines on the road

Do they:
1. Turn back
2. Go around the landmines
3. Try to defuse the landmines
4. Kick the landmines
5. Drive on the landmines

The answer may surprise you

With sound:
Poor Kirzach
Nothing captions this war better than
>(screams loudly)
>is that a landmine?
>[screams loudly]

clown war desu

what the fuck

I expected they must've got back in order to post the footage but they literally blair witched it
>how do we get through?
>keeps driving
that's how you dumb westerners, you just go like there's no mines ahead!
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for me it's pic rel
It's been two years and I still can't fully comprehend how stupid they are.
Mrap mixed with hovercraft for low ground pressure plus the ability for the crew to survive command operated mines/ieds when?
As soon as we figure out how to solve the problem of skirt wear.
>Hammer's Slammers intensifies
Military bloggers? They didn't seem very mobik like
The only justification I can think of is that they can't turn back else their officers would shoot them on sight or something, so they went fuck it. Other than that I have no idea why they even bother to go through with it knowing that their comrades just got killed by mines right in front of them and them deciding to go to the same route their just-evaporated comrades went through.
This is what worshiping WW2 instead of learning from it does. That Soviet general was referring to sappers removing the mines not just pretending it’s not there.
You're probably right but I also wouldn't be shocked to see mobiks in tshirts and shorts
Oh goddamn. My neighbors must be wondering what was so fucking funny. Goddamn.
>identify mine
>still drive through it even though the other guy was outside just a moment ago and could have gone out again to kick it away
Why are they like this?
They taught us burying roadmines in army training for no purpose, we dug useless holes in the hard ground
Is that from the video where some zigger takes a small amount of shrapnel to the leg, and instead of using a tourniquet, they start (badly) packing the wound with non-sterile gauze like they're living in 1914?
Given the state of zigger aid, that would be almost guaranteed to cause a rampant infection/gangrene, requiring a full leg amputation.
yes. but he wasn't just any zigger, he was an actual medical doctor and was a high ranking figure in the original donbas uprising responsible for torture and other crimes (i forgot his name). haven't heard anything about him since the vid so it looks like the wound killed him
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Anyone who knew much of anything is dead yonk ago. So they don't have the guys that deployed to teach them stuff like
>don't kick the mine
>walk in footprints
>don't touch anything you don't know what it is
>don't touch anything especially if you know what it is!
>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be

That's sort of why in a western army we cherish veterancy, they're all the old cunts that know how to help you stay alive, what to pack in your kit, what not to lug around and find the best sources of pornography.
>packing the wound with non-sterile gauze like they're living in 1914?
Aren't packing the wound is much latter technique? 1914 would be external bandages with pressure (*bleeds out*)
>The Webm
That's kind of brutal.
>>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be
jfc I forgot about that one
>>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be
Can someone explain plz?
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This war has given us some great reaction images.
Wait, was the doctor the one who was injured, or the one giving the homoerotic commentary?
For reals? One of the big assholes got his comeuppance?

Its april fools day every day in Ukraine
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There was a report of a Ukrainian boobytrap that was a bunch of hidden explosives that would detonate if a doorbell was pressed.
Said doorbell was just randomly attached to a tree somewhere in a forest, and a russian patrol still triggered it.
The soldier talking about it said he'd probably have pressed it too (as would I have)
that was some fucking happy wheels sounding scream
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OP, you goofed and the URL doesn't work. Even adding the missing part doesn't fix the link.
Link doesn't work. The "h" is missing
>Its april fools day every day in Ukraine
Fucking lmao
>ukie ties box with a button to a tree in russian patrolled area
>box is full of explosives
>2 ziggers see it
>they rush to be the first to push the button
>1 zigger gets to it first
>it explodes killing him
>they capture the 2nd zigger
>interview him
>why did you want to push the button?
>it's a button, how could you not want to push it?

not even joking
don't kid yourself, this would work against nine out of ten grunts anywhere in the world
How the hell does this footage get out?
Are they live streaming? Why?
Do they survive and upload the video? Why?
I do not understand.
Are they monkey from some lab were pushing a putton meant giving them food?
i forgot to add, use a VPN or PC. catbox doesn't like mobile IPs
I'm mostly just confused as to why they're recording in the first place
Is it a case of "If only the Tsar knew about this!"? they usually complain a lot more in those videos.
yep, it was the doctor giving the commentary. he looked like he was beyond caring at that point or maybe he's a legit sociopath which is possible

interestingly, he explained that the most dangerous part on the battlefield for ziggers isn't the front lines (red zone) or the rear (green zone) but instead the yellow zone in between as that's where drones are focused to hit troops and supplies moving from the rear to front line positions and back. that's where doc got droned
if it's a mrap it's not impossible to survive. then they post the vid to telegram 'for the lulz'
>look guys we survived THIS
It's obvious the mines in that tile are used up, go faster suka, gas gas gas!
dumb phoneposters
I think someone recorded that moment from thier livestream. It kinda remind me similar situation from the begging of the war when some Chechen faggot was braggin how they killed bunch of Ukies before being incinerated mid sentence.

BTW didn't Russian command put a ban on soldiers carrying devices that has internet connection?
Probably posting in a Blacked-thread on /gif/
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What a wonderful video.
Evil whore has gotten bored with kidnapping children and just divorced her Orthodox priest husband for some other poor SOB.
I'm on a laptop, it just kept searching for it on google instead of loading the URL like a mong.

Thank you, Anon.
I think they might have collected devices prior to going over the border in 2022, but it wasn't 100% enforced very well so there was still plenty of leaks. Then when the fronts all expanded they had all the Donbabweans, Lugandans and you'll prise a mobile out of Cuckchen's cold dead hand before he stops tweeting. So I don't really know if its ever been very widespread
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Well, as the soldiers themselves said, their phones are the only way they can control their drones and communicate with each other because they either don't have enough radios or the ones they have, have no encryption software. If they comply with the ban, then the situation for them dramatically gets worse, so they'll just ignore it.
What are the authorities going to do, come to the front line and stop them?
>are you sure it's a mine
>[screams loudly]
Wound packing is normal given the circumstances. Sterility isn't really a factor there since the wound is already dirty.
Assuming that you are getting proper medical care with the wound getting flushed out and loads of antibiotics it's not much of a problem.
Granted, with the state of some of the Russian field hospitals I've seen it might be that he wasn't getting any such treatment and simply got the civil war special with a hacksaw.
Hope the cunt died of sepsis but given the circumstances they weren't really doing anything wrong, medically.
I guess Russia never got the memo about public networks and devices.
Once this war is over the net-ops and e-war dudes will have some mad shit of their own to talk about how they found people in real time down to about a 5m radius just because of filthy mobile jerkoff porn and tinder searches for a guy looking for love in his area
Well, he was right
Remember when the Finns or the Norwegians used Tinder in an exercise to locate visiting troops and "arty" them?
I heard about that one!
But even back in the Afghan invasion I was the super-unpopular guy who collected up all the private laptops, phones, cameras, sat phones and stuff and had to stick them away in my secret troll cave. Guys could sign out for them anytime they wanted while on base 'on condition' they didn't do anything sketchy on the internet or talk some mad shit to people they shouldn't. That probably saved dozens of careers now that I think about it, but it wasn't popular even back then.

Any kind of mobile signal though, its very strong and a very active signal so you're basically advertising 'put bomb here' to anyone looking around
There was an image showing a bunch of Russians getting washed down river during the Kerson retreat getting track by the Ukie SIM cards they put in their phones, but unfortunately it doesn't look like I saved it.
>Any kind of mobile signal though, its very strong and a very active signal so you're basically advertising 'put bomb here' to anyone looking around
Especially somewhere austere or evacuated
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>'I was just kicking it, didn't you see?'
Kicking mine didn't make it go kaboom, so it must be safe to drive over it
I have also heard of google maps showing slow groups as traggic jams.
>this single lane dirt road in the middle of nowhere has a massive traffic jam
Maybe this is what pushed Copelord over the edge? That he couldnt get access to his loli while on deployment?
Vatnik's stealing phones and devices in country probably got a lot of them killed and they would never have figured out why

Plus throw in some basic human-intelligence that there won't be 20 farmers in a treeline in the middle of fucking nowhere tweeting and making international calls at midnight, Concentrations of phones is probably one of the biggest giveaways to Ukraine, maybe not a guaranteed, rock solid use of a HIMARS, but if you can see enough of something, somewhere it wouldn't be normally at least its part of the data chain of analysts putting two and two together and maybe shape the battlespace in your favour a bit
Oh, its tragic alright
And the SOCOM bases identified in Africa with Fitbit data from troops running.
Then all the guys lost as motherfuckers in a country they don't know going 'Alexa, where the fuck are we' along with mobile-gps and real time GPS applications
>Plus throw in some basic human-intelligence that there won't be 20 farmers in a treeline in the middle of fucking nowhere tweeting and making international calls at midnight, Concentrations of phones is probably one of the biggest giveaways to Ukraine, maybe not a guaranteed, rock solid use of a HIMARS, but if you can see enough of something, somewhere it wouldn't be normally at least its part of the data chain of analysts putting two and two together and maybe shape the battlespace in your favour a bit
The kill chain at large is probably one of the more underreported and also interesting aspects of this war that I'm fascinated to know more about when it's over.
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Finns did that to Norwegians.

Sadly we are not allowed to do the farting black elk emblem stuff anymore.
>Sadly we are not allowed to do the farting black elk emblem stuff anymore.
Not based.
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i wonder what that bald fuck is up to
I'll be decades until anything interesting is declassified, AI patern recognition given all avalialbe data for finding troop concentrations, logisitcs lines and civilian movements is a game changer.
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Bud, have you seen how many Russians have driven into obvious mine placements next to smouldering vehicles?
I've read that, it's a fucking fascinating piece.
Even if they are going to get shot for tuning back it's still better to grab a stick and move the mines than pretend they aren't there.
Last i heard he got a job working for the district attorney in Alaska or some shit, only for him to get fired after a few months because he made hentai/anime fanfic of the DA
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Even if Ukraine doesn't have it organically there's the whole 5-Eyes anti-terror network surveillance they can probably run that past for some kind of pattern and shaping of signal concentrations to work off and if they find a VIP's signal were he was talking on real time to someone, well. Its basically 'Riding with NATO!' for whatever he says out loud.
Like that network system had some gigabucks thrown at it and basically means if you use the white mans technology, you're a part of it regardless of your locations
kek at that picture
>only for him to get fired after a few months because he made hentai/anime fanfic of the DA
jfc i wanna believe that so bad but it would be a new level of retardation even for a man that managed to stay an active duty O-3 for 18 years
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I got you man
Why are you people SO happy about the death of the Russians? I mean, I understand that they are invaders and commit war crimes, but dehumanizing them is still a morally wrong thing. I can understand why Ukrainians, especially those who lost their friends and relatives in this war, are rejoicing when they see Russians getting blown up by drones and mines or committing suicide, but most of you are Americans and Europeans, why so much hate and dehumanization?
>buttons on trees
I know it is an IED.
The hohol knows that I know it is an IED.
I know the hohol knows that I know it is an IED.
It must be pressed, and who better? My ancestors might condone or condemn me, but everyone will understand everything.
The glove is off. My eggs are measured. It work is done.
>when birds suddenly app-
this can't be real. that's shadman level retardedness
Looks like 3 made it across, sounds like Hero of the Soviet Union-candidates
>there are mines ahead
>drives right on them
how do we escape this clown reality?
>why so much hate and dehumanization?
1: I live in a country that shares a border with them
2: I've had to interact with them online and in real life
3: Mandic
>but I also wouldn't be shocked to see mobiks in tshirts and shorts
It's almost +40 Celsius (~100 Fahrenheit) in Ukraine right now, do you really expect them to wear full equipment in this heat?
Damn that's a lot of boats..
because those are dots are guys on boats right?
I hate the Russian government, I pitty the Russian people.
I'm probably the only responce you'll get agreeing with you.
Russian history my dude. Half of europe had to endure their retardation for half a century that ended just 35 years ago. People still remember what those things are up north did
>the vatnik cries in pain as he strikes and loots washing machines
Thanks, Anon!
Because they are a cancer that makes the world worse. Because they have no fucking desire to improve their shitty country or their shitty lives but willingly will try to make other countries worse. Because they're fatalistic. Because they're incapable of seeing anything wrong with their shithole of a country. Because they bombed a children's hospital two weeks ago and that's only kinda sorta the worst thing they'd done this year - ignoring the fact it was the same fucking day they bombed two other hospitals. Because they gave rise to international communism, and unlike Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, countries who stepped over the line so egregiously that not only did we band together to rid the earth of their bastardry but completely remade the societies in question so that they would never do so again, Russia and Russians have never been made accountable for the utter cancer that is communism.

And also because it's funny.
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I honestly dont know where i heard it, might just have been shitposting.
But still...
Guess why the east part of germany is poorer than the west part.
Do not of letting go, Vanya
I want to believe lel
Most recent post I could find of him was him and his buddies claiming that they had personally discredited the glowies through their hot takes on Twitter.
The Russoid "culture" is anti human and animalistic in the worst way and the cockroaches dying in Ukraine are trying to spread it. I don't hate Russians inherently, I hate the Russian disease and its carriers but not, for instance, the objectors that fled conscription.
>post shit take
>ban everyone who calls you out on your shit leaving only other vatniks and bots praising you

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>leaving only other vatniks and bots praising you
Pretty much
Because they openly declared us their enemies and frequently threaten to destroy us, as they have been doing for decades. They wanted a war and to be treated as the West's Public Enemy Number One and they got it. It's really that simple
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Weak, decadent Westoids will turn around because some puny land mines, while powerful RVSSIANS will simply defuse the mines with their vehicles. It's over for piggers )))))))) xaxaxaxaxa
Wound packing is still used, yes. But the technique shouldn't be used on limbs. That's what tourniquets are for.
Packing wounded limbs with gaze can stop the bleeding, but it's a technique with the potential to introduce all kinds of nasty consequences.
Russians hate us. Why can't we hate them?
>now this is podracing!

We're entering the Post-Clown World, those who do not honk are the minority and hunted like animals
Why are there so much jap woodcarvings of cucks? This is like the 5th ive seen
The emperor used to provide the gift of taking a newly married bride's virginity on the night of the wedding, and the husband was allowed to politely watch. What a generous fellow.
>are invaders and commit war crimes
Pretty good reason right there
Well the video was uploaded so they're not dead. Not entirely sure why it was uploaded at all.
You're probably thinking of the guys who got about 100 phones, logged them into google accounts and slowly walked across a bridge with them. Google Maps recognized it as a traffic jam and routed cars around the bridge. In London.
Phone found in the wreckage
Russians openly discuss their desire for creating biological weapons that specifically target nationalities they don't like. The literally would kill all the fifth columnist faggots as well if they could.

Why do Russians invade their smaller neighbors?
A bunch of it gets recovered from their smoking corpses and then posted online.
what in the goddamn is this fucking circus of a war?
>Why are you people SO happy about the death of the Russians?
if you had been on /k/ before 2022 you would be dancing in the streets like Israelis on 9/11.
since you don't know why, you need to go back.
>find the best sources of pornography.
was still in during The Fappening, hours within being aware of the incident, the oldest most senior staff managed to tactically acquire said material.
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How do you train bacteria to recognize Anglo-Saxons?
What about the last two years has led you to believe the Russian high command is made up of intelligent people?
I'm just baffled every time they reach an even lower level of idiocy..
>there's a mine there!
>yes! I saw it, didn't you see it?!
>>no, I didn't see it (I therefore don't believe you)
>>drives over it
Damn, that's the plot of MGSV (bad guy trains vocal-cord parasites to kill people speaking certain languages).
They exhausted my reserves of sympathy a decade ago
There is no escape, there is only the ever escalating silliness of clownworld
This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but with a honk
Empathy is one thing. Projecting yourself onto the vile, out of sheer ignorance of their mentality and intentions, is another. If you understood even the slightest thing about the people you're talking about, you'd understand why it's so funny to see them meet the consequences of their actions face first.
They're just aping their masters in Chyna. Considering who controls all those DNA scraping services, that's much more concerning.
>do you really expect them to wear full equipment in this heat?
Isn't that what the Coalition did in Afghanistan?
Gentecically alter it to only survive in clean, fresh drinking water
TZD happens to be necessary but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the work
Make it trigger from accelerated tooth decay.
Yeah, but Iraq was worse, anyone who complained got laughed at, told to harden the fuck up and hydrate
I've got two Finnish friends fighting there and another Ukrainian who was ready to shoot herself when it looked like they might take her town, then found out her cousin has been raped and tortured to death before being dismembered and dumped in a shallow grave by occupation police. I'm personally invested in Ukraine exacting the maximum possible casualties and suffering from Russia as possible. Even if Ukraine loses territory in the end, I want Russia's fighting population and materiel stockpiles fucking exsanguinated and its military utterly humiliated, so that the next time their chief retard gets a notion like invasion, they'll either die by the thousands trying to invade by foot and donkey cart or fall out a window so a less eager retard can take the throne.
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>get fired after a few months because he made hentai/anime fanfic of the DA
this can't be real
Can't, the only means of that kind of racial targeting is finding a disease that your populous has already gained immunity to but your enemy has not, like the shit the Native Americans got.
>only for him to get fired after a few months because he made hentai/anime fanfic of the DA
Isn't that against the 1st?
>of someone you work in the same organization as
no, it'd be considered harrassment/stalking. same as how you're not allowed to go around telling people that the girl you work with has a huge fat ass. you are exercising your right to free speech but that doesn't mean you aren't also creating a hostile workplace and being a degenerate.
>Isn't that against the 1st

no. you can say the n-word, but if you call your boss the n-word, he can fire your ass and "muh freeze peach" won't save you
Free speech sounds pointless then.
>free speech means your life won't be affected by what you say
>except you'll be fired from any job and, indirectly, ruined your life

That'd make sense for a private company, but this is a government body. Aren't public officials barred from making libel claims?
Holy fucking shit russians are fucking stupid.
>Should we make sure 100% we can safely drive there? Our lives depend on it after all.
>Nah, its fine, believe me.
you're underage or a retard. every workplace has a clause in their contracts about not sexually harassing coworkers and you can sue over it.
I don’t get it. Why the fuck would you run over a mine if you got lucky the first time when you were kicking it? This shit blurs the edge between stupid and suicidal.
>farting black elk emblem stuff

Too scared to ask.
Cool. That doesn't really solve the issue that free speech doesn't really exist then, and is simply a pointless guesture to the masses to keep them believing they have some sort of agency over their lives.

'No one talks more passionately about his rights than he who in the depths of his soul doubts whether he has any. By enlisting passion on his side he wants to stifle his reason and its doubts: thus he will acquire a good conscience and with it success among his fellow men'.

'The acting individual himself is held fast in the illusion of volition. If, on a sudden, the entire movement of the world stopped short, and an all knowing and reasoning intelligence were there to take advantage of this pause, he could foretell the future of every being to the remotest ages and indicate the path that would be taken in the world's further course. The deception of the acting individual as regards himself, the assumption of the freedom of the will, is a part of this computable mechanism'.
i dont care about you or your pseudointellectual quoting. don't say or make sexual shit about your coworkers.
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my grandfather and his brothers fought the russians
my father and mother had to grow up with the risk if the russians sperging out, nuking everyone and invading
the least I can do is pay to have russians killed for me
65 IQ nation
Enslavement would be a mercy to them
Wow, you are a pansy wuss faggot.
You must be a woman, never heard a man cry so hard about words (not even mean words in this case).
this is why nobody likes you irl anon. even over text you come off as a smug know it all creep.
The first in no way implies you can't take contractual restrictions on your own speech since that is something voluntary. You can contract away any right you want. You can join the military and contract away every damn right there is.
Woman response desu.
Regardless: I don't give a fuck mate. Not going to change who I am to appease NPCs.

'To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great or rational whether in life or in science. Great achievement is assured, however, of subsequent recognition and grateful acceptance by public opinion, which in due course will make it one of its own prejudices'.
>he thinks "you're a fucking disgusting piece of shit" is a woman's response
no, i'm a man. i would not allow anyone i care about to be in the same room as you. you're a piece of shit. do something about it.
Good point. Although suggesting work is 'voluntary' is the same as suggesting that giving the mugger, with a gun to your head, your money, is voluntary.
So I stand by what I said. They are technically voluntary. But then technically nobody needs to live either.
Each and every person I've met IRL who made "politically incorrect" jokes or comments in public was always, ALWAYS, a massive cunt.
>>he thinks "you're a fucking disgusting piece of shit" is a woman's response

My mother's side of the family was evacuated from Karelia during Winter war. The beautiful houses, kept for generations, were left to rot. Nothing was left of them when my mother visited Karelia in the 90's.

My grandpa was a small boy when he lost all of his friends to Soviet fire.

I've seen what Russian tourists do in Helsinki.

I've seen what modern Russians write online about owning the "swamp people" aka turaanit aka Finns.

I saw what Monke said about Finland's lack of right to make its own foreign policy decisions.

"Kill for the living.
Kill for the dead."
That's a very intolerant (and therefore politically incorrect) statement.
then you're never going to have kids, which is a good thing.
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>huh? I was just kicking that landmine!?
>[screams loudly]
Such a woman response.
based moderate
i feel you bro
t. pole
>that's how you dumb westerners, you just go like there's no mines ahead!
They should have put towels over their eyes. If you can't see the mines, the mines can't see you!
are they okay?
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>It kinda remind me similar situation from the begging of the war when some Chechen faggot was braggin how they killed bunch of Ukies before being incinerated mid sentence.
A+ work
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I guess you don't want to hear about the collection of panties I've stolen from the female locker room at work then.
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>I'm a man
Transitioning doesn't count sorry
Cyka blyat Leeroy!
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There is nothing to dehumanize.
Russians are not human.
They might just have removed him from the public registry to protect him from online weirdos. I can see how someone might make that case.
I’m not American, I’m not European, I am from a borderline third world country where you cannot drink tap water and is barely below Russia in gdp.

I hate Russians because they remind me of everything wrong with my country, because every day have to deal with people who seethe at any one more fortunate than them, who blame everyone around them for their misfortune and never try to improve their lives and who celebrate anything bad that happens to anyone they consider less deserving than them.

I hate that the Soviet Union exported their cancerous ideology to my continent, funding subversive political parties and even armed movements just to use us in their feud against the United States.

I hate that every immigrant from Cuba and Venezuela I have ever met speaks of nothing but misery, poverty and scarcity, yet their governments keep being supported by Russia.

I hate that when the invasion started, the same people I fucking despise celebrated as if somehow this was going to benefit them in any way and was a victory against their imaginary enemies.

I hate that, despite never having been called “unfriendly” by Russia, their subversive, divisive propaganda rhetoric has affected us all the same.

I hate that our current president has spent his entire time in office repeating the same tired points as Russia supporters, while behind closed doors his party worships bastards like Stalin, Castro and Mao Zedong.

I hate that, despite how much they cry about Russophobia and NATO aggression, a little research will show their entire history is nothing but abusing, stealing from and oppressing everyone and anyone around them.
I hate that, although the United States has done plenty of shit I don’t like, I can’t go on the internet without seeing retards justify everything that Russia or china or Iran do because “what about ‘murica?”, who they blame for everything bad with the world.

I hate that my favourite board can’t go a single day without middle school dropout shitskins flooding it with obnoxious, deranged spam.

I hate that they flat out scammed us.

But above all, I hate that these retards, these dregs of society with nothing to contribute see Russia as a validation of their mentality and actions, that they idealise their dysfunctional society and system and think that somehow Russia attempting to cannibalise Ukraine is somehow going to fix the world and all of their lives problems.

So you see, I hate Russians because they are not a nation, they are not a society and they are not a civilisation, they are a horde of rapists, murderers, thieves, liars, criminals, cheats, scammers, terrorists, abusers, drunks, drug addicts and oppressors crossdressing as a country. They have never contributed anything to humanity and their main export is, has always been and will always be misery.

That is why Russia needs to be beaten into the ground and never allowed to get back up, why every Russian soldier must be tried as a war criminal, why everyone responsible for this war must be executed, why every Russia supporter in the west must be persecuted as a traitor, why every single man, woman and child needs to have permanently etched into their minds and that they are a vile, disgusting race that will never be allowed to be part of mankind, that they are complicit of every atrocity in Russian history and that everything that happens to them is a direct consequence of their country’s actions.

I am a moderate btw.
What hit him? Mine or mortar fire?
Which thirdy nation are you from? You sound like the kind of guy who would flourish in a Western economy.
Not sure but this was in Mariupol afaik so mines are not very likely
Based moderate with an ice cold take
Capital H letter doesn't work, anon. Yes, legacy and modern Internet software is that stupid.
and all those kilometres of tunnels in Antarctica near the us airbase
Why are you tagging my post in? All I did was suggest that Armchair Warlord got himself removed from the registry.
I hope the retard got fired, but it could be the other thing as well.
Why is he wearing shorts and a t-shirt?
40C heat wave in Eastern Europe, comrade. Is of very hot at night still.
My bad, I meant to tag my first post
>But even back in the Afghan invasion I was the super-unpopular guy who collected up all the private laptops, phones, cameras, sat phones and stuff and had to stick them away in my secret troll cave. Guys could sign out for them anytime they wanted while on base 'on condition' they didn't do anything sketchy on the internet or talk some mad shit to people they shouldn't. That probably saved dozens of careers now that I think about it, but it wasn't popular even back then.
I'm kinda surprised for some of that stuff you didn't just offer an MDM option, lock down everything in terms of what networks they're allowed to connect to and then force it through an enterprise level filter. Even with BYOD we've been able to exert pretty serious control over people's devices for awhile. In a corp situation sometimes that gets kinda sketchy but in a literal war "if you want to use your own device you need to enroll it" seems fairly reasonable assuming the filtering was fairly reasonable.
I'm not :(. I'm just ingroup selective.
I care about people, just not foreigners or freaks.
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Because for some godforsaken reason they insist on making their continued existence our problem
I don't think he was worried about what they posted anon, I think he was concerned about emissions control and operational security. No offense but you're just a corporate IT guy, not a military dude.
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Less rapists at my border is a good thing
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I thought we were here to laugh at ziggers running over mines that took out a different group of ziggers
Not pseudo intellectual "discourse" about free speech and the morality of harassing women in the work place
You nogun niggers sure are a strange bunch
>but you're just a corporate IT guy, not a military dude
Which has taught me how to actually pay attention and read anon. A useful skill whatever situation you're in. If you apply it to the post I was applying to, you will notice the follow:
>Guys could sign out for them anytime they wanted while on base
So this was not a total lock down for emission control, the enemy knew where the fucking main bases were and no doubt typical FOBs as well. Basically he was doing what we do with more honor system from the sound of it, though employee responsibility for sensitive areas still matters here too it's not a pure tech thing there's always human factors as well.

As I think about it I guess I'm not actually that surprised the DOD lagged on that tech like they do in general and just went with throwing bodies and command at it approach, I'm not even saying that's bad in their situation. Not like guys typically want to kill themselves or get their buddies killed either duh, they just might not think about it.
Yeah, you're extremely smug about being a glorified IT guy.
>on a sudden, the entire movement of the world stopped short, and an all knowing and reasoning intelligence were there to take advantage of this pause, he could foretell the future of every being to the remotest ages and indicate the path that would be taken in the world's further course.
This in impossible due to the combined effects of quantum superposition and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which make it impossible for a defined future to exist
>which make it impossible for a defined future to exist
>we can't understand it, therefore it cannot exist
'Many acts are called bad that are only stupid, because the degree of intelligence that decided for them was low. Indeed, in a certain sense, all acts now are stupid, for the highest degree of human intelligence that has yet been attained will in time most certainly be surpassed and then, in retrospection, all our present conduct and opinion will appear as narrow and petty as we now deem the conduct and opinion of savage peoples and ages'.
you are all pseudointellectuals.
>doesn't bother to read
>looks like a fucking retard
>rather then go "whoops, my bad" doubles down
is of staged snaff-video)))))

Russians threatened my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, myself, and my children with nuclear annihilation over nearly a century. My grandparents grew up with bomb drills where they hid under their desks. I grew up thinking that a mushroom cloud could appear on the horizon at any moment, and life would end. That sort of constant, low level fear breeds a singular hatred in a man, and brother, I am more than ready to see every Russian erased off the face of the earth if it means that my grandchildren no longer need to live in quiet fear their entire lives.

China can catch a nuke, too.
>you just go like there's no mines ahead!
Go back to sleep Zhukov, you're dead
>it's a button, how could you not want to push it?
It's the clickbait of IEDs
>introduce all kinds of nasty consequences
Tourniquet puts the entire limb at risk. The wound is already dirty af. There will be a horse-dose of ABX anyway no mateer what happens now. Now pack the wound, retard, unless you want him to bleed out.
We had that in the first month of the war with Ukrainian girls chatting up Russian soldiers on Tinder then sending their details to Ukie police/military.
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>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be
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Shouldn't have antagonized the mine spirit by kicking it like that.
>The answer may surprise you
I was not very surprised, OP. In fact, not surprised at all. I have much dissapoint in you.

> But, thank you for your service. catbox helps a lot.
NTA, but it's kind of fun to talk like that sometimes, because you can say a bunch of complete nonsense, but sound like you are actually saying something.

>The superfluous facsimile of their ideology makes debating their morphological transactions untenable.

The trick is not to smell your own farts and believe that what your saying is actually intelligent and reasonable.
Why? Just why?
>Why are you people SO happy about the death of the Russians?
Have (You) been following this clusterfuck czircus AT ALL? Every vatnigger death is one more small step in cleansing the gene pool of all humanity.

And it's funny as all fuck.
Did he do this thinking he would look like some kind of pious badass or what's the deal? At the time I thought he was crying because he understood everything was coming crashing down.
>spray a thermosetting plastic liquid on interior of skirt
>liquid pools on bottom of skirt
>friction heats up skirt
>heat causes plastic to set
>skirt maintains integrity and thickness
It works fine on mobile, you just need to use OpenDNS or Google DNS instead of your carrier default.
The mine actually fears you more than you fear it, just act with confidence and it'll let you through
You're shitting me?
We would instantly start cheering FOR the Russian people if they ever rise up against Putin, the Oligarchs, the Generals and the rest of the whole decrepit system that is keeping your country and your people in poverty and stagnation as a society.

Instead you remain servile to those monsters whilst celebrating the wanton rape and murder that 'Russia' is committing across the borders in a neighbouring country that you sometimes referred to as your 'brothers'.
thx, anon
It's from a crowdshot during a speech (I think the one where monke officially annexed Donbabwe and Luganda). I doubt he realized he was being recorded at that specific moment.
Russians and Britons are, in the grand scheme of things, way too genetically close. Either way, it would be hard to target a pathogen thay did not affect your population at all. Look at Covid. East Asians have had historical contact with coronaviruses and thus possess some heritable immunity. Their death and disability rates are not much far behind our own, If Covid had been a bioweapon against us, it sure caused a lot of harm to the Chinese.
must be millblogger folk
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Sure the wound is dirty, but packing it full with more dirty shit is not helpful.
If you tournique it you might loose the leg if you can't get help fast enough, but at least you might avoid sepsis.
That said, given the state of Russian medevac he wasn't going to make it either way.
The forbidden bell.
Is that shortly after explosion?
I live in county that's bordering Russia
>Is that shortly after explosion?
Not sure what explosion you're talking about, but at that point during the liberation the main bridge had been out of commission for a while and they were making a desperate escape across a derelict pontoon bridge.
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>I can understand why Ukrainians, especially those who lost their friends and relatives in this war, are rejoicing when they see Russians getting blown up
That's truely a mystery, why are they cheering when the people who killed their friends and relatives get killed?
Interdiction is generally the most efficient way to reduce the enemy's capabilities. You catch them on the move, generally unprepared for an attack, and generally with unarmored supply vehicles whose loss can eventually cripple the front-line troops.
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Because they killed my great-grandpa in Ukraine back in the day and now it's their turn to die there. Simple as.
>Tourniquet puts the entire limb at risk.
T. Retard
Tourniquets don't cause any lasting damage unless you act like a total retard and keep it on there cranked down to full pressure for like >8 hours.
Everyone dies; not everyone dies being right about shit while their words fall on deaf, idiotic ears.
Russia gave us commies. They deliberately poisoned our culture, which may eventually cripple or kill us (see: Gramsci). They bargained in bad faith for generations, lied, cheated, stole, enslaved, raped, butchered... and threatened the world, first with endless waves of troops, and then with nukes. Said nukes are also the only reason we had to be nice to them when they collapsed from the evils they inflicted upon their own peoples, and the main reason we have to be somewhat polite to them today even when they sponsor and support people who *are* still actively trying to murder ours. Anything that can de-fang the threat that they continue to pose against us is welcome, indeed.
I totally would a big hairy pajeetess.
They have murdered my godfather. He was making sure people had water, to wash themselves, cook with etc. The water plant was air striked.
As long as the russian swines do not repent they are regarded as cowardly animals goated to war by their tsar.
Your great-grandpa was a Nazi though???
>the husband was allowed to politely watch
Most of the ones I've seen with AD cuckold captions have a female watching.

>Shunga (春画) is a type of Japanese erotic art typically executed as a kind of ukiyo-e, often in woodblock print format
It was just the porn made in the edo period and like hentai now, most artists made some at some point because literally nothing has changed about humans and porn. Furry porn commissions are the new edo woodcut artists.
>suggesting work is 'voluntary' is the same as suggesting that...

Oh right, youre just a leftist tourista. Carry on then
Dibs on the powergun
>Well the video was uploaded so they're not dead
See: >>62143298
>you'll prise a mobile out of Cuckchen's cold dead hand
That's how ukros get half their footage. From dead ziggers who filmed their crimes and sometimes deaths.
>For the glory of grandfather Nurgle
Actual translation or just auto-fuckup?
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We need to legalize barbecueing russians (and serbs) alive GLOBALLY
>coated in solid fucking oil
Do norks use some juche cosmoline equivalent on artillery shells that are in long-term storage?
Would make some sense.
>free speech means your life won't be affected by what you say
That's not what free speech means.
>Damn, that's the plot of MGSV (bad guy trains vocal-cord parasites to kill people speaking certain languages).
You could try to target genes that resist the bubonic plague, probably includes Slavs though.
>Scream status: Loud
>Iraq was worse, anyone who complained got laughed at, told to harden the fuck up and hydrate
The MOP suit scene in jarhead did not look fun.
Those guys had bottled water though. Mobiks get to fish turds out of puddles and then filter the muddy water through socks
>Stick two landmines on road
>Insert pull fuse in their secondary fuse wells
>Tie cords together
>Wait for Russians to try kicking them off the road
The only risk is that I reveal my position by giggling too loudly
> barely below Russia in gdp
That narrows it down to Brazil or Mexico, and the context sounds more like the former. Brazil also had its last election stolen by commies, so it tracks.
Free speech is being able to speak without being gulaged. It doesn't mean people have to like what you say or even listen to it.
Private political opinions are a Gray area but abuse isn't.
You'd get fired for that in literally any job and I wouldn't work somewhere that would let you get away with it.
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He actually said the Russian was an idiot for pushing it. Then he paused for a few seconds and said, I probably would have too.
>Aren't public officials barred from making libel claims?
No, in some circumstances the bar raised a bit but probably not for a DA and it only extends to public political criticism with a public interest/democracy slant. Not fap material.
Hillary shot down fox's propaganda with one mention in an interview about the "actual malice" clause of defamation. They shut up about her instantly after that.
too much work, Ukraine just drone deploys hundreds of mines with seismic, sound, pressure and magnetic triggers
so much for the theory of russians using run flat tires
>Not going to change who I am to appease NPCs.
You'll change after you get fired doing for this shit irl
>Woman response desu.
Oh thank God.
I thought I'd never be a woman.
A+ work anon.
>Did he do this thinking he would look like some kind of pious badass or what's the deal?
I always thought he was just wondering if it might rain but had a resting-concerned-zigger face
>I totally would a big hairy pajeetess
Patrician tastes anon.
High-T means they cum like a screaming harpy, easily and often.
>Actual translation or just auto-fuckup?
The former probably, 40k is popular in Slavic countries too and among soldiers everywhere
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>Just kick it

Russian EOD is something else...
>If only the Tsar knew about this!

can someone explain this meme?
Vests too good for mobiks
Civies keep posting aftermath videos/pictures on social media when they've been told not to. Things like proof of damage on warships hit by sea drones.

They post them online because they truly believe that their leaders have no idea how bad things really are and if only they knew they would come fix everything personally.
>They post them online because they truly believe that their leaders have no idea how bad things really are and if only they knew they would come fix everything personally.
They're probably half right.
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They think Putin cares about the losses?
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>dat pic
The original video. Just in case someone missed it.
what the actual fuck

is his hand ok?
Its gone to a better place
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You know what I'm gonna tell you. It's not just that they're invading Ukraine, I mean lots of countries have invaded other countries. But Russians are inept at it, and because they can't fight properly, they have to resort to trying to grind their way through with artillery, obliterating cities filled with civilians. It's the mindless cruelty that accompanies their soldiers everywhere, the unthinking casual malice and theft and rape, that's literally orc shit but it's nothing you wouldn't see from, say, an african militia. It's the industrialized torture system they set up to pound down the population, literally a torture center in every fire station, which itself defiles one of humanity's few unequivocally good institutions.
It's so much more than, it's every layer of Russian society is repulsive to the civilized man. It's the tantrums when they don't win Eurovision and the denigration of the winners. It's the massive country wide state sponsored drugging programs for their athletes, so they can pretend to be noteworthy country. It's the usage of chemical weapons so wildly lethal they could probably kill a fair portion of the town they were deployed, combined with the incompetence that means they -didn't- actually kill their target, but a civilian. It's the assassination programs that run round Europe. It's the sending of undercover special forces soldiers to join football hooligans again so they can try to belittle their rivals in pointless one upmanship ways, a deployment that result in said troops and hooligans beating to death an elderly fan with iron bars.
It's the mining and destroying of ammo dumps because they might, MIGHT sell that ammo to someone else, which necessitated again the murder of an elderly civilian watchman. It's the constant attempts to destabilize everywhere and eveything via the internet and bots and funding of full retarded leftist groups.
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It's the rampant setting of cultural and ethnic fires literally everywhere in the world because it MIGHT yield them some advantage in some unknown way. Fires that might burn for a hundred years and will still be getting people killed over dumb shit long after everyone reading this has passed of old age. It's the shit eating grins when confronted about all of this and the dare to do something about it. It's the support for the world's worst dictators. It's the way the interference in our democratic processes and the funding of fifth columnists. It's the way average Russians absolutely 100% support all of the above, just so long as it never comes back on them. In these and a hundred other ways, Russians have earned every bit of hardship coming their way and more. Russia should be annihilated. Russia should be eliminated as a threat so that my children and grandchildren son't have to continue to deal with this shit. Every Russian everywhere has earned a lifetime of suffering to try and atone for their crimes and my only regret is that some of them shuffle off their mortal coil too quickly, before they've fully experienced what they've done to others.
I am a moderate.
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hello tourist newfags, today you will learn you have a shit dns provider who blocks you from online content they don't agree with.
>that cat
>yeah just gonna walk away from this impending zigger explosion
gee when you put it that way the russians sound bad
but /chug/ says the war is defensive against NATO
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It's a very old idea in Russia that the Tsar (the great leader) truly does love his subjects and wants the best for them, but that he is surrounded by bad Boyars (corrupt officials) who keep the truth of the situation from him so they can keep exploiting the people.
So they write appeals to the Tsar directly, because "If only the Tsar knew how bad things truly were, he'd surely come help us!"
>shits on fire
>yo that's so cool gonna record it and post it online
is the most likely reason
That's like saying the Second Amendment doesn't exist because I won't allow you to come into my house and shoot skeet with my dinner plates you fucking retard.
>Furry porn commissions are the new edo woodcut artists.
Time to get some furry porn commissioned by a traditional woodcut artist
Something is going on in the sumy regions Russian has. The Russians are shelling their side of the sumy northern border from inside of Ukraine. Its Russian rebels. Still figuring it out. Lots of expensive stuff went off inside of Russia by Russians. At least 200 million in ordinance used.
Got a link?
It was bucha, tell me what happened to those women and children was not the purest sort of evil. You won't, you might try to deny it, but you can never admit it happened. Because bucha is a microcosm of what makes Russia an unadulterated force of evil. No argument exists in which it was necessary or justified. And there were other buchas, other massacres and mass rapes. These events have been documented, and they continue to occur.

It might hurt you to see mean things about Russia or Russians. But even here there is no true dehumanization of Russians here. Russians Dehumanize themselves through their actions, and subject Ukrainians to inhuman treatment.

The day Russians revolt because they believe the war is unjust, and not because they aren't getting enough ammo to turn Ukrainian cities to rubble I will change my mind. Actually on that note, I'll conceded that some Russians aren't bad if you can provide me even a few examples of Russian soldiers decrying the treatment of Ukrainian civilians.
>but dehumanizing them is still a morally wrong thing.
I hope some funny war comedies like M*A*S*H come out of this war.
It's not "being bald", it's "coping by retaining my last strip of hair around the back of my head rather than shaving it off"
One one hand that would be way too dumb to be real, but at the same time exactly the type of retarded shit he might do
First, you must realize that there is no line.

I would have too. It was stupid, but the kind of stupid every man understands.
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based if true
Well said.
Screenshotted for posterity.
Oh, and TZD.
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I thought Prima Noctis was a meme? A joke by someone very horny
>Time to get some furry porn commissioned by a traditional woodcut artist
There's bound to be some 70yo autistic Japanese coomer who makes erotic woodcuts who'll do it.
You'll be in luck if they're reachable by internet though.
Maybe /h/ drawfags know someone that does woodcuts?
>some funny war comedies like M*A*S*H
Was MASH funny?
It had its moments but it seemed like they were using humour to sugar coat the horror of war to avoid being seen as subversive (which they were) or unpatriotic (which they were not).

I'm an ex-Russian citizen who wants a holocaust of Russia.
I don't think you'll ever find a "good Russian," because any such person would never call themselves a Russian.
very based

This. The limitless entitlement, the it's-alll-your-fault attitude, the we-dindu-nuffin and teh coonstant, obvious lies. If tehy want that for themselves in Russia, OK whatever. but no, tehy attack eversyone around them and spread misery, corruption and crime.

Arm Ukraine, arm ourselves. remove the threats to our continent.
t. yuropoor moderate
>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be
Tbf no training can prepare you for that situation
The people don't actually believe this, but they have to complain this way and attack the boyars and imply Putins bad decisions are caused by extraneous factors that can be fixed if only the tsar listens to the plea. If they say it in anyway else then they are directly insulting Putin, which is an offense which is jailable.
Their government openly declared they want to drop a nuclear bomb on my home, which i deem official until publycly recanted and apologized for. I don't expect them to ever do so, hence TZD.
The guy who set the button admits it probably would have worked on him if roles were reversed. Men just can't ignore the mysterious button.
Some of them are politically savvy. Others really do believe it.
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No, ziggers are just THAT retarded
webm related
Russia invited my ancestors to live in their country and work there, and then got mad and wanted them dead a few generations later.
Could women? I mean, they'd probably just badger a man into pushing it for them, but in a scenario where a woman was present I could see it. It could only be more powerful if labeled "don't press" or red.
If you painted it red it wouldn't even have time to dry.
I'm not happy about the death of Russian individuals. I'm happy about the acceleration of the death of Russia's culture. It was once kinda cool way the fuck back before the industrial revolution but ever since Napoleon torched Moscow it's just degraded culturally decade on decade, and now it's so embarrassing that I just wanna see the coffin sealed up before they drag any other cultures into it. Watching an oversized landmass drink itself to death while actively prison-raping nearly every male and kicking it's elderly out to sleep in the streets is soul crushing. If 500,000 deaths now mean that this barbarism ends ten years sooner I'll take it.
Based Pratchett enjoyer
>being a naturalist
Predestination is also not Scriptural, though.
>dehumanizing them is still a morally wrong thing.
wrong, wrong, WRONG
Humanizing russians is the morally wrong thing, it allows them to continue to pull their wicked shit all over the planet because nobody lets them bear the full consequences of their actions. The overabundance of empathy for those who do not deserve empathy only leads to more and more misery over time.

russia delenda est, and the russian population has to be Morgenthaud into being tamed and contained. I'm not even going to assume they can ever be civilized - they have always acted like nothing more than a bunch of feral niggers - but at the very least we can remove their ability to spread the sickening infestation that is called russia even further.

If you truly care about humanity, you will not be pussilanimous in wreaking apocalyptic annihilation on all those who threaten it. kill a hundred million ziggers today to spare several hundreds of millions of human lives in the long run. TZD. And let it serve as a first-and-final-warning to the chinks, since they seem to be the same kind of shitheads who can't resist wanting to ruin everything because the very idea of someone else having a better life is unbearable to them.
>I don't think you'll ever find a "good Russian," because any such person would never call themselves a Russian.
I know some. In my experience the good ones are those who recognize the damage done on their psyche/soul by having grown up/lived in Russia, and actively work to heal/overcome it.
Humor and tragedy go good together.
Kill yourself immediately
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Thing was, the intel guys couldn't tell me exactly how advanced the opforce was and what their capabilities are.
So we're not sure if they can track, listen in or have a cave full of gear to run encryption cracking and while maybe they don't, you can't run people's lives too far on just maybes. Operational security is also the whole other thing you need to worry about, because while I was rolling out everyone's comms, making sure devices are traceable and then having to run patrol operations myself- its got to be pretty broad.
Sort of like if everyone did the BYOD at work
I didn't have the time to go through every brand, make, model and type of device that over 100 people might have brought with them
>We're not sure if there's software or hardware issues
>Can it be accessed easily with OEM tools
>What is on everyone's device
>Will it make noises or turn on for 'reasons'
So when you leave the base you're issued your comms and if needed we'd also issue you a camera. Reason being that those two devices have the necessary integrity that it won't have photos of your base, kids, comrades and anything related to your family. Plus we can guarantee you'll have an encrypted source of comms with the best we can provide on site, in country. If an enemy operative gets hold of a mobile device with all your family phone numbers, email addresses, REAL addresses it can mean you're hugely compromised both in country and at-risk when you get home and we're dealing with people who'd have no trouble skinning your kids alive to make you do something.

At the end of the day, being draconian about devices isn't just to make people's lives difficult, its the exact opposite in a warzone. It simplifies your responsibilities onto someone else and means you're not distracted by maintaining anything but your issued gear once you're outside the wire. That will probably seem to be a horrific humans rights violation in 2024, but signals and equipment is serious stuff
Tbh, at least they told them to hydrate consistently. There's rumors of these fucks only getting a liter of water a day.
can you just push one of those heavy AT mines out of the way or nah?
I'd love to see her get an F1 put up her gooch.
No it's not, because the 2nd says you can own guns, which you can. Shooting is not mentioned.
What you're saying is equivelent to saying the 1st says you can have a tongue.
>plebbit spacing
imagine being the drone operator who got to see this live. just observing a russian vehicle doing something, and then you notice it takes a turn towards the mines that they set down earlier. why is it doing that? why isn't he turning? and then all of a sudden, the unthinkable happens
pick one
Literally not reddit spacing. You retards keep saying that for people spacing properly on a site that doesn't coddle its users. It's the exact opposite of what you think. Fuck off retard.
She is an evil piece of shit.
Put me in the screecap :D

>buttons on trees are not as much fun as you think they might be

t. plebbitor
special mine clearing operation.
Jesus you read like one of those faggots who physically cannot talk about ANYTHING without getting deep and gay about it. Thank Christ that, unlike 99% of this board I am going to go OUTSIDE and shoot REAL GUNS that I OWN shortly after making this post instead of staying here and reading anymore of your faggoty quotes from dead pseuds.
Why would serving in the armed forces preclude one from being a member of a political party?

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